here are old message board entries

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[2001-10-11 09:27:00] - I'm sure it works best for you, as for starcraft, it runs some version less than the latest, and since I prefer to play online, I need to run the latest.... until a *nix can run everything I use/play, I see no benefit to it -cryptic

[2001-10-11 09:19:00] - (and it does run starcraft, and octave works well for replacing matlab (and is there a unix version?  there is one for mathematica...), and LaTeX is so much better than word) -logan

[2001-10-11 09:19:00] - I define how well something works by how much it annoys cryptic. -logan

[2001-10-11 08:44:00] - short hair is a must -jdb

[2001-10-11 08:21:00] - 'debian works best'... bullshit, come install it on my computer, under a few conditions: it must run diablo 2, starcraft, matlab, microsoft office, and other software I use-cryptic

[2001-10-11 02:26:00] - ###/pics/download/79.gif

[2001-10-11 00:40:00] - isn't their patent supposed to expire soon? - mig

[2001-10-11 00:38:00] - jdb: What?  I'm just saying, I bet adrian didn't pay any licensing fees to unisys. -logan

[2001-10-11 00:37:00] - Don't forget, we also have Ron Paul in the House of Representatives, and he's not even a dirty democrat! -logan

[2001-10-11 00:28:00] - thank god we have at least one decent human being in our government. - mig

[2001-10-11 00:12:00] - some rather good reading here.  i hate to admit it, but some of the pro-war crowd do make some good points. though their main flaw is they confuse anti-war with pacifism. - mig

[2001-10-10 23:48:00] - logan: what are you, a commie? :-P -jdb

[2001-10-10 23:21:00] - Bah, you and your support of only patented formats. :P -logan

[2001-10-10 23:21:00] - -logan

[2001-10-10 23:20:00] - Debian works best! -logan

[2001-10-10 21:10:00] - ###/pics/download/78.gif

[2001-10-10 21:09:00] - porno!!! - wolf

[2001-10-10 21:08:00] - using what works is best!! -cryptic

[2001-10-10 20:27:00] - Debian is better! -logan

[2001-10-10 20:19:00] - going to be shutting down for the rest of the night soon so i can install mandrake 8.1!  ~a

[2001-10-10 19:40:00] - -jdb

[2001-10-10 19:34:00] - oh.  the typo.  i see.  ~a

[2001-10-10 19:34:00] - logan:  so how do you spell lonely?  looks right to me.  i really don't know how to spell.  ~a

[2001-10-10 17:59:00] - It went to search function heaven. -logan

[2001-10-10 17:00:00] - where'd the search function go? - mig

[2001-10-10 16:46:00] - -logan

[2001-10-10 16:40:00] - Hah, I misread ttf as tiff for some weird reason!  Yes, ttfs work in X, with xfstt (truetype font server). -logan

[2001-10-10 16:39:00] - I think it's working very well. -logan

[2001-10-10 16:35:00] - blue? this won't do. this won't do at all. -cryptic

[2001-10-10 16:26:00] - i want to get fonts on my win2k partition to work on linux. - mig

[2001-10-10 16:19:00] - ttf = true type font - mig

[2001-10-10 16:13:00] - a: Nice spelling of "lonely." -logan

[2001-10-10 16:12:00] - I wish I knew Dutch, I could tell whether Bert was supposed to be in that picture or not. :P -logan

[2001-10-10 16:12:00] - Grey?  This won't do.  This won't do at all. -logan

[2001-10-10 16:11:00] - What do you mean by "import ttfs into *nix"? -logan

[2001-10-10 16:05:00] - jdb: actually, fox said that it was up to the local affiliates to decide. - mig

[2001-10-10 16:02:00] - mig: yeah, the simpsons producer mentioned that.... although i thought he said they didn't just want to pull it, they actually did. -jdb

[2001-10-10 15:08:00] - does anyone know how to import ttfs into *nix?(please don't say drakfont, i'm using rh). - mig

[2001-10-10 15:07:00] -,2078,1654__772741_,00.html here's the link to the article that the photo is in. - mig

[2001-10-10 15:05:00] - looks fine from my machine at work.  anyone else having problems? - mig

[2001-10-10 14:40:00] - broken image :( - wolf

[2001-10-10 14:12:00] - errr.... bottom right. - mig

[2001-10-10 14:12:00] - look at the bottom left corner.... - mig

[2001-10-10 14:04:00] - wow, fox actually wanted to pull the NYC simpsons episode... - mig

[2001-10-10 13:18:00] - mcsweeneys is everything i wanted my web site to be, but was too lazy to implement. - wolf

[2001-10-10 13:17:00] - - wolf

[2001-10-10 13:12:00] - i love pirate jokes. - wolf

[2001-10-10 13:12:00] - A: ARrrrrrrrrrrrrRRchetype. - wolf

[2001-10-10 13:11:00] - Q: Of which concept shared by Jungian psychology and Northrop Frye's literary theory are pirates especially fond? - wolf

[2001-10-10 13:10:00] - A: ARrrrrrrrRRistide. - wolf

[2001-10-10 13:10:00] - Q: Whom did the pirate vote for in the Haitian election? - wolf

[2001-10-10 13:08:00] - A: PARRRsing sentences. - wolf

[2001-10-10 13:08:00] - Q: What's a pirate's favorite aspect of computational linguistics? - wolf

[2001-10-10 12:50:00] -

[2001-10-10 11:05:00] - -logan

[2001-10-10 10:51:00] - The guy that runs no longer wants to do it.  I want to take over! :P -logan

[2001-10-10 10:18:00] - I have to somehow get my car inspected by Friday. -logan

[2001-10-10 10:16:00] - why no ddr?

[2001-10-10 08:23:00] - my car sucks anyways.  poor car.  :'(  ~a

[2001-10-10 08:21:00] - i am going to probably stop going to ddr.  you are going to have to use dewey and pierce as drivers  :(  ~a

[2001-10-10 08:20:00] - i can't play saturday, i wish it didn't have to be this way.  ~a

[2001-10-10 02:46:00] - sweet little bumblebee, come play ddr with me - aaron

[2001-10-10 01:42:00] - i want a girl with a mind like a diamond.

[2001-10-10 01:09:00] - meow

[2001-10-09 23:49:00] - -kris

[2001-10-09 23:05:00] - a: arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt - wolf

[2001-10-09 23:05:00] - q: what do you call the pirate painting? - wolf

[2001-10-09 22:40:00] - no, they were locals employed by the un. - mig

[2001-10-09 22:06:00] - we killed some american u.n. workers?  ~a

[2001-10-09 21:18:00] - actually, abc did stand behind him, surprisingly - mig

[2001-10-09 20:58:00] - support bill maher -jdb

[2001-10-09 14:29:00] - -logan

[2001-10-09 14:05:00] - ###/pics/download/77.gif -logan

[2001-10-09 11:29:00] - i think there are much lamer things than witty cartoons. - wolf

[2001-10-09 11:27:00] - why is it that the wrong people never die? - wolf

[2001-10-09 10:39:00] - sheldon is taking advantage of this national tragedy to promote his agenda.  ~a

[2001-10-09 10:13:00] - wow, bigger pricks than jerry falwell do exist. - mig

[2001-10-09 09:40:00] - hmm, think bush might want stuff like this plugged? - mig

[2001-10-09 08:55:00] - I didn't realize it was spelled "Hondouras."  That cartoonist just takes other people's ideas and dumps them into the cartoons verbatim.  Pretty lame. -logan

[2001-10-09 08:21:00] - (too big)

[2001-10-09 07:27:00] - uggg.... still sleepy.... @class -cryptic

[2001-10-08 23:22:00] -

[2001-10-08 23:10:00] - though i have to admit, i'm surprised at the low civilian casaulty #s.  the taliban say it was 20, assuming they're telling the truth. - mig

[2001-10-08 22:51:00] - errr.... I should just come mention it to you personally -cryptic

[2001-10-08 22:51:00] - only one comment.... the haze behind '' gets cut off on the left side -cryptic

[2001-10-08 22:44:00] - i made something orange at - wolf

[2001-10-08 22:43:00] - look on the bright side - we'll probably all be dead before bush gets out of office. - wolf

[2001-10-08 22:39:00] - I'm glad our right to privacy (although how private we really are is quite questionable) isn't infringed... oh wait, nevermind, the fbi is 'offering' or 'asking' (and getting acceptance) for isps to install spyware to track everything we do -cryptic

[2001-10-08 22:36:00] - I'm glad we live in a country where we're allowed to think like this, talk like this, question actions like this..... and not worry about the government looking at our email, where we go, what we look at..... -cryptic

[2001-10-08 22:32:00] - I think your 'fucked up situation' sums up the whole concept of what's going on -cryptic

[2001-10-08 22:28:00] - this is not a war on terrorism, this is not a war on islam, it's 2 people who shouldn't be in power flexing their muscles -cryptic

[2001-10-08 22:26:00] - correction: anyone/most

[2001-10-08 22:26:00] - ugh.  the situation is just so fucked up.  the leaders of both sides are full of shit, and the civilians on both sides are caught in the middle. - mig

[2001-10-08 22:26:00] - I'm preaching to the converted.... too bad anyone willing to argue would spout off mumbo-jumbo and 'you're not patriotic' hogwash -cryptic

[2001-10-08 22:25:00] - bah

[2001-10-08 22:25:00] - I don't condone the attacks on america, but I don't condone the attacks by america either -cryptic

[2001-10-08 22:23:00] - get the food?.... didn't the taliban target similar structures here in the US? 'military' and 'those important to (what they viewed) a war effort' -cryptic

[2001-10-08 22:22:00] - Step 1: prove who's responsible (skipped)... step 2: attack those responsible (taken as: attack afghanistan)... I know they are 'dropping food to the afghani people' and 'bombing military instalations'.... but who is really getting the food? do they think the taliban is letting the people -cryptic

[2001-10-08 22:19:00] - ? -cryptic

[2001-10-08 22:19:00] - you mean 'our' acts ('god bless america') are similar to bin ladin's acts ("in the name of the holy war")

[2001-10-08 22:15:00] - bush is just pissed because some americans realize that not all afghanistans are terrorists, and that we are essentially responding to acts of terrorism with terrorism. - wolf

[2001-10-08 22:10:00] - yeah, i would also find it easier just to sit in one place all day asking people to fill out surveys by enticing them with free stuff. - mig

[2001-10-08 22:05:00] - i share the sentiments.  i haven't been hearing the media say anything that would be especially useful to the "enemy" - mig

[2001-10-08 21:57:00] - i'm doubtful -cryptic

[2001-10-08 21:57:00] - I understand plugging anything that may put military lives in danger.... since saying "plane X will be over place Y at time Z" == 1 shot down plane.... but I doubtful that's the only thing being 'kept from us' -cryptic

[2001-10-08 21:56:00] - "An angry Bush trying to plug leaks to media"... we wouldn't want americans knowing what the government is doing... would we? -cryptic

[2001-10-08 21:55:00] - what about the people who miss class because they were drunk/having a hangover? what about the people that only had late/early classes? chances are the sample was not very diverse.... -cryptic

[2001-10-08 21:54:00] - targetting one area == easier than getting a random sample.... -cryptic

[2001-10-08 21:53:00] - why would they survey random people all around campus?  I think the scenarios wolf said are more likely -cryptic

[2001-10-08 21:51:00] - I don't buy cds now.... unlikely that I will buy cds because of any changes they make.... -cryptic

[2001-10-08 21:10:00] - "Once consumers can no longer get free music, they will have to buy the music in the formats we choose to put out."  yipee-yai-fucking-yay. - mig

[2001-10-08 21:09:00] - "privacy laws are our biggest impediment to us obtaining our objectives".

[2001-10-08 21:08:00] - "Because of the magnitude of the problem, ISPs can no longer be shielded from the wrath of the law," why of course.  people are buying more cds than ever!  we must stop this! - mig

[2001-10-08 21:08:00] - there are some really scary quotes in here. - mig

[2001-10-08 20:58:00] - and i thought lithium batteries were really good at being recharged.  these lithum batteries say "do not recharge" in fine print.  >:o  ~a

[2001-10-08 20:56:00] - why would a company make a special "battery pack" that wasn't rechargable?  if people want non-rechargable batteries, they'll buy regular (aa,aaa,c,d,etc) batteries.  ~a

[2001-10-08 20:54:00] - katie, it may have been a random sample of vt students.  maybe the surveyed people all around campus during different parts of the day.  ~a

[2001-10-08 20:49:00] - what are you talking about?  we've always been at war with oceania - mig

[2001-10-08 20:38:00] - did they survey people in owens? that cuts out the vast majority of off-campus students. - wolf

[2001-10-08 20:38:00] - who did they survey?  people in squires? most of the people who spend a lot of time in squires are music students, or people attending large, general classes in squires colonial. - wolf

[2001-10-08 20:36:00] - that survey sampled less than roughly 4% of the students at tech. - wolf

[2001-10-08 20:21:00] - ugh.  nm.  times != drinks. - mig

[2001-10-08 20:17:00] - that's must have been an amazing survey they did. - mig

[2001-10-08 20:15:00] - if 77% have "2 or fewer drinks/week", and they are a subset of "8 or fewer drinks/week", therefore the set of people who "drink 8 or fewer/week" would have to be >= 77%. - mig

[2001-10-08 20:13:00] - stat #3 contradicts stat #2 - mig

[2001-10-08 19:42:00] - heh....  I liked the one last year... they didnt try as hard, and thus the true results of drinking showed through -cryptic

[2001-10-08 19:40:00] - cryptic:  that was exactly what i was doing.  ~a

[2001-10-08 19:39:00] - ~a

[2001-10-08 19:39:00] -

[2001-10-08 19:35:00] - I mean "3% of students don't drive wasted".... -cryptic

[2001-10-08 19:34:00] - I assumed they were to pressure people into drinking.... sure all the words said "X% don't do...." but the reverse was usually more popular... or atleast more common than one may initially guess -cryptic

[2001-10-08 19:29:00] - either way, i don't feel safe crossing the street on a friday night. - wolf

[2001-10-08 19:29:00] - wolf:  well, that's agism for you. - mig

[2001-10-08 19:28:00] - i don't think this year's posters have the drunk driving stats on them... last year, it said something along the lines of "most vt students (63%) do not drive after having more than 3 drinks" - wolf

[2001-10-08 19:27:00] - i could never figure out whether they were trying to pressure or shame students into not drinking - wolf

[2001-10-08 19:26:00] - i love those "public service announcements" - wolf

[2001-10-08 19:12:00] - almost half of the students miss class because of drinking.  ~a

[2001-10-08 19:11:00] - i think i have 9 or more drinks a year.  ~a

[2001-10-08 19:10:00] - yay!  40% of the students at tech have 9 or more drinks a week.  ~a

[2001-10-08 18:44:00] - and by "fucking moron" i mean someone who has an inability to define and exercise some sort of reason, as well as has this peculiar lack of common sense. - wolf

[2001-10-08 18:41:00] - relatively speaking, i've observed that more than half the people i've come into contact with here at tech have been fucking morons. - wolf

[2001-10-08 18:39:00] - perhaps they weren't well-educated, liberally minded people. - wolf

[2001-10-08 18:37:00] - I presented an alternative to the attacks in my political science class this afternoon and was practically assaulted.  Even among well-educated liberally minded people attacks are wanted. -- Xpovos

[2001-10-08 18:36:00] - On Intellectual Responsibility -jdb

[2001-10-08 18:22:00] - gps drawing -jdb

[2001-10-08 17:24:00] - america reminds me too much of classical/pre-hellenistic greece. - wolf

[2001-10-08 17:18:00] - imperialism, muhaha. -jdb

[2001-10-08 17:13:00] - its so scary how much america can do in the international community without being questioned.  -  aba

[2001-10-08 16:58:00] - i agree 100%. - wolf

[2001-10-08 16:58:00] - "Anybody would condemn this attack, not because it's coming from America or because it's against Muslims and a Muslim country -- but because it was done outside the framework of international law and because America didn't present a convincing proof against those it accuses of terrorism."

[2001-10-08 16:57:00] - - wolf

[2001-10-08 16:30:00] -

[2001-10-08 14:13:00] - i just read the article about female genital plastic surgery, which brought up a few interesting points. - wolf

[2001-10-08 14:12:00] - i guess this is why my hd has been screwy -jdb

[2001-10-08 14:11:00] - i used to read it a lot my freshman and sophomore years of high school. then i sort of fell out of it and just rediscovered the web site. - wolf

[2001-10-08 14:04:00] - wolf: yes! ctheory is cool :-D -jdb

[2001-10-08 13:49:00] - logan:  keller's not too bad, but i can only take so much of him. - mig

[2001-10-08 13:46:00] - Keller's all right.  It could be much worse.  And comparative languages is fun! -logan

[2001-10-08 13:41:00] - patented standard is an oxymoron. - mig

[2001-10-08 13:39:00] - does anyone else here read ctheory? - wolf

[2001-10-08 13:35:00] - hmmm... pigs in airplanes stop terrorists?  what a novel idea. - mig

[2001-10-08 13:14:00] - in addition to having him for OO twice, and Data Structures - boing

[2001-10-08 13:13:00] - i don't believe it... how many times am I going to have keller?  I dropped OS whis semester, I guess that means I have him for at least one more class...  - boing

[2001-10-08 10:41:00] - mig: every day... get to know him well, and have a good academic reference for grad school, etc. :-) -jdb

[2001-10-08 10:21:00] - logan:  if you go to the study linked off of those statistics, they appear to have run some regressions on other data as well (ie income, etc).  -  aba

[2001-10-08 10:11:00] - apparently he's the only person teaching both os and comp lang next semester - mig

[2001-10-08 10:04:00] - quick poll:  class with Dr. Keller everyday, or class with Dr. Keller twice a day for 2 days? - mig

[2001-10-08 08:52:00] - hahahhaha, funny movie -cryptic

[2001-10-08 00:17:00] - there's a new movie at - wolf

[2001-10-07 23:21:00] - For instance, females are underrepresented on this board. (true)  Therefore there is a problem with sexism here. (not necessarily true) -logan

[2001-10-07 23:19:00] - Seems like a lot of people do that with statistics. -logan

[2001-10-07 23:19:00] - I like how on their web page they present statistics as indicator of a problem without examining the factors involved (though I suppose maybe it was an invitation to learn about the factors). -logan

[2001-10-07 23:03:00] - dr. cornel west and rev. sekou will be speaking on Thursday, October 18 @ 8pm in Donaldson Brown Auditorium. more info at -jdb

[2001-10-07 21:04:00] - Ah, I guess it did manage to survive the queue. -logan

[2001-10-07 20:58:00] - But such simple and incorrect models are the hallmark of environmentalists like that particular webmaster. :P -logan

[2001-10-07 20:58:00] - Kind of disregards the fact that energy is consumed to push those electrons, some computers are harmful to dispose of, etc. -logan

[2001-10-07 20:57:00] - I like how the home page of the person that posted that speaks of the internet allowing one to save the environment by not traveling places and not consuming paper. -logan

[2001-10-07 20:54:00] - So I find that table largely uninteresting. :P -logan

[2001-10-07 20:54:00] - The gnp of a country and the income of a corporation are incomparable. -logan

[2001-10-07 20:54:00] - It was largely denounced because of its source (some radical leftist magazine, I think) and, most particularly, its terrible economics. -logan

[2001-10-07 20:53:00] - Second of all, an article discussing a table exactly like that one (only up to date) appeared in the kuro5hin moderation queue recently. -logan

[2001-10-07 20:53:00] - First of all, given that URL, that information itself is suspect. -logan

[2001-10-07 20:47:00] - out of date, but interesting ... world's biggest economies -jdb

[2001-10-07 20:10:00] - my sister had three seizures for no apparent reason... ack. - wolf

[2001-10-07 19:20:00] - Sure, just like you can piss into the wind.  I don't think the wind notices. -logan

[2001-10-07 18:47:00] - anyone remember our dear friend senator mccarthy from history class? - mig

[2001-10-07 18:27:00] - well, they've done it before.  doesn't surprise they'd try it again. - mig

[2001-10-07 18:25:00] - well, i suppose the u.s. gov't believes they should be able to combat ways of thinking. - wolf

[2001-10-07 18:11:00] -,4125,NAV47_STO64507,00.html

[2001-10-07 18:03:00] - Might as well have a "war on war." -logan

[2001-10-07 17:55:00] - i don't know why they are using the term "war".  terrorism isn't a nation.  it's a school of thought.  you can't combat thought. - mig

[2001-10-07 17:53:00] - and given this "war on terrorism" increases the likelihood for people to commit acts of terror, it seems rather counterproductive. - mig

[2001-10-07 17:44:00] - How can you wage war against a tactic? -logan

[2001-10-07 17:40:00] - mig: very difficult question. i certainly don't think this is a war against islam; this is a war against terrorism. but the whole idea of a "war against terrorism" has incredibly lofty goals and some pretty scary side effects. -jdb

[2001-10-07 15:56:00] - so, where is this "21st century piratical bazaar"?  i wanna go! - mig

[2001-10-07 15:55:00] - ... such as the RIAA and MPAA, for instance. - mig

[2001-10-07 15:45:00] - i think there are a lot more things in america than its gov't that suck. - wolf

[2001-10-07 15:35:00] - of course, which statement is more loaded:  the u.s. saying this is a "war on terrorism" or bin laden claiming it's a "war against islam"? - mig

[2001-10-07 15:17:00] - definitely no disagreement. - mig

[2001-10-07 15:04:00] - logan: no disagreement there. -jdb

[2001-10-07 14:49:00] - wolf: No, just its government. -logan

[2001-10-07 14:44:00] - america sucks. - wolf

[2001-10-07 14:35:00] - - mig

[2001-10-07 13:28:00] - I get a little defensive whenever someone tries to justify force with the word "collective."  Well, not just a little. -logan

[2001-10-07 13:28:00] - What's this ``collective will'' bullshit Bush is spouting? -logan

[2001-10-07 13:17:00] - I was reading incredibly gruesome stuff before I was even in high school. :P -logan

[2001-10-07 13:11:00] - well, we've started attacking afghanistan -jdb

[2001-10-07 13:03:00] -

[2001-10-07 12:38:00] -

[2001-10-07 12:36:00] - assuming their "40 hours a week" is correct... that's 1 murder every 3.1hours -cryptic

[2001-10-07 12:36:00] - would it be so wrong if i admitted that violence in books had me totally desensitized to anything even remotely violent by the time i was 14? - wolf

[2001-10-07 12:35:00] - that includes infancy... which shouldn't count -cryptic

[2001-10-07 12:34:00] - assuming the child is 12 when graduating from elementary school, and assuming 365.25 days in a year.... the child must view 1.83 murders on television a day -cryptic

[2001-10-07 12:33:00] - "Recent research shows that the average American child now spends 40 hours per week consuming media, and will witness more than 8,000 murders on network television before graduating from elementary school. " -cryptic

[2001-10-07 11:46:00] - logan: maybe one of your fellow grad students is a creationist. mcbryde is chocked full of bible-thumpers anyways. -jdb

[2001-10-07 11:08:00] -    large metastudy links violence in media to violence irl.  media dismisses study.  :-\    -    aba

[2001-10-07 01:01:00] - where is aparna?  x doesn't like me.  i'm going to install mandrake 8.1 monday but until then, no x which means no aim.  :'(  ~a

[2001-10-07 00:49:00] - Those little cards were entirely inappropriate for mailboxes in a graduate CS lab.  I wonder who put them there. -logan

[2001-10-07 00:47:00] - Those filthy Creationists. :P -logan

[2001-10-06 17:05:00] - er... jdb

[2001-10-06 17:04:00] - jbd: yeah, i didn't want to go because i figured it'd be pretty bad.  - wolf

[2001-10-06 15:32:00] - logan: who is "they?" -jdb

[2001-10-06 15:20:00] - jdb: How did they manage to spam my graduate mailbox? -logan

[2001-10-06 14:59:00] - look me up in 50 years... maybe there will be something interesting to write by then. -jdb

[2001-10-06 13:33:00] - i want to read this book: my life by jdb =Þ

[2001-10-06 13:18:00] - i want to read this book -jdb

[2001-10-06 13:05:00] - discrimination is bad.... but labeling is not </sarcasm> -cryptic

[2001-10-06 12:53:00] - bah, that creationist talk sucked. -jdb

[2001-10-06 12:03:00] - ah, mtv, the great hypocrite.  they were doing a special on how discrimation is bad, but when they were displaying the names of kids they were talking to  they would be adding labels to their names, like "chris, 25, punk." - mig

[2001-10-06 11:04:00] - ... the author means courtney tried before unsuccessfully... this last attempt succeeded.... "the first one to succeed" does not mean that it is necessarily possible to succeed again, just that the previous attempts were not successful. -cryptic

[2001-10-05 19:20:00] - "It appears this was not the first attempt on Cobain's life by Courtney Love.  It was, however, the first one to succeed" wow.  i didn't know you could succeed at murdering someone more than once.... - mig

[2001-10-05 19:19:00] -

[2001-10-05 19:02:00] - *josh beats computer with ball bat* -jdb

[2001-10-05 18:48:00] - i would fly my flag upside down, but for a different reason than the ghf ppl. - mig

[2001-10-05 18:09:00] - i've got a ton of old cd's at home! i was thinking about making a lamp. -jdb

[2001-10-05 17:26:00] - i want to go to goodwill, buy a table, quarter the 093480284 aol/bad burn cd's under my bed, and glue them to it. - wolf

[2001-10-05 17:25:00] - what kind of glue would be best for attaching old cd's to a piece of furniture? - wolf

[2001-10-05 14:43:00] - i'm a terrorist :'( -jdb

[2001-10-05 14:39:00] - vietnamese tea house lunch buffet -- highly recommended! :-D -jdb

[2001-10-05 12:43:00] - ###/pics/download/76.gif -logan

[2001-10-05 12:42:00] - "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." Psalms 9:17 -jdb

[2001-10-05 12:39:00] - -jdb

[2001-10-05 12:38:00] - god hates america -jdb

[2001-10-05 12:27:00] - cornel west is finally going to speak at tech! woohoo. more details later. -jdb

[2001-10-05 12:21:00] - :-D -jdb

[2001-10-05 09:55:00] - though its good for once that judges are using common sense. - mig

[2001-10-05 09:39:00] - porn 1, decency 0. - mig

[2001-10-05 03:08:00] - O, internal server error / you make me writhe in terror

[2001-10-05 02:09:00] - they need some 500 poetry or something.  ~a

[2001-10-05 02:09:00] - hah.  404 poetry.  ~a

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