here are old message board entries

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[2001-07-31 11:32:00] - what is so evil about cupid stunt, anyway? - mig

[2001-07-31 11:31:00] - i find it very hard to believe that they would actually have problem changing one person's name. - mig

[2001-07-31 11:31:00] - bah, if they found his name through the database, they should be able to change it easily. - mig

[2001-07-31 11:22:00] - mig: the rumour is is that to change his name is a huge hassle - wading through their database and such -dave

[2001-07-31 11:11:00] - Article about a possible media blitz by Mark Warner in Virginia -paul

[2001-07-31 11:03:00] -,1551,45695,00.html apparently microsoft can't handle playing fair, so they've changed the rules again. - mig

[2001-07-31 10:54:00] - dave:  why didn't they just let him change his name.  just deleting his char like that seems very harsh. - mig

[2001-07-31 10:50:00] - - dewey

[2001-07-31 10:45:00] - dewey:  ill be there if im free though someone asked me to do something with them earlier, so it doesnt look too good.  :-\  -  aba

[2001-07-31 10:44:00] -    an interesting take on teh whole missile defense thing.  -  aba

[2001-07-31 10:19:00] - would alcohol increase or decrease the patronage? - dewey

[2001-07-31 10:14:00] - That's interesting... I see what the doctors mean, though, about being in an awkward position - aaron

[2001-07-31 10:07:00] -    go canada!    -  aba

[2001-07-31 09:53:00] - dewey: It depends on a few things... -paul

[2001-07-31 09:52:00] - "He's got love on His face, full of God's grace, Spreading God's love all over the place!" - aaron

[2001-07-31 09:52:00] - vinnie: Ha ha ha, this "re-versed" lyrics site has some really funny lyrics! - aaron

[2001-07-31 09:49:00] - dewey: i would come, but we're moving my sister to philadelphia this coming saturday :-( -dave

[2001-07-31 09:48:00] - aaron: yeah, you'd better be careful ;-) -dave

[2001-07-31 09:44:00] - Sorry, already told my mom I would go to kings dominion with her this saturday - aaron

[2001-07-31 09:42:00] - Hm... Just curious:  Who wants to come to my place for a party Saturday evening? - dewey

[2001-07-31 09:20:00] - dave: I was wondering about what would happen if I managed to come up with an obscure pornographic license plate, and they didn't discover it until years later... I guess this is a bad sign, then - aaron

[2001-07-31 09:04:00] - I like this article. It does a good job of defending those in favor of reduced government -paul

[2001-07-31 08:59:00] -,2933,30698,00.html United States may boycott UN Racism conference -paul

[2001-07-31 08:34:00] - a staff member of a popular ac site had this to say: "However, I do not buy into the innocent victim stuff. Sorry. Its likely the ignorant American farmboy in me, but I just don't buy it. And my cousin Nucken Futz agrees" -dave

[2001-07-31 08:33:00] - it is his only character, and it takes around a year or more of playing to get a character that high -dave

[2001-07-31 08:32:00] - people in charge of asheron's call are deleting a lvl 79 char named cupid stunt.  they informed him they were deleting his char even though he had gotten the name approved by a microsoft rep. -dave

[2001-07-31 00:15:00] - the bug fix requires me to change source code.  :-)  ~a

[2001-07-31 00:14:00] - miguel, the reason it is taking me so long is it took me three days to find a reported bug (on in my version.  ~a

[2001-07-30 22:52:00] -

[2001-07-30 22:51:00] - mig: i can survive with pretty much any text editor i suppose, of course the biggest advantage of using a text editor is simply saving time. -jdb

[2001-07-30 22:45:00] - jdb:  what text editor i use isn't very important to me.  all i need to do is just type-save-exit, and pico suffices for doing that easily. - mig

[2001-07-30 22:39:00] - mig: i prefer vi for majority of my editing, i prefer emacs-mode for my command line though. :-D -jdb

[2001-07-30 22:37:00] - so how do we get php working adrian? - mig

[2001-07-30 22:35:00] - andrew, what distribution?  ~a

[2001-07-30 22:32:00] - i dislike emacs.  i don't like it's gui at all. - mig

[2001-07-30 22:30:00] - i really dislike those damn things, but they are helpful i guess. - mig

[2001-07-30 22:27:00] - joe joe joe!

[2001-07-30 22:25:00] - ~a

[2001-07-30 22:25:00] - what is xml and where can i / should i learn it?

[2001-07-30 22:23:00] - xpovos: pico has more functionality than windows notepad, but neither one can do as much as a real editor like vi or emacs. -jdb

[2001-07-30 22:09:00] - mig: never used pico, Win NotePad is good, except for the memory limit.  But I'm using Windows less and less these days. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-30 21:12:00] -      send your name to mars  -  aba

[2001-07-30 17:50:00] - "To me vi is Zen. To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated. You discover truth everytime you use it."

[2001-07-30 17:38:00] - yuck, pico is evil. ;-) -jdb

[2001-07-30 17:32:00] - it does have a search function of its own though.  i don't know if it can handle regexp. - mig

[2001-07-30 17:32:00] - .. and if i ever do need i just run sed or grep from the command line. - mig

[2001-07-30 17:30:00] - unsure. i only use them rarely, so it's not so much an issue for me. - mig

[2001-07-30 17:18:00] - does pico even have regular expressions?  ~a

[2001-07-30 17:05:00] - do we all remember the "this document is too large for notepad, would you like to open wordpad instead?" dialog box? - mig

[2001-07-30 16:50:00] - win2k notepad is good, but not 95/98/ME.  stupid text memory limit. - mig

[2001-07-30 16:41:00] - and as everyone probably knows, i only eat the green lime skittles.  :-p  -  aba

[2001-07-30 16:40:00] - and i have to vote for notepad as most reliable text editor.  :)  -  aba

[2001-07-30 16:40:00] -  good arianna huffington article on the current state of consumer rights.  -  aba

[2001-07-30 16:29:00] - xpovos:  what about pico? - mig

[2001-07-30 15:58:00] - I like green apple over lime as well - aaron

[2001-07-30 15:57:00] - and incidentally, i prefer green apple to lime. sorry :( - vinnie

[2001-07-30 15:56:00] - they're probably still have lime in one of their many skittles varieties. just not in original or sour - vinnie

[2001-07-30 15:55:00] - the saddest thing is that he really does do stuff like that. he marked his entire route on his trip through dc - vinnie

[2001-07-30 15:55:00] - vinnie: and click on "green apple madness" - mig

[2001-07-30 15:54:00] - vinnie:  i care because lime is my favorite skittle. - mig

[2001-07-30 15:54:00] - dewey: have you visited schumin's site and read his writing? if you haven't, it might be hard to appreciate the parody - vinnie

[2001-07-30 15:53:00] - vi can be annoying. i've unwittingly deleted a lot of stuff from weird commands like dd. takes some getting used to - vinnie

[2001-07-30 15:52:00] - mig: first, where is this skittles poll, and second, why does the color matter? skittles have done so many different flavors, a new one hardly matters anymore - vinnie

[2001-07-30 15:49:00] - 'Cause vi won't delete what I'm typing in. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-30 15:48:00] - Ha, VI? Come on, Word 2000 is so much bigger... Why would I waste my time with such a puny program like vi - aaron

[2001-07-30 15:44:00] - *shudder* henceforth all my document creation shall be done in Vi.  -- Xpovos

[2001-07-30 15:31:00] - So things like "dont" and "abotu" just get erased, even typing "..." results in no punctuation getting created whatsoever... I don't know if I can live without ellipses... - aaron

[2001-07-30 15:30:00] - Well this is a nightmare. Instead of autocorrecting, Word is now auto-erasing everything which it doesn't like, in this document I am trying to create - aaron

[2001-07-30 14:47:00] - vinnie: good schumin article.  very humerous too. :)  I liked the idea of him showing his route from the parking lot to the entrance. - dewey

[2001-07-30 14:36:00] - fortunately i just looked at their web page and they have a poll on which to keep, and lime is winning by about 2 to 1. - mig

[2001-07-30 14:27:00] - mig: hehe, i agree. lime is better than green apple -dave

[2001-07-30 14:16:00] - arg!  skittles has replaced lime with green apple!  urgh, what fuckers! - mig

[2001-07-30 14:04:00] - i can wait. - mig

[2001-07-30 14:04:00] - oh oops, didn't see last post. - mig

[2001-07-30 14:04:00] - so, exactly how will we be able to get php docs working? - mig

[2001-07-30 14:00:00] - this is the first month since january that we haven't had a high day ( )  ~a

[2001-07-30 13:48:00] - dave, you forgot ttf.  i wonder why everybody likes three letter acronyms.  ~a

[2001-07-30 13:25:00] - pretty interesting.  - mig

[2001-07-30 13:13:00] - a: enough acronyms? php, png, ssl, ssh.... :-) -dave

[2001-07-30 13:09:00] -    cybersex gone wrong.  :-p

[2001-07-30 13:05:00] -    carnivore scares me.  -  aba

[2001-07-30 12:58:00] - if you look him up on imdb his name has an added alias (aka Arnold Strong).  haha! - mig

[2001-07-30 12:52:00] - i got png working with php so the curvey edge is back.  however, i still need to get ttf working so the mboard.png picture in the top right corner is working and i need to get apache ssl working so people can get their ssh passwords.  ~a

[2001-07-30 12:46:00] - "Uplinks.. Underground.. If you guys don't shut up.. I'm going to Uplink your ass, and you'll be underground!" ... Ha ha ha! - aaron

[2001-07-30 12:45:00] - A big list of Arnold Schwarzenegger's one-liners - aaron

[2001-07-30 12:28:00] - either way, its good to see the 2 fighting.  maybe they'll destroy each other. - mig

[2001-07-30 12:24:00] - now microsoft has to actually compete to get its stuff on the desktop.  imagine that. - mig

[2001-07-30 12:22:00] - if microsoft wanted, they could offer an equal or greater amount of money in order to get their stuff ahead of aol's. - mig

[2001-07-30 12:18:00] - aol is paying(or bribing perhaps) computer manufacters to include their stuff ahead of microsoft's.  they aren't forcing them to. - mig

[2001-07-30 12:08:00] -  mathematical proof on how to optimize the chances of getting a good wife.  -  aba

[2001-07-30 12:05:00] - ""The stuff AOL is doing now is unbelievably egregious. They're trying to get personal computer companies to delete features of Windows and not let people have the choice of using our software" that statement isn't entirely truthful. - mig

[2001-07-30 12:03:00] - miguel, yes, php is installed on the server.  however, you have to use cgi (not modphp).  i'll make a post about how to do it some time tonight.  ok?  ~a

[2001-07-30 11:59:00] -

[2001-07-30 11:29:00] - paul: and my question is, how long do you think that transition period would have to be? -dave

[2001-07-30 11:29:00] - dave: Hard to say, let me think about it a bit. I gotta go though. Sorry. Ttyl -paul

[2001-07-30 11:29:00] - ...going to mess with them. -dave

[2001-07-30 11:29:00] - paul: since your ideal model depends somewhat on other nations leaving us alone, i think you'd have to put in a transition period where you cut back some offensive power, but also kept some until other countries truly believed we weren't going... -da

[2001-07-30 11:27:00] - paul: taking into account the amount of time to change other countries' perspectives of us as well. -dave

[2001-07-30 11:26:00] - paul: yeah, assuming the govt wanted to make the change -dave

[2001-07-30 11:19:00] - dave: Hard to give an answer for that. Are you assuming there is no political opposition to such a transition? -paul

[2001-07-30 11:18:00] - illegal to wiretap a keyboard?  i think it should be. - mig

[2001-07-30 11:15:00] - probably whenever we get a libertarian president. - mig

[2001-07-30 11:14:00] - paul: in a similar vein, how long, and how hard would it be to transition from our current military standing to your ideal military model? -dave

[2001-07-30 11:14:00] - paul: ok, thanks. that's what i wanted to know. -dave

[2001-07-30 11:12:00] - hey adrian, do you have apache set up to allow php? - mig

[2001-07-30 11:11:00] - dave: If you mean based on our current military position and strategy, then yes, we certainly need these warheads. How else can we maintain our advantage in striking fear in the hearts of people? -paul

[2001-07-30 10:58:00] - paul: ok. but my question is more like, in the position that our military is in right now, should we develop these warheads? -dave

[2001-07-30 10:54:00] - dave: I'm not entirely sure we would necessarily need these bunker busting warheads in my "ideal" military although the reasons why are rather complex and not suited to message board discussion -paul

[2001-07-30 09:21:00] - at least they got the first syllable correct.  ~a

[2001-07-30 09:14:00] - they have a whole song devoted to getting the pronunciation right :) - vinnie

[2001-07-30 09:14:00] - "pronounced RAHM-shteen"? ugh - vinnie

[2001-07-30 09:08:00] - i think it took about twenty seconds to load, and i'm at work - vinnie

[2001-07-30 09:08:00] - dewey: jeez, your page is slow loading. you need way less graphics. have you considered changing the graphical menu to a normal one, or alternatively, making the mouseover images only the buttons and not the whole text?  - vinnie

[2001-07-30 08:59:00] - yeah, my connection isn't that great with the cable modem.  It has slow upload speeds... :-( - dewey

[2001-07-30 08:47:00] - dewey:  your page takes way way way too long to load on a modem.  too many graphics!  but at least it made me realize i need to leave for work.  :)  -  aba

[2001-07-30 08:43:00] -    washpost article on rammstein.  not too bad, but could have been better.  he has the wrong pronunciation down.  :-\  -  aba

[2001-07-30 08:41:00] - paul: incidentally, they are designing the bunker busting warheads -dave

[2001-07-30 08:40:00] - Drumroll please.........  Let me know what you think. - dewey

[2001-07-30 08:35:00] - retaliation! - dewey

[2001-07-30 08:30:00] - do you let the potential of a "crippling attack on the us without retaliation" exist? -dave

[2001-07-30 08:29:00] - paul: is this a threat to the us? i know that in your idealized model, russia, china, and everyone else wouldn't attack the us because they wouldn't be mad at us, but what do you do in the transition phase? -dave

[2001-07-30 08:28:00] - the article states that these bunkers allow the possible use of nuclear or chemical weapons by these countires with a much reduced fear of retaliation -dave

[2001-07-30 08:27:00] - paul: the article talks about russia, china, and maybe other countries having these bunkers which it seems current us (nuclear or otherwise) missiles cannot reach -dave

[2001-07-30 08:26:00] - paul: do you think building "bunker busting" warheads fits into your "defensive" military? -dave

[2001-07-30 08:25:00] - article on nuclear weapons, where the us and russia are going: -dave

[2001-07-29 14:01:00] - Interesting article about relations between China and Russia -paul

[2001-07-29 13:25:00] - aparna is.  ~a

[2001-07-29 12:42:00] - is anyone else having problems with vt mail? - mig

[2001-07-29 12:30:00] -

[2001-07-29 11:47:00] - Interesting article about the Republican Party in Virginia -paul

[2001-07-29 09:36:00] - so little traffic these days.  ~a

[2001-07-29 01:19:00] - and i still don't have ttf or png with modphp working so the two images above are going to be broken till i fix that.  ~a

[2001-07-29 01:18:00] - i dropped back from apache 1.3.20 to 1.3.19 because i am trying to get openssl apache to work.  i don't have it working yet.  ~a

[2001-07-28 22:15:00] -

[2001-07-28 21:39:00] - a: Vinnie updated his journal yesterday -paul

[2001-07-28 21:34:00] - 98 rock was totally dissing marilyn manson today.  this girl really wanted to hear the beautiful people and the dj was really making fun of her.  she then really kindly asked for the dope show and he made fun of her some more.  cry.  :'(  ~a

[2001-07-28 19:59:00] - what's this?  no one has updated their journals in three days?  ~a

[2001-07-28 18:00:00] -,2933,30738,00.html

[2001-07-28 01:48:00] - essentially reducing my funds.  This won't have any impact on me, but it would have a profound impact on lower middle class families, particularly dual-income households. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-28 01:47:00] - wolf liscence is $15 for four years, I don't have a car either, same reason.  But if it expense were not an issue, I might have one, the fact is, my choice is limited by my funds.  What the treaty suggests is limiting my choice further by...-- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 23:44:00] - there are some really truly unprofound quotes in here.  i love it. - mig

[2001-07-27 23:43:00] - well, duh. of course there would be something to do... -jdb

[2001-07-27 23:12:00] - jdb: If they need my help... -paul

[2001-07-27 22:41:00] - paul: so will you be helping campaign for him this fall at tech? -jdb

[2001-07-27 21:27:00] - @@@/arbitron.html  ~a

[2001-07-27 20:17:00] - Redpath needs volunteers in his run for Virginia Governor -paul

[2001-07-27 20:11:00] - i smell another protect the children bullshit campaign.  well horray. - mig

[2001-07-27 17:58:00] - er... i meant "more or less expensive". - wolf

[2001-07-27 17:57:00] - does anyone know if a monorail system would be more or less cheap than an underground rail system? i would think it'd be cheaper, but i don't know for sure. - wolf

[2001-07-27 17:55:00] - re: transportation... i don't have a car or license (both are too expensive) and i've found public transportation to be more than satisfactory.  and my life isn't scheduled to the nth degree, either. - wolf

[2001-07-27 17:25:00] -

[2001-07-27 16:37:00] - hey, you used the scharfes s over the double s! good for you! - vinnie

[2001-07-27 16:30:00] - I'm afraid I'll have to stop congenially discussing things, gotta get ready for tonight's activities.  Tchuß. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 16:17:00] - paul: they're just "congenially discussing the pros and cons of the effects of raising gas prices." :-d -dave

[2001-07-27 16:16:00] - aba: i'm not sure about everything xpovos said, but he's right that you are taking people's choices away when you raise the prices of things. that's true in general, not just to this specific application -dave

[2001-07-27 16:12:00] - Guys, when I said "have a fun catfight" I was kidding... -paul

[2001-07-27 16:05:00] - fuck you dmca, and fuck you adobe. - mig

[2001-07-27 16:01:00] - And then, even if you've done that, you must look at the figures and see if you are actually putting out less fumes than before. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:59:00] - I dare you to actually design a system cheap enough for even the poor to use that goes everywhere personal transport does, often enough so that people can use it reliably and not go into finacial trouble -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:57:00] - The busses in Blacksburg are good, but they are heavily subsidised and they still would not work for the situation you are talking about -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:57:00] - robbed them of their choice. -- xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:56:00] - aba: the only way your public transportation scheme could even come close to working is if people scheduled their lives to the nth degree.  first most people aren't smart enough to do that, second even if they did you have just very effectively...

[2001-07-27 15:56:00] - oh, please, the buses in blacksburg are great.  they run every 10-15 minutes.  and ive taken the train all over the new england area on my own with luggage.  stop talking about how much public transportation sucks because it really doesnt.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:54:00] - aba: I mean, in order to be that good I'd have to have a bus going to the grocery store every five minutes.  That's just not going to work.  And heaven forbid thoughts about long trips with lots of luggage -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:53:00] - aba: public transportation can never be that good. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:53:00] - aba: none of these things has anything to do with the economy as a whole, these are the reasons, though, why the economy as a whole would suffer if the Treaty were passed. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:51:00] - or maybe, the public transportation system will become so good that nobody will need personal transportation!  we can make as many maybes as you like andrew.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:50:00] - aba: now they can't work overtime because they have to catch the last bus home, or maybe now they get less time with their family. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:48:00] - aba: and you would be taking people's choices away, particularly the low-income people who can't afford to pay the premiums.  Those people now have to shape their lives around public transport. -- xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:47:00] - aba: the reason it hasn't is that it's fiscially unviable. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:45:00] - in fact in the mid west right now, use of ethanol as fuel is pretty wide spread.  its too bad that it hasnt caught on anywhere else.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:45:00] - except i wouldnt be taking peoples choices away.  just because cars and gas would be more expensive wouldnt mean that people couldnt use them.  plus after sometime a viable fuel alternative (ethanol, solar, etc, etc) would come about.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:40:00] - a: I'm getting some weird glitches with my posts recently, that's twice now my posts have been doubled, or tried to double. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:39:00] - aba: why not allow people all choices? I could just say, sure I'm pro-choice too, you have the choice to carry the baby to term and keep him for yourself, or to put him up for adoption. Different choices.  -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:39:00] - aba: why not allow people all choices? I could just say, sure I'm pro-choice too, you have the choice to carry t

[2001-07-27 15:39:00] - aba: hehe, i wish you could see that phrase from someone else's point of view :-) -dave

[2001-07-27 15:39:00] - xpovos: careful, stop while you're ahead :-) -dave

[2001-07-27 15:38:00] - choice wont be taken away.  itll just be a set of slightly different choices.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:36:00] - aba: you're pro-choice, so why are you so insisten on taking away people's choices on so many issues? -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:35:00] - yeah, katie, you should hang out with us sometime.  were all pretty dorky and i get sick of being the only girl most of the time.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:34:00] - ok, so prices for cars and gasoline go up?  who cares?  maybe then people will be more interested in public transportation and car pooling?  there is always a choice.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:30:00] - wolf: i'm sorry you don't like va tech.  you should come hang with us - us social abnormals should stick together -dave

[2001-07-27 15:29:00] - aba: like personal transport, commuting to and from work, the effects of the kyoto treaty are not immediatly felt on the economy, they're felt as yet more regulations on peoples lives. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:25:00] - like what?  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:24:00] - aba: I never said anything about the economy, fuck the economy.  The kyoto treaty would have devestated far more than the economy. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:22:00] - aba: heehee, methinks you haven't been reading the news about the economy -dave

[2001-07-27 15:22:00] - a recent thread at the lurkerlounge turned into a "why we hate virginia tech" discussion - - wolf

[2001-07-27 15:19:00] - signing the protocol wouldnt have raped the economy like you have said that it would.  the us economy is very robust.  *shrug*    -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:19:00] - aba: i think andrew is saying that just because you want to foster good public relations, you don't give up things that are very important to you - ie your wife -dav

[2001-07-27 15:18:00] - It's a very friendly gesture, please, fuck my wife, it'll distress me, and her both, but it'll make you happy. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:18:00] - aba: he didn't ignore it. he just saw that it would be too harmful to the us economy to outweigh the benefits. that's why he's trying hard to show everyone he's for solving global warming -dave

[2001-07-27 15:16:00] - uh, that made no sense andrew.  at least not to me.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:16:00] - when it comes to the environment and other causes usually favored by democrats, bush makes massive cuts on one side and then touts the small increases he makes elsewhere.  diverting attention is a very classic strategy of a politician.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:16:00] - apa: it was good for international relations the same way an ambassador presenting his wife to a foreigner would be good for public relations. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:14:00] - its a good start.  it was good for internation relations, plus it gave a launching point to a seriously environmentally friendly coalition of nations.  bush ignored all of that in choosing not to sign.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:13:00] - almost as if he wanted to make sure everyone knew he wasn't against solving global warming but just against the treaty... -dave

[2001-07-27 15:13:00] - aba: well, i read a bunch of stuff in the post that said he wanted to increase spending for global warming analysis / help and called special meetings to talk about what could be done right after they refused to sign kyoto - almost as if he... -dave

[2001-07-27 15:13:00] - aba: from what I can see is that bush didn't sign the treaty because it's very unfriendly to any developed nation while doing nothing to really reduce overall emissions. -- Xpovos

[2001-07-27 15:13:00] - oh, no fair.  i cant believe hes going home at 3:15!  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:12:00] - gore was a smart guy when it came to the environment.  his book "earth in the balance" was really well written.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:12:00] - Well, my boss told me I can go home early so I am off. Have a fun catfight boys and girls :-P -paul

[2001-07-27 15:12:00] - i wonder, how many other times have presidents gone against a unanimous congressional opinion? -dave

[2001-07-27 15:11:00] - bush didnt want to sign the protocol because having a good economy now would stroke his ego more than having a good environment later.  thats the way it appears to me at least.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 15:11:00] - paul: gore -dave

[2001-07-27 15:10:00] - dave: Gore or the senators? -paul

[2001-07-27 15:09:00] - paul: maybe that's what aparna means when she says that politicians should stand up for what they think -dave

[2001-07-27 15:08:00] - "it" being the article that pointed that fact out -dave

[2001-07-27 15:05:00] - paul: hehe, yeah, i read it too - dave

[2001-07-27 15:03:00] - Interesting note: The Senate rejected the Kyoto Treaty 95-0 during the Clinton Administration and yet Gore signed it anyway... -paul

[2001-07-27 15:03:00] - aba: personally, comments like that tend to make me discount someone's points / arguments -dave

[2001-07-27 15:02:00] - aba: ok, now you're being irrational. you can't start throwing words like "egotistical" around and expect other people to listen very much -dave

[2001-07-27 15:01:00] - aba: that's just it though  - bush isn't saying that global warming isn't an issue. he's even said we should increase spending to help figure out what we should do. he just didn't support the kyoto treaty -dave

[2001-07-27 14:59:00] - all of the "good" things that the clinton administration did, the bush administration is undoing.  it makes me want to cry with frustration to see how egotistical they are being.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 14:58:00] - if you dont start environmental conservation efforts on at least a small level, then nothing will ever get done.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 14:57:00] - i dont think my mom supports the treaty in its current form (dont ask me what form shed support it in) but i do know that she hates george bush and his administration for ignoring that she thinks is the obvious.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 14:53:00] - aba: and that you had never said what your mom thought of the treaty, just that she thought global warming was a problem -dave

[2001-07-27 14:53:00] - aba: i'm just asking because it occurred to me that this entire time i have been making the mental jump that your mom would support the same position as you -dave

[2001-07-27 14:51:00] - paul: exactly -dave

[2001-07-27 14:46:00] - aba: I don't think anyone is saying that the economy is necessarily more important then the environment. I think most people are just still too skeptical regarding global warming to hurt they economy so that we might help the environment -paul

[2001-07-27 14:46:00] - aba: i've been kinda assuming it to this point, but does your mom support the kyoto treaty? does she think the little help it does is worth the blow to our economy? -dave

[2001-07-27 14:44:00] - aba: obviously bad scientists are ones who believe that we should sign the kyoto treaty ;-) -dave

[2001-07-27 14:26:00] - i trust my mothers opinion a lot more than i do some crank with a byline because she is well respected scientist in her field.  *shrug*  whatever.  i will bow to the might of the american machine.  the economy is god.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 14:25:00] - that's funny because of how revelatory the author makes it seem. how many people (parents included) did not know that porno is heavily traded on the net? - vinnie

[2001-07-27 14:25:00] - "they mostly say that it is divided half and half between scientists who think we are causing global warming and scientists who think we are not"  heh.  ask a journalist to define what a good scientist is.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 14:24:00] - its because they actually looked for "britney spears naked"  -  aba

[2001-07-27 14:16:00] - "a search for the music of the popular teen idol Britney Spears turned up several listings for sexually explicit material including photos and videos" No! Really? -paul

[2001-07-27 14:16:00] - Funny article -paul

[2001-07-27 14:16:00] - mig: it's a perfect long-term solution too.  just have to figure out the cold version :-) -dave

[2001-07-27 14:12:00] - innocent comment: i read an article that said if we define death as when brain-waves stop, then why not judge life as when brain-waves start? -dave

[2001-07-27 13:53:00] - at least for fission anyway.  unfortunately fusion power seems impossible to implement for the time being. - mig

[2001-07-27 13:52:00] - take nuclear power for instance.  it's great, it's cheap, and it's perfect for a short term solution.  but we'll get absolutely fucked if we end up depending on it completely. - mig

[2001-07-27 13:42:00] - paul: so you are in support of the kyoto treaty? or is it  just that you don't think that global warming is a  problem? -dave

[2001-07-27 13:41:00] - aba: i admit i could just be reading the articles from one side though -dave

[2001-07-27 13:40:00] - paul: yes i know, i was just trying to characterize what i thought the public thinks -dave

[2001-07-27 13:40:00] - aba: and from the articles in newspapers (best i can think of is the post), they mostly say that it is divided half and half between scientists who think we are causing global warming and scientists who think we are not -dave

[2001-07-27 13:39:00] - dave: I disagree, I think it's probably better to work on fixing long term problems now because if you are always concerned with short term problems then you will never get around to fixing the long term ones -paul

[2001-07-27 13:38:00] - aba: and i don't think it is that people don't think that global warming should be looked into - it's that people are more worried about the economy than the environment -dave

[2001-07-27 13:37:00] - was most -dave

[2001-07-27 13:37:00] - i wa most amused :-) -dave

[2001-07-27 13:37:00] - and i have a priceless quote from my french officemate: "You know...american women....they drive horribly!" -dave

[2001-07-27 13:36:00] - aba: and you could also say that it is much easier to take care of the economy first (which is short term) and the environment afterwards (which is long term) -dave

[2001-07-27 13:34:00] - aba: you could say just as well that the environment will bounce back but the economy may not -dave

[2001-07-27 13:34:00] - well, who knows.  the only thing i guess is certain is in a few hundred years or so, one side is going to give a big i told you so! to the other. - mig

[2001-07-27 13:19:00] - i think they are arguing that there isn't enough proof that the long term effects of global warming do have a potentential of being very bad at all.

[2001-07-27 13:17:00] - aba:  which is why i'm not too wild about nuclear power. - mig

[2001-07-27 13:16:00] - anyway, im going to go find some work to do now that ive eaten my lunch and fixed my blog.  bye.  -  aba

[2001-07-27 13:15:00] - aaron:  hey!  thats not a website!  thats an application!  -  aba

[2001-07-27 13:14:00] - dont you guys understand that the long term effects of global warming have a potential of being farfarfar worse than a stupid little dip in the economy????  the economy will bounce back, but the environment may not.  :-\  -  aba

[2001-07-27 13:11:00] - What is a witch's favorite web site? - aaron

[2001-07-27 13:08:00] - but the Koyoto Protocol would cost us so much money to prevent... what, a possible one degree rise in temperature?  - dewey

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