here are old message board entries

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[2000-08-03 11:17:00] - God only knows why Nader and Buchanan and Green and Reform get all the media spotlight -Paul

[2000-08-03 11:17:00] - More elected officials then all the rest combined, more challengers for elected offive then all the rest combined... -Paul

[2000-08-03 11:16:00] - Ralph Nader!? He is the antithesis of Libertarian beliefs! Did you know the Libertarian Party is the Third biggest party right now? -Paul

[2000-08-03 11:11:00] - i think libertarians should band behind a candidate who actually has a chance of getting recognized (ie rn).  nobody knows who hb is.  :/  - aba

[2000-08-03 11:09:00] - Harry Browne is the Libertarian candidate... -Paul

[2000-08-03 11:07:00] - What's Harry Browne? Is that another porn site?

[2000-08-03 11:06:00] - Eww.... My personal score is most compatible with Al Gore.... -Paul

[2000-08-03 11:04:00] - Actually, second time I took it, I got 90% personal and 62% economic... -Paul

[2000-08-03 11:04:00] - And Harry Browne! And I don't want to see an Al Gore porn site :-)-Paul

[2000-08-03 11:02:00] - I think should be a porn site or something. That would be megafunny

[2000-08-03 11:02:00] - i wish they had put ralph nader up as well.  it would have been more interesting.  -  aba

[2000-08-03 11:01:00] - Visit their web-pages...-Paul

[2000-08-03 10:59:00] - All of the quotes on their page are cut short at very strange places. How annoying. I would like to see what candidates have to say.

[2000-08-03 10:58:00] - I was shocked as well.... Appearantly I'm not as Hard-Core Libertarian as I thought -Paul

[2000-08-03 10:56:00] - I am a Moderate Libertarian Liberal, I think that means the same thing! Ha ha ha.

[2000-08-03 10:56:00] - wow, paul.  only 62%?  :P - aba

[2000-08-03 10:54:00] - 62% Personal, 61% Economic :-) -Paul

[2000-08-03 10:53:00] - i was a moderate liberal.  71% personal self-governor, 20% economic self-governor. - aba

[2000-08-03 10:52:00] - Liberal-leaning libertarian that is. What did you get Aaron? -Paul

[2000-08-03 10:51:00] - They only have reform party and no other third party candidates :-( I was a moderate libertarian first time and liberal leaning the second time. -Paul

[2000-08-03 10:49:00] - Yes I matched Al Gore but I forget what else. I should register

[2000-08-03 10:49:00] - Oh never mind, it was only Paul. Thank you Paul!

[2000-08-03 10:48:00] - suprise, suprise, i matched al gore and bill bradley.    :)    -  aba

[2000-08-03 10:44:00] - Hooray that is a good web site. Thank you mysterious stranger! - Aaron

[2000-08-03 10:30:00] -

[2000-08-03 10:06:00] - /ip

[2000-08-03 10:04:00] -    <-  isn't this a dumb url?  -  aba

[2000-08-03 09:52:00] - Oh ok. Well Pierce may have problems too so perhaps some other time would be a better time

[2000-08-03 09:47:00] - i can't.  we have lots of foreign family visiting, so i am spending time with them this weekend.  -  aba

[2000-08-03 09:42:00] - Nobody? Yeah I'm kind of sick of not bowling too! So let's go bowling maybe!

[2000-08-03 09:40:00] - HI APARNA! Who wants to not bowl this weekend?

[2000-08-03 09:39:00] - double posts are baaaaaaaaaaaaad.  -  aba

[2000-08-03 09:37:00] - why are you doing that?

[2000-08-03 09:33:00] - that wasn't supposed to happen at all

[2000-08-03 09:33:00] - that wasn't supposed to happen at all

[2000-08-03 09:32:00] - how odd....

[2000-08-03 09:32:00] - I agree, background color is much improved. Although dark blue would be kewl too

[2000-08-03 09:32:00] - I agree, background color is much improved. Although dark blue would be kewl too

[2000-08-03 09:30:00] - Also, did you fix the faces? :-$

[2000-08-03 09:29:00] - practice. Right now I'm not very good but some of the people online are amazing!

[2000-08-03 09:28:00] - "Quadra" is a good online tetris game. It's cool because blocks obey gravity individually, so it's possible to get like 10-12 line combos if you

[2000-08-03 09:28:00] - i like the new background color.  -  aba

[2000-08-03 09:14:00] - But the original statement "Yeah, socks are pretty good." was pretty random -Paul

[2000-08-03 09:07:00] - goats wasn't random, it was in reference to "Yeah, socks are pretty good." - -adrian

[2000-08-03 08:46:00] - Ugh, randomness is interesting but makes for bad conversation -Paul

[2000-08-03 07:03:00] - goats!

[2000-08-02 23:48:00] - Yeah, socks are pretty good.

[2000-08-02 22:48:00] - pAUL iS iNTERESTING

[2000-08-02 22:12:00] - Nothing is wrong with random, I said it was interesting... -Paul

[2000-08-02 21:27:00] - food?!?

[2000-08-02 20:17:00] - Oro!

[2000-08-02 18:38:00] - what's wrong with random, paul?  -  aba

[2000-08-02 18:38:00] - i am pretty sure that an armadillo is a mammal  -  aba

[2000-08-02 18:14:00] - Interesting how there are dozens of messages in a row that are random thoughts with nothing to do with eachother... -Paul

[2000-08-02 17:23:00] - Iis an Armadillo a mammal?

[2000-08-02 16:38:00] - byeeeeeeeeeeee :)

[2000-08-02 16:36:00] - i am going home at 4:30.  bye all.  - aba

[2000-08-02 16:36:00] - http://http://http://http://

[2000-08-02 16:34:00] - You mean little invisible intangible things you could buy for $5? Like pet rocks?

[2000-08-02 16:33:00] - pet ghosts would be mad popular

[2000-08-02 16:33:00] - i want a ghost

[2000-08-02 16:32:00] - It's Ms. Pac Man! ······:-*

[2000-08-02 16:32:00] - moomoo

[2000-08-02 16:32:00] - i like to say moo

[2000-08-02 16:31:00] - Empty face! O

[2000-08-02 16:31:00] - english is a funny language.  -  aba

[2000-08-02 16:30:00] - hm.  the halo didn't work out.    O:)

[2000-08-02 16:30:00] - :-) :-( ;-) :-P =-O :-* >:o 8-) :-$ :-! :-[ O:-) :-\ :'( :-X :-D

[2000-08-02 16:30:00] - Undulate is a funny word! I like makeshift. It's a compound word but neither of words really makes sense.

[2000-08-02 16:28:00] - undulate is a funny word

[2000-08-02 16:28:00] - they have jellyfish and stingrays

[2000-08-02 16:27:00] - i like aquariums too

[2000-08-02 16:25:00] - I like the Prairie Dog exhibits! They stand on their hind legs and jump at birds as they fly overhead, it's like they're doing the wave. -Aaron

[2000-08-02 16:25:00] - zoos are fun

[2000-08-02 16:23:00] - (i answered on im) - aba

[2000-08-02 16:19:00] - APARNA do you like Radiohead? - Aaron ( I remembered!)

[2000-08-02 16:14:00] - i will say it again, "?"  -adrian

[2000-08-02 16:13:00] - ?

[2000-08-02 16:11:00] - So you can handle a message board, but not other things... I never will understand that. I can't view webpages at work because I don't work on a compu

[2000-08-02 16:10:00] - hehe.  12:48.  -  aba

[2000-08-02 16:10:00] - doh

[2000-08-02 16:10:00] - it would be very useful for a href to work  :-/  -  aba

[2000-08-02 16:09:00] - 1249 - 8-2 12:48p - and convert them to gifs using unix's "convert" . . . for transparant backgrounds, i would need to use photoshop at home [pic] -ad

[2000-08-02 16:09:00] - 1248 - 8-2 12:47p - i know i made them with a dark gray background, that is because i did it at work and had to make the pictures using mspaint . . .

[2000-08-02 16:09:00] -

[2000-08-02 16:09:00] - merrilymerrilymerrilymerrilylifeisbutadream

[2000-08-02 16:08:00] - rowrowrowyourboatgentlydownthestream

[2000-08-02 16:08:00] - uhhhh andrew, most of us can't do one of these from work . . .

[2000-08-02 16:07:00] - Anyway, re my link that was interupted temporarily, I scored a measly 6/15 on the test. -Xpovos

[2000-08-02 16:07:00] - hey . . . i know about the backgrounds, ok?  did you guys read the post about it?!? -adrian

[2000-08-02 16:06:00] - yes, you guys are slowly finding out about the smilies . . . -adrian

[2000-08-02 16:05:00] - Like if your background on a picture is #DDEEDD it won't match up with a web page that has background #DDEEDD. It bugs me a lot.

[2000-08-02 16:04:00] - Oh yeah! Don't you hate how different colors show up different everywhere? Not just on different monitors, but even on applications! I hate that!

[2000-08-02 16:03:00] - they still have the dark backgrounds though - aba

[2000-08-02 16:03:00] - >:o

[2000-08-02 16:03:00] - Um I see you've added more smilies. Heh. :-x

[2000-08-02 16:02:00] - I am sorry that I do not puy my name on my posts! - Aaron :-*

[2000-08-02 16:02:00] - aaron, why do you not put your name on your posts?  -  aba

[2000-08-02 16:01:00] - moomoo

[2000-08-02 15:59:00] - I keep subtly stealing rubber bands from the other intern here. He started off the summer with a bag of 200, now he has 6. I win!

[2000-08-02 15:59:00] - Wow, that was fast

[2000-08-02 15:59:00] - i am adding in new smilies . . . i forgot that  :/  came up in most urls -adrian

[2000-08-02 15:58:00] - I give up, let me know when it's ficed.

[2000-08-02 15:58:00] - wtf?

[2000-08-02 15:57:00] - i'll fix that :'( -adrian

[2000-08-02 15:57:00] - hehe

[2000-08-02 15:57:00] - Since we were discussing hot females... I must say my knowledge is awful. I have been cowed by Xpovos

[2000-08-02 15:56:00] - I don't post anything unless I have some kind of pointless thing to say -Paul


[2000-08-02 15:55:00] - yes


[2000-08-02 15:53:00] - lots of people here, why isn't anyone posting anything? -adrian

[2000-08-02 15:46:00] - yes, aba = aparna.  sorry, our fire alarm went off, so i missed a bunch of messages.  -  aba

[2000-08-02 15:38:00] - Boo hoo hoo! Well I don't know about the band but "Dancing Queen" was catchy enough to be remade by the "A-Kids"

[2000-08-02 15:36:00] - Mmm. Wakarimashita ne.... -Paul

[2000-08-02 15:33:00] - Abba was the suckier of the two groups to come out out of Sweden... and I'm of Swedish ancestry. Xpovos

[2000-08-02 15:32:00] - Abba did a song called "Dancing Queen".

[2000-08-02 15:31:00] - Little Dancing Queen? -Paul

[2000-08-02 15:29:00] - I sure can't! David Bowie is scary. Who's aba? Would that be our little dancing queen, Aparna?

[2000-08-02 15:25:00] - I'm sure we can make a catchy slogan involving the witty inclusion of your name in the word 'supporter' -Paul

[2000-08-02 15:24:00] - David Bowie did indeed appear in the Labyrinth, he also did a lot of cheesy singing blocking out Trevor Jonnes' beautiful score. - Xpovos

[2000-08-02 15:23:00] - Yes, millions of supporters. Would you like to join the PACP? -Paul

[2000-08-02 15:22:00] - David Bowie appeared in The Labyrinth!

[2000-08-02 15:20:00] - i am a supporter

[2000-08-02 15:20:00] - millions of supporters?

[2000-08-02 15:19:00] - I maintain my boycott of this debate, hence your decision does not speak for me or my millions of supporters -Paul

[2000-08-02 15:15:00] - Hearing no others, I hereby declare Jennifer Connelly to be the hottest woman in the public eye.-Xpovos

[2000-08-02 15:09:00] - inappropriate comments on their "hotness" based solely on their physical appearance, which I believe is wrong. So help me God. -Paul

[2000-08-02 15:08:00] - Ouch. I am hurt that you would dismiss out of hand my life-long commitment to treating women like human beings instead of dehumanizing them by making

[2000-08-02 15:07:00] - Jennifer Connelly is an actress, appeared in Dark City, The Labyrith, and The Rocketeer, to name a few. Xpovos

[2000-08-02 15:06:00] - He's already had the deabate, that's why. - Xpovos

[2000-08-02 15:05:00] - paul, what's the real reason?  :)  -  aba

[2000-08-02 15:01:00] - I refuse to take place in this debate on the grounds that it is demeaning and dehumanizing to treat women like meat to be ogled by men -Paul

[2000-08-02 15:00:00] - who is jennifer connelly?  -  aba

[2000-08-02 15:00:00] - because he thinks it is funny (aaron, it's been done)

[2000-08-02 15:00:00] - been mentioned, that is hotter than Jennifer Connelly. -Xpovos

[2000-08-02 14:59:00] - K, just some accidents aren't.  "I call that the debate be brought to the open floor. I seek anyone to name a woman, other than Sarah, who has already

[2000-08-02 14:59:00] - why is aaron mirroring pierce on aim?  -  aba

[2000-08-02 14:59:00] - You are scary sometimes Adrian -Paul

[2000-08-02 14:58:00] - i work on the message board for about 30 minutes a day -adrian

[2000-08-02 14:57:00] - repost it . . . "accidentally deleted" -adrian

[2000-08-02 14:56:00] - Di = Do -Paul

[2000-08-02 14:56:00] - Shall I repost it? Or was it deleted with cause?

[2000-08-02 14:56:00] - Di you do anything at work besides work on the message board Adrian? -Paul

[2000-08-02 14:56:00] - Gah, weird...

[2000-08-02 14:55:00] - andrew, sorry i accidentally deleted your last post -adrian

[2000-08-02 14:52:00] - <big> & <small> tags available

[2000-08-02 14:48:00] - Well, I found people who I thought were hotter, but you have no taste in women so.... :-) -Paul

[2000-08-02 14:46:00] - Mabe because we spent over an hour the other day arguing over who copuld possibly be hotter than she... (Only Sarah.) -Xpovos

[2000-08-02 14:44:00] - How did I know JC was gonna be your favorite actress? :-) -Paul

[2000-08-02 14:43:00] - I clicked on the link in Pierce's profile! -damn cool guy

[2000-08-02 14:43:00] - I have most of Kenshin on CD, but am missing like 13 episodes, the files were corrupt. Actor: Sean Connery Actress: Jennifer Connelly -Xpovos

[2000-08-02 14:35:00] - I didn't know Sandra Bullock was this well-liked, what other good movies has she been in besides Speed? -Paul

[2000-08-02 14:28:00] - Kevin Spacey is is Sandra Bullock. I dunno if i would say they are favorites though -Dave

[2000-08-02 14:25:00] - Yay Matthew Lilliard! He is the best.

[2000-08-02 13:54:00] - Kevin Spacey is cool but Sandra Bullock??? -Paul

[2000-08-02 13:45:00] - 1221 - 8-2 11:08a - Question of the day, who is everyone's favorite actor/actress? -Paul

[2000-08-02 13:45:00] - Oh, that message pushed off the original statement...

[2000-08-02 13:44:00] - Actor would have to be Kevin Spacey, actress is Sandra Bullock (despite some recent crappy movies...) -Pierce

[2000-08-02 13:10:00] -

[2000-08-02 12:48:00] - and convert them to gifs using unix's "convert" . . . for transparant backgrounds, i would need to use photoshop at home :) -adrian

[2000-08-02 12:47:00] - i know i made them with a dark gray background, that is because i did it at work and had to make the pictures using mspaint . . .

[2000-08-02 12:46:00] - plus, adrian, you made your icons with the dark gray background.  either change it to the new gray or get them to be clear.  -  aba

[2000-08-02 12:45:00] - no, well, yes, but there's a special string you have to type in to get other emoticons.  go bother adrian about it.  -  aba

[2000-08-02 12:22:00] - Hey, does the kissy emoticon face work now? :-*

[2000-08-02 12:15:00] - I clicked on the link in Pierce's profile! -%n

[2000-08-02 12:00:00] - you would need many many cds to copy it completely from dvd though.  (it's 96 eps total)

[2000-08-02 11:45:00] - I already have the entire kenshin series on tape - miguel

[2000-08-02 11:33:00] - I clicked on the link in Pierce's profile! -Pierceless

[2000-08-02 11:26:00] - k.  thanks dave.  -  aba

[2000-08-02 11:26:00] - Incidentally, if you ever use the NMH0512S, remember to connect the 5th pin to your reference voltage. I wish someone had told me that before -Dave

[2000-08-02 11:23:00] - Off to blow up some more Dual Output DC-DC Converters. Hurray! -Dave

[2000-08-02 11:22:00] - Rurouni Kenshin. Jap anime. -Dave

[2000-08-02 11:20:00] - what is kenshin?  :-/  -  aba

[2000-08-02 11:19:00] - Well, if he bought the series on DVD, we would need a DVD RAM to copy it :-) -Dave

[2000-08-02 11:18:00] - Do these two statements have anything to do with eachother? -Paul

[2000-08-02 11:17:00] - Yes, because Kenshin is obviously the best actor -Paul

[2000-08-02 11:17:00] - Did you know that DVD RAM drives only cost like $250-300? -Dave

[2000-08-02 11:16:00] - We need to get Travis to buy the entire Kenshin TV series :-) -Dave

[2000-08-02 11:16:00] - Jackie Chan is da bomb -Paul

[2000-08-02 11:15:00] - Don't you all read Boondocks? -Paul

[2000-08-02 11:15:00] - Jackie Chan? Gimme a break. -Dave

[2000-08-02 11:13:00] - Eh? -Dave

[2000-08-02 11:13:00] - Besides, everyone knows that Jackie Chan is the best actor ever :-) -Paul

[2000-08-02 11:12:00] - Don't even try posting as me because everyone knows it's you :-) -Paul

[2000-08-02 11:11:00] - What?! -Dave

[2000-08-02 11:10:00] - Hey! Dave! -The Real Paul

[2000-08-02 11:09:00] - Mine's Famke Janssen - Paul

[2000-08-02 11:08:00] - Question of the day, who is everyone's favorite actor/actress? -Paul

[2000-08-02 11:03:00] - pics/aim1/05.gif

[2000-08-02 10:36:00] - Don't worry about it, Adrian. Linking to pictures will work just fine -Paul

[2000-08-02 10:36:00] - i think there's a way.  adrian might be inclined to tell you if you im him.  -  aba

[2000-08-02 10:35:00] - Oh-ho! How about the kissy emoticon face? :-*

[2000-08-02 10:34:00] - I think that is good that you convert emoticons to pictures. BUt how about frowny emoticons? :-(

[2000-08-02 10:11:00] -

[2000-08-02 10:03:00] - until then, you can always link to a picture:

[2000-08-02 09:59:00] -    -  for miguel's links page  -  aba

[2000-08-02 09:39:00] - how about i do it when we get back to tech?  -adrian

[2000-08-02 09:39:00] - i could download the pic to the message board server . . . that will take time to program . . .

[2000-08-02 09:36:00] - well, no, there isn't a perl command to see how big a file on the web is but . . .

[2000-08-02 09:35:00] - Isn't there a perl command that can check to see how big a file is? -Paul

[2000-08-02 09:06:00] - hmmm, by file i meant image -adrian

[2000-08-02 09:06:00] - paul, how will i test to see if the file you are trying to add to the message board isn't like 400 megs? -adrian

[2000-08-02 08:36:00] - So obviously you are just a zealot :-) -Paul

[2000-08-02 02:47:00] - Or... shit... is that a Dark Templar? I  havn't played Brood War in too long. Dark Templar = Zealot, only stronger and invisible. :) Xpovos

[2000-08-02 02:36:00] - Haha, Ich bin ein Zealot! Xpovos

[2000-08-01 23:40:00] - I think you should make it so we can post pictures on the message board! -Paul

[2000-08-01 23:32:00] - Like at ... Click on "Zombie Chat". It's a message board and randomly some zombie blurb shows up.

[2000-08-01 23:29:00] -"> Well I'm done playing with your lovely message board. I think every once in a while a random blurb should be posted.

[2000-08-01 23:23:00] - Oh poo. You win again. This is no fun, let's play Puyo Puyo.

[2000-08-01 23:22:00] - <b><b><b><b><b><b> Well pretty or not! I have many bold tags and they're not all closed. Ha ha ha ha ha.

[2000-08-01 23:20:00] - i never said it would allow pretty html . . .

[2000-08-01 23:19:00] - Hey, this is bad! You shouldn't... ....allow this?

[2000-08-01 23:18:00] - OK Adrian, You win. Hmph. </sub>

[2000-08-01 23:16:00] - nested tags are fine!

[2000-08-01 23:15:00] - But how about nested tags? &nbsp&nbsp

[2000-08-01 23:15:00] - hehe

[2000-08-01 23:14:00] - <i>I am impressed that you allow images in. You are good.

[2000-08-01 23:05:00] - miguel: the backgrounds of some of the images are not completely black

[2000-08-01 22:55:00] - i am only mildly impressed with aaron's http://">

[2000-08-01 22:54:00] - I like the fact that Pierce and Travis are sub-human zerg and I am the almighty captain -Paul

[2000-08-01 22:51:00] - sorry about the bugs with the "http://" . . . i think i fixed some of them -adrian

[2000-08-01 20:17:00] - - phew finally did something today.  give me comments.  must have input! - miguel.

[2000-08-01 17:43:00] - the %n's are people with an early version of aim

[2000-08-01 17:37:00] - I clicked on the link in Pierce's profile! -%n

[2000-08-01 16:17:00] - http://a http://b

[2000-08-01 16:17:00] - http:// http:// http:// http:// http://

[2000-08-01 16:15:00] - http://"><h1>Testing, testing?</a>

[2000-08-01 16:12:00] - <a href="">My message board is better than Adrian's</a>

[2000-08-01 14:07:00] - It's also something I made up and as far as I know, only one other person knows what it means -Paul

[2000-08-01 14:03:00] - I'm not gonna post what it is on the message board though so if you want to know, you'll have to talk to me in private about it... -Paul

[2000-08-01 14:02:00] - It's a physical quality... :-) -Paul

[2000-08-01 13:06:00] - What the freak is ATDF? - Xpovos, the fellow who didn't know what ratm was either.

[2000-08-01 12:27:00] - ATDF!!! -Paul

[2000-08-01 11:49:00] - NEVER MIND problemsso don't go.To my page until it is fixed! BACK TO WORK thank you Adrian for the diversion! It was fun.

[2000-08-01 11:48:00] - ATDF??? Xpovos

[2000-08-01 11:47:00] - I found a shorter way to my own page. Use this link instead to go!

[2000-08-01 11:41:00] - Biggest URL means betterest page. Thank Adrian for magical hyperlink automatic!

[2000-08-01 11:41:00] - My Puzzle Fighting Page is up. Insisting that the soonness of your visitation is soon!

[2000-08-01 11:40:00] - </pre>

[2000-08-01 11:40:00] - <h1>Adrian is smart and he strips HTML tags out.</h1>

[2000-08-01 11:38:00] - I found the message board. I am at work. Our only home is bone.

[2000-08-01 11:35:00] - I clicked on the link in Pierce's profile! -%n

[2000-08-01 11:19:00] - I clicked on the link in Pierce's profile! -Mr BeauJo

[2000-08-01 10:20:00] - I clicked on the link in Pierce's profile! -Toriable3

[2000-08-01 09:51:00] - Amen

[2000-08-01 09:42:00] - ATDF!!

[2000-08-01 09:26:00] - Sweater Monkies!

[2000-07-31 22:27:00] - ???

[2000-07-31 21:44:00] - Get well soon Xpovos's hand! -Paul

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