here are old message board entries
prev <->
2001-08-06 12:01:00] - could be interesting.
- dewey
2001-08-06 12:00:00] -
a: why don't you put a link on the left under your Search field for people to enter in a word that then goes to ? just a thought.
- dewey
2001-08-06 11:56:00] - hehe
- dewey
2001-08-06 11:08:00] -
paul: you were right: "Only Helms, Armor, Shields, and Weapons can be socketed"
2001-08-06 11:02:00] -
whoops, did i say recession? i meant "economic slowdown"
2001-08-06 11:01:00] -
jdb: our trade deficit has been going down though
one positive thing about the recession i suppose
2001-08-06 11:01:00] -
vinnie: you can only get 1 floor of each hall methinks - but they're all the same
2001-08-06 11:00:00] -
vinnie: try this -dave
2001-08-06 11:00:00] -
interesting... u.s. consumer debt is 6.5 trillion, u.s. federal debt is 5.8 trillion, u.s. corporate debt is 4.3 trillion.
2001-08-06 10:58:00] -
vinnie: i think you can see floorplans without being at tech. i could have sworn i did it
2001-08-06 10:49:00] - Controversial advertising in France
2001-08-06 10:45:00] - heehee. another funny tom tomorrow cartoon!
- aba
2001-08-06 10:44:00] -
aaron: ddr: ~a
2001-08-06 10:27:00] -
2001-08-06 10:22:00] -
a: i've had a few problems, but my connection isn't down as often as your web page is.
- mig
2001-08-06 10:20:00] - Fred on Star Trek and the adverse affect it has had on our culture
2001-08-06 10:19:00] -
yuck. who got into professionalism in computing? there is 58 people signed up for a 50 person class. how is that possible? i thought we couldn't force into the class until later.
2001-08-06 10:12:00] - *many
2001-08-06 10:12:00] - i think it was just a local problem; miguel didn't mention much problems either. i am hoping that staying more or less connected for the last two days is a sign that disconnections will not happen as much any more.
2001-08-06 10:11:00] -
nope. but i wrote a script that josh suggested on friday. the script pings my cox router every second and records if it could ping it or not. wouldn't you know it; as soon as i finish writing the script, cox decides to stop disconnecting me every other hour.
2001-08-06 10:09:00] -
a: and I usually ignore all people sending me email that my FTP is down.
- dewey
2001-08-06 10:09:00] -
a: we also use cox roadrunner at our house. I haven't noticed too much downtime. Of course I also don't have a message board running.
- dewey
2001-08-06 10:08:00] -
a: you said "stupid cox" did they give you a response to your email?
- dewey
2001-08-06 09:59:00] -
dewey, fine. i will take your suggestion. i didn't originally like it because link titles can be deceptive, but i really can't nor shouldn't try to stop people from being deceptive, right? thanks for the suggesion and i'll implement it when i fix the picture posting module.
2001-08-06 09:58:00] -
vinnie: try a vt proxy, such as -jdb
2001-08-06 09:44:00] -
vinnie: a map didn't come on the back of your housing sheet?
- dewey
2001-08-06 09:43:00] -
paul: did you watch this past saturday's? was pretty good!
2001-08-06 09:40:00] - is there any way to access vt building plans without being on campus? i went to and they said I can only access building plans if I have a vt ip. i just want to see where my room is
- vinnie
2001-08-06 09:31:00] -
a: My suggestion before is still my suggestion for your link problem- execute a program to get the HTML file pointed to by the link and pull out the title of the document. Then paste that into the Message board string so you don't display the url, just the title.
- dewey
2001-08-06 09:28:00] - Stossels specials to air on Saturday nights
2001-08-06 09:25:00] -
aba: i'm a left wing wacko ?!?!
2001-08-06 09:25:00] - work is too hectic
2001-08-06 09:25:00] -
aba: well sorry for being repetitive
i don't get to read the board much anymore.
2001-08-06 09:14:00] - hehehe. funny political quiz.
- aba
2001-08-06 09:08:00] - if this quote is true, he's a bigger idiot than any of us would have thought
- vinnie
2001-08-06 09:07:00] -
mig: i believe the fred durst quote in your journal is actually wrong. i read somewhere that he said his new cd was a mix of pantera and pink floyd's "off the wall", which of course is a michael jackson album
- vinnie
2001-08-06 09:01:00] -
dave: we already discussed that.
- aba
2001-08-06 08:06:00] - linux is no longer an option for dell customers, unless you are buying 50 or more pc's at once
2001-08-06 01:09:00] - "If I wasn't in this band, I wouldn't buy our new CD"-DJ Lethal of Limp Bizkit
2001-08-06 00:19:00] - since a few bands have come out with some covers this year, fred durst just
has to jump on the bandwagon also..
- mig
2001-08-06 00:13:00] - "a few french fries short of a happy meal." wow. never heard that used before. quite funny actually.
- mig
2001-08-05 23:55:00] - in regard to the smurfs, we might have cared in the 1950s...
- mig
2001-08-05 23:54:00] -
whatever. ~a
2001-08-05 23:49:00] -
2001-08-05 23:29:00] -
a: I was unsure about how my name fit into the statement. It seemed like you were saying that the militant anti-feminists had brainwashed me into their illogical legions
2001-08-05 23:15:00] - i don't understand why you thought i might be grouping you together with "militant anti-feminists."
2001-08-05 23:10:00] - i disagree with them and yes, they were written in an odd fashion. i don't know why you are confused by the mention of your name. did it not make any sense?
2001-08-05 23:10:00] -
a: Were you insulting me or my outlandish views on feminism? Was I being grouped together with these militant anti-feminists? Were those statements directed at me?
2001-08-05 23:08:00] -
a: Were you making fun of those articles because you disagree with them or just because they were written in an odd fashion? Furthermore, I am confused by the mention of my name.
2001-08-05 23:06:00] -
a: I'm a bit confused by what you were trying to get across before. I understand your statements were a parody of those articles but I don't know what point you were trying to make
2001-08-05 23:03:00] - was that from office space?
2001-08-05 22:58:00] - I beseech you, almighty Compaq Presario, release my quarterly spreadsheet from the printer queue!
- aaron
2001-08-05 22:58:00] - Pretty funny site covering everything a temp needs to know about fitness... I liked the bottom entry, with the faceless stretching people
- aaron
2001-08-05 22:27:00] - and i don't know how to fix it.
2001-08-05 22:26:00] -
man, that post was really annoying. i shortened it, but it is still really annoying. urls often have long strings without delimeters like that last post
2001-08-05 22:23:00] - here is an example: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (shortened)
2001-08-05 22:22:00] - i'm still playing around with that "feature." i don't really know how i want to deal with it, i just know i do want to deal with it. you see, when there are long strings of no spaces or word delimiters, things don't get wrapped. does anyone have a suggestion on how to go about fixing that?
2001-08-05 21:41:00] -
a: What's with all of these random spaces in URLs? Is this some bizarre new feature which I don't understand?
- aaron
2001-08-05 19:50:00] - paul has almost 5000 messages! yay paul!
2001-08-05 18:29:00] - ms passport is bad!
- mig
2001-08-05 18:21:00] - seems innocnet enough at first, but there is just way too much potential for abuse of this new xp "feature"
- mig
2001-08-05 17:51:00] - haha. the funny things that google searches can turn up.
- aba
2001-08-05 14:53:00] -
sorry, don't agree with the dui article. why don't we let people drive their cars on sidewalks? c'mon, as long as they don't run over some one why can't we let them then?
- mig
2001-08-04 20:14:00] -
2001-08-04 18:08:00] - stupid cox.
2001-08-04 17:52:00] - i'm done.
2001-08-04 17:51:00] - the truth, plain as fred's dumb phrases on a web page, is that anti-feminists are a hate group that are (unlike radical feminists; unless radical feminists rape men) guilty of what they accuse.
2001-08-04 17:51:00] - usually i would assume this to be a joke, but considering fred's totally idiotic style, i can't tell if "Six out of every four men molest their children" is a joke or a mistake. or maybe fred doesn't know that six is more than four?
2001-08-04 17:51:00] - "these fantasies rely on battered-women studies, usually written by academic feminists." i am being serious: that is the same argument i heard to why gay parents should not raise children. the argument went something like "all the studies that say homosexual parents do as good of a job raising children as heterosexual parents are written by academic homosexuals."
2001-08-04 17:49:00] - ever notice how these radical anti-feminists are either butt-ugly or homophobic? or both in fred's case?
2001-08-04 17:47:00] - somehow radical anti-femanists have created a nightmare world that doesn't exist and made men, or a few men men like paul believe they live in it. this world is full of women hollering about how men are always battering women.
2001-08-04 16:47:00] -
2001-08-04 16:45:00] -
2001-08-04 16:45:00] -
2001-08-04 08:10:00] - pic
2001-08-04 04:01:00] - i just started my 41st character on useast this morning
there's pretty much nothing left for me to do but enjoy the social aspect of the game
- wolf
2001-08-04 03:57:00] - we do things like cow-level marathons, fill various towns with piles of gold, fight valks and golem, use the "personalize" quest to make cracked sashes with naughty things written on them...
- wolf
2001-08-04 03:54:00] - i play d2 to have fun with friends. we rarely "play" as in go questing, level up, etc...
2001-08-04 00:25:00] - i'm sorry to everyone who has a web page on my computer. i really didn't know cox sucked so much.
2001-08-04 00:24:00] - i can't wait till we get back to school.
2001-08-04 00:23:00] -
man, cox sucks cox.
2001-08-04 00:17:00] -
ok. ~a
2001-08-04 00:08:00] -
a: i sent you email. its important!
- aba
2001-08-03 23:40:00] - (that is also why your ftp and ssh passwords are different)
2001-08-03 23:40:00] - the only thing you don't have permission to do is upload files to your cgi-bin directory because that would be bad (hackers could sniff out your ftp password and run programs on my computer to attempt at getting root access using weird means)
2001-08-03 23:38:00] - (to overwrite, delete the old file then upload the new one)
2001-08-03 23:38:00] - for future reference, it says "anonymous access" or something like that but just ignore that message. you have access to upload files to your htdocs directory (i am still looking in to why it does not allow overwrite permission)
2001-08-03 21:57:00] -
paul: The player base for Diablo 2 is probably much bigger, I imagine that's a big selling point
- aaron
2001-08-03 21:30:00] -
wolf: If the original Diablo is better then Diablo 2 then why do you still play Diablo 2?
2001-08-03 20:34:00] -
dewey: i used to do it every once in a while.
- mig
2001-08-03 20:19:00] -
well, whatever... time to start a game called VTTJ
2001-08-03 20:18:00] -
ok, so when I go to the I am just playing a game by myself- is that normal?
- dewey
2001-08-03 19:22:00] - apparently there were other complications caused by fixing it.
- mig
2001-08-03 19:22:00] -
dewey: also another thing to keep in mind with bugs, is that sometimes when you fix something, it can cause another bug. in d1, orginially, there was a bug in the game that easily allowed you to duplicate items, but they couldn't fix it because
2001-08-03 17:48:00] - i took a break from d2 to play d1 with some friends. i had forgotten how much better d1 was... it's a shame that d2 had such a lousy development team.
- wolf
2001-08-03 15:44:00] -
Shoot. I've uploaded them, now, I guess I just need to move them around... I thought all this new stuff he was setting up was just for CGI scripting, or something...
- aaron
2001-08-03 14:49:00] -
aaron: adrian went to kings dominion today, but i can say that you are only allowed to ftp files to certain directories on your account, then you have to use ssh to move them around. he can answer more when he gets back
- aba
2001-08-03 14:13:00] -
aaron: -jdb
2001-08-03 14:10:00] -
jdb: What? Please elaborate. I don't understand.
- aaron
2001-08-03 14:09:00] -
aaron: sftp!
2001-08-03 14:00:00] - ugh
- mig
2001-08-03 13:51:00] -
a: that is, I can't seem to connect via FTP, using my old user name password... the mammalian-mathematical-sounding one
- aaron
2001-08-03 13:50:00] -
Adrian, I really want to upload some files to my journal but it will only grant me anonymous access...
- aaron
2001-08-03 13:35:00] - Speech by David Horowitz in Poland in 1989 about socialism
2001-08-03 13:04:00] - Interesting article about the living wage
2001-08-03 12:55:00] - Short article about some myths of gun control
2001-08-03 12:48:00] -,2933,31232,00.html Number of home-schooled children on the rise
2001-08-03 12:43:00] - More information about those pro-life trucks
2001-08-03 12:26:00] - Further proof the Reform party is now the Buchanan party
2001-08-03 12:23:00] - National Organization for women outrage of the week
2001-08-03 12:04:00] - LP article about the patient's bill of rights
2001-08-03 11:12:00] - cprrect! webmail is actually up, btw.
2001-08-03 11:10:00] - webmail!
- aba
2001-08-03 10:55:00] - i can't. rr is down again! grr.
2001-08-03 10:37:00] -
a: read your email.
- aba
2001-08-03 10:29:00] - and when it was officially released 6 months later, there was almost no difference between the leaked patch and the actual one. go figure.
- mig
2001-08-03 10:29:00] - who knows? blizz can be really strange sometimes. for starcraft, they took almost a year to come out with a patch. thing was, though, that there was already a beta patch leaked almost 6 months before...
- mig
2001-08-03 10:03:00] -
dewey: maybe they figure it's worth it to take a little more time and get it all out correctly instead of releasing a half-broken patch and getting everyone upset again
2001-08-03 10:02:00] -
dewey: beats me. i don't know how they do it.
2001-08-03 08:53:00] - so Blizzard is slacking off? Why don't they release the fixes they have now, and get the other ones to work later?
- dewey
2001-08-03 08:35:00] -
dave: Interesting...
2001-08-03 08:28:00] -
paul: and incidentally, blizzard has changed its eta of 1.09 to "no eta"
2001-08-03 08:27:00] -
paul: supposedly there is a bug in d2 xp that lets you imbue any crafted item....even rings and amulets...but it's gonna change with 1.09
2001-08-03 08:14:00] -
2001-08-03 08:14:00] -
heh, nice link, no-name
- vinnie
2001-08-03 00:43:00] -
2001-08-03 00:42:00] -
2001-08-03 00:42:00] -
mig: yes.
2001-08-02 23:27:00] - to make it pretty, damnit!
2001-08-02 23:24:00] - just out of curiosity what are the pre tags for?
- mig
2001-08-02 23:23:00] -
ok, i have 2.4.2, i want to patch to 2.4.8. do i have to get the other patches before it(2.4.3, 2.4.4, etc)?
- mig
2001-08-02 23:05:00] -
mig: <pre>bzip2 -dc patchXX.bz2 | patch -p0</pre>
2001-08-02 22:50:00] - does anyone know how to patch the linux kernel?
- mig
2001-08-02 20:39:00] - i want to do this ~a
2001-08-02 20:13:00] - so it's really a combination of low demand and reluctance to supply.
- mig
2001-08-02 20:12:00] - in otherwords, it was pretty damn difficult to just get a computer with linux on it. granted linux demand is going to be pretty low, but with support like that the demand will get even more dismal.
- mig
2001-08-02 20:11:00] - phone the option to have a computer come with linux pre-installed.
- mig
2001-08-02 20:10:00] - what was not mentioned is that according to some people dell did not include an option on its webpage to allow people to select linux(they only had 98/2k as options). and there have been claims that dell has flat out denied people who order over the
2001-08-02 20:07:00] - boo to dell.
- mig
2001-08-02 19:55:00] - ~a
2001-08-02 19:43:00] - buying a new computer?
2001-08-02 19:15:00] - I am posting from the Gateway Country Store.
- aaron
2001-08-02 18:21:00] - i can imagine the name calling at playgrounds everywhere now....
- mig
2001-08-02 18:17:00] -,246,100031.html the origins of red hair, freckles and pale skin in the human race?
- aba
2001-08-02 17:52:00] - seems a rather pejorative term.
- mig
2001-08-02 17:44:00] -
2001-08-02 17:43:00] - what the bloody hell is libertine?
- mig
2001-08-02 17:35:00] - i wouldn't quite put the label "liberal" on him though. i consider him in the "libertarian left"
- mig
2001-08-02 17:35:00] -
jdb: yeah, it is very irritating the show is really short because they get into really interesting discussions and then they just cut them off.
- mig
2001-08-02 17:25:00] -
2001-08-02 17:24:00] -
nah, his affiliation doesn't matter to me... his show is cool, but i wish it was an hour long instead of just 30 minutes.
2001-08-02 17:21:00] -
yay, i like bill maher even more now.
2001-08-02 17:17:00] - LP article about the salon article about Bill Maher's political affiliation
2001-08-02 16:58:00] -
aaron: i guess it would have been more informative if they had said that the percentage of teachers leaving the profession will go from 30% to 50%in x number of years
2001-08-02 16:51:00] -
Okay... But if the average person stays at the same profession for 20 years, then roughly half of the people should leave that profession in 10 years. That's not unusual.
- aaron
2001-08-02 16:36:00] -
aaron: well, if you think about it in terms of other professions, most people stay at the same profession for a good 20-30 years
2001-08-02 16:36:00] - interesting article about the war against the war on drugs in england.
- aba
2001-08-02 16:24:00] - "roughly half of today's 2.8 million public school teachers will have left the profession by 2010"? Hmm, I certainly hope so. Is this unusual, for teachers to stop teaching after 10 years?
- aaron
2001-08-02 16:11:00] - average for each month individually, not a running average.
2001-08-02 16:11:00] -
aaron: i think it is just the average message size for that month.
- aba
2001-08-02 16:08:00] -,9565,169678,00.html interesting article on the code red worm.
- aba
2001-08-02 16:03:00] -
a: Like, would a post made in september 00 have any effect on the numbers for, say, march 01?
- aaron
2001-08-02 16:02:00] -
a: this "size by month" chart.... is this the average message size for each month individually, or is this the average message size for the entire database, from month to month?
- aaron
2001-08-02 15:59:00] -
dave: Good job, you got it! Ha ha.
- aaron
2001-08-02 15:53:00] - that wouldnt explain january though.
- aba
2001-08-02 15:52:00] - adrian has also been continuously increasing the character limit due to complaints over the past year.
- aba
2001-08-02 15:50:00] -
vinnie: Maybe
2001-08-02 15:49:00] - i wonder why the posts are getting larger though. perhaps the requiring of a description with each link?
- vinnie
2001-08-02 15:47:00] -
paul: ok
- vinnie
2001-08-02 15:39:00] - Do America's public schools suck?
2001-08-02 15:35:00] - Let's mess up the trend by having everyone post their messages one word for each post
2001-08-02 15:33:00] - interesting and well defined trend from february to august. this is the average number of bytes in a post for each month. ~a
2001-08-02 15:24:00] - i think he said: except its likely to be illegal
2001-08-02 15:23:00] - likely?
2001-08-02 15:23:00] - ~a
2001-08-02 15:23:00] - what does 11k31'/ mean?
2001-08-02 14:53:00] - They're just lucky that their vocabulary consists of mostly less-than-5-letter words... longer words get very confusing...
- aaron
2001-08-02 14:51:00] - So how would one say, "Illiterate" in "leet"... 11117r8? I wonder how many leetspeakers could read that
- aaron
2001-08-02 14:43:00] - 3x3p7 175 11k31'/ 70 |3 1113641...
- aaron
2001-08-02 14:41:00] - A virus patcher would actually be a practical application for virus-type code
- aaron
2001-08-02 14:40:00] - the code red patch is obviously a virus itself
- vinnie
2001-08-02 14:24:00] - I wish I could adminster my IIS server from here.
- dewey
2001-08-02 14:24:00] - what the fuck! only thing I have done recently was to download the patch that fixes the bug exploited by the code red virus. I didn't know that would change my settings.... argh.
- dewey
2001-08-02 14:10:00] -
hehehe. ~a
2001-08-02 14:00:00] -
mig: i will enter your contest, but i always forget to visit your site at home. and i don't have sound at work. so don't reveal answers just yet
- vinnie
2001-08-02 13:58:00] -
dewey: there are a few other words that get changed in l33t in addition to letters. crap like "|-|4x0r" and "d00d"
- vinnie
2001-08-02 13:55:00] -
a: oh, dear god
- vinnie
2001-08-02 13:54:00] - go and RSVP if I haven't put you down already.
- dewey
2001-08-02 13:52:00] - though i could say it with one.
- mig
2001-08-02 13:52:00] - "penn and teller get killed" also tie with 3.
- mig
2001-08-02 13:51:00] -
a: So how come it is possible to use capital letters in leetspeak but not using normal english on the message board?
2001-08-02 13:49:00] -
a: but goes to show, it is just character replacement.
- dewey
2001-08-02 13:49:00] - Of course, the letter i should be replaced by 1 or something. I think it's OK to be ambiguous with leetspeak
- aaron
2001-08-02 13:48:00] -
a: oh my god, that's crazy!
- dewey
2001-08-02 13:44:00] -
a: That's pretty neat
2001-08-02 13:43:00] -
2001-08-02 13:41:00] - ~a
2001-08-02 13:36:00] - 1 7|-|1|\||< 17 15 700 |-|4rD 70o r34d -d4\/3
2001-08-02 13:16:00] -
vinnie: that's quite the l33t site. you can drive yourself nuts trying to read some of it, hehe.
2001-08-02 13:09:00] -
aaron: the swordfish ending is correct to my recollection
- vinnie
2001-08-02 13:08:00] - i'm curious about the star trek one. never seen it, so the spoiler makes no sense
- vinnie
2001-08-02 12:52:00] - I think it's interesting how they link back to IMDB with each spoiler... "Now that we've ruined the ending, go see the movie!"
- aaron
2001-08-02 12:42:00] - And hey, wait, they didn't get the ending of Swordfish right, did they? I don't think they did!
- aaron
2001-08-02 12:42:00] - I could ruin "The Truman Show" in two, I think!
- aaron
2001-08-02 12:38:00] -
aaron: 4 words to ruin the movie? pfft, they did it with 3 in Star Trek: The motion picture
2001-08-02 12:31:00] - And the usual suspects.... 5 words to ruin the movie? Pfft, they ruined "The Crying Game" in 4
- aaron
2001-08-02 12:30:00] - Ha ha ha. At moviepooper: "Everyone but Mr. Green did it."... What a neat site!
- aaron
2001-08-02 12:22:00] - aren't there other problems that need more attention then
- mig
2001-08-02 12:17:00] - microsoft's "victory" a while back turns out to be hollow.
- mig
2001-08-02 12:14:00] -
mig: I think it's odd that the same democrats that voted to keep her during the clinton years suddenly have a problem with her "pro-business" stance
2001-08-02 12:11:00] -
so, paul, what do
you think about gall?
- mig
2001-08-02 12:07:00] - Senate Panel Rejects Bush's Consumer Agency Nominee
2001-08-02 11:56:00] - authorization service error???
- mig
2001-08-02 11:43:00] - 4 women and no men may end up running for governor of Mass.
2001-08-02 11:34:00] -
booo... webmail!
2001-08-02 11:33:00] - i love the usual suspect's one at moviepooper. only 5 words to ruin to the whole movie.
- mig
2001-08-02 11:12:00] -
vinnie: no, actually I was going to ask you on AIM if you were coming to my place on saturday.
- dewey
2001-08-02 11:11:00] -
vinnie: and if you were, if you would be able to bring games of Aaron's. I was thinking of Times Up and some of the cheap ass games.
- dewey
2001-08-02 11:08:00] - slowly and slowly where becoming a country where you are guilty unless proven otherwise.
- mig
2001-08-02 11:06:00] - Congressional Committee orders Bush to draft new environmental plan
2001-08-02 10:43:00] -
hehe, learn the surprise endings of every movie you've never seen - vinnie
2001-08-02 10:42:00] -
dewey: i assume that was in response to the question in my journal?
- vinnie
2001-08-02 10:37:00] -
actually, if you are not intersted in reading green party rhetoric, you might want to skip down towards the last couple paragraphs
- mig
2001-08-02 10:34:00] - msnbc likes to have a big summary of the article before the actual article. look down some more.
- mig
2001-08-02 10:32:00] -
nm, it finally loaded the rest.
-- Xpovos
2001-08-02 10:31:00] - even if you disagree with the green party, some pretty interesting stuff in here.
- mig
2001-08-02 10:31:00] -
mig: where do you see that, the article is only a paragraph long...
-- Xpovos
2001-08-02 10:28:00] - what interested me was the statement "even if it fall bellow 2 children per woman, the population will still increase." that still doesn't mean that it's a *good* thing.
- mig
2001-08-02 10:26:00] - it's not so much the peak that interests me as the downward swing afterwards, and I think that their estimate of 2070 is likely a bit high, I wouldn't be surprised to start seeing the downward swing in the next 20 years or so.
-- Xpovos
2001-08-02 10:23:00] - i'm also more inclined to agree with the 9 billion estimate.
- mig
2001-08-02 10:15:00] -
vinnie: AOL!
- dewey
2001-08-02 09:57:00] - here's the l33t site i meant to post
- vinnie
2001-08-02 09:57:00] - Seems a reasonable estimate, fits in pretty well with what I was saying earlier. Y'know all that stuff that got me called a racist and what-not.
-- Xpovos
2001-08-02 09:56:00] - handjob
2001-08-02 09:53:00] -
2001-08-02 09:53:00] - as longs as you understand what letters a number can be sbustituted for, and you can pronounce words "fonetically", decoding 31337 speak isn't that difficult.
- mig
2001-08-02 09:51:00] -
nevermind, i guess i didn't
- vinnie
2001-08-02 09:51:00] - pretty much. it can be either, depending on the word. keep in mind i'm not an "expert" on 31337 speak, if there even is such a thing.
- mig
2001-08-02 09:51:00] - Basically it's just USR being a dick about Linux drivers.
-- Xpovos
2001-08-02 09:51:00] - 31337 has difficult syntax, but it's very easy to read. i think i posted a how to speak 1337 link a while back
- vinnie
2001-08-02 09:50:00] -
No, i don't think that'll do it, but thanks for the help.
-- Xpovos
2001-08-02 09:48:00] -
mig: are certain letters always substituted for other ones? like "0" always seems to be "o". but are x's always k's or ck's?
2001-08-02 09:43:00] - maybe this can help.
- mig
2001-08-02 09:42:00] - i know. i just heard it's *not* fun trying to set up a winmodem in linux.
- mig
2001-08-02 09:31:00] -
mig: but even winmodems often have drivers these days. I found a number of them in my searches.
-- Xpovos
2001-08-02 09:31:00] -
mig: <meekly> yes.
I was lured in by the false gods of cheap parts.
-- Xpovos
2001-08-02 09:24:00] -
mig: yes, i don't get it at all
2001-08-02 09:20:00] - it's not a winmodem is it?
- mig
2001-08-02 09:08:00] -
Hey, if anybody knows where I can get a linux driver for a 0x12B9(That's USR) modem running on a 0x1007 chipset I'd like to know. I bought the damn thing, and now I can't configure it. Don't wanna have to return it.
-- Xpovos
2001-08-02 09:05:00] - new to 3l337 speak, dave?
- mig
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