here are old message board entries
prev <->
2001-06-04 15:36:00] -
aba: If you say so....
2001-06-04 15:31:00] - terry gilliam is awesome!
- aba
2001-06-04 15:30:00] - link to terry gilliam's bio/filmography.
- aba
2001-06-04 15:28:00] - 12 monkeys was ok I suppose, I didn't really understand it though
2001-06-04 15:26:00] -
aw. so you didn't like 12 monkeys either?
- aba
2001-06-04 15:25:00] - I like to retain my sanity, thank you very much.
2001-06-04 15:22:00] -
ah. you just don't appreciate the genius of terry gilliam.
- aba
2001-06-04 15:21:00] -
aba: No comment
2001-06-04 15:19:00] - brazil is awesome. why?
- aba
2001-06-04 15:18:00] -
aba: Ugh, you like Brazil (the movie)?
2001-06-04 15:15:00] -
2001-06-04 15:15:00] - "294 - 7-20 11:20a - paul + perl = parl" ah, we were so weird back then.
- aba
2001-06-04 15:14:00] -
haha. the first messages are back before we regularly signed posts and before we had colored sigs, etc. it's funny.
- aba
2001-06-04 15:13:00] -
aba: I don't like reading the archives, I said too many stupid things back then (yes, I know, you are asking what has changed)
2001-06-04 15:11:00] -
a: Grrrrr... I demand that your old message board be taken down before more embarrassing things that I have said resurfaces
2001-06-04 15:10:00] -
paul: i think that's the point. the archives are funny to read though. it was so low traffic back then.
- aba
2001-06-04 15:09:00] -
a: I can't post to your old message board
2001-06-04 15:07:00] - "93 - 7-20 9:29a - cute is a word to be used on animals.... not pauls -paul" hahahahaha.
- aba
2001-06-04 15:06:00] -
2001-06-04 15:05:00] -
2001-06-04 15:03:00] -
ugh. i think i found another bug in aim. my away messsages almost never stay up for longer than 5 minutes anymore, is anyone else having this problem?
- mig
2001-06-04 15:03:00] - that link is to the old message board on his tj account.
- aba
2001-06-04 15:00:00] - i think i did as well. i also ended up as a centrist libretarian, much to paul's non-surpriseness.
- mig
2001-06-04 14:56:00] -
a: Yes, what
does that link do?
- aaron
2001-06-04 14:55:00] - I think I end up as an anarchist when political rights are taken into account
2001-06-04 14:52:00] -
aba: Shocking result, I could've sworn you were a right-wing conservative
2001-06-04 14:45:00] - i am a left liberal. what a surprise.
- aba
2001-06-04 14:43:00] - "no one would ever think of Libertarian Party gatherings as places to meet women"
2001-06-04 14:39:00] -
a: What does that link do?
2001-06-04 14:30:00] -
2001-06-04 14:27:00] - ~a
2001-06-04 13:53:00] -
dave: No idea, you know more about network cards then I do
2001-06-04 13:50:00] - i have no problem saying i hate bush.
- mig
2001-06-04 13:42:00] -
2001-06-04 13:34:00] - when i went to bestbuy to get an ethernet card for a laptop, the guy recommended a pcmcia one instead of a usb one. do you guys agree? disagree? and why?
2001-06-04 13:33:00] -
dewey: does the proxy not let you download that page? or does it not let you update the cache?
2001-06-04 13:30:00] -
dewey: what are you actually doing there?
2001-06-04 13:29:00] -
a: hurray for messed up logic!
2001-06-04 13:27:00] -
dewey: web proxy? i don't get it.
2001-06-04 13:23:00] -
a: I see it so clearly now, I was brainwashed by the right-wing and it made me think that Bush was a better candidate then Gore. Now I know better
2001-06-04 13:22:00] -
anyway, now that I have sufficiently cluttered the message board, back to work.
- dewey
2001-06-04 13:21:00] - good reference if you don't have your book at work
- dewey
2001-06-04 13:19:00] - hooray for @ - dewey
2001-06-04 13:18:00] -
dave: paul: sure you count. you just think you like bush and you actually don't because no one could possibly like bush.
2001-06-04 13:16:00] -
dewey: lol
- vinnie
2001-06-04 13:16:00] - if that makes any sense
- vinnie
2001-06-04 13:16:00] -
oh, wait- are we talking about george bush? Nevermind...
- dewey
2001-06-04 13:15:00] -
yeah, andrew is not liberal or conservative. he's more like the opposite of the middle
- vinnie
2001-06-04 13:15:00] -
dave: Andrew is crazy
I would say he is the opposite of moderate, all of his views are taken from some sort of extreme
2001-06-04 13:14:00] - I love bush!
- dewey
2001-06-04 13:09:00] - out of curiosity, is andrew conservative, liberal, or in the middle somewhere?
2001-06-04 13:09:00] -
a: I don't hate bush either
2001-06-04 13:00:00] -
a: I don't hate bush, do I not count?
2001-06-04 13:00:00] - silly google
2001-06-04 13:00:00] -
heh. google started indexing my index
2001-06-04 12:52:00] - don't expect the "server uptime" to get very high in the next couple weeks, i restart the server overnight often while making changes.
2001-06-04 12:50:00] - it really just gives you the status of the host itself. for everyone who didn't see the links, is the same as the others.
2001-06-04 12:48:00] -
vinnie: the server status page is shared for everybody on the virtual host. currently it isn't configured to tell you what virtual server the request came from, i'll see if that is possible.
2001-06-04 12:46:00] -
dave: yes, everybody hates bush.
2001-06-04 12:04:00] - Oh and don't forget if you're bored at work... ... Paint by numbers!
- aaron
2001-06-04 12:00:00] - why wouldn't they have it on their site?
2001-06-04 11:45:00] -
dunno. driver version upgrades are like that though.
- mig
2001-06-04 11:38:00] - how does it jump from 6.50 to 12.60? that's rather odd. and why wouldn't they have them on their site?
2001-06-04 11:35:00] - the one on nvidias site is 6.50.
- mig
2001-06-04 11:32:00] - oh ok
2001-06-04 11:31:00] - oh wow, that long ago?
2001-06-04 11:29:00] - you are correct, these are pretty new drivers.
- mig
2001-06-04 11:17:00] - actually nevermind, i went straight to nvidias site and
they don't have them. odd.
- mig
2001-06-04 11:16:00] -
well, yeah i think they realeased them last december.
- mig
2001-06-04 10:47:00] - they're probably new for me since i haven't gotten new ones in forever
2001-06-04 10:41:00] - drivers aren't new? sorry, the anandtech website said that 12.60 detonator drivers were out or somesuch
2001-06-04 10:36:00] - i think all the dot-coms failing for various reasons(like providing a service either no one wanted, or a service for free hoping to earn money elsewhere.), was a result of part of the downturn.
- mig
2001-06-04 10:35:00] -
gah, dave! these drivers aren't "new".
- mig
2001-06-04 10:35:00] -
mig: what would you say was the reason for the downturn of the economy?
2001-06-04 10:34:00] -
mig: lol. i would agree that clinton was not the reason for the economy being so good
2001-06-04 10:29:00] - i get quite irked when people say that clinton was the result of all this peace and prosperity, and the bush administration is the cause of the weakening economy.
- mig
2001-06-04 10:26:00] - which would constitute as hurting the economy.
- mig
2001-06-04 10:25:00] - the only real "contribution" i think that clinton gave was giving us the worst possible health care system this country has ever known.
- mig
2001-06-04 10:20:00] - i don't think he did jack shit. the economy handled itself on its own(with the tech explosion), and starting to falter on its own(when tech companies starting going bankrupt). the government itself had absolutely nothing to do with it.
- mig
2001-06-04 10:19:00] - do you think clinton handled the economy well? or was the economy a product of bush's administration?
2001-06-04 10:16:00] -
well, the way i saw it, the only thing that the clinton administration likes to take credit for was the "peace and prosperity" during those 8 years, which they really had nothing to do with.
- mig
2001-06-04 10:14:00] - like if we were alive during the johnson administration, maybe we would have thought he was a lot better.
2001-06-04 10:13:00] - in other words, i don't think we can say what people will say about the clinton administration till awhile later
2001-06-04 10:13:00] -
well, johnson i felt really sorry for because congress basically bitch-slapped him the whole time he was prez. very hard to get anything done when congress absolutely hates you.
- mig
2001-06-04 10:13:00] - i'm not sure we can judge clinton's administration properly. after all, his administration is the first that we've really seen
2001-06-04 10:12:00] -
mmmm, new detonator drivers for win9x and win2k
2001-06-04 10:10:00] - i think clinton is a great example of a "great" president simply because of the events of the times and events. I mean, really, what did he actually do during the 8 years?
- mig
2001-06-04 10:04:00] - -paul
2001-06-04 10:00:00] -
dave: Both of their administrations were considered to be rather bad, although many people don't think it was entirely the president's fault
2001-06-04 09:59:00] -
paul: both of them were not considered to be "great" though if i remember correctly
2001-06-04 09:49:00] -
dave: Johnson took over after Lincoln and was impeached. Grant took over after johnson I think
2001-06-04 09:48:00] - i agree though, if the right events are there, it is much easier for a president to be considered great
2001-06-04 09:48:00] -
maybe, but "not failing" is a feat in and of itself
2001-06-04 09:46:00] -
dave: Possibly, but I think that simply not failing during great times is enough, just look at Kennedy and Wilson and FDR
2001-06-04 09:45:00] - like ulysses grant. or whoever was after lincoln. johnson? i don't think they are considered great, but if they had done better managing the post civil war, i'm sure they would be remembered as "more great"
2001-06-04 09:44:00] - in other words, yes they had to have the events to manage well, but if they couldn't manage them well, they still would not have been great
2001-06-04 09:43:00] -
paul: it's true that great presidents are great because of the times and events they presided over. but if they had not been smart and up to the task, they still would not have been labeled great
2001-06-04 09:42:00] -
paul: ahhh, i see. i thought adrian was commenting on some article or something he saw somewhere
2001-06-04 09:40:00] -
a: what are those server-status pages? i don't understand them
- vinnie
2001-06-04 09:36:00] -
vinnie: I saw it, that page is full of useful quotes and information
2001-06-04 09:34:00] - did anyone see that scary quote from bush sr. about atheists? it's an old quote but i had never seen it before
- vinnie
2001-06-04 09:33:00] -
dave: If you think about it, all of our "great" presidents are only great because of the times and events they presided over
2001-06-04 09:33:00] -
dave: lol, that's probably true
- vinnie
2001-06-04 09:32:00] -
dave: Bush is not exactly popular among the populace of this message board
2001-06-04 09:31:00] -
ironically, if a president made everyone happy, i doubt they'd be a very good president
2001-06-04 09:28:00] -
paul: very good point about making everyone happy. i agree
2001-06-04 09:25:00] -
a: everyone hates bush?
2001-06-04 09:25:00] -
aaron: why would you have to power the power of generating plants? i don't think you can "power power"
2001-06-04 09:12:00] - "The California crunch really is the result of not enough power-generating plants and then not enough power to power the power of generating plants." .... Ha ha!
- aaron
2001-06-04 08:42:00] -
2001-06-04 08:22:00] -
a: I think you
can be nice to everybody, it's making everybody happy that is the problem
2001-06-04 07:42:00] - Ruby Sees All.
2001-06-04 07:15:00] - you can't be nice to everybody. it's un-possible
2001-06-04 00:05:00] - i would be a good president. i would be nice to everybody!
- aba
2001-06-04 00:01:00] -
no, it's not that no one wants you to be president. the u.s. constitution is the one who has a beef with you.
- img
2001-06-03 23:57:00] -
2001-06-03 23:56:00] -
aba: I sure you can convince the supreme court to make an exception for you
2001-06-03 23:52:00] -
2001-06-03 23:52:00] -
yes, i do.
no one wants me to be the president.
- aba
2001-06-03 23:29:00] -
aba: I think you have to be a naturally born US citizen to run for president
2001-06-03 23:22:00] - i want to be president.
- aba
2001-06-03 22:57:00] -
mig: I really want to know if Nader is going to run again in 2004 and if the Reform party will still be around then
2001-06-03 22:55:00] -
mig: My money is on some no-name govorner
2001-06-03 22:45:00] - i wonder who the devil the democrats are going to run in 2004.
- mig
2001-06-03 22:44:00] - it would be just like perot running in '92, except that mccain actually has a platform to run on.
- mig
2001-06-03 22:42:00] - that would be extremely hilarious.
- mig
2001-06-03 22:34:00] - I think the media would soil their pants in excitement if McCain became an independent and ran against Bush for President in 2004
2001-06-03 22:33:00] - McCain said he was staying Republican, I think the media is just wildly speculating here
2001-06-03 19:20:00] - boing
2001-06-03 18:55:00] - more like the case of the republicans hating mccain, actually.
- mig
2001-06-03 18:45:00] - that is sooo cool. everyone hates bush; even the republicans!
2001-06-03 17:47:00] - it's safe to assume that this is for safty.
2001-06-03 17:11:00] - did anyone here about mccain thinking about becoming an independant also? looks like the republicans are dropping like flies.
- mig
2001-06-03 16:57:00] -
dewey: if you have some time could you email me the checklist for the technical description? i still haven't gotten the book = (
2001-06-03 14:50:00] - @@@/
2001-06-03 14:32:00] - you made a mistake. it's aeiou.
- aba
2001-06-03 14:13:00] - aeou
2001-06-03 00:01:00] - i thought the fundamentalists thought disney was unredeemable. guess not.
- mig
2001-06-02 23:59:00] -
mig: That's ok, I'll take your word for it
2001-06-02 23:58:00] -
2001-06-02 23:51:00] - it's mentioned in the suntimes article, but i think i can get you more detailed info if you want.
- mig
2001-06-02 23:51:00] - ly(like microsoft office).
- mig
2001-06-02 23:51:00] -
yes. microsoft is now changing the way it licenses software for the most part, i'm not sure exactly if this is going to be something they do for everything they sell, but it looks like it is for at least the stuff that gets updated somewhat frequent
2001-06-02 23:44:00] -
mig: They are forcing upgrades on people? I thought they were just encouraging it
2001-06-02 23:35:00] - another example: how would you feel if microsoft forced you to upgrade to windows 2000, paul? i'm not questioning about the legality of it, but would you like it or not?
- mig
2001-06-02 23:30:00] - i can do fine with office 97, why should i upgrade to a product that isn't really an "upgrade", but just adds a bunch of features that i don't want.
- mig
2001-06-02 23:29:00] - i have no problem with encouragement, but i have a problem with
forcing people to upgrade, which is what they are doing with their new licensing. granted on the legal side, they are probably in the right, but i still dislike it very much.-mig
2001-06-02 22:46:00] -
mig: I see nothing wrong with Microsoft trying to encourage customers to upgrade regularly, it's a good way to make money and simplifies tech support among other things
2001-06-02 19:09:00] - looks like netscape will remain aol's browser for now.
- mig
2001-06-01 21:37:00] -
dave: yeah i think i saw the new hercules card when i was at eb yesterday.
- mig
2001-06-01 20:34:00] - "We are clearly providing some incentive for upgrading regularly." Is anyone else bothered by this statement.
- mig
2001-06-01 17:45:00] - "linux is a cancer" i'm sure it is.
- mig
2001-06-01 17:23:00] - - - - - ~a
2001-06-01 16:29:00] - how now brown dave?
2001-06-01 15:48:00] - how = now
2001-06-01 15:48:00] - guillemot how has a geforce 3 hercules card out
2001-06-01 15:33:00] - it depends on lots of stuff. i think i will be busy when i get home tonight anyways.
2001-06-01 15:33:00] -
paul: why?
2001-06-01 15:14:00] -
a: check your vt email. i have to let my dad use the computer now. bye.
- aba
2001-06-01 14:56:00] - just a random note about hylton chapel, my family was going to something or other that was showing there, and i couldn't find the place. drove around for 30 min and couldn't find it. probably was right in front of me the whole time
2001-06-01 14:50:00] -
a: When will you get home from work tonight?
2001-06-01 14:44:00] -
aaron: i made lots of changes to the server last night and sqrewed up your aliasing from pierces site. i'll have to wait till i get home to fix it. really really sorry
2001-06-01 14:43:00] - no idea what speakers are speaking at jesus day. and yes, they are at about the same time.
2001-06-01 14:32:00] -
a: and isn't that the same time as anime fest anyways?
2001-06-01 14:31:00] -
adrian: what kinda speakers are they gonna have at jesus day 2001?
2001-06-01 14:24:00] - WAh my journal is down
- aaron
2001-06-01 13:32:00] -
a: Put it on
2001-06-01 13:31:00] -
devin: That shouldn't be a problem at all
2001-06-01 13:27:00] - who wants to go to jesus day 2001? jesus day 2001 worship celebration on june 2nd at 7:00 pm - hylton chapel in woodbridge 703-502-3115
2001-06-01 13:26:00] -
Paul: It won't be a problem if I get dropped off at your house by 9:30AM?
2001-06-01 13:26:00] -
Paul: It won't be a problem if I get dropped off at your house by 9:30AM?
2001-06-01 13:13:00] -
dave: I think we are just crossing our fingers and hoping. If they don't have trigun we can always get something else I suppose
2001-06-01 13:13:00] -
dave: Nope, we don't even know if they are going to have any of the trigun tapes
2001-06-01 13:07:00] -
dave: Yes, well. You only get to watch anime if you stay after coming to animefx
2001-06-01 13:05:00] - does anyone know for sure that anime fx is going to have the last tape of trigun?
2001-06-01 13:03:00] -
paul: you make it sound as if you come at 9:30 you won't get to see any anime, lol
2001-06-01 12:07:00] -
vinnie: Yes, I decided to make it 9:30 at my house (if you want to come to anime fx with us, 12:00 if you just want to watch anime)
2001-06-01 11:55:00] - see everyone at paul's tomorrow
- travis
2001-06-01 11:55:00] -
well, i should probably stop using my phone line in case someone actually tries to call me, and i should get some lunch
- travis
2001-06-01 11:48:00] - all those times i said are am, not pm, in case anyone cares
- travis
2001-06-01 11:48:00] -
dave: did you get my reply to that anime email?
- travis
2001-06-01 11:47:00] -
well, i worked 5:30-9:30 MWF this week, but next week i'm up to 5:30-12:30 MWF, with some hours on Sunday also
- travis
2001-06-01 11:43:00] - you're drivers are probably more up to date then also
- travis
2001-06-01 11:43:00] -
travis: how's your job? you have regular hours?
2001-06-01 11:39:00] - i think the browser screensaver has been updated since your playstation 2 was made. mine looks different
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:37:00] - yes yes yes, i'm using sleep mode. although my dad couldn't figure out how to turn it off so he used the switch
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:37:00] - i read paul's journal, just cause of all the discussion about it, nothing him and me haven't already talked about late at night after everyone's gone, at least for the most part
- travis
2001-06-01 11:36:00] -
vinnie: you're using the sleep mode, right, not flipping the switch in the back everytime, right?
- travis
2001-06-01 11:36:00] -
travis: i agree. we do repeat debates waaaaay too much. journals are a little more interesting
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:35:00] - paul told me to meet at his house around 9:30 just a few posts back, talk to him when he gets back
- travis
2001-06-01 11:35:00] -
bah, reading journals, i have just enough patience to catch up anime news and the message board (most of the board, at least, you guys repeat your debates too much), i have no time to go reading journals
- travis
2001-06-01 11:34:00] -
wait, so it's 9:30 now? what happened to 10?
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:34:00] -
yeah, but i've had little experience with dvd players. at first, i didn't even know it could be turned off, but i figured it out
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:33:00] -
dave: guess that's the plan
- travis
2001-06-01 11:33:00] - i think most DVD stuff comes with parent control stuff on it
- travis
2001-06-01 11:31:00] - i didn't know the ps2 had a parental control feature built in
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:31:00] - so we're eating lunch and getting tapes from 9:30 - 12:00?
2001-06-01 11:31:00] -
travis: i couldn't even get the trailer to work, and i really wanna see it
and if you had been reading my journal, you'd know i got a ps2, yes
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:29:00] -
vinnie: so you got a ps2?
- travis
2001-06-01 11:29:00] -
vinnie: yeah, i saw the trailer, but it was mainly footage from the series, with a little bit of the new bad guy
- travis
2001-06-01 11:28:00] -
paul: all right, that's cool, cause andrew said he could get here by 8:30, and i remember telling everyone the anime starts around 12:00
- travis
2001-06-01 11:28:00] -
travis: gotta go now, I should be back in an hour. Talk to you then
2001-06-01 11:28:00] -
awesome, travis, that's what i was hoping for
if you could bring it tomorrow, that would be great
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:27:00] -
travis: also, did you check out the cowboy bebop movie trailer?
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:26:00] - if you need a ps1 card, i could let you borrow (hell, probably have, i don't need them anymore), i could bring it tomorrow
- travis
2001-06-01 11:26:00] -
travis: How about let's say that we meet at my house at 9:30. Sound good?
2001-06-01 11:26:00] - you don't happen to have an extra ps1 memory card, do you? or alternatively, how much do they cost?
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:25:00] -
travis: I thought you were organizing this
2001-06-01 11:25:00] - damn it. we rented mega man x 5 (crappy game, btw) and couldn't figure it out
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:24:00] - that's supposed to be "but no ps1 game registers the ps2 memory card"
- travis
2001-06-01 11:24:00] - you can't save it directly, i had to copy all my ps1 card data to my ps2 card, but no ps1 game registers the ps1 memory card, so it's pretty much just a backup
- travis
2001-06-01 11:23:00] -
also, i believe the plan is get to paul's before 10
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:22:00] - how did you solve the problem of saving ps1 data to a ps2 card?
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:21:00] - travis! just the person i needed to talk to
- vinnie
2001-06-01 11:17:00] -
paul: what time should we (me, andrew, katie, and probably kenny (he's coming, just don't know if he's coming with me) ) get to your house tomorrow?
- travis
2001-06-01 11:07:00] -
a: Do you think it would be possible to bring the computer over to my house tomorrow so I could work on it?
2001-06-01 10:54:00] -
a: Does her computer have an AGP slot? (Looks like a PCI slot, but is brown in color and not situated in exactly the same way)
2001-06-01 10:43:00] - I just found this, does it sound like a similar problem?
2001-06-01 10:41:00] - I read that com1 and com4 uses IRQ 4 in most computers, so you wouldn't think there would be a conflict there...
2001-06-01 10:40:00] -
dave: I'm not entirely sure, it says the voodoo3 likes to have an IRQ all to itself (no sharing) and that it like either 9, 10, or 11. When I checked the IRQs on this computer, there were multiple devices using each of those IRQs
2001-06-01 10:38:00] -
mig: Which is why I find it odd that Josh seems to think that there is nothing wrong with out Public Schools
2001-06-01 10:37:00] -
a: PCI cards go into the shorter, white slots. ISA cards go into the longer, black slots. AGP slots look like PCI slots except they are a brownish color
2001-06-01 10:35:00] - if it's an irq conflict, wouldn't it show up in the devices menu? like when you look at the properties of each device, it lists it's irq and whether it has any conflicts
2001-06-01 10:34:00] -
oops. "they are a different size" was a statement, not a question?
2001-06-01 10:34:00] -
a: This might help a little
2001-06-01 10:34:00] -
hmmm. i guess they are pci cards then. they are a different size? what are the two sizes called?
2001-06-01 10:33:00] - that usa today article really bothers me. i guess our school system is growing more insane day by day. "we must stop our kids from dancing funny. it's sparks creativity and is therefore dangerous."
- mig
2001-06-01 10:29:00] -
a: First you have to check to see if one exists, I think you can do that by checking to see how your IRQs are allocated
2001-06-01 10:28:00] -
a: She only has one pci card? I thought she said her Modem and Network card were PCI cards as well...
2001-06-01 10:23:00] -
paul: she only has one pci card. switching them around wouldn't do anything, would it? how do i resolve an irq conflict?
2001-06-01 10:23:00] -
a: Does Aparna's computer have an AGP slot?
2001-06-01 10:10:00] -
vinnie: Yeah, a lot of them were, and others were more noticeable by the way they said things
2001-06-01 10:08:00] - ha ha ha, cool site. i didn't even catch the michelle reference because that one is all based on how it's said
- vinnie
2001-06-01 10:06:00] -
vinnie: I only got a few, but the entire scene with yoko mojo (or whatever) was just hilarious
2001-06-01 10:02:00] - i didn't even get all the references
- vinnie
2001-06-01 10:01:00] -
vinnie: Yeah, it was really funny to hear him say it
2001-06-01 09:59:00] -
vinnie: Check this out when you are done.
2001-06-01 09:59:00] - performance criminal? lol
- vinnie
2001-06-01 09:57:00] -
paul: yeah, found the same transcript and am reading it now
- vinnie
2001-06-01 09:54:00] -
a: So the modem doesn't show up at all in windows and windows can't detect it when you try to manually install it?
2001-06-01 09:52:00] -
vinnie: I found a transcript of "Meet the Beat-Alls" but I am still looking for one for "Equal Fights"
2001-06-01 09:51:00] -
vinnie: Sweet, that would be very cool. Thank you.
2001-06-01 09:49:00] -
2001-06-01 09:48:00] - i'll try to tape them if i remember
- vinnie
2001-06-01 09:47:00] -
paul: those two episodes are showing on june 27th and 28th
- vinnie
2001-06-01 09:47:00] -
vinnie: I was watching them while baby-sitting my cousins and I thought they were very funny, I am trying to find the transcript for the feminist one because it is so appropriate for my journal
2001-06-01 09:46:00] -
a: Did you try switching some of the PCI cards around?
2001-06-01 09:44:00] -
vinnie: That's pretty funny
2001-06-01 09:44:00] -
nope, don't think i've seen either, though the first one sounds funny
- vinnie
2001-06-01 09:44:00] -
a: i don't
- vinnie
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