here are old message board entries
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2001-10-14 13:41:00] -
aba: yeah, but this marks the beginning of the end of limp bizkit's reign of terror, so i think it's a good thing.
- mig
2001-10-14 12:27:00] - i do however agree that this brings down the quality of an already shitty band creating a whole new level of bad music.
- aba
2001-10-14 12:26:00] -
mig: i dont think that wes borland is all that much better than the rest of limp bizkit.
- aba
2001-10-14 12:26:00] -
wolf: you are a good artist.
- aba
2001-10-14 12:10:00] - i re-finished an old picture i had drawn of a kangaroo with boobies - wolf
2001-10-14 12:08:00] - poop poop poop, let's sing a song about poop.
- wolf
2001-10-14 12:06:00] -
yeah, but you were the one who said "poo" the most (and signed your name to it) - wolf
2001-10-14 12:02:00] - hehe
2001-10-14 12:02:00] - it is interesting that katie is the only one who talks about poop. ~a
2001-10-14 11:44:00] - does the ct get printed on weekends? i'm curious as to what they will choose to publish in regards to the "punch a pacifist" letter.
- wolf
2001-10-14 11:41:00] - if shittiness is contagious, we are all doomed.
- wolf
2001-10-14 11:38:00] - but if, like mig said, the non-shitty part breaks off, we're left with pure, undilute shit
- wolf
2001-10-14 11:37:00] -
wolf: but is shittiness contagious? if partially-shitty musicians are put in bands with talented musicians... will their shittiness spread to other band members or will their shittiness be contained?
2001-10-14 11:36:00] -
like, it takes intestines and an anus to make lots of poop, but if you remove one or the other, you can't make poop.
- wolf
2001-10-14 11:35:00] -
necessary, rather
2001-10-14 11:35:00] - and what if their shittiness depends on having both of them exist in the same area? i.e. they are the two neessary components of a shit-producing organism. if you separate them, no shittiness could be given off.
- wolf
2001-10-14 11:34:00] - if two equally shitty parts of the band split, i'd think it would make two partially-shitty entities. since they wouldn't be around each other, that would mean less shittiness most of the time.
- wolf
2001-10-14 10:28:00] - College staff find chilling free speech climate -jdb
2001-10-14 00:13:00] -
er.. that is to say. shittier.
- mig
2001-10-14 00:09:00] -
logan: it depends on what part of the band is shitty. if the non-shitty part breaks off, you just have a 1 shitty band.
- mig
2001-10-13 23:41:00] -
wolf: If this band is shitty, then splitting it into two groups means two shitty bands. Therefore shittiness can only increase.
2001-10-13 23:34:00] - if it means less shitty music will be produced, then good.
- wolf
2001-10-13 23:06:00] - I don't even know who these people are.
2001-10-13 23:03:00] - a bit of very unsurprising news.
- mig
2001-10-13 22:39:00] - "Reaction to ABC's decision ranged from disagreement ... to outrage ..." Ah, I love unbalanced arguments.
2001-10-13 12:33:00] - - wolf
2001-10-13 00:04:00] - it's also really tiny.
- mig
2001-10-13 00:04:00] - it's still the ugliest design for a console system i've ever seen, but it makes up with pretty graphics on the screen.
- mig
2001-10-12 23:57:00] - i saw a gamecube in action.
- mig
2001-10-12 23:29:00] - It's awful quiet here tonight.
2001-10-12 16:51:00] - -logan\
2001-10-12 16:44:00] - (more Paul antics)
2001-10-12 16:30:00] - "The only committee member who voted against the final bill was Rep. Ron Paul, a libertarian-leaning Republican from Texas." I tell you, Ron Paul kicks ass! He should've been voted for President.
2001-10-12 15:16:00] - explotation of tragedies to promote ones agenda.
- mig
2001-10-12 15:15:00] - "The chief users of Internet gambling are not terrorists, they are our youths," said LaFalce. "Lots of different kids are given credit cards -- not one -- multiple cards. It's easy to gamble from dormitory rooms, or with wireless connections from campus quads, or with Palm Pilots any place." typical
2001-10-12 14:42:00] -,2100,47518,00.html ummm, yeah.. makes sense to me.
- mig
2001-10-12 14:19:00] - Perl Cookbook, published by O'Reilly.
2001-10-12 14:19:00] - (this is where case preservation should be required!)
2001-10-12 14:18:00] - Maybe look for a module named Date::Manip in CPAN.
2001-10-12 14:18:00] -
cookbook. hehe. what's that?
2001-10-12 14:17:00] - I don't think strptime is in the posix package. Let me check my cookbook.
2001-10-12 14:16:00] - i'll see if that works.
2001-10-12 14:16:00] - does "use POSIX qw(strptime);" work?
2001-10-12 14:15:00] - but strftime is backwards. strftime: number->string. i want strptime: string->number.
2001-10-12 14:12:00] - Perl has strftime.
2001-10-12 14:11:00] - i guess it's really a c function but whatever.
2001-10-12 14:10:00] - i want to use strptime in perl.
2001-10-12 14:10:00] -
logan, do you know what the thing is called that lets you put c++ functions in perl?
2001-10-12 14:07:00] - I wonder which way Ron Paul voted.
2001-10-12 14:05:00] - - wolf
2001-10-12 14:03:00] -
blah... i can't spell
2001-10-12 14:03:00] - someone started fillibustering (or so it seemed; he was re-reading and old speech bush had made, and it seemed really out of context) so i gave up and turned it off.
- wolf
2001-10-12 14:02:00] - the house was split by about 13 votes
- wolf
2001-10-12 14:00:00] - they were also complaining that a small, secretive committee had made changes to the bill
- wolf
2001-10-12 14:00:00] - but they all voted for it but one. how could the entire senate have missed that?
2001-10-12 13:59:00] - i was watching cspan, and a couple democrats were talking about how it was unconstitutional
- wolf
2001-10-12 13:58:00] - that's what i thought.
- wolf
2001-10-12 13:58:00] -
hehe. everything is wolf colored. i don't think an uncolored person has ever been in first place.
2001-10-12 13:58:00] - present = presenting
2001-10-12 13:58:00] -
katie, don't they need a constitutional amendment to do that? congress shall make no law?
2001-10-12 13:57:00] - and i assume that remotely accessing your computer would be included in that
- wolf
2001-10-12 13:56:00] - that story didn't mention the provision that would allow gov't officials to search your home without present a warrant or even letting you know they had been in your home.
- wolf
2001-10-12 13:55:00] -
ugh... i was watching the house vote on that this afternoon. it concluded with me giving them all the middle finger.
- wolf
2001-10-12 13:45:00] - go wisconsin
2001-10-12 13:44:00] -
jdb: you have to check in and out of the aj computer lab now
2001-10-12 13:27:00] - It scares me that the media would go so far to support government propaganda.
2001-10-12 13:27:00] - senates response to feingold and the american people: fuck you.
- mig
2001-10-12 13:27:00] - After it hapenned, none of the replays shown by the media played that part, and none of the transcripts had it.
2001-10-12 13:26:00] -
Hmm, who remembers on the 11th Bush accidentally calling the terrorists "folks" when he was talking about how we would hunt them down and kill them?
2001-10-12 13:16:00] - 5 out of every 4 people have trouble with fractions
2001-10-12 12:59:00] - at least 1/4 of all dollar bills include 25 cents.
- wolf
2001-10-12 12:57:00] - at least 13% of all people are female.
- wolf
2001-10-12 12:56:00] - 100% of all unwed teenage mothers have had sex before the age of 20
- wolf
2001-10-12 12:35:00] - 92% of college students named Adrian are assholes!
2001-10-12 12:16:00] -
yeah, i made it up.
2001-10-12 12:16:00] - 32%? i'm a little skeptical of that figure.
- mig
2001-10-12 12:14:00] - then why do 32% of all college students burn to death their freshman or sophomore year?
2001-10-12 12:11:00] - I think burning to death in a dorm room is a very low risk.
2001-10-12 12:10:00] -
again, which is worse, getting kicked out of your room because of some drunk idiot . . . or burning to death?
2001-10-12 12:04:00] - It's better than getting kicked out of your room because some drunk idiot thought it'd be funny to pull the alarm!
2001-10-12 12:04:00] - they have the same problem only on a
much larger scale watching volcanoes. kick out a town of thousands and have them hate you forever (and sue you over and over) because you ruined their skiing season . . . or have all of them die.
2001-10-12 12:02:00] -
aba: which is worse? they kick you out of your room because of liquid soap or you're dead because it was a bomb and they didn't kick you out of your room.
2001-10-12 11:59:00] -
wolf: That's a nice response. Maybe that second instance of "American Jingoists'" would be better as some synonym, like "patriotic."
2001-10-12 11:55:00] -
Cool, they're going to publish my little piece.
2001-10-12 11:45:00] -
kris: im just mad i got kicked out of my room for a bunch of liquid soap.
- aba
2001-10-12 11:40:00] - i think your response was better though.
2001-10-12 11:40:00] - repeat steps
3 through 4 until one or both of you are dead.
2001-10-12 11:40:00] -
4. punch him in the face again, this time harder.
2001-10-12 11:40:00] -
3. he will retaliate by punching you back harder.
2001-10-12 11:40:00] -
2. punch him in the face as hard as you can.
2001-10-12 11:40:00] -
1. approach an ignorant barbarian talking about "war" and saying there should "be" "a" "retaliation."
2001-10-12 11:34:00] - did you notice how weller repeats "steps 5 through 8" instead of 6 through 8 . . . it would make no sense to do step 5 right after step 8.
2001-10-12 11:33:00] -
wolf: great response!
2001-10-12 11:20:00] - they have aolsucks, microsoftsucks, etc...
2001-10-12 11:19:00] - why wouldnt it be legal?
2001-10-12 11:18:00] -
actually, i think i'm still sitting on
- wolf
2001-10-12 11:17:00] - i wonder if it would be legal for me to register
- wolf
2001-10-12 11:17:00] -
illogical, poorly thought out retorts != good replies
2001-10-12 11:16:00] -
jdb: they get the credit that a lot of things published have been anti-war..... but then again, the commentary has also been filled with ignorant retorts... this is just another example of said retorts
2001-10-12 11:02:00] - i basically just want to call him a pacifist to piss him off
- wolf
2001-10-12 11:01:00] - i need a better way to lead into the last sentence, though
- wolf
2001-10-12 11:01:00] - here's what i have so far: - wolf
2001-10-12 10:52:00] - Hear! Hear!
2001-10-12 10:47:00] - time stamps would rule.
- wolf
2001-10-12 10:46:00] -
Oh, and are there timestamps available?
2001-10-12 10:45:00] - Guilliani is not being prick. It would be irresponsible to accept money from a head of state in-essence partly condoning the Sept. 11 attacks.
2001-10-12 10:40:00] -
aba: you WANT bombs?
2001-10-12 10:37:00] - i wish it had been peanut butter.
- wolf
2001-10-12 10:36:00] -
actually... i think i'm going to do a satire of his letter.
- wolf
2001-10-12 10:28:00] - i feel so cheated. it should have been something more than soap.
- aba
2001-10-12 10:14:00] -
wolf: yeah, today is all complaints against pacifists. but to give these angry letter writers some credit, the majority of things published lately have been anti-war.
2001-10-12 10:04:00] -
logan: hmmmm, there's an actual "straw man" argument for you.
- mig
2001-10-12 09:42:00] - i want to start up my own newspaper.
- wolf
2001-10-12 09:42:00] - i'm boycotting the ct.
- wolf
2001-10-12 09:42:00] - there's even a letter that encourages everyone to punch pacifists in the face
- wolf
2001-10-12 09:42:00] - it just amazes me how arrogant government office holders can be.
- mig
2001-10-12 09:41:00] - all the "opinions" in the ct are violently anti-peace
- wolf
2001-10-12 09:31:00] - guiliani returns to being a prick again.
- mig
2001-10-12 09:23:00] - .... it was soap. - wolf
2001-10-12 08:57:00] -
logan: he wants to take remove funds from state universities and he's a leftist? please elaborate on that as i'm confused.
- mig
2001-10-12 07:18:00] - if you're going to write something about elections, it should be soon.... i'd think most vt students have to vote absentee
2001-10-12 01:56:00] -
hehe, my roomie and i were just talking about killing prairie dogs, and well... thought of ! prarie dog hunt!
2001-10-12 00:48:00] - (I like that get your war on link
2001-10-12 00:43:00] - Good night.
2001-10-12 00:43:00] - If only we could permanently deadlock legislators.
2001-10-12 00:42:00] -
yeah, it's fun when we have a "mixed" office.
2001-10-12 00:40:00] - Maybe I'll say something about Reams sometime.
2001-10-12 00:40:00] -
jdb: One nice thing about having Gov. and Lt. Gov. be separate elections.
2001-10-12 00:39:00] -
disturbing. - wolf
2001-10-12 00:38:00] - - wolf
2001-10-12 00:38:00] -
hehe, but his running mate's drug stance would score big points
2001-10-12 00:34:00] - I don't think Redpath's campaign message of removing funds from state universities will make him very popular at VT.
2001-10-12 00:33:00] - But he'd be far better than either of the Marks.
2001-10-12 00:33:00] - The problem is, Redpath isn't my favorite libertarian. He's actually a bit leftist.
2001-10-12 00:33:00] - get your war on -jdb
2001-10-12 00:24:00] - there's a redpath sign on route 50.
- mig
2001-10-12 00:23:00] - last i heard, the guy in charge ran away to canada because the cops were after him for drug trafficking
- wolf
2001-10-12 00:22:00] -
well, the "legalize marijuana party of new jersey" should get media coverage for its entertainment value
- wolf
2001-10-12 00:21:00] -
wolf: I don't care about those other candidates.
2001-10-12 00:21:00] - Which Mark is which? (partywise)
2001-10-12 00:20:00] - it's annoying that lots of potential candidates get shut out of the media.
- wolf
2001-10-12 00:19:00] -
logan: you could write a libertarian candidate article for CT. that'd be even more interesting than responding to that annoying editorial.
2001-10-12 00:18:00] - redpath has gotten a lot more coverage than i figured he would. remember that warner said it was cool for him to join debates, early declined.
2001-10-12 00:09:00] - It's so annoying that Libertarian candidates get completely shut out of the media.
2001-10-12 00:09:00] - i keep affiliation and ideaology separate, too. personally, however, i never had any interest in associating myself with a specific group, because there's always been something i'd disagree with.
- wolf
2001-10-11 23:59:00] -
wolf: I try to keep the notion of affiliation and ideology separate. I'm a libertarian by affiliation (though not officially), but philosophically I am an anarchist.
2001-10-11 23:37:00] -
mig: approved.
2001-10-11 23:36:00] - it's all the same to me. one's political affiliation seems to mean less and less these days.
- wolf
2001-10-11 23:29:00] -
2001-10-11 23:29:00] -
2001-10-11 23:27:00] - how do i subscribe to this listsev. i probably won't post but i could use something to read while i'm at work.
- mig
2001-10-11 23:25:00] - Andrew is definitely not libertarian... or do you think he should troll in a libertarian forum?
2001-10-11 23:22:00] - i think.
- wolf
2001-10-11 23:22:00] -
andrew. - wolf
2001-10-11 23:17:00] -
wolf: Are you talking about Andrew or Paul?
2001-10-11 22:49:00] - i'm really curious as to what goes on at meetings, but until they stop holding them while i'm at class, i suppose i'll never know.
- wolf
2001-10-11 22:48:00] -
er... newsgroup = listserv
2001-10-11 22:47:00] - there must be a libertarian or environmental listserv where some of his posts would be better-suited.
- wolf
2001-10-11 22:47:00] - i do agree that he has a habit of pushing his political agenda through the newsgroup, which isn't always appropriate.
- wolf
2001-10-11 22:44:00] -
wolf: You probably didn't miss much. I think I'm way too long-winded usually... but Andrew is worse than me, it seems.
2001-10-11 22:44:00] - it's tiresome to watch people argue, since nobody ever really changes anyone's opinions in the end.
- wolf
2001-10-11 22:40:00] - i stopped reading those emails after the first two and deleted the rest
- wolf
2001-10-11 22:40:00] -
paul: LoganHanks on AIM, Logan on #vtlug on, or email.
2001-10-11 22:40:00] - -logan
2001-10-11 22:33:00] -
logan: I desire to speak with you in private, can this be accomplished?
2001-10-11 21:57:00] - i'm glad he did. maybe posters will be careful next go-around.
2001-10-11 21:44:00] - I wonder how many times Andrew used the term "straw man" in that message.
2001-10-11 21:13:00] - three friends and i were naughty and watched everything from a bathroom in eggelston until we got kicked out.
- wolf
2001-10-11 20:51:00] -
er, no, i'm thinking of the omnipotence vs. omniscience argument
- wolf
2001-10-11 20:44:00] - you should send it to the ct.
- wolf
2001-10-11 20:37:00] - not that i disagree with it.
- wolf
2001-10-11 20:35:00] -
logan: your "omnipotence" argument seemed fresh out of smith's "atheism" (reading my email now; i got stranded on campus)
- wolf
2001-10-11 17:37:00] - (read the question about equality)
2001-10-11 16:22:00] -
logan: you just don't get it, you libertarian wacko.
2001-10-11 16:19:00] -
logan: haha, i remember telemate.
2001-10-11 16:18:00] - rainbow capes (coming out day) and police tape (bomb scare). what a day.
2001-10-11 16:11:00] - Why do I get the feeling that everything Andrew posts has absolutely nothing to do with what he claims to be responding to? Or do I just not get it?
2001-10-11 16:08:00] - I wonder who forgot their back pack in the library.
2001-10-11 16:08:00] - and 'don't feed the trolls' should apply... but I rarely listen to myself=Þ
2001-10-11 16:07:00] - win2k is stable enough that I dont reboot for long periods of time (relatively speaking of course), I can play my games, and do my homework/talk to people.... if any OS can do it better.... I would certainly consider switching, but none yet can do what I need
2001-10-11 16:05:00] - I require windows to play my games, I do not dual boot since it's a hastle to switch, when I can just as easily do what I need to do in one os as I would be doing in 2
2001-10-11 16:03:00] - I know you didn't say anything was ignorant..... just that I'm sure you'd claim that the statement "windows is the best OS" is ignorant... and I certainly would agree
2001-10-11 15:58:00] - I thought telemate was a better OS than DOS, and telemate was just an application!
2001-10-11 15:55:00] - i liked dos more than i did windows. at least windows 95.
- mig
2001-10-11 15:48:00] - the devil take the women for they never can be easy.
2001-10-11 15:45:00] - A lot of people I've known simply use whatever software happens to be on their computer and never think to even try to discover if anything would work better (and I'm speaking in a more general sense than just OSes).
2001-10-11 15:44:00] - The point was to stir up complacency. If you're really sure you're using your computer optimally, well, bully for you.
2001-10-11 15:40:00] - I didn't say anything was ignorant. I was just semi-trolling. I still am dubious that DOS is the best OS for anybody, and I can't really make a claim for any of the new Windows strains.
2001-10-11 15:39:00] - the graphics package needs to find the width and height of the file. plus some manipulation would be nice for other things. like "convert" or gd. yeah, that was it; gd didn't work in win32. i'll play with it if and when i have time.
2001-10-11 15:37:00] - plus the file needs to be downloaded so they can't change themselves or disapear.
2001-10-11 15:26:00] - oh right. image size restrictions.
- mig
2001-10-11 15:23:00] - why does it have to be through perl's graphics package? why can't you just append a <img src> to any linked images?
- mig
2001-10-11 15:23:00] - or any other clause that makes it true for a subset of everyone, since it's not true than 'debian is the best os for everyone'
2001-10-11 15:22:00] - I'd guess you find it ignorant when people claim 'windows is the best OS'.... I find the claim 'debian is the best os' to be ignorant... unless you add the clause 'for me'
2001-10-11 15:19:00] - since debian, or any current widespread OS for that matter, cannot fullfill everyone's needs and desires better than any other OS, then it cannot be claimed to be 'the best os'-cryptic
2001-10-11 15:18:00] - Unless an OS fullfills every need and every desire (technically impossible unless customizable since many desires between people conflict) of everyone... it cannot be claimed to be 'the best OS' it can only be claimed to be the 'best os in x situation'
2001-10-11 15:16:00] - if dos fullfilled all my needs and desires, it would be the best os for me....
2001-10-11 15:16:00] - the best OS is one that fullfills more needs and desires than any other OS for an individual
2001-10-11 15:14:00] - since it fullfills my needs better than any other OS
2001-10-11 15:14:00] - wolf's stance is, what actually works best for the person (whether realistically, or just on pure emotion) will work best.... while you claim debian is better.... while it may be the best solution for you and your needs, it sucks when it comes to me and my needs, thus win2k is better for me
2001-10-11 15:12:00] - Hate to bring this up, but if you re-read what you said: it implies anything other than automating tasks is recreational and thus more subjective than determining a 'good os' by if it can easily automate tasks
2001-10-11 14:54:00] -
a: what does the perl graphics package need to be able to do?
2001-10-11 14:54:00] -
logan: too much clothing!
2001-10-11 14:47:00] -
logan: they look like goal posts.
2001-10-11 14:47:00] - i am sorry. jpegs are too hard for rolling my own code. the perl graphics packages for win32 were crappy so i had to write from scratch. i'll find a good linux perl graphics package for linux.
2001-10-11 14:39:00] - Once again, it's a shame that adrian doesn't handle jpgs.
2001-10-11 14:38:00] - I should write a column and use as my mugshot.
2001-10-11 14:17:00] - I'll have to try a column some day. Anyway, I have a rough draft that is only 433 words. -logan
2001-10-11 14:16:00] -
jdb: I already responded.
2001-10-11 14:15:00] -
logan: so what did you think of andy's response?
2001-10-11 14:15:00] -
logan: yes, columns have mugshots.
2001-10-11 14:15:00] -
logan: pick up a paper issue today -- all the letters are on the bottom of page 5 in grey. a good example of an editorial column is the abroad-student, writing from england , on the top left.
2001-10-11 14:13:00] - letter is from any joe type of response... a column is more of an "official" way of doing things. by writing a column, you could think of yourself as a guest writer.
2001-10-11 14:13:00] - Interesting justification by Andrew of John's posting of "Earth's 10 Commandments."
2001-10-11 14:11:00] - The "columns" would be what had the mug shots?
2001-10-11 14:11:00] - If it's a "letter", it should be around 400 words. I suppose the little opinion articles are "letters." I haven't looked at a paper issue in so long.
2001-10-11 14:07:00] -
Actually, there was some sort of distinction between a "letter" and a "column." What's the difference?
2001-10-11 14:07:00] - I got a timely response from the CT: 800-850 words, in a Word file (yuck).
2001-10-11 13:50:00] - (in the print edition)
2001-10-11 13:45:00] - Mugshot policy?
2001-10-11 13:45:00] - That article linked to a few minutes ago was over 600 words.
2001-10-11 13:43:00] -
hmm, maybe they have relaxed on the mugshot policy some.
2001-10-11 13:42:00] -
logan: now another option would be writing a column.. they'll let you a bit more, but you have to let them publish your mugshot.
2001-10-11 13:41:00] -
Damn, 300 words is really miniscule. You can't make a decent argument in 300 words without losing your audience.
2001-10-11 13:41:00] - it would be cool if there was a unix equivalent for direct connect. but just some general file sharing program will do. gtk-gnutella looks nice, but doesn't have that far of a "reach" like the windows gnutella clients do.
- mig
2001-10-11 13:39:00] - -jdb
2001-10-11 13:39:00] -
mig: what are you looking to do exactly?
2001-10-11 13:39:00] - if you point me in the right direction i might dump win2k sooner than i thought
- mig
2001-10-11 13:38:00] - i know that, but i haven't been able to find some decent software for it.
- mig
2001-10-11 13:36:00] -
mig: uh... unix is a much stronger platform for p2p stuff.
2001-10-11 13:36:00] -
jdb: Hmm, I'm a bit over 300.
2001-10-11 13:35:00] - as for productivity stuff i've found open office to be more than adequate(it just got a spell checker in the latest build! not like i use a spell checker much anyway, though).
- mig
2001-10-11 13:35:00] -
logan: 300 words.
2001-10-11 13:34:00] - such ignorance.
- mig
2001-10-11 13:33:00] - i'm comtemplating making the full switch. i've been playing less games than usual as of late, and the only other game that i really want to play is going to have a linux version out of the box. still would like some decent p2p application though.
- mig
2001-10-11 13:32:00] -
jdb: I wrote something up, but it's kinda long-winded. I don't remember what CT's editorial policies are, and their new web site sucks.
2001-10-11 13:21:00] - we discussed that letter in philosophy of religion today.
2001-10-11 13:19:00] -
logan: go for it!
2001-10-11 12:59:00] -
Hmm, maybe I should send a cleaned-up version of what I just posted to freeatvt as a CT editorial.
2001-10-11 12:32:00] -
wolf: No, I did not say that. I thought it was obvious that anything whose value depends entirely upon how it makes an individual feel is going to be entirely subjective.
2001-10-11 11:41:00] - I use my computer to communicate with others, play games, do work, and various other things.... windows fits my needs the best, otherwise I'd use another OS
2001-10-11 11:31:00] - so anything you don't value is subjective?
- wolf
2001-10-11 11:24:00] -
Well, if you want to use your computer to automate tasks and make them easier, it seems silly to use Windows. I suppose other uses would be recreational, which is even more subjective.
2001-10-11 11:23:00] -
jdb: I just use my friend's copy. It's great for running remotely.
2001-10-11 10:52:00] -
heh, as infrequently as i play, i've been on the hardcore assassin ladder for a couple weeks.
- wolf
2001-10-11 10:49:00] - boo to mathematica! if you have purchased and installed the windows version, and want to use the linux version (included on same cd), you have to pay a system transfer fee... yes, to transfer the license from one OS to th next, on your own box.
2001-10-11 10:49:00] - win2k certainly has its flaws, but for me, the alternatives are horribly inefficient and unstable.
- wolf
2001-10-11 10:47:00] - it's amazing how closed-minded people can get in regards to operating systems.
- wolf
2001-10-11 10:46:00] - unix may be the best for some people, but it is not the best for others.
- wolf
2001-10-11 10:42:00] -
logan: you can't really compare a typesetting language to word. completely different ways of doing things.
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