here are old message board entries

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[2001-06-21 16:04:00] - Well, I've made my points, I don't think I'll do any good by sticking around and listening to unreasonable criticism. Gotta get ready for class anyway.  See y'all later. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 16:03:00] - jdb: I've actually never read the communist manifesto so..... -paul

[2001-06-21 16:03:00] - hey, paul, remember "measure of a man" from tng?  seems pretty relevant to this discussion, don't you think? - mig

[2001-06-21 16:03:00] - paul: i don't like the "when is the fetus a human being argument." it doesn't matter to me. what matters is the woman's rights. so, as long as the woman has a child in her body, then she has a right to abort it. -jdb

[2001-06-21 16:03:00] - kind of like a 'mental chemistry', as my philosophy teacher described - vinnie

[2001-06-21 16:02:00] - pseudo-consciousness agrees with what aaron has said, it's the theory that everything in the universe has some capacity for consciousness, and that higher organisms have higher degrees of consciousness - vinnie

[2001-06-21 16:01:00] - mig: And yes, dolphins and primates have been shown to be self-aware - aaron

[2001-06-21 16:01:00] - xpovos: Sentience is self-aware? Oh okay. Every dictionary I looked in was wrong, my bad - aaron

[2001-06-21 16:01:00] - i also consider the definition of sentience to be "self aware".  however i think many forms of animals and such fit into this category as well. - mig

[2001-06-21 16:00:00] - xpovos: that's not true at all. every definition i see on says sentient = has sense perception - vinnie

[2001-06-21 16:00:00] - paul: i'm sure that website uses the word "bourgeois" in a similar vein as that of the communist manifesto. -jdb

[2001-06-21 16:00:00] - xpovos: Sure, create whatever kind of government you want to create, govern whoever you want to govern, live where you want to live... right? Sounds like present-day to me - aaron

[2001-06-21 16:00:00] - vinnie: esp. with me and my anti-agism. :) -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:59:00] - So yes, we did have different definitions it appears.

[2001-06-21 15:59:00] - xpovos: just making an example, and it turned out to be a poor one. should've known it wouldn't go over with this crowd :) - vinnie

[2001-06-21 15:59:00] - aaron: sentience is to be self-aware, not to percieve the world. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:58:00] - vinnie: Never heard of it, although I don't agree with your comments about drawing lines for drinking age and driving age -paul

[2001-06-21 15:58:00] - Sure, sentience is a sliding scale. To be sentient is to sense, to  be able to perceive the world around you. Surely some beings are capable of more sensation than other beings, right? Perhaps we have different definitions of sentient. - aaron

[2001-06-21 15:57:00] - Vinnie: why do we have to draw arbitrary lines there at all? Drive when you are physically capable, drink as soon as you've got the cash to pay for the booze. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:57:00] - xpovos: Interesting point, Josh is putting individual rights above the rights of the state ;-) -paul

[2001-06-21 15:56:00] - paul: we have to draw an arbitrary line like we do with drinking age, driving age, etc. probably happens at different times. have you all heard of psuedo-consciousness? - vinnie

[2001-06-21 15:56:00] - jdb: It really depends on your definition of murder, otherwise we wouldn't have murder and manslaughter as two seperate crimes -paul

[2001-06-21 15:55:00] - jdb: so you commission a woman's right to murder as she chooses, but not the states? -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:54:00] - jdb: As someone who is pro-choice all the way, do you believe it is ok to abort a fetus that is 8 months old? 9 months? When does the fetus become a human being? -paul

[2001-06-21 15:54:00] - -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:54:00] - .... But I think it is unfair to say fetuses/humans are sentient, and ants are completely not sentient, just because they don't politic. I mean, I politic less than you, but I don't consider myself less sentient as a result - aaron

[2001-06-21 15:54:00] - aaron: sentience isn't a sliding scale, it's something you either possess or don't possess.

[2001-06-21 15:54:00] - and, i purposefully used the word murder earlier, because... well... that's what it is. death penalty is murder. abortion is murder. i think the more interesting issues lies in what kind of murders we approve of. -jdb

[2001-06-21 15:54:00] - xpovos: i personally think ants are sentient, but it's not like someone could prove or disprove it either way - vinnie

[2001-06-21 15:53:00] - mig: so I'm arrogant.  That's one of the lesser problems i've been accused of. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:53:00] - xpovos: I know you didn't say anything about free will, but christianity does, so I assumed you believed humans had free will. And ants can communicate, tame other bugs, I mean humans may be more sentient than ants.... - aaron

[2001-06-21 15:52:00] - but... being pro-choice doesn't mean i personally approve any and all abortion cases. after much thought, i came to the conclusion that i can't "draw a line." so, i support a woman's right to have an abortion in all cases. -jdb

[2001-06-21 15:52:00] - xpovos:  says who?  i think it's incredibly arrogant to believe that only we can discuss "abstract ideas" - mig

[2001-06-21 15:51:00] - vinnie: for people like that, I just let them be, in a couple of generations they'll fail to breed themselves into extinction.  Can't say I'll miss them. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:51:00] - a: i'm pro-choice. all the way. -jdb

[2001-06-21 15:50:00] - and there are people that argue that no one is sentient - vinnie

[2001-06-21 15:50:00] - Bigger tax cut! -paul

[2001-06-21 15:49:00] - paul: regrettably, yes.  And while apes use tools they do not to the extent that humans do, and dolphins comunnication is incredibly rudimentary, they do not discuss abstract ideas. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:49:00] - and i certainly don't see xpovos' view as hypocritical - vinnie

[2001-06-21 15:48:00] - aaron: we assume fetuses are more sentient than ants because we know they grow into what we think are sentient beings (still no proof that anyone other than yourself is sentient) - vinnie

[2001-06-21 15:48:00] - xpovos: Dolphins can communicate, apes can use tools, are you sure politics is a sign of sentience? :-) -paul

[2001-06-21 15:48:00] - Read Little Fuzzy by H. Beam Piper.  That'll give you a good explanation of sentience. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:46:00] - xpovos: Have we proven that ants aren't sentient? How does one go about proving this? Did we ask them and they said no? :-) -paul

[2001-06-21 15:46:00] - paul: not many, but some do. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:45:00] - Humans possess the tools to communicate, create and use tools, tame fire, politic, and the capacity to act against our own instincts.  -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:44:00] - xpovos: Granted, but I don't think very many people would say that a living, breathing baby that is surviving outside of it's mother's womb isn't a human being -paul

[2001-06-21 15:44:00] - aaron: I never said anything about free will.  Ants are not sentient, that is a given fact.  If you can't understand that I have no hope of ever converting you.  Humans are sentient. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:43:00] - xpovos: Fetuses are more sentient than ants? In what way? Oh right, this is that "free will" thing, right? That the will of a fetus is decided by something supernatural, while the will of an ant is %100 chemical? - aaron

[2001-06-21 15:43:00] - aaron: Do you think there is something important that makes us different from all other living things? -paul

[2001-06-21 15:42:00] - mig: I try to stop, but through rational debate like this, not through litigation. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:42:00] - Paul: and some people even after. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:41:00] - mig: but it is a member of a species that has shown sentience.  It's got human chromosomes in those cells, so even the smallest embryo is human in that regard. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:41:00] - ah.  i begin to understand.  so, basically you just don't participate in the things you oppose rather than try to stop the people from doing the things you oppose. - mig

[2001-06-21 15:40:00] - a: I should have said that the time period between conception and birth is inclusive, since undoubtably some people don't think a fetus is a human being until birth actually happens -paul

[2001-06-21 15:39:00] - xpovos:  i could argue that an fertilized embryo isn't sentient either. - mig

[2001-06-21 15:39:00] - a: because whether you are pro-life or pro-choice, you have to admit that sometime between conception and birth, that sperm and egg combination is no longer just a clump of cells, but it is a human life with certain rights -paul

[2001-06-21 15:39:00] - Contraceptives promote promiscuity, and hence adultery and fornication.  As a Catholic I oppose those things.  I don't seek legislation, but I do oppose. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:38:00] - Aaron: Ants aren't sentient. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:38:00] - xpovos:  i can understand being opposed to abortion, but contraceptives?  or do you think that everyone who has sex should only do so to procreate? - mig

[2001-06-21 15:37:00] - a: I believe I can explain. Libertarians believe in individual rights and freedom. The big question regarding abortion (libertarians are split on this issue as much as anybody) is whether a fetus is a life with rights or just a clump of cells -paul

[2001-06-21 15:37:00] - Well even if some form of life begins at conception, all life isn't equal. I may pour boiling water on ants or wash spiders down the plughole but I don't call myself a murderer as a result - aaron

[2001-06-21 15:35:00] - "Religious freedom in a cultural complex is inversely proportional to the strength of the strongest religion." -logan

[2001-06-21 15:35:00] - Hence, I clearly do not support anti-abortion legislation.  I promote adoption, I promote scientific studies that will someday enable intra-uterine transfers, but I oppose abortion and contraceptives. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:34:00] - Just a note to people who couldn't tell, when I said I was pro-choice and pro-life I wasn't associating myself with the movements. Just saying I approve of life and I approve of choice ;-) -paul

[2001-06-21 15:34:00] - I also see how you might feel that anti-abortion legislation might be hypocritical for a rational anarchist libertarian like myself.  -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:33:00] - The problem is that many people (you guys included it seems) don't believe life begins at conception.  I can handle that, it's a belief, and I'm not going to argue against it. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:32:00] - but certain women can't amputate a limb.  ~a

[2001-06-21 15:31:00] - maybe not hypocritical in the dictionary sense, but it is at least ass backwards.  you think you have the right to do whatever you want (or at least the government shouldn't restrict you from doing whatever you want) . . .

[2001-06-21 15:31:00] - i'm just curious, do you oppose the legality of abortion or just morally opposed to it? - mig

[2001-06-21 15:31:00] - Personally, I don't see how abortion is any more murder than, say, cheeseburger is murder, or pesticide is murder, or abstinence is murder. - aaron

[2001-06-21 15:31:00] - aaron: I suppose the milkshake could have caused shrinkage in certain important areas of the body which caused him mental anguish :-P -paul

[2001-06-21 15:29:00] - a: I'm concerned now.  How do you see my being pro-life as hypocritical? -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:28:00] - I don't know, I'm just giving the classic definition of "bourgeois" I've no clue what possess a socialist mentality. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:27:00] - Ha ha ha. What, the milkshake was so cold that he couldn't feel his crotch, and this... left him disoriented enough to result... in an accident or something? This seems too wacky, I can't fathom how the suit would work - aaron

[2001-06-21 15:27:00] - wow.  i am very surprised this crowd would have any pro-life people.  quite hypocritical, in fact.  ~a

[2001-06-21 15:27:00] - xpovos: Then I am completely comfused, why would the socialists be against “bourgeois democratic institutions"? -paul

[2001-06-21 15:26:00] - with a milkshake.(He lost). - mig

[2001-06-21 15:26:00] - "Remember Stella Liebeck, who pried $640,000 out of McDonalds after spilling a cup of McCoffee she was balancing between her knees in her grandson's car. But did you hear about John Parker, who tried a similar between-the-legs McDonald's lawsuit -

[2001-06-21 15:26:00] - a: I'm pro-life and pro-choice ;-) -paul

[2001-06-21 15:25:00] - bourgeois typically meant middle-classed. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:24:00] - jdb: I don't know if I don't believe in class, does “bourgeois democratic institutions" mean that only the rich and priveleged people are in power and make the rules? -paul

[2001-06-21 15:24:00] - ~a: no, I'm pro-life too. -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:23:00] - Why should we believe in class -- Xpovos

[2001-06-21 15:23:00] - jdb: I don't know, it just seems tantamount to Stalin protesting the execution of Hitler or something like that. McVeigh's motivations were to destroy the state while socialists generally are staunch supporters of the state -paul

[2001-06-21 15:23:00] - josh is pro life?  is he the only one?  ~a

[2001-06-21 15:20:00] - jdb: *Shrug* I still don't get the irony of advertising birth control during an execution... Would it be like advertising medicine? -paul

[2001-06-21 15:19:00] - paul: if you don't believe in class, then that wouldn't mean anything to you. -jdb

[2001-06-21 15:18:00] - paul: "interesting that the socialists are condemning the execution of a self-described libertarian" <-- what does that have to do with anything? -jdb

[2001-06-21 15:18:00] - jdb: Maybe you can help me with this. I am reading that WSWS website and I keep coming across the phrase "bourgeois democratic institutions", what does that mean? -paul

[2001-06-21 15:18:00] - paul: socialists are not against birth control. -jdb

[2001-06-21 15:17:00] - paul: i'm sure they were just emphasizing how commercialized the event was. i find it ironic that they would be advertising a birth-control pill, something that helps prevent murderous actions such as abortion, during state-sanctioned murder. -jdb

[2001-06-21 15:16:00] - paul: extremely biased. but interesting nonetheless - vinnie

[2001-06-21 15:14:00] - Access denied. What's there? - aaron

[2001-06-21 15:07:00] - Dear god this is scary -paul

[2001-06-21 15:02:00] - Here is a link about that South Park episode -paul

[2001-06-21 15:02:00] - paul:  well, duh.  of course it would be biased. - mig

[2001-06-21 14:59:00] - jdb: Interesting that the socialists are condemning the execution of a self-described libertarian... -paul

[2001-06-21 14:56:00] - jdb: "Shortly before the execution, CBS carried a commercial from Ortho Tri-Cyclen, a birth-control pill" What was the point of that remark? Are socialists against birth control? -paul

[2001-06-21 14:52:00] - vinnie: I didn't read very much of that story, but what little I read seemed very biased -paul

[2001-06-21 14:45:00] - -jdb

[2001-06-21 14:42:00] - i'm not sure as to the authenticity of that coca-cola story, but damn... an interesting read if you have the time - vinnie

[2001-06-21 14:34:00] - a: Why were you trying to kill pessen? :'( -paul

[2001-06-21 14:09:00] - Someone should make an animated gif with three blue painted adrians running around doing weird things -paul

[2001-06-21 14:05:00] - you don't know the first thing about the boy scouts.  ~a

[2001-06-21 14:04:00] - shut up, aparna.  :-P  ~a

[2001-06-21 13:14:00] - boy scouts of america is a paramilitary organization

[2001-06-21 12:47:00] -

[2001-06-21 12:33:00] - - Find Message 587, it's pretty funny. - aaron

[2001-06-21 12:29:00] - That coke thing sounded interesting but it was soooo boring to read. Can you just tell me how it ended? - aaron

[2001-06-21 11:55:00] - hehe, it would be funny to do an "adrian inside" button for peoples webpages.  :-p  -  aba

[2001-06-21 11:50:00] - has this been posted? interesting story about a little-publicized copyright lawsuit with coke - vinnie

[2001-06-21 11:48:00] - dewey:  your mom.  ~a

[2001-06-21 11:43:00] - so do you like it adrain? dolphins are very smart creatures you know. - dewey

[2001-06-21 11:42:00] - paul: we've definitely got to watch "manufacturing consent" together next fall. -jdb

[2001-06-21 11:41:00] - yay, is a neat new supplement to -jdb

[2001-06-21 11:37:00] - bash: kill: pessen: no such pid    :-D    ~a

[2001-06-21 11:27:00] - mmm... rosy palms and friends

[2001-06-21 11:21:00] - Ha ha ha I have two palms too - aaron

[2001-06-21 11:08:00] - a: well, it has a picture on top.  it is more the apache logo than the linux logo. - dewey

[2001-06-21 11:05:00] - ###/pics/download/41.gif

[2001-06-21 11:04:00] - yep.  craig and i both got two palms too.  ~a

[2001-06-21 11:03:00] - dewey, that is nothing like the apache logo.  ~a

[2001-06-21 11:03:00] - you're an eagle too adrian, aren't you.  so is craig and ricky. - mig

[2001-06-21 11:00:00] - a: I have sent you the email.  so you gonna put it up here, right? - dewey

[2001-06-21 10:49:00] - you can post the link to it here.  if it is small enough and a gif, then it will embed itself here.  if you don't have a link to it (it isn't on the web) you can email it to me ( and i will post it.  ~a

[2001-06-21 10:48:00] - hehe.  i was at your ceramony (sp?)  ~a

[2001-06-21 10:47:00] - I have a logo for adrian.  sorta like the apache one.  what should I do with it? - dewey

[2001-06-21 10:44:00] - Eagle Scout here. - dewey

[2001-06-21 10:44:00] - i am an assistant scoutmaster but i haven't been to any meetings this summer.  ~a

[2001-06-21 10:28:00] - how many of you were boy scouts? -jdb

[2001-06-21 10:24:00] - hmmm.... is too busy with gays in boy scouts and is too busy bitching about smackdown. - mig

[2001-06-21 10:21:00] - vinnie:  that's very odd.  the south park thing would have been something that would have all the family-oriented/religious organizations going nuts on comedy central. - mig

[2001-06-21 10:10:00] - ...raven-symone is reprising her role as eddie murphy's daughter in dr.2. how is this even news? - vinnie

[2001-06-21 10:10:00] - dewey: glad you like the button. also, i can't find any south park articles either, even on the constantly updated news sites. my guess is they just haven't had time to write about it yet because on msn, their top entertainment story was about how...

[2001-06-21 10:00:00] -    bush gives the death penalty to retarded inmates and then tells europeans that he doesnt

[2001-06-21 09:58:00] - i think we should all make buttons on our webpages(at least most of us anyway) saying "powered by adrian" as well. - mig

[2001-06-21 09:57:00] - re google -  ~a

[2001-06-21 09:57:00] - heh. "Note to self: Curse on Google only in foreign tongues." :-D - dewey

[2001-06-21 09:54:00] - a: sure. services like are neat too. -jdb

[2001-06-21 09:50:00] - yes.  would you like me to make them public?  ~a

[2001-06-21 09:50:00] -    interesting details about google

[2001-06-21 09:50:00] - jdb: Yes, that is a very good way of putting it. So that's what threading is? -paul

[2001-06-21 09:49:00] - a: just wondering... do you keep statistics on clickthrough's of links? -jdb

[2001-06-21 09:48:00] - paul: yes. i like jwz's definition even better --> "grouping messages together in parent/child relationships based on which messages are replies to which others" -jdb

[2001-06-21 09:45:00] - a: This is an idea I have that I would like to try to implement sometime in the next year. I was just wondering how easy it would be to program a really simple forum thingy -paul

[2001-06-21 09:43:00] - jdb: Oh yeah, government has no right to restrict human cloning until it becomes a matter of protecting the rights of an individual -paul

[2001-06-21 09:43:00] - is this something you are programming or using?  i can help program a forum thing.  (my resume: )  ~a

[2001-06-21 09:42:00] - jdb: So is threading when the messages are laid out so that the responses to a post are right underneath the post it is responding to? -paul

[2001-06-21 09:38:00] - As it is right now, I have work to do so I will only be posting sporadically today -paul

[2001-06-21 09:37:00] - a: I'll tell you what, I'll think about what I have in mind anf write up a proposal and you can look at it later, sound good? -paul

[2001-06-21 09:35:00] - jdb: Hmmm..... that's a very interesting point.... -paul

[2001-06-21 09:34:00] - vinnie: ###/pics/download/40.gif  I like it. :-D - dewey

[2001-06-21 09:34:00] -    in case anyone needs more ideas for domain names

[2001-06-21 09:33:00] - paul: i think your essays and the surrounding controversy more than warrant their own message-board/forum/whatever. -jdb

[2001-06-21 09:33:00] - a: We'll have to meet in person at my ranch so we can have a meaningful and friendly discussion about a missile defense... I mean forum thingy -paul

[2001-06-21 09:31:00] - jdb: Yeah, I think I am using completely the wrong terminology -paul

[2001-06-21 09:31:00] - that's all fine and good on paper.  ~a

[2001-06-21 09:31:00] - a: In fact, hopefully some of the articles and essays written on the forum would facilitate even more discussion on the message board -paul

[2001-06-21 09:30:00] - when i think of forum, i think of projects such as -jdb

[2001-06-21 09:30:00] - paul: hmm, you need to explain this forum idea some more then... -jdb

[2001-06-21 09:30:00] - a: I honestly don't want to do anything that would be harmful to the message board. A forum that I am thinking about would serve a completely different purpose -paul

[2001-06-21 09:28:00] - The forum idea wasn't meant to really replace any part of the message board, it was so people could write big essays like my feminist journal entries and they would be in one central location so there could be discussion and such -paul

[2001-06-21 09:27:00] - josh, you suck.  ~a

[2001-06-21 09:25:00] - aba: hmm, that might be the case. perhaps we should just move more serious things off of here. -jdb

[2001-06-21 09:24:00] - i am against human cloning of ugly people.  ~a

[2001-06-21 09:23:00] - threading would hurt this site more than it would help it because it would kill casual conversations and one liners.  -  aba

[2001-06-21 09:22:00] - what do others here think about human cloning? -jdb

[2001-06-21 09:19:00] -    bush is against all cases of human cloning (even just research on the embryos)

[2001-06-21 09:18:00] - paul: whoops, forgot to include screenshot --> (too big) -jdb

[2001-06-21 09:15:00] - better?  ~a

[2001-06-21 09:14:00] - um.  yes.  that is right.  ~a

[2001-06-21 09:14:00] - paul: this screenshot of illustrates threading well. also, see -jdb

[2001-06-21 09:13:00] - Um now it's even worse, links don't work - aaron

[2001-06-21 09:12:00] - a: Cheater! You can't fix your mistakes :-P -paul

[2001-06-21 09:09:00] - hahaha!  what?  :-D  ~a

[2001-06-21 09:07:00] - a: HAHAHA! Your smart quotes messed up your crying faces :-D -paul

[2001-06-21 09:07:00] - :'(  to much talk of discussions off the message board  :'(  ~a

[2001-06-21 08:48:00] - dewey: I was thinking of a forum like the ones they have on -paul

[2001-06-21 08:44:00] - but then it isn't quite like the message board... - dewey

[2001-06-21 08:44:00] - paul: are you thinking more of a slashdot type of discussion?  if so, I get really sick of following replies down a path.  Although it would be nice to be able to type more than 255 characters if need be. - dewey

[2001-06-21 08:41:00] - well, I can't seem to find any news stories about south park, so they must not have made a big stir. or else nobody is vomitting up their intestines yet. - dewey

[2001-06-21 08:26:00] - jdb: What is threading? Isn't that what a forum is good at doing? -paul

[2001-06-21 08:16:00] - dewey: Your link doesn't work ;-) -paul

[2001-06-21 08:14:00] - - dewey

[2001-06-21 01:39:00] - -jdb

[2001-06-21 00:54:00] - - mig

[2001-06-21 00:52:00] - -jdb

[2001-06-21 00:39:00] - mig: check this out --> -jdb

[2001-06-21 00:33:00] - interesting..... - mig

[2001-06-21 00:16:00] - paul: i dunno.. i just think threading is essential. maybe some sort of msg-board/threading/"everything 2" morph would be best :-D -jdb

[2001-06-20 23:40:00] - mig: I didn't do it! Baby Jesus was crying when I got here -paul

[2001-06-20 23:40:00] - dear god, the lp made it into the washington post - mig

[2001-06-20 23:35:00] - did you make baby jesus cry? - mig

[2001-06-20 23:26:00] - a: cry? -paul

[2001-06-20 23:21:00] - cry.  ~a

[2001-06-20 23:20:00] - ###/pics/download/39.gif

[2001-06-20 23:11:00] - jdb: Do you think a mailing list would be the best form for debate? I was thinking that a forum for posting essays and responses would be cool -paul

[2001-06-20 23:09:00] - jdb: I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought anti-trust wasn't bad -paul

[2001-06-20 23:03:00] - -jdb

[2001-06-20 22:53:00] - -jdb

[2001-06-20 22:49:00] - they also slipped in "asshole" a few times.  i'm unsure about whether it's allowed or not, because i've seen other stations bleep it. - mig

[2001-06-20 22:48:00] - aaron: i saw it. much better episode than i remembered - vinnie

[2001-06-20 22:47:00] - Oh and I saw a seinfeld today which I had never seen before (jerk store) - aaron

[2001-06-20 22:47:00] - ...end. that's what i meant by obvious moral - vinnie

[2001-06-20 22:46:00] - dewey: what i meant was the episode was leading up to the conclusion that curse words lose their meaning (or in their case, are harmful) if overused. but not only did they imply, but they spelled it out for the layman with kyle's monologue at the...

[2001-06-20 22:45:00] - i was just wondering if this was a one-time thing or if they were going to make it a regular thing. - mig

[2001-06-20 22:44:00] - vinnie: their moral was obvious, but I think it rings true to how they feel also.  Their show wouldn't be funny if they said the bleeped out words all the time. - dewey

[2001-06-20 22:43:00] - and I'm spent. - dewey

[2001-06-20 22:43:00] - aaron: to stretch the limits of what can be said on tv? :) - vinnie

[2001-06-20 22:43:00] - for ($i=0;$i<162;$i++) { print "Shit"; } - dewey

[2001-06-20 22:42:00] - I think the motivation for this episode tonight was the same as the motivation for south park in the first place... - aaron

[2001-06-20 22:41:00] - holy shit - dewey

[2001-06-20 22:38:00] - i guess this will become a regular word on south park now - vinnie

[2001-06-20 22:38:00] - i am curious as the motiviation for this episode tonight. - mig

[2001-06-20 22:37:00] - and said by heterosexuals :) - vinnie

[2001-06-20 22:37:00] - mig: yeah, you're definitely right. in the middle of day too - vinnie

[2001-06-20 22:37:00] - Ohhhhhh right. Ha ha. Duh. - aaron

[2001-06-20 22:36:00] - i thought you could always say 'fag' too. that one surprised me when they said you couldn't - vinnie

[2001-06-20 22:35:00] - it's been said before, you've watched kith, right? - mig

[2001-06-20 22:35:00] - yeah, their 'morals' are too obvious often - vinnie

[2001-06-20 22:35:00] - And they said fag several times, I don't know if that's the first time they said it on comedy central or not - aaron

[2001-06-20 22:34:00] - Yep, 162 occurances of shit on south park, and then they top it all off with a moral of "watch your language" - aaron

[2001-06-20 22:34:00] - or at least, for tv regulations :D - vinnie

[2001-06-20 22:33:00] - mig: no clue. but this is certainly some kind of breakthrough for free speech - vinnie

[2001-06-20 22:22:00] - paul: but anyways... i'd actually use php or something similar. i just said zope would be easiest :-P -jdb

[2001-06-20 22:21:00] - i wonder what the fcc has to say about this? - mig

[2001-06-20 22:16:00] - i just watched "antitrust" -- pretty interesting movie. not nearly as bad as i thought it would be. -jdb

[2001-06-20 22:14:00] - paul: -jdb

[2001-06-20 22:14:00] - mig: i'd love to start a new mailing list for discussions similar to what we have on here, but i don't want to kill the traffic on this... -jdb

[2001-06-20 22:13:00] - you mean no bleeping? - mig

[2001-06-20 22:13:00] - paul: zope is considered a "web application server." it's actually built around python, etc. -jdb

[2001-06-20 22:13:00] - jdb:  touché. - mig

[2001-06-20 22:12:00] - who's watching south park? they actually said 'shit' like they promised. 64 times, at that - vinnie

[2001-06-20 22:11:00] - mig: a mailing list would be the most efficient :-P -jdb

[2001-06-20 22:07:00] - that would be much more efficient for debating type stuff. - mig

[2001-06-20 22:07:00] - you mean a thread-based message board. - mig

[2001-06-20 21:59:00] - a: You know, discussion forums. Where somebody posts a message and people can post replies. Kind of like the "I agree with dave" forums -paul

[2001-06-20 21:58:00] - jdb: I am intrigued by this "zope". Is it a programming language? -paul

[2001-06-20 19:12:00] - very cool -->,1283,44672,00.html -jdb

[2001-06-20 19:11:00] - mig: -jdb

[2001-06-20 19:06:00] - grrrr.... nytimes forces registration.... - mig

[2001-06-20 19:04:00] - -jdb

[2001-06-20 18:31:00] - i'm sure their release tetris in some form on the gba - mig

[2001-06-20 18:21:00] - And given how much america sucks, I think it is safe to assume that those will be the only two puzzle games released here, on any system, over the next decade - aaron

[2001-06-20 18:20:00] - paul: Haven't heard of plans for either. To my knowledge, Mr Driller and Chu Chu Rocket were the two puzzle games to be released on the advance - aaron

[2001-06-20 18:12:00] - i like the idea of immunities, but they were implemented so late in the game that many of us have unplayable characters who can't adapt because they're too high of a level. - katie

[2001-06-20 18:10:00] - -jdb

[2001-06-20 18:09:00] - going back to d2... yes, there are physical immunes. my bow-amazon ran into a monster immune to phsyical (couldn't use physical arrows on it), cold (couldn't use cold arrows), and fire (couldn't use immolation).  - katie

[2001-06-20 18:03:00] - ... and commerce. -jdb

[2001-06-20 18:03:00] - ...  there are more than 25 ethnic languages in this tiny area. the problem with the ethnic languages is that they put it's speakers at a severe economic disadvantage. so often, it becomes an issue of preserving culture vs. encouraging growth ... -jd

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