here are old message board entries
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2001-06-15 09:38:00] -
aaron: my mp3s don't skip anymore. I think it was a dell/win9x combo problem. Win2k is great.
- dewey
2001-06-15 09:38:00] -
mig: I'm thinking about doing that. Just getting the dell system and tell them to take out all that extra crap. Boo integrated sound.
- dewey
2001-06-15 09:37:00] -
bah. forget distributers, building from scratch is the way to go!
- mig
2001-06-15 09:37:00] - I thought at college, all the people who bought dells were the ones with the weird MP3-skipping problems
- aaron
2001-06-15 09:37:00] -
dave: tv-out would be nice, but not a requirement
- dewey
2001-06-15 09:36:00] -
dave: well, if I buy a card that will last a while and work with DVD player, I will pay the dollars for it
2001-06-15 09:35:00] -
dave: why not dell? they are the best- from what I've heard about other's experiences.
- dewey
2001-06-15 09:33:00] -
dewey: how long do you think you're going to keep the card? and what's your price range?
2001-06-15 09:33:00] -
dewey: awwww dewey, you're a cpe, don't get a dell
2001-06-15 09:32:00] - although the 'tech account' doesn't allow for anything near that good.
- dewey
2001-06-15 09:28:00] - basically Dell offers the GeForce2 product line. should I just opt for nothing and add soemthing myself?
- dewey
2001-06-15 09:27:00] -
dave: something good
That will run black & white well, and other games to come out soon.
- dewey
2001-06-15 09:24:00] - 'love life is bitchin'. what a crock. i'm not going to be impressed until it makes due on that result.
- mig
2001-06-15 09:23:00] -
dave: supposadly it's better compression and better audio quality.
- mig
2001-06-15 09:21:00] - i've heard basically all those questions before though
- vinnie
2001-06-15 09:20:00] - 11 out of 11, 'your love life may bloom soon'
- vinnie
2001-06-15 09:20:00] -
dewey: i've researched video cards, what you looking for exactly?
2001-06-15 09:18:00] - I got an add from Dell saying $1300 for a 1.4 ghz system
- dewey
2001-06-15 09:18:00] - does anyone know what is a good video card? I'm looking at a new computer
- dewey
2001-06-15 09:17:00] - thank god they fixed winamp shuffle. i hated the old shuffle
- vinnie
2001-06-15 09:16:00] -
dave: according to the article, the file size is about half as big AND the quality is better. well, hearing is believing
- vinnie
2001-06-15 09:04:00] -
a: it says that it will cost about $7.50 per product shipped, according to the mp3pro company's website... that might slow them down.
- dewey
2001-06-15 09:03:00] -
dewey: is the new mp3 more compressed or what? better music quality?
2001-06-15 09:01:00] - winamp is good about that kind of thing.
2001-06-15 09:01:00] - That sucks, I think it
does base your love life on how well you do on the test (where your love life is the inverse of your score basically)
2001-06-15 08:56:00] -
dave: the need for a new winamp is that a new MP3 format was just released. I want my two mp3 products to upgrade to it (winamp and musicmatch).
- dewey
2001-06-15 08:55:00] - hooray!!!! Winamp has finally fixed their shuffle feature! - dewey
2001-06-15 08:53:00] - time to go to work.
bye all.
- aba
2001-06-15 08:52:00] -
paul: i got a 10 out of 11 and a "mediocre" love life too.
- aba
2001-06-15 08:52:00] -
dewey: what's the need for a better winamp?
2001-06-15 08:52:00] -
paul: there's no way i'd download all those mp3s again
2001-06-15 08:51:00] -
paul: i have two hard drives. i would save all my stuff to one and reformat the other
2001-06-15 08:49:00] - people at Digit-Life overclocked the geforce 3 like mad and got a 47% increase in performance based on fps
2001-06-15 08:49:00] -
dave: Don't reformat! You'll lose my boots!
2001-06-15 08:49:00] - winamp better hurry their asses up.
- dewey
2001-06-15 08:48:00] - -paul
2001-06-15 08:48:00] -
boo. RCA's mp3pro player sucks ass.
- dewey
2001-06-15 08:45:00] -
paul: maybe not, they do have IE 6 preview up on microsoft site
2001-06-15 08:42:00] -
paul: i think i'm gonna have to reformat to fix that problem i told you about.
2001-06-15 08:41:00] -
paul: you're welcome to them. i woulda sold them 'cept i knew you wanted them
2001-06-15 08:41:00] -
hehe, maybe the lower the score you get, the better your love life is?
2001-06-15 08:39:00] -
dave: I got an 8 out of 11, and my love life is "Not Bad! Expect your love life to bloom soon!"
- dewey
2001-06-15 08:36:00] -
dave: I want those boots from you
2001-06-15 08:35:00] - -paul
2001-06-15 08:35:00] - and when is winamp going to release it's new version? the don't even seem to have any news on their site about mp3pro.
- dewey
2001-06-15 08:35:00] -
a: yeah, I am using netscape 4 at work.
- dewey
2001-06-15 08:34:00] -
dave: I got a 10 out of 11 and my love life is "mediocre"
2001-06-15 08:27:00] -
mig: hm, maybe that is why Winamp was taking forever to release a new version
2001-06-15 08:21:00] -
paul: i picked up sigon's sabot. they are greaves
2001-06-15 08:15:00] - i got a 7 and my love life is "bitchin"
2001-06-15 08:15:00] - how smart are you? -dave
2001-06-15 07:45:00] - and i didn't seem to have any problems last night.
- mig
2001-06-15 07:45:00] - i still am.
- mig
2001-06-15 07:41:00] - is anyone using netscape 4?
2001-06-15 07:40:00] - if any of you are using netscape 4, i fixed this page last night.
2001-06-15 07:38:00] - i dunno, seems rather interesting, though.
- mig
2001-06-15 00:24:00] -
mig: going to move your stuff to ogg vorbis?
2001-06-15 00:23:00] - i think the bush daughter problems are sorta funny -jdb
2001-06-15 00:23:00] - *very* good news(not sarcasm).
- mig
2001-06-15 00:14:00] - i just restarted my computer for the first time since may 17th!
2001-06-14 23:33:00] -
mig: That's what I have heard, not sure about how true it is
2001-06-14 23:25:00] - don't know about that, paul, but i guess it would seem that way. though i guess it's easy to spot those that would commit another crime again.
- mig
2001-06-14 23:14:00] -
mig: Sex offenders are also one of the least likely criminals to commit the same crime again
2001-06-14 22:19:00] - rather amusing how the company seemed surprised that slipknot gave a profanity-laden performance.
- mig
2001-06-14 19:32:00] - entire lives for something they did. i mean, they already paid for it in jailtime and also will have a hard time getting employment once they get out.
- mig
2001-06-14 19:31:00] - i have mixed views on this whole sex offender issue(though this judge is a really dangerous wacko). on one hand, i think people might have a right to know, but on the other, i'm wondering if it's fair to for these people to have to be hounded their
2001-06-14 18:38:00] -
2001-06-14 18:23:00] -
2001-06-14 17:48:00] -
jdb: Interactive representation sounds interesting, but I'm not sure if it would work well in the real world. The enhanced political quiz told me I was a hardcore libertarian I think
2001-06-14 17:20:00] -
dave: i was an engineer for awhile, but it didn't really suit me. i do graphic design now.
- katie
2001-06-14 16:28:00] - i just took the enhanced political quiz (linked off of, my score -- i was right on the northwest line, one notch from the top. right in between libertarian and liberal.
2001-06-14 16:24:00] - well i'm off to buy a father's day present, ciao
2001-06-14 16:24:00] -
vinnie: hehe, how interesting
2001-06-14 16:23:00] - numbers above 9 don't have an association
- vinnie
2001-06-14 16:22:00] - most of the odd numbers I think of as female, but I think of 9 as male and 4 as female. not to say that females are odd, though
- vinnie
2001-06-14 16:21:00] -
jdb: it's interesting, but i don't understand it fully
- vinnie
2001-06-14 16:21:00] -
vinnie: really? what are girly numbers? hehe
2001-06-14 16:21:00] -
katie: are you a technically oriented person? sounds like something an engineer would do, hehe
2001-06-14 16:19:00] - i actually think of numbers more in terms of male and female than color
- vinnie
2001-06-14 16:19:00] - what do ya'll think of the "interactive representation" thing listed on redpath's issue pages?
2001-06-14 16:19:00] -
dave: going back to the "color/number" association thing... i don't know why i do it; maybe when i was a kid learning to count, i read a book or something where the numbers were printed in those respective colors? i dunno.
- katie
2001-06-14 16:18:00] -
Well, I gotta go home everybody, bye
2001-06-14 16:17:00] -
vinnie: agreed
2001-06-14 16:17:00] - what do we ever accomplish through the un anyways?
2001-06-14 16:17:00] - i agree with redpath's tax credit education scheme much-much-much more than vouchers.
2001-06-14 16:17:00] - Thank you! Death to the UN!
-- Xpovos
2001-06-14 16:16:00] -
jdb: It's interesting, but I don't know if it would work out all that well....
2001-06-14 16:16:00] - well not un-libertarian, but not something i'd expect from a libertarian
- vinnie
2001-06-14 16:16:00] - i for one think we shouldn't pay the multi-billions of dollars to stay in the united nations
2001-06-14 16:16:00] - We ought to just nuke China.
2001-06-14 16:16:00] -
paul: i'd be very suprised. generally, we only see republicans, democrats and conservative independents on ballots around here.
2001-06-14 16:15:00] -
jdb: yeah, somewhat un-libertarian also
- vinnie
2001-06-14 16:15:00] -
paul: you're right though, i wonder where we would be with an isolationist foreign policy. might not be all that bad
2001-06-14 16:15:00] -
jdb: I think you should like Redpath, most of his main issues are things to help all third parties
2001-06-14 16:14:00] - redpath's education proposals are pretty interesting!
2001-06-14 16:14:00] -
jdb: Is the green party candidate going to be on the ballot? I hear it's a difficult thing to accomplish
2001-06-14 16:13:00] -
dave: Doesn't matter, they don't have a navy to get to us
2001-06-14 16:12:00] -
paul: as of right now, i really only know about the big two candidates. (reading more about redpath right now)
2001-06-14 16:12:00] -
dave: Well, we obviously need some new gadgets, I just think that the military has gone a bit overboard with new stuff that we might not need
2001-06-14 16:12:00] -
paul: after all, staying on the bleeding edge of technology has what kept countries from messing with the us. what happens if china suddenly has a better army than us?
2001-06-14 16:11:00] -
paul: i understand what you're saying, and i agree with you, we may not as much equipment as we make now. i just wanted you to acknowlede the flip side as well
2001-06-14 16:11:00] - tax-payer money.
-- Xpovos
2001-06-14 16:10:00] - I'm all for a military build-up when there's an actual use for it, but we're not using it, and there's only a few situations where I would even think using it was a good thing. And they're politically inviable. So the military is largely a waste of
2001-06-14 16:10:00] -
probably, there usually is. i signed a petition for one of the libertarian candidates -- forget which one.
2001-06-14 16:09:00] -
jdb: Are there any green party candidates running for office in Virginia this year?
2001-06-14 16:08:00] - i'm happy to see libertarian candidates running for virginia governor, etc.
2001-06-14 16:08:00] - Like quartering the Army.
-- Xpovos
2001-06-14 16:07:00] -
dave: My point about army inefficientcy was that we could give the army a lot less money and still get about the same result if we just made a few changes for the better
2001-06-14 16:06:00] - The only way Americans are going to die these days is from old age, heart disease, or terrorist. Even with all of Europe hating us.
-- Xpovos
2001-06-14 16:06:00] -
dave: I mean, how likely is it that this new expensive helicopter is going to end up saving lives? How many lives? 10? 20? I hate to be cruel, but is it worth $38 billion to save those few people?
2001-06-14 16:04:00] -
dave: It's easy to say that without these gadgets our military will be handicapped and people are going to needlessly die, but how true do you think it is?
2001-06-14 16:03:00] - rumsfield or whatever his name is is changing the criteria for military size. will no longer be the two front guideline
2001-06-14 16:02:00] -
paul: for however inefficient things are, it still takes a large amount of work to do things. it's not like you can just put things together, you have to design it, fabricate it, test it, document it, etc etc
2001-06-14 16:02:00] - "--Your ability to fight a two ocean war against who? Sweden and Togo? C'mon those days are over." -- Conrad Breen,
Wag the Dog
2001-06-14 16:01:00] - doh! -jdb
2001-06-14 16:01:00] -
well, firepower is not directly related to new fighter jets, hehe.
2001-06-14 16:01:00] - I always seem to be about ten minutes behind
-- Xpovos
2001-06-14 16:00:00] -
paul: if you don't want your army to be handicapped, yes. take for example fighter jets, if we didn't design the f22 or jsf or whatever, our pilots would be behind the enemy fighters in maneuverability, speed, firepower, etc etc
2001-06-14 16:00:00] - We shouldn't be so reliant on oil in the first place
-- Xpovos
2001-06-14 15:59:00] -
dave: And I know first-hand how horribly inneficient the army is
2001-06-14 15:58:00] -
dave: You still haven't proven to me that we need all these high-tech gadgets though, I acknowledge that it costs alot to make these things, but do we need them?
2001-06-14 15:57:00] - i'm just saying this because i have recently been appreciating how much time it takes to do seemingly mundane designs.
2001-06-14 15:57:00] -
dave: But more useful then helicopters I would think
2001-06-14 15:56:00] -
dewey: half of the footage wasn't from satellites. was from cameras
2001-06-14 15:55:00] - and these things don't even have to be revolutionary, just normal things like boxes that have switches and stuff on them
2001-06-14 15:55:00] -
dave: didn't you ever see
enemy of the state? the satellites can do anything
- dewey
2001-06-14 15:55:00] -
paul: the entire point of this exercise was to try to show you that military equipment costs more than you might think. it takes a lot of man hours to design things.
2001-06-14 15:52:00] -
paul: besides, i think satellites might be more expensive
2001-06-14 15:52:00] -
paul: the comanche is labeled as a reconnaissance vehicle. and satellites are not all-powerful.
2001-06-14 15:52:00] -
dave: Example?
2001-06-14 15:50:00] -
dave: Ok, that makes a lot more sense
Are you sure we still use helicopters for reconnaissance? Can't we use satellites for that?
2001-06-14 15:49:00] -
paul: i'm not trying to dictate what the us should or shouldn't do in terms of foreign policy. i'm just saying that i think there are valid reasons to use the military in ways i don't think the libertarians would from your definition
2001-06-14 15:49:00] -
dave: Actually, Switzerland has been fairly prosperous considering they have little land and natural resources. They also have a more leftist government, which stifles prosperity also
2001-06-14 15:48:00] -
heh, IE just asked if I want to turn autocomplete on for this text box
- dewey
2001-06-14 15:48:00] -
paul: it is 38 billion for something like 1300 helicopters. i didn't mean to imply it was for just one
2001-06-14 15:47:00] -
dave: Hypothetical situation, if OPEC decided to increases prices of oil by 10000% or something, should we invade them to take their oil?
2001-06-14 15:47:00] -
dave: that article about the electric cars said that we can't blame OPEC anymore- the reason now is that we can't produce refined gas fast enough, not the crude oil problem anymore.
- dewey
2001-06-14 15:47:00] -
paul: wrong. helicopters are for reconnaissance, tank killing, air support, special ops (i guess this falls withing transporting small groups)
2001-06-14 15:46:00] -
paul: granted, that is not necessarily because of the us meddling in other's affairs
2001-06-14 15:46:00] -
dave: We should err on the side of safety within reason. I mean, come on. $38 billion for a helicopter? Helicopters are used to transport small groups of troops, that is all
2001-06-14 15:45:00] -
paul: because they've been pansies
you don't see switzerland prospering like the united states do you? hehe
2001-06-14 15:45:00] -
paul: i think it is our business in the sense that oil prices directly affects america. part of the hike in prices has been because saddam has curbed his output in order to chastise america
2001-06-14 15:44:00] -
dave: Let me try to rationalize their policy here. Look at Switzerland. It has had a strong defensive military and hasn't bothered any other countries and it has been at peace for so long
2001-06-14 15:43:00] - isn't it better to err a little more on the side of safetly and allowing the military to have good equipment though?
2001-06-14 15:43:00] -
dave: Well, if you think about it, it really isn't any of our business unless somebody asks for our help (which I assume Kuwait did)
2001-06-14 15:43:00] - 'many' should be in there somewhere
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:43:00] -
paul: yeah, it'd be interesting to see just how felt they were wasting their vote
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:42:00] -
paul: i agree that we do not necessarily need all the stuff they pay for, but i think the government has tended to shortchange a lot of things in the past years
2001-06-14 15:41:00] -
vinnie: It would have been very interesting had that been in effect during the last presidential election
2001-06-14 15:41:00] -
paul: because each is designed for a specific range of missions. it's true that sometimes they needlessly overlap though. i think they overlap less than what you think, but more than what they should
2001-06-14 15:40:00] -
paul: so they think that all the oil over there is none of our business?
2001-06-14 15:39:00] -
dave: I see what you mean, but the big question is how much of this stuff do we really need? We had like 3 new fighter jets in development at one point in time. Why?
2001-06-14 15:39:00] - at least, that's what it hopes to do
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:38:00] - instant runoff voting was the solution to what we were talking about with wasting votes
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:38:00] -
dave: It happened
I'm pretty sure they were against getting involved because it was none of our business (Keep in mind that foreign policy is one area in which I disagree with libertarians a bit)
2001-06-14 15:36:00] -
vinnie: Yeah, it's a pretty unconventional thing he is doing. I'm not sure how well it will work
2001-06-14 15:36:00] -
paul: what's the libertarian stance on the persian gulf war?
2001-06-14 15:36:00] -
paul: no i understand, i'm just saying, whether you're bullying others or defending yourself, you still have to have good equipment
2001-06-14 15:35:00] -
dave: If a nuclear bomb or $38 billion helicopter will help defend america, so be it
2001-06-14 15:35:00] - and there are plenty of other projects out there as well. smaller submarines, f22, joint strike fighter, etc etc
2001-06-14 15:34:00] -
dave: Vinnie has got it. Libertarians think the military is here to protect us, not bully other countries or get involved in their wars and affairs
2001-06-14 15:34:00] -
paul: interesting that two of the platforms redpath is running on are instant runoff voting and interactive representation
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:34:00] -
paul: it's more a question of is saving american lives by having good equipment going to be worth 38 billion
2001-06-14 15:34:00] -
dave: Well, I think most libertarians would be ok with a nuclear arsenal because it acts like a deterrant.
2001-06-14 15:32:00] -
dave: yeah, libertarians are for national defense, but not international peacekeeping
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:32:00] -
dave: Is that helicopter going to chase away enough invaders to be worth $38 billion?
2001-06-14 15:32:00] -
paul: so none of the best defense is a good offense huh?
2001-06-14 15:31:00] -
paul: seriously though, so that the military can keep up it's use of supporting american interests
2001-06-14 15:31:00] -
dave: Missile defense system is good. Most libertarians generally think our military should be purely a defense force
2001-06-14 15:31:00] -
paul: so that our military is equipped to deal with foreign invaders
2001-06-14 15:31:00] -
a: and it is one more image that doesn't necessarily update itself when the leader changes
- dewey
2001-06-14 15:29:00] -
dave: And we need to spend 38 billion for a helicopter why?
2001-06-14 15:29:00] -
a: oh, you already have... hmm...
- dewey
2001-06-14 15:29:00] -
paul: what's the libertarian stance on missle defense system?
2001-06-14 15:28:00] -
dewey: Screw netscape users
2001-06-14 15:28:00] - and that's only one vehicle. and a helicopter at that
2001-06-14 15:27:00] -
paul: did you know that the Comanche helicopter contract is 38 billion?
2001-06-14 15:26:00] -
a: you need to set both cellspacing and cellpadding to zero; it looks funny in Netscape right now.
- dewey
2001-06-14 15:26:00] -
dave: The only wasted vote is the vote not... uh.... voted?
2001-06-14 15:26:00] -
dave: The government should not take candy from babies.
2001-06-14 15:24:00] -
vinnie: Check out They have links to both candidates on that page
2001-06-14 15:24:00] -
dave: advantages: increased media coverage, showing that you don't advocate a candidate that supports big government
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:23:00] -
dave: How about my crazu insistence that America doesn't need to spend trillions of dollars on the military?
2001-06-14 15:23:00] -
paul: ok, what is the libertarian position on taking lollipops from babies?
2001-06-14 15:22:00] -
paul: did you ever figure out your stance on voting for someone you knew wouldn't win?
2001-06-14 15:22:00] -
paul: neat. got a website for them?
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:22:00] -
dave: You can ask me anything about the libertarian position and I should be able to answer for you
2001-06-14 15:21:00] -
paul: haha, i don't think your "abrasive nature" has done anything of the sort
2001-06-14 15:21:00] -
vinnie: The libertarians have a candidate for governor and lt. governor... just fyi
2001-06-14 15:20:00] -
dave: Mostly social ones I would say, also a lot of the more radical libertarian ideas on the economy most likely
2001-06-14 15:19:00] -
paul: yeah, that way it wouldn't stick out so much
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:19:00] -
vinnie: My abrasive nature has made Dave grow hostile and embittered towards libertarians
2001-06-14 15:18:00] -
paul: you would know best, what issues do i differ with libertarians?
2001-06-14 15:18:00] -
a: You could put that message board button to the left of the text input box, above those new links
2001-06-14 15:18:00] -
vinnie: really? in all honesty i might be fairly close.
2001-06-14 15:17:00] -
paul: dunno. prolly
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:17:00] -
vinnie: well too bad
now we are political enemies, heehee
2001-06-14 15:17:00] -
dave: you often seem like a libertarian to me. what do you object to?
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:16:00] -
vinnie: Sweet, now all I have to do is make you a registered libertarian
btw, you voting for governor?
2001-06-14 15:15:00] -
dave: i'd rather you object that strongly to my liking pink
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:14:00] -
vinnie: d'oh, that comment was for you being libertarian, not liking pink
2001-06-14 15:14:00] -
a: getting ambitious there with the rounded corner. me likey
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:13:00] -
vinnie: noooooooo!
2001-06-14 15:13:00] -
dave: i don't care if pink is girly. i like it
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:12:00] -
paul: i think you've already converted me. the political party is associate myself most strongly with is libertarian
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:11:00] -
katie: i also associate 5 with orange, but strangely that's the only number i do it with
- vinnie
2001-06-14 15:08:00] -
Heh. I still associate several colors with their commodore numbers... 7=yellow I think, 4=cyan, 3=red....
- aaron
2001-06-14 15:02:00] - and that's the first time i've heard that historically red was female and white was male
2001-06-14 15:02:00] - how did you get those numbers connected to those colors?
2001-06-14 15:01:00] -
2001-06-14 14:59:00] -
katie: That is so weird, is there a reason you do this?
2001-06-14 14:58:00] -
picture, rather
2001-06-14 14:58:00] - i'm "visually oriented", i guess... i dream without sound and my thoughts usually have a puctire or color or shape to go with them
- katie
2001-06-14 14:56:00] -
hmm... 1 = blue, 2 = yellow, 3 = red, 4 = blue, 5 = orange, 6 = yellow, 7 = green, 8 = red, 9 = purple, 10 = blue, 11 = yellow, 12 = orange, 13 = red...
- katie
2001-06-14 14:49:00] -
katie: That's really messed up
What colors and what numbers do you associate?
2001-06-14 14:46:00] - i was also apt to associate colors with numbers (i still do, actually).
- katie
2001-06-14 14:45:00] -
heh... although when i was a kid, i associated green with boys and blue with girls.
- katie
2001-06-14 14:42:00] -
katie: I really doubt I got this idea from a book since I'm not a very well-read person, but I'll take support from wherever it comes from
2001-06-14 14:41:00] - might've been either james joyce or henry miller.
- katie
2001-06-14 14:40:00] -
historically, in literature red was a female color and white was a male color because it was symbolic of certain fluids. i vaguely remember this from ap lit, although i can't remember what we read to trigger that conversation.
- katie
2001-06-14 14:35:00] - *Shrug* 3 against 1, I guess I was wrong. I'll make sure to correct my stereotype
2001-06-14 14:32:00] -
No, pink is the definition of a girlie colour, red is the colour of fire and power. Purple is regal.
-- Xpovos
2001-06-14 14:32:00] - i think it was pink, not red.
- mig
2001-06-14 14:32:00] -
dave: for the most part, yes.
- mig
2001-06-14 14:32:00] -
dave: I could be horribly wrong about this entire red being a girly color thing. It's just that when I grew up, I always thought of blue as being the color for boys and red being the color for girls? Can anyone back me up on this?
2001-06-14 14:31:00] -
dave: Tv ratings are ok as long as they are voluntarily done by the networks. Government censorship is wrong. Drinking age should be repealed, government should not dictate when a child is ready to drink
2001-06-14 14:28:00] -
paul: really? i musta played all the wrong board games
2001-06-14 14:27:00] -
paul: oh i dunno, tv ratings maybe? drinking age?
2001-06-14 14:27:00] -
dave: True, pink is more girly, but I was thinking more of stuff like board games where they only have a few different colored pieces, red an yellow were usually for girls while green and blue were for boys.
2001-06-14 14:26:00] -
mig: so what, you're a libertarian too?
2001-06-14 14:25:00] -
dave: Well, it depends on what you mean by "doing social stuff" I would say no because libertarians generally want no government interference. Give me an example of what you are thinking of
2001-06-14 14:25:00] -
oops, not that anyone with a pink color would be girly
2001-06-14 14:25:00] - republicans seek to control our lives by using "family values", while the democrats seek to control our lives through taxes and invasive government programs.
- mig
2001-06-14 14:24:00] -
paul: and i think pink is a more stereotypically girl color
2001-06-14 14:24:00] - democrats have been leaning more towards being "liberal" to being authoratarian, just like the republicans. they just want to control everyone's lives in a different way.
- mig
2001-06-14 14:24:00] -
paul: i woulda thought red was the color of blood and therefore a guy color
2001-06-14 14:23:00] -
dave: Come on, red is always the stereotypical color for girls. Purple is the color for royalty
2001-06-14 14:23:00] -
paul: so they don't think the govt should do anything social at all?
2001-06-14 14:23:00] - has anyone here used the wingate proxy server? i'm having trouble configuring it
2001-06-14 14:22:00] -
dave: However, they don't believe in using government to advance social causes, so in a way they aren't socially liberal
2001-06-14 14:22:00] -
paul: the difference being?
2001-06-14 14:22:00] -
paul: really? i didn't know red was a girly color. you sure?
2001-06-14 14:21:00] -
dave: libertarians would be considered socially liberal in that they tolerate lots of socially liberal things
2001-06-14 14:20:00] -
dave: You think you have it bad? I am red, the definition of a girly color. Not only that, but it's also the color of communism...
2001-06-14 14:19:00] -
paul: i didn't know you were socially liberal. at least that's not what i would have pegged you as
2001-06-14 14:18:00] -
paul: wait, so libertarians are socially liberal?
2001-06-14 14:18:00] - none of this pansy purple
2001-06-14 14:17:00] -
paul: maybe i need a more manly color
2001-06-14 14:17:00] -
paul: i see, well unfortunately i don't think i'm having much luck in either area
2001-06-14 14:14:00] -
dave: See, the problem you have is that you have to convert the liberals on economic matters
and social matters, whereas libertarians only have to straighten them out economically
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