here are old message board entries

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[2001-07-27 13:04:00] - aba: Except that for some people, it's more like a an uncertain possibility that something may go slightly wrong... -paul

[2001-07-27 13:03:00] - aba: I don't think many people think that global warming isn't something to be looked into, in fact I think most people want it to be looked into more before making any rash decisions -paul

[2001-07-27 13:02:00] - the protocol is like car insurance.  you have a strong idea that something can go terribly wrong, so you sacrifice a little to make sure that things are ok.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 13:02:00] - no it scares me that people still dont believe that global warming is something to be looked into.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 13:00:00] - aba: Why does it scare you that most of the climatologists agree with you? -paul

[2001-07-27 12:54:00] - so it kind of scares me a little that you have so many significant climatologists saying that global warming is something very important and only robert lindzen saying that its not.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 12:53:00] - very intriguing. - mig

[2001-07-27 12:53:00] - she said that a lot of the people who are in climatology who support bush are not well respected scientists.  they dont publish much, they never win grants with their proposals and are generally considered to be kind of kooky.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 12:51:00] - she said that most of the other people quoted either arent climatologists or havent done any meaningful research in climatology.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 12:50:00] - my mom (who is a climatologist) says that the only siginificant scientist who had been telling bush that he shouldnt sign the protocol is robert lindzen.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 12:50:00] - but anyway, I can't believe they would go and attribute a heavy rain to global warming. - dewey

[2001-07-27 12:50:00] - that lady is an astrophysicist.  not someone whos really that qualified to be determining what research is and isnt saying about global warming.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 12:49:00] - no one understands the workings of the atmosphere, and there have been recent discoveries that as the world warms up, more water evaporates to create more clouds.  And what do clouds do?  they bounce out heat, so it stays balanced... - dewey

[2001-07-27 12:48:00] - he did the right thing.  his advisors, congress' advisors, and other top US scientists have stated that global warming is not an issue. - dewey

[2001-07-27 12:46:00] - ok, the salon is definately a skewed perspective.  "Seeing how Texas just recovered from floods caused by global warming..." what flipin global warming!? - dewey

[2001-07-27 12:40:00] - More stuff about the Kyoto Protocol -paul

[2001-07-27 12:37:00] - Interesting article comparing Microsoft to the Post Office -paul

[2001-07-27 12:35:00] - adrian should find this interesting. - mig

[2001-07-27 12:32:00] - mig: sure, why not.  Though I doubt any of my neighbors could afford one. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 12:32:00] -  *sigh*  whoever has the gold makes the rules..... - mig

[2001-07-27 12:27:00] - paul:  perhaps. what about a nuclear bomb? - mig

[2001-07-27 12:26:00] - mig: Couldn't an assault rifle serve as a status symbol also? -paul

[2001-07-27 12:13:00] - paul: a corvette serves as a status symbol as well. - mig

[2001-07-27 11:45:00] -    interesting article about the psychology behind identifying murderers.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 11:33:00] - dave: I was speaking about the content of the television programs, not the actual physical manipulations of the set itself -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 11:25:00] -  heehee

[2001-07-27 11:24:00] - xpovos: yeah, their radiation is known to kill far more people than guns do -dave

[2001-07-27 11:14:00] - I still like my TV analogy better, and I disagree with adrian, I think TVs are worse than guns in most any respect. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 11:09:00] - paul: interesting analogy with the corvette, but somehow it doesn't seem right ;-) -dave

[2001-07-27 11:08:00] - dewey: not very many people will dispute that assault rifles should be illegal :-p -dave

[2001-07-27 11:07:00] - oops, that should be songs - vinnie

[2001-07-27 11:06:00] - song rewritten with christian lyrics :) - vinnie

[2001-07-27 11:05:00] - xpovos: Ask Dewey about Corvettes. Nobody needs em. They pollute the environment more then other cars. The only reason to buy one is to speed (break the law) etc. -paul

[2001-07-27 11:00:00] - but in most ways, they aren't.  ~a

[2001-07-27 10:58:00] - No one needs one, but why should that mean we say they can't have them.  No one needs a TV either, and TVs are in many ways far worse than guns.  -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 10:57:00] - dewey: he'd never survive a proper seige, run out of ammo for one thing, or the fed would just sit him out until he ran out of food if they had to. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 10:57:00] - what need does anyone have with an assualt gun? - dewey

[2001-07-27 10:56:00] - dewey: If I'm dead, then he's got a whole hell of a lot more than a lawsuit to worry about. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 10:56:00] - and then mows down all the cops? - dewey

[2001-07-27 10:56:00] - xpovos: or what if he shoots anyone who comes to his house to issue the summons? - dewey

[2001-07-27 10:55:00] - xpovos: how can you sue him if you are dead? - dewey

[2001-07-27 10:52:00] - dewey: sure thing, and if he does, I'll sue his ass. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 10:44:00] - do you think it is ok for your neighbor to buy a fully automatic rifle that could blow holes throw your house? - dewey

[2001-07-27 09:47:00] - i think the right to buy guns is good - if you don't like them, or are worried that your kids might be hurt by them, don't buy one -dave

[2001-07-27 09:28:00] - guns are bad, m'kay?

[2001-07-27 09:22:00] - dave: You had it right the first time. This technology makes guns expensive. People won'y pay so much for guns. Government makes this technology mandatory and we have some effective gun control -paul

[2001-07-27 09:14:00] - so in a roundabout way, i suppose the public is telling us that they don't want hand-recognition - it's a stretch i know -dave

[2001-07-27 09:13:00] - and i don't think that the average gun-owner would pay double the price for a gun with handprint recognition.  after all, if the market was there, i'm sure the gun companies would have done it already -dave

[2001-07-27 09:12:00] - yeah, like i said, i think it would make guns outrageously expensive -dave

[2001-07-27 09:10:00] - dave: I dunno, I just think it doesn't make much sense to use this really advanced technology for, of all things, guns -paul

[2001-07-27 09:07:00] - oops, i meant to say that it wouldn't be foolproof - didn't come out right -dave

[2001-07-27 09:07:00] - paul: yeah, i suppose that would make it more difficult for them, if not foolproof -dave

[2001-07-27 09:02:00] - dave: Well, it could be used to positively identify people who are boarding a plane or dropping off luggage to make sure there aren't any terrorists amongst them -paul

[2001-07-27 08:58:00] - paul: please enlighten me. in what way are you thinking they could be used at airports? -dave

[2001-07-27 08:56:00] - dave: I think a good way of looking at it would be that we would be using technology for guns that we don't even use at airports, where such a system could save a lot more lives. -paul

[2001-07-27 08:52:00] - aba: i don't know much about it, but i would hazard to guess that a handprint recognition system on that lvl would be quite expensive -dave

[2001-07-27 08:52:00] - aba: handprint? in theory it would be nice, but i'm just not sure how well the present tech could implement something like that -dave

[2001-07-27 08:50:00] - i think that the "gun injuries" are just much more sensationalized and people think they are worse -dave

[2001-07-27 08:50:00] - also - i think that the probability of your kid circumventing your safety measures and shooting himself with your gun is far far less than him getting hit by a car when they're crossing the street -dave

[2001-07-27 08:49:00] - i dont understand how handprint id makes the gun inaccessable.  the process should pretty much be instantaneous, and no one could use the gun except me (or i suppose someone with the same handprint as me which would be unlikely)  -  aba

[2001-07-27 08:48:00] - i think that would stop any accidental use.  as for intentional use (your kid wanting to shoot your gun), i don't think there is much you can do to stop a determined kid from doing it (maybe gun lock?) -dave

[2001-07-27 08:48:00] - another thought: i think a lot of people keep their guns unloaded - and put the "magazine" or bullets in a near, but different place -dave

[2001-07-27 08:46:00] - so it's a fine balance between safety and accessibility methinks -dave

[2001-07-27 08:46:00] - aba: i think the problem arises when you consider that you have a gun because you want to defend yourself - and if a situation arises where you need it, you don't exactly want to be fumbling around with a gun lock or something like that -dave

[2001-07-27 08:44:00] - aba: i understand your reluctance with guns, but i think that gun locks and other safety measure that can already be implemented are adequate measure against unwanted use -dave

[2001-07-27 08:41:00] - dewey? shy?nahhhhhh :-d -dave

[2001-07-27 08:29:00] - at frat parties.  youre just too shy to talk to them.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 07:56:00] - where are all these girls that just want to hook up? ;-) -dewey

[2001-07-26 20:45:00] - bill, strange things are afoot at the circle k.  ~a

[2001-07-26 20:39:00] - yay for boucher!,1283,45548,00.html

[2001-07-26 20:10:00] -

[2001-07-26 19:42:00] -

[2001-07-26 16:25:00] - i dont think id feel safe owning a gun unless it was keyed to my handprint or something similar.  i wouldnt want some little kid (or adult i suppose) coming over and firing it off by mistake.  -  aba

[2001-07-26 16:24:00] - while i do believe in certain gun control measures, i dont believe that guns in general are bad.  people need to be educated and better safety measures need to be implemented in the gun design.  -  aba

[2001-07-26 16:23:00] - not that i agree with their stance.  -  aba

[2001-07-26 16:23:00] - your odds of fighting off someone with a knife while unarmed are a lot better than someone with a gun.  i think thats kind of what they are trying to say.    -  aba

[2001-07-26 16:19:00] - crime is up, but that's ok, because they're not using guns. - mig

[2001-07-26 16:18:00] - is that really something to be proud of? - mig

[2001-07-26 16:18:00] - "Although armed robberies increased by nearly 20%, the number of armed robberies involving a firearm decreased to a six-year low."

[2001-07-26 16:05:00] - you know what kind of bothers me about gun control advocates.  they go on and on about how guns kills people, but they don't bother to think about how many lives guns have saved. - mig

[2001-07-26 15:57:00] - it was supposed to be maroon, but somehow it turned out brown.  -  aba

[2001-07-26 15:49:00] - fight? did someone say fight? bring it on! hehe. you can have it aparna, i just think purple is more soothing than brown :-d -dave

[2001-07-26 15:33:00] - aba: Be my guest, I don't want to be number one. You may have to fight Dave for it though -paul

[2001-07-26 15:31:00] - i want to be number one again.  :'(  -  aba

[2001-07-26 15:27:00] - to upgrade to windows xp please direct your browser window to  thank you and have a nice day!

[2001-07-26 15:20:00] - ;-)

[2001-07-26 15:20:00] - Generally less than $500 even for the more expensive models. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-26 15:19:00] - i was just trying to figure out how rich you had to be to protect yourself -dave

[2001-07-26 15:18:00] - out of random curiosity, on what scale is the price of a semi-automatic handgun? $500? $1000? -dave

[2001-07-26 15:13:00] - hm, sorry, i meant source of statistics.  now that ive figured out that they had references, im ok.  :)  -  aba

[2001-07-26 15:08:00] - aba: Sure I can. :-) The source may be biased but I think the statistics used were relatively accurate, especially since they are coroborated with the MMM stats -paul

[2001-07-26 15:05:00] - i cant find evidence of the quote anywhere else, so i really cant say anything else on the matter.  i was just pointing out that you cant use one biased source to disprove another biased source.  -  aba

[2001-07-26 14:56:00] - paul, get on aim. i need to talk to you - vinnie

[2001-07-26 14:55:00] - aba: Um, those statstics prove that the MMM representative was wrong and that the stats used by the JPFO were right -paul

[2001-07-26 14:52:00] -  all of the facts quoted here have associated studies.  -  aba

[2001-07-26 14:47:00] - aba: Except the JPFO and get their statistics from studies whereas it sometimes seems like gun-control groups just make up statistics whenever it suits them. Where did the MMM get their statistics? -paul

[2001-07-26 14:42:00] - doh. that is.  -  aba

[2001-07-26 14:41:00] - the fbi statistics are only for murders and is hardly an unbiased source.  i am not defending the mmm, but i am saying that youre doing the same thing that youre accusing them of doing.  -  aba

[2001-07-26 14:36:00] - Lots of information about gun statistics -paul

[2001-07-26 14:34:00] - FBI statistics for crimes in 1999 -paul

[2001-07-26 14:25:00] - paul:  considering that is all about preserving the right to own a gun, theres no reason why we should believe that their statistics are correct either.  -  aba

[2001-07-26 14:17:00] - Million Mom March using faulty facts? -paul

[2001-07-26 14:13:00] - Will the Kyoto protocol live on? -paul

[2001-07-26 14:12:00] - some develompent-stage screenshots of d2 where they basically used placeholder graphics for everything - wolf

[2001-07-26 14:11:00] -

[2001-07-26 14:10:00] - dave: paul: yeah, I posted it, it's a spoof of the changes they made in the 1.08 patch. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-26 14:06:00] - the question of "what does the chat gem do?" is as old as the cd2 stress test.  nobody would shut up about it. - wolf

[2001-07-26 14:06:00] - dave: Did you read the stuff from that link somebody posted awhile back? It said something like "those of us who play D2 will find this funny" -paul

[2001-07-26 14:06:00] - paul: if you are, where were you reading about it? -dave

[2001-07-26 14:05:00] - paul: what you talking about? the next patch? -dave

[2001-07-26 14:04:00] - aba: I was pretending that I only cared about the issue so long as it affected me. Sorry to get your hopes up. -paul

[2001-07-26 14:04:00] - Instead of saying "gem activated, gem deactiveated" it says "rare gem activated, rare gem deactivated." oooh. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-26 14:02:00] - paul:  if it is the principle of the matter, then why did you even specify a date?  you got my hopes up.  :-p  -  aba

[2001-07-26 13:57:00] - rare toggle? - dewey

[2001-07-26 13:56:00] - I saw this add on TV and thought it was hilarious.  Just say it out loud :-D "The Book of Pooh" - dewey

[2001-07-26 13:55:00] - "The new code is a vast improvement - the boss monsters have to look at your minion *and* *blink*" It's so true :'( -paul

[2001-07-26 13:54:00] - dewey: the chat gem is a "feature" which is widely rumored to do something, but in fact does nothing.  It is a pointless toggle.  Occasionally, though, it is a pointless rare toggle. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-26 13:51:00] - "Astute individuals will take one look at this change and realize just how screwed thier Iron Maiden based necromancer is." Awww... :'( -paul

[2001-07-26 13:50:00] - what is the chat gem!? - dewey

[2001-07-26 13:44:00] - aaron: that is why webmasters are getting tons of the email.  I have seen many posting on their webpages for people do download the virus updates and stop flooding their inboxes. :) - dewey

[2001-07-26 13:44:00] - aba: you should know by know that paul's ideals are not necessarily connected to his situation in real-life :-) -dave

[2001-07-26 13:43:00] - aaron: it isn't to strangers, it sends it to people in your address books and also to email addresses it can grab from files in your browser's cache directory. - dewey

[2001-07-26 13:43:00] - mig: i got confused with all the "code names" flying around -dave

[2001-07-26 13:43:00] - mig: here's the article if you are interested: -dave

[2001-07-26 13:42:00] - mig: oops, sorry. it's a new os, but it's supposed to be inserted after the release of xp "a new OS, currently code-named Longhorn, to be sandwiched between Windows XP and Blackcomb" -dave

[2001-07-26 13:41:00] -  Hillarious for those of us who play D2.

[2001-07-26 13:40:00] - mig: yeah, i didn't think they had enough time either.  the only thing i could think of was that they were going to push back the release of xp. -dave

[2001-07-26 13:37:00] - aba: I can't, I'm on my medication ;-) -paul

[2001-07-26 13:36:00] - paul:  if the drinking age was lowered, would you even drink?  are you going to drink alcohol when you turn 21?  just curious.  -  aba

[2001-07-26 13:17:00] - I know that's the default, it's still set as my default, I just decry the intelligence of anyone who uses the defaults.  -- Xpovos

[2001-07-26 13:17:00] - unfortunately andrew, most of the defaults for saving documents is the my documents folder.  most people never bother to change their defaults. - mig

[2001-07-26 12:52:00] -,2933,30491,00.html Article talking about America's drinking age. I'm all for lowering it (until Feb 21, 2002 that is) :-) -paul

[2001-07-26 12:33:00] - Serves people right for actually storing files in the "My Documents" folder. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-26 12:10:00] - well, shit. - mig

[2001-07-26 12:06:00] -,1282,45476,00.html - This new neat virus sends a random file in your "My Documents" directory to a bunch of strangers - aaron

[2001-07-26 11:51:00] - a kid reads one day in the life of ivan denisovich, that's ok, he's expanding his mind.  but heaven forbid he listen to a marilyn manson album. - mig

[2001-07-26 11:49:00] - article brings up an interesting point.  we don't label books.  why do we feel we have to label music? - mig

[2001-07-26 11:41:00] - the useless bag of shit return. - mig

[2001-07-26 11:17:00] - jdb: I think I am subscribed to it, although I'm not sure. I'm subscribed to too many things to remember -paul

[2001-07-26 11:14:00] - paul: lew rockwell has a daily mailing list; you should subscribe to it. -jdb

[2001-07-26 11:12:00] - Commentary on the NAACP -paul

[2001-07-26 11:07:00] - I don't understand some of what this guy says, but he doesn't seem to like socialism ;-) -paul

[2001-07-26 11:01:00] - Interview with Michael Moore -paul

[2001-07-26 10:54:00] - Pro-lifers use controversial methods to driver their point home -paul

[2001-07-26 10:39:00] - - mig

[2001-07-26 10:32:00] - they might have time to release a sp for win2k, but that's about it. - mig

[2001-07-26 10:32:00] - in regards to the rumor, i don't think that will be all that likely.  ms just doesn't have enough time on their hands to do that. - mig

[2001-07-26 10:31:00] - oops. - mig

[2001-07-26 10:30:00] - here's the url for the at+t merger. - mig

[2001-07-26 10:21:00] - they must gather 57101 signatures?  certainly an odd number to get. - mig

[2001-07-26 10:03:00] - Those crazy Mass. Libertarians are trying to repeal the state income tax -paul

[2001-07-26 09:56:00] -

[2001-07-26 09:35:00] -    interesting article addressing the state of the agenda of the bush administration.  -  aba

[2001-07-26 09:31:00] - clog, clog, clog... - dewey

[2001-07-26 09:22:00] - dave: Let's take this discussion to AIM so as not to clog the message board -paul

[2001-07-26 09:21:00] - use different methods -dave

[2001-07-26 09:21:00] - paul: take out "big" - i'm saying that the us needs some offensive power.  and countries are not the only thing to intimidate, terrorists and other groups like that need to be intimidated as well (although i recognize you need to use...) -dave

[2001-07-26 09:18:00] - dave: I'm not making anything to the extreme anymore then you have. You have been telling me that the United States needs a big offense to intimidate other countries, right? -paul

[2001-07-26 09:18:00] - paul: but yes, that is a part (note: just "part") of it -dave

[2001-07-26 09:17:00] - paul: stop taking everything to an extreme, i'm just saying you need to have some offense too. -dave

[2001-07-26 09:15:00] - rumor: microsoft is going to release a more traditional os before win xp - some people think it is because of potential justice dept problems with xp -dave

[2001-07-26 09:14:00] - dave: So basically your theory of national defense is to keep the rest of the world scared stupid of our amazing offensive capability -paul

[2001-07-26 09:13:00] - another aside: aol and disney considering buying at&t broadband -dave

[2001-07-26 09:12:00] - paul: well if countries hate us more we should have a better way of suppressing them ;-) -dave

[2001-07-26 09:12:00] - paul: besides, it's not like we are spending a ton of money on making more anyways -dave

[2001-07-26 09:11:00] - paul: i have no idea whether we need as many as we have - but you can't just shoot one missile at each city. you have to shoot a bunch - because some will fail and some will be countered -dave

[2001-07-26 09:11:00] - dave: I don't think so, I think most countries in the world would rather fight the US because most countries hate us much more -paul

[2001-07-26 09:11:00] - just as a random comment: some isp's are cutting of people who are found sharing copyright files -dave

[2001-07-26 09:10:00] - dave: thousands of nukes for Russia? Russia may be big, but most of it is an ice cube. There are only one hundred (tops) major cities we would need to nuke to pretty much squash them -paul

[2001-07-26 09:10:00] - paul: but take a country and see whether they would fight switzerland vs the us - i bet they'd fight switzerland over the us -dave

[2001-07-26 09:09:00] - dave: I'm not saying our technology is making us trigger happy, I'm just pointing out that our military is no longer used for defense anymore -paul

[2001-07-26 09:09:00] - paul: we need so many beause russia is a big place - it has just as many too methinks -dave

[2001-07-26 09:08:00] - dave: No, it's not. Switzerland has always had an emphasis on a good defense and hasn't tried to meddle in anyone else's affairs. Guess how many wars they have been in or how many times they have been conquered -paul

[2001-07-26 09:08:00] - paul: but those actions have nothing to do with the technology we have - i think that'd be more of a manpower issue - meaning we don't need so many people -dave

[2001-07-26 09:07:00] - paul: i agree with you (sorta) on those counts - except maybe not iraq -dave

[2001-07-26 09:07:00] - dave: Dammit dave, we have thousands of nukes. Why in god's name do we need that many for a defense ? -paul

[2001-07-26 09:07:00] - paul: i know it is the dept of defense - i'm just saying that it is impossible to have a good defense without an offense as well -dave

[2001-07-26 09:07:00] - dave: What do you call Kosovo? Iraq? Somalia? Bosnia? -paul

[2001-07-26 09:06:00] - paul: it's the entire nuclear missile thing. if we have enough to hurt you, then you won't launch at us -dave

[2001-07-26 09:05:00] - dave: I'm not saying the military is too advanced, I'm saying it's purpose is wrong. It is called the department of defense not the department of bigger is better to scare people -paul

[2001-07-26 09:05:00] - paul: we're not trying to bully them around, we're trying to look intimidating enough so that they don't attack us -dave

[2001-07-26 09:05:00] - paul: no, my idea defense is well-rounded.  i think you are coming from a more ideal defense perspective.  -dave

[2001-07-26 09:04:00] - dave: Exactly why do we need "leverage" if we're not going to try to bully other countries around? -paul

[2001-07-26 09:04:00] - paul: i agree with you, that the military we have today may be too advanced or too large for our purposes, but i don't think it is half as far off as you seem to think -dave

[2001-07-26 09:04:00] - dave: See, the problem is that your idea of a "defense" is the ability to intimidate other countries with our massive offense. I don't want that. I just want a true defense which defends us, not tries to scare others -paul

[2001-07-26 09:03:00] - paul: once you are no longer the guy with the biggest stick, you lose immeasurable leverage. -dave

[2001-07-26 09:02:00] - paul: no i understand it, i just don't think you understand how much of the us's defense is depending on having enough technology so that other people don't want to attack us -dave

[2001-07-26 09:01:00] - paul: yup, sure is -dave

[2001-07-26 09:00:00] - dave: and I don't think you understand my point enough, I don't want the United States to have a huge assed offensive force whose purpose is to bully the rest of the world -paul

[2001-07-26 09:00:00] - paul: or comparing a carrier to a cruiser or destroyer -dave

[2001-07-26 09:00:00] - dave: Oh, I see. Very important functions to perform for a defense force -paul

[2001-07-26 09:00:00] - paul: i dont' think you understand the military enough - comparing the f22 to the jsf is like comparing the f16 to the harrier. -dave

[2001-07-26 08:59:00] - capabilities of the jsf are very different.  it has vertical takeoff and land capabilities, like the carrier. this gears it more towards navy and insertion missions -dave

[2001-07-26 08:57:00] - paul: another example: raytheon has given the company i work for 1 million to fly a missile type structure.  this thing is just for their proposal, not even for the contract which is also a multibillion dollar contract -dave

[2001-07-26 08:56:00] - dave: And we need the JSF why? To replace our brand-spanking new F-22? -paul

[2001-07-26 08:54:00] - paul: the $200 billion is over several years, but it is also only one piece of equipment, albeit an expensive one. -dave

[2001-07-26 08:52:00] - aba: i think the problem with nuclear power is nuclear waste, not meltdowns. -dave

[2001-07-26 08:51:00] - aba: according to the french at work here, about 60-70% of power in france is nuclear. to my knowledge there have been no major meltdowns -dave

[2001-07-26 08:51:00] - paul: the jsf (joint strike fighter) contract is worth $200 billion. don't you think it would be kinda hard to requision new equipment like this on a $100 billion budget? -dave

[2001-07-26 08:46:00] - that would have been a funnier coincidence if we both wrote about dreams the same day people we knew had babies - vinnie

[2001-07-26 08:45:00] - paul: don't worry, i'm not sure i would have enjoyed the movie :D - vinnie

[2001-07-26 08:41:00] - vinnie:  sunday morning.  exact time i woke up to tell my mom about my dream.  it was freaky.  -  aba

[2001-07-26 08:26:00] - vinnie: Sorry I didn't send out an email about it, I figured everyone who wanted to see the movie would know (most poeple already saw it or didn't want to see it) -paul

[2001-07-26 08:20:00] - gah, i missed out on seeing a movie i kinda wanted to see. serves me right for not reading the board for a day - vinnie

[2001-07-26 08:12:00] - aba: what day did that baby come? one of the people I work with at dyncorp just had her baby yesterday at 7:59 AM - vinnie

[2001-07-26 00:53:00] - ng aol but that is one of the most hypocritical statements i have ever seen microsoft make. - mig

[2001-07-26 00:53:00] - "AOL's actions are unprecedented and completely anti-consumer," said Microsoft spokesman Vivek Varma. "AOL is paying [computer makers] to eliminate consumer choice, forcing people to select the most expensive service in the industry." i'm not defendi

[2001-07-26 00:43:00] - all fine until someone registers - mig

[2001-07-25 23:57:00] - how is the washington post getting internal aol documents?  ~a

[2001-07-25 23:44:00] - i got an "arbitron ratings" "your personal radio ratings dairy" today.  i get paid $4 to represent tens of thousands of people.  this fucking rocks.  ~a

[2001-07-25 23:17:00] - hmmm... just another reason not to get xp... - mig

[2001-07-25 23:06:00] - AOL vs Microsoft, the battle intensifies... -paul

[2001-07-25 22:37:00] - will be up soon. - mig

[2001-07-25 17:28:00] - all this brown is making me think of chocolate.  luckily i am going home!  and there is chocolate at home!  yayayayayayayayayayay!  :-p  -  aba

[2001-07-25 17:07:00] -

[2001-07-25 16:59:00] - were you referring to my dream or vinnies dream?  -  aba

[2001-07-25 16:59:00] -,1597,303149-412,00.shtml

[2001-07-25 16:55:00] - hehe.  funny dream.  ~a

[2001-07-25 15:55:00] - anyway, back to photocopying.  :(  -  aba

[2001-07-25 15:55:00] -    i liked this one the best.  :)  -  aba

[2001-07-25 15:49:00] - Hehehehe, I like this toy the best -paul

[2001-07-25 15:44:00] - woo!  im number one!!!  -  aba

[2001-07-25 15:44:00] -    toys of the san diego comic con.  -  aba

[2001-07-25 15:37:00] - agreed.  there are definitely better ways to insult people. - mig

[2001-07-25 15:32:00] - it would have been more effective if they had, say, taken a pile of dog poop and named it "bush".  - wolf

[2001-07-25 15:31:00] -

[2001-07-25 15:25:00] - I still think an Elephant would be better. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-25 15:23:00] - yeah, but the demos have the senate advantage. - mig

[2001-07-25 15:22:00] - xpovos: No, don't you get it? Bush is an "ass" and so is a donkey. -paul

[2001-07-25 15:21:00] - Wouldn't it have made more sense to use and elephant, seeing as Bush is a Republican? -- Xpovos

[2001-07-25 15:11:00] - oh, i found some more wonderful pictures.  this one is very amusing.  somewhat ironic as well. - mig

[2001-07-25 15:10:00] - Just kidding to everyone out there who can't tell... ;-) -paul

[2001-07-25 15:09:00] - mig: Well, it did say that they were leftist activists and you know how little sense they make =-O -paul

[2001-07-25 15:06:00] - i'd be flattered if someone name their pet after me. - mig

[2001-07-25 15:05:00] - what i find pretty amusing though is that they think that naming a cat bush is somehow insulting... - mig

[2001-07-25 15:04:00] - anyway, off to complete the utterly glamorous job of photocopying a 6 inch thick stack of paper.  woo.  -  aba

[2001-07-25 15:00:00] - In all likely-hood the Bush girls named the cat when they were younger, so this is even more of a moot point. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-25 14:58:00] - youre showing respect by naming your daughter virginia.  you thinks its cute when you name your cat india.  im not defending the protests, im just saying your mockery had a fatal flaw.  -  aba

[2001-07-25 14:57:00] - aba: Do you think there is something wrong with naming a cat India? -paul

[2001-07-25 14:56:00] - aba:  and that is??? - mig

[2001-07-25 14:56:00] - mig: Hey! My mom's friend (and her daughter) are both named Virginia. Don't make me uh.. Get a cat and name it Virginia! -paul

[2001-07-25 14:55:00] - paul:  no, not that i know of.  i didnt realize that they were indian at first though.  i just saw the cat with the sign around its neck.  -  aba

[2001-07-25 14:54:00] - eh, difference between naming your daughter virginia and your cat india.  -  aba

[2001-07-25 14:54:00] - aba: HAHAHAHAHA! I didn't think of that. I doubt that particular word for a cat has the same double meaning in Hindi (Language for India, right?) though -paul

[2001-07-25 14:53:00] - ... in other news, virginians are now protesting against anyone who names their daughter "virginia" because it is an obvious insult to anyone who lives in virginia. - mig

[2001-07-25 14:53:00] - paul:  true, it is.  i was just paying more attention to the caption below it. - mig

[2001-07-25 14:52:00] - when i first saw the picture i thought they were trying to say that bush was a pussy or something like that.  ;)  -  aba

[2001-07-25 14:51:00] - paul:  ok then.  i am going to email adrian about it.  meet at 7:10 at merrifield to see the 7:30 showing of jp3.  -  aba

[2001-07-25 14:51:00] - mig: I just thought the picture of a cat with a name-tag of Bush was hilarious. The poor cat must have been confused as hell -paul

[2001-07-25 14:47:00] - paul:  that is quite possibly the stupidest reason for a protest i have ever heard of. - mig

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