here are old message board entries

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[2001-10-17 15:07:00] - cryptic: That's pretty antisocial. :P -logan

[2001-10-17 15:06:00] - If a person simply said that a particular religious belief offered this and that in their life, I don't see any problem.  Religions generally don't stop with just that. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:06:00] - I think a rational person can find what they want, if not they will ask -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:05:00] - it doesnt make it less annoying or intrusive -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:05:00] - and people can just say 'no thank you' when they are bothered by a telemarketer -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:05:00] - I think a rational person should be gracious at accepting unsolicited suggestions, provided those suggestions are credible. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:04:00] - ok, they didn't 'try' the religions, they read it (installed the OS), the thought about it (explored the OS), applied it to their life (used/cusomized the os) for a bunch of religions... -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:04:00] - But I think making claims of authority when one has none is fraudulent. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:03:00] - cryptic: It's a presumption.  If I'm wrong, they can simply say "Yes, I know," and that's that.  No harm done. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:03:00] - maybe 'they' know as much and more than you -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:03:00] - how do you know 'they' are ignorant? -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:03:00] - Trying a religion doesn't qualify you as someone that has actually put some thought into philosophy.  The computer/religion analogy isn't that strict. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:02:00] - without knowledge of the person, without consent of the person, sure, it's uncalled for -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:02:00] - But on the other hand, speaking up when you're just as ignorant as they are is uncalled for. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:01:00] - I've learned in my life that people generally don't know everything, and, unless they are very immature, you should always speak up if you feel you can enlighten them. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:01:00] - and someone who's 'tried' different religions can give me a better argument why switching to a different one would be good for me? -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:01:00] - So you think it is unconditionally uncalled for whenever a person provides unsolicited advocacy? -logan

[2001-10-17 15:00:00] - Besides, my point there was, I have some credibility; I've used several OSes, and alternatives to Windows in particular.  So, presuming that I understood enough about a person's usage patterns, I could make a credible argument for switching. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:00:00] - if you educate people who ask for it... it's completely different than if start enlightening people -cryptic

[2001-10-17 14:59:00] - their is a difference between 'enlightening' and educating of other options, but in either case it's unnecessary... if one needs a new religion or operating system, they will ask.... -cryptic

[2001-10-17 14:58:00] - cryptic: So?  I certainly did not say all windows users have committed follies. -logan

[2001-10-17 14:58:00] - A person preaching from the bible I don't consider credible at all.  A person that has studied philosophy and can provide well-reasoned arguments I consider very credible. -logan

[2001-10-17 14:57:00] - I'm done.... just that your 'enlightenment', as wolf said, can be compared to religious people 'enlightening' people of different/no faith -cryptic

[2001-10-17 14:57:00] - I guess I'm speaking mainly of credibility.

[2001-10-17 14:57:00] - you said: 28868 - 10-17-01 11:01a - "i have, in the past, attempted to enlighten windows users as to the folly of their ways" -cryptic

[2001-10-17 14:56:00] - I'll wait for your rant to stop. :P -logan

[2001-10-17 14:56:00] - *nix isn't the best for everybody -cryptic

[2001-10-17 14:56:00] - I think you're trying to start a different argument. :P -logan

[2001-10-17 14:55:00] - Who said it did? -logan

[2001-10-17 14:55:00] - one can be 'enlightened' about OSes, and still use windows -cryptic

[2001-10-17 14:55:00] - it does not mean one is ignorant, it does not mean one doesnt know *nix or any other OS exist, it doesn't mean the person is ignorant -cryptic

[2001-10-17 14:54:00] - Windows isn't best for everybody. -logan

[2001-10-17 14:54:00] - the fact that one uses 'windows' means nothing. -cryptic

[2001-10-17 14:53:00] - how are you able to determine that window's users necessarily need to be 'enlightened'? -cryptic

[2001-10-17 14:53:00] - That's not the meaning I'm using.  I'm using the "expert whose views are taken as definitive" sense of authority. -logan

[2001-10-17 14:45:00] - that's not the point.  does he have any actual authoirty?  can he turn me into his thinking against my will? - mig

[2001-10-17 14:44:00] - The proselytizer is assuming authority; he might say that his authority comes from the Bible, or some other similar source.  You then have to determine whether his source of authority actually has any authority itself. -logan

[2001-10-17 14:42:00] - does the proselytizer have any real authority, anyway? - mig

[2001-10-17 14:37:00] - wolf: Let's say I wrote a "Cooking Bible."  Does that mean that a person deriving his ideas about cooking from this "Bible" has any real authority? -logan

[2001-10-17 14:27:00] - and i disagree with your comparison.  a baptist relies on an interpretation of the bible in order to formulate his philosophy.  you do not necessarily use your knowledge of computers to come up with food recipes. - wolf

[2001-10-17 14:26:00] - Haha, Windows is too secure! -logan

[2001-10-17 14:26:00] - how about you knowing a lot about computers, and then telling me which os i "ought to" use? - wolf

[2001-10-17 14:22:00] - oh god this is funny. - mig

[2001-10-17 14:12:00] - I really would not trust an ICC. -logan

[2001-10-17 14:12:00] - I think that if the US wants to avoid hypocrisy, it should prosecute its own citizens.  Unfortunately, our government is too corrupt at this time to be able to do so.  Most governments are in general. -logan

[2001-10-17 14:11:00] - It would be like me claiming that, since I know a lot about computers, I'm qualified to tell you all about cooking, and my words on the subject should be accepted without question. :P -logan

[2001-10-17 14:10:00] - Well, a proselytizer doesn't try to convince you of his authority when it comes to Biblical knowledge.  He tries to convince you of his authority when it comes to philosophy. -logan

[2001-10-17 13:51:00] -,2100,47635,00.html when i say yes i mean no. - mig

[2001-10-17 13:43:00] - you may know a lot about computers, and a baptist may know a lot about the bible, but that both of you may push your opinions on others has little to do with what is being pushed, i think. - wolf

[2001-10-17 13:41:00] - that is to say i don't support the icc as it stands.  it could use some tweaking. - mig

[2001-10-17 13:40:00] - logan: can you prove that statement? - wolf

[2001-10-17 13:39:00] - i just find it hypocritical that the us feels that bin laden must be handed over unconditionally to them, while they would do the same thing if the situation was reversed(say if sudan wanted to prosecute clinton for ordering the bombing of their pharmaceduical(sp?) plant). - mig

[2001-10-17 13:37:00] - that depends, i'm not sure. - mig

[2001-10-17 13:37:00] - "Everyone else is doing it.  What makes you so special?" -logan

[2001-10-17 13:37:00] - I find it interesting that whenever some global treaty is being pushed (Kyoto, for instance, like anything having to do with the UN), "peer pressure" is the only argument. -logan

[2001-10-17 13:36:00] - For instance, Congress is Constitutionally prohibited from accepting any treaty that violates the Constitution.  Is the ICC compatible with our Constitution? -logan

[2001-10-17 13:36:00] - I think the US may have very good reasons for not going with the flow globally when it comes to the ICC. -logan

[2001-10-17 13:34:00] - (for instance) -logan

[2001-10-17 13:33:00] - wolf: I'd like to think I'm more of an expert on computers than your average baptist is on philosophical matters. :P -logan

[2001-10-17 13:31:00] - wow, i know there are some pushy linux users, but i've never heard of anyone being that pushy.  they must have really wanted you to use linux bad. - mig

[2001-10-17 13:19:00] - instead of brainwashing, it was "hard drive" washing. heh. - wolf

[2001-10-17 13:18:00] - - wolf

[2001-10-17 13:18:00] - similarly, there are "pushy" linux users in the same way there are "pushy" christians. one day, i mentioned that if i had more time, i'd be interested in trying linux.  the next thing i knew, about 5 people were at my dorm room, trying to install debian, formatting my hard drive multiple times, etc.

[2001-10-17 13:15:00] - and before you say that you are just trying to show windows users some alternate options, i've dealt with christians who have simply wanted to show me my options, too. - wolf

[2001-10-17 13:14:00] - remember kids, the us is special and the same rules don't apply to them. - mig

[2001-10-17 13:14:00] - christians believe that they are "enlightening" rationalists; non-theists believe that they are "enlightening" theists, etc etc etc - wolf

[2001-10-17 13:13:00] - "enlightenment" is an empty word - wolf

[2001-10-17 13:13:00] - how are your attempts to "convert" windows users any different than a christian's attempt to "convert" pagans? - wolf

[2001-10-17 13:12:00] - (too big)

[2001-10-17 11:06:00] - i'll oh bullshit myself now.. - mig

[2001-10-17 11:04:00] - hmmm... i should learn to read beyond the first sentance of posts perhaps... - mig

[2001-10-17 11:02:00] - Time for class. ): -logan

[2001-10-17 11:01:00] - I have, in the past, attempted to enlighten Windows users as to the folly of their ways, much like one might attempt to enlighten the unreasonably religious. -logan

[2001-10-17 11:00:00] - Nor did I say anything about employing force in order to prevent this activity. -logan

[2001-10-17 10:59:00] - So "oh bullshit" back to you. :P -logan

[2001-10-17 10:59:00] - But a tribalistic theocratic society I would really hate living in. -logan

[2001-10-17 10:58:00] - I don't care about living in an ignorant society as far as computers go.  That makes me money. :P -logan

[2001-10-17 10:58:00] - mig: That doesn't follow. -logan

[2001-10-17 10:51:00] - logan:  oh bullshit!  if you believe that then go prosecute microsoft for taking advantage of ignorant computer users. - mig

[2001-10-17 10:38:00] - mig: But they spread through taking advantage of ignorant people, who never learn to think for themselves. The only way to prevent that spread is to challenge people's beliefs. -logan

[2001-10-17 10:35:00] - bah, just let them spout their loony rhetoric if it makes them happy.  like cryptic said, as long as they leave me alone(they rarely do, though), i'm fine with it. - mig

[2001-10-17 10:05:00] - What I mean is, you have these people claiming to be philosophical authorities, and many people give them credit as such, yet in most cases they turn out to have incredibly weak or fallacious philosophical arguments. -logan

[2001-10-17 08:58:00] - eh, some have examined 'the truth', that's not a real issue with me.... I find it annoying when anyone tries to force his/her ideas/beliefs onto others -cryptic

[2001-10-17 08:41:00] - The thing that always bugged me most about religion (or those that preach it, particularly) is how irresponsible it is to pretend to provide the truth when one has obviously not examined the truth oneself. -logan

[2001-10-17 01:56:00] - "26316 - 8-16-01 10:22a"  ~a

[2001-10-17 00:14:00] - patents for stupid shit!  on sale now! - mig

[2001-10-17 00:11:00] - yes, that's what always bothered me when arguing with christians, they don't have a clear definition of "god", save what's in the bible, and simply change the definition when it suits them. - mig

[2001-10-16 23:09:00] - having been raised in a catholic environment, i'm more "used to" the catholic definition, which is a long stream of "inhuman" qulities. - wolf

[2001-10-16 23:08:00] - that's like me saying "i want you to disprove 5hbfbfjrhh555554441,,,1, - wolf

[2001-10-16 23:07:00] - i won't disprove the existence of something as vague-sounding as "god".  i generally need a definition first. - wolf

[2001-10-16 22:57:00] - assuming god exists, he can not be all powerful and all knowing.... the disproving of his existance though is nearly impossible, since the definitions of god are determined by mere humans, and the words in the bible are just slightly(sarcasm) scewed and changed from their origins -cryptic

[2001-10-16 22:55:00] - but then you stray from the basic definition of god being all powerful and all knowing -cryptic

[2001-10-16 22:55:00] - it's also possible to fullfill logan's example, by saying god has all the power except to restrict himself... -cryptic

[2001-10-16 22:53:00] - there are ways to define god so that he is not self-contradicting.... but by definition he's all powerful and all knowing... -cryptic

[2001-10-16 22:31:00] -

[2001-10-16 22:15:00] - cryptic:  some have argued that god does only knows all that could happen.  that's a bogus argument if they hold on to the bible though. - mig

[2001-10-16 22:13:00] - logan:  this 'god' could be in another plane of existence, which would change things considerably. - mig

[2001-10-16 21:40:00] - cryptic: maybe god makes changes that set the future he knows.  i really think that is using the concept of a god to prove how god could exist.  ~a

[2001-10-16 21:37:00] - There are so many variations on this little theory, though.

[2001-10-16 21:36:00] - If it's not infinite, it's so huge that it might as well be. :P -logan

[2001-10-16 21:32:00] - a: I believe it is infinite, but I could be wrong. My knowledge of quantum mechanics (and, particularly, string theory) is weak. :P -logan

[2001-10-16 21:31:00] - logan, is there not an infinite number of possibilities for a given quantum interaction?  ~a

[2001-10-16 20:53:00] - therefore god is : a)not all powerful b)not all knowing c)doesnt exist d)a combination of the above -cryptic

[2001-10-16 20:52:00] - if he's all powerful he can change it to something other than what he knew -cryptic

[2001-10-16 20:52:00] - if he's all powerful, he can change what's going to happen in this reality -cryptic

[2001-10-16 20:51:00] - think of it this way: god knows everything and thus knows what's going to happen in this particular reality -cryptic

[2001-10-16 20:51:00] - logan: i don't restrict my opinions to your definition of the universe. - wolf

[2001-10-16 20:50:00] - logan: the argument still applies during that situation -cryptic

[2001-10-16 18:24:00] - Sort of similar to the weak anthropic principle, I think. -logan

[2001-10-16 18:23:00] - If some being could somehow know everything there is to know about all of these universes, then fate is not an issue, because every possible outcome can be said to have been brought about by simply looking at this being's manifestation in the particular universe where that outcome does occur. -logan

[2001-10-16 18:21:00] - So, for instance, the more likely outcomes occur in a larger number of universes. -logan

[2001-10-16 18:21:00] - wolf: How does the argument apply if our universe operates in this manner: every quantum interaction is probabilistic.  For every probabilistic interaction, every possible outcome occurs (in separate universes).  That is, the universe is splitting constantly.  -logan

[2001-10-16 18:20:00] - kris: i think the same thing could be said about an autistic kid, a vegetable on life support, a dog, or a rock. - wolf

[2001-10-16 18:18:00] - *** kris complains that she had purposeful capitalization in that quote and it disappeared!

[2001-10-16 18:17:00] - otherwise it's not changing anything and is simply a vicitm of some greater fate. - wolf

[2001-10-16 18:16:00] - if god knows everything, it knows the future; but if god can change the future, then it cannot know what the future is. - wolf

[2001-10-16 18:15:00] - i'm sure the ct tomorrow will be littered with garbage like "it's not a paradox because god can do everything and knows everything!!!" - wolf

[2001-10-16 18:05:00] - maybe that's why its my favorite book ;)  -kris

[2001-10-16 18:04:00] - I like the God in Illusions...  "A mother doesn't care what part her child plays in his games; one day bad-guy, next day good-guy.  The Is doesn't even know about our illusions and games.  It only knows Itself, and us in its likeness, perfect and finished."

[2001-10-16 17:54:00] - I'm not sure if there's a useful definition of "omnipotence" that avoids any paradox. -logan

[2001-10-16 17:54:00] - It would've been fun to go into that, but I didn't have space. :P -logan

[2001-10-16 17:53:00] - There have been some interesting arguments over the millennia, where the definition of what it means to be "omnipotent" is modified to avoid a paradox. -logan

[2001-10-16 17:48:00] - It's logically impossible to disagree with my article.  It is highly likely, however, that people misinterpret what exactly I said. -logan

[2001-10-16 17:46:00] - today i overheard some people in my hci class talking about the ct's opinions... glanced over, they were talking about how much they disagreed with logan's article ;)    -kris

[2001-10-16 17:23:00] - Josten's always made me sick.  The exploit compulsory government schooling in order to gain a monopoly on school crap, like graduation necessities, school rings, etc. -logan

[2001-10-16 15:55:00] - my high school - wolf

[2001-10-16 15:52:00] - - wolf

[2001-10-16 15:51:00] - he was a nice guy otherwise.  it was just that one issue that he was so closed-minded about. - wolf

[2001-10-16 15:49:00] - i don't know if you're familiar with josten's "renaissance" program, but a large group of us were opposed to it.  our principal wouldn't listen to us when we tried to suggest alternatives to bribing kids to come to school. he was afraid we'd use our paper to criticize the program. - wolf

[2001-10-16 15:48:00] - or charging a child with drug trafficking after she gave another child who had an asthma attack her respirator. - mig

[2001-10-16 15:48:00] - they said they wouldn't support is because it was "subversive" literature, so if we distributed it at school it would be soliciting, which isn't allowed.  - wolf

[2001-10-16 15:47:00] - anyone know about the 'korn' incident.  that one's a classic. - mig

[2001-10-16 15:47:00] - - mig

[2001-10-16 15:22:00] - a: Schools have suspended for much dumber reasons. -logan

[2001-10-16 15:16:00] - katie, they can do that?  suspend you for distributing a newspaper?  ~a

[2001-10-16 15:00:00] - i want my absentee ballot :( - wolf

[2001-10-16 15:00:00] - i've noticed that we haven't been getting any mail at all this past week, including junk mail. - wolf

[2001-10-16 14:47:00] - we tried to start an "academic" newspaper in high school because the regular one was so terrible, but the administration told us they'd have us suspended for insubordination if we did :( - wolf

[2001-10-16 14:46:00] - the only think i submitted to the ct was the political cartoon josh and i did, which would have been pretty hard to change. - wolf

[2001-10-16 14:44:00] - capitol hill - wolf

[2001-10-16 14:33:00] - The hill? -logan

[2001-10-16 14:20:00] - wow, security's really been stepped up on the hill.    police and roadblocks are everywhere. - mig

[2001-10-16 13:03:00] - ###/pics/download/83.gif -logan

[2001-10-16 12:52:00] - What IP is it resolving to? -logan

[2001-10-16 12:52:00] - is on the campus network. -logan

[2001-10-16 12:45:00] - i can't do either from here.  but i can access many network resources from both sources.  ~a

[2001-10-16 12:45:00] - i can ping you from northern virginia but not telnet to port 80.  ~a

[2001-10-16 12:44:00] - heh.  i can ssh to northern virginia and ping you.  but i still can't access your web page from there.  ~a

[2001-10-16 12:41:00] - nor traceroute to it.  ~a

[2001-10-16 12:41:00] - i can't ping

[2001-10-16 12:41:00] - i'm still able to access many other network resources.  ~a

[2001-10-16 12:39:00] - Why can't you access it? -logan

[2001-10-16 12:36:00] - logan, i just clicked on the link.  and i can't access either.  ~a

[2001-10-16 12:33:00] - jdb: So when are we going to start our own newspaper? :P -logan

[2001-10-16 12:27:00] - They turned one of my six-sentence paragraphs into five paragraphs!  That's insane.  These people need to take some English classes. -logan

[2001-10-16 12:26:00] - No it's not.  You must've not typed in the URL properly. -logan

[2001-10-16 12:26:00] - logan, your web page is down.  ~a

[2001-10-16 12:10:00] - But the incorrect paragraph and sentence breaks are what bug me most. :P -logan

[2001-10-16 12:10:00] - They definitely are.  Compare what they published to the original: -logan

[2001-10-16 11:27:00] - reasons not to submit to the CT.... -cryptic

[2001-10-16 11:06:00] - it's seems like the ct is enticing conflict. - mig

[2001-10-16 11:03:00] - yeah, i don't like the title they gave your thing.  they seem to be poor at doing that. - mig

[2001-10-16 10:41:00] - mkay, just curious.  ~a

[2001-10-16 10:36:00] - I believe so. -logan

[2001-10-16 10:32:00] - isn't kristin a christian of some sort?  ~a

[2001-10-16 10:08:00] - At least in the online edition... why can't they leave paragraph breaks alone? -logan

[2001-10-16 10:07:00] - Hmm, they took some editorial liberties with my article. ): -logan

[2001-10-16 08:52:00] - i don't have a low-end computer though, so i can blame it on the incompetent software. - mig

[2001-10-16 08:10:00] - i've never had that problem... sometimes everything will hang really badly when i try to kill a lot of stuff that's about to crash.  i usually blame it on having a low-end computer. - wolf

[2001-10-16 07:20:00] - I love sleeping in past 7am very much -cryptic

[2001-10-16 02:58:00] - i love aparna bamzai very much.  ~a

[2001-10-15 22:11:00] - i looked on ms's support site and there supposadly is a kill.exe program that will halt programs from the command line if you get an "access denied", but for some reason i can't seem to fathom, it's not a standard part of win2k/nt. - mig

[2001-10-15 22:00:00] - I agree, it's completely obnoxious.... but it rarely happens (atleast to me=Þ)... hopefully you dont have to run that program much or run into that error much... -cryptic

[2001-10-15 21:59:00] - most of the time you can end process, but if you ever get a 'you dont have access/power', then you ave to wait it out (most likely it will kill itself if its crashing) or reboot -cryptic

[2001-10-15 21:58:00] - either let it die, or reboot -cryptic

[2001-10-15 21:40:00] - one would assume that one should be able to kill any process as admin, but then again, it is microsoft. - mig

[2001-10-15 21:38:00] - Unix (rarely) has the same problem with zombie processes (but those are usually the result of some device driver failure). Although then it's not a matter of permission... the process just can't be cleaned up. -logan

[2001-10-15 21:34:00] - wolf:  yes, which further infuriates me  - mig

[2001-10-15 21:32:00] - are you logged on as admin? - wolf

[2001-10-15 21:28:00] - wow.  2 cds for the price of 1!  unfortunately they're the same cd. - mig

[2001-10-15 19:42:00] - fucking windows. - mig

[2001-10-15 19:41:00] - how do i kill a process in win2k that refuses to die(ie says access denied) - mig

[2001-10-15 18:13:00] - i was never one for atrocity tourism, but it keeps me entertained on a friday night. - wolf

[2001-10-15 18:12:00] - i think they're going to start doing an rpg that involves stuffed animals. - wolf

[2001-10-15 18:11:00] - we have a freshman who won't respond to anything but her jedi-knight-fox name (whatever it may be) - wolf

[2001-10-15 18:09:00] - jbh showed up out of curiosity, and i have a feeling he's going to end up being exposed to the fucked-up side of the "furry fandom" - wolf

[2001-10-15 18:09:00] - but i'd say about 96% of the people in the club are "fanboys" and "fangirls", and are basically too weird for even the sci-fi/fantasy club. -  wolf

[2001-10-15 18:08:00] - i am in it for the art. - wolf

[2001-10-15 18:07:00] - the latter will dress up like animals, act like animals, wish they were animals, invent an alter-ego for themselves, etc. - wolf

[2001-10-15 18:06:00] - furry is... really... weird.  it usually consists of two kinds of people: those who like the art and those who can't separate fantasy from reality. - wolf

[2001-10-15 17:41:00] - wolf:  furry?  -  aba

[2001-10-15 17:39:00] - ahhh... that's him.  he went to the furry meeting. - wolf

[2001-10-15 17:08:00] - "I thought it would be fun to give Robot Ron a scare and let the cart roll downthe hill without me pushing. He went straight into the front grill of an SUV,then got ran over by the Wonder Bread delivery truck. I did not know what todo, so I went home."  hehe.  ~a

[2001-10-15 17:01:00] - wolf: jbh = -jdb

[2001-10-15 16:57:00] - robots kill reminded me of this site. mean robots - aaron

[2001-10-15 16:11:00] - you shall only use the software that microsoft tells you to. - mig

[2001-10-15 16:04:00] - i have.  he comes to a lot of meetings.  josh and adrian have met him too.  what did he look like?  -  aba

[2001-10-15 14:15:00] - on an unrelated note, has anyone met john hodges from the free@vt listserv?  because i think i did on friday. - wolf

[2001-10-15 14:11:00] - actually, if i had an iron and some iron-on printer paper, i could do that pretty easily. - wolf

[2001-10-15 14:11:00] - with a picture of a big scary robot on it - wolf

[2001-10-15 14:11:00] - i want a shirt that says "guns don't kill people; robots do." - wolf

[2001-10-15 14:10:00] - or something to that effect. - wolf

[2001-10-15 14:10:00] - "guns don't kill people; i do" - wolf

[2001-10-15 14:10:00] - hahahaha yes! - wolf

[2001-10-15 13:56:00] - what's = what does; not what's = what is.

[2001-10-15 13:56:00] - logan, what's it say?  ~a

[2001-10-15 13:39:00] - I always liked this guy's shirt better (though you can barely see it here :P) -logan

[2001-10-15 13:18:00] - ###/pics/download/82.gif - wolf

[2001-10-15 12:15:00] - ###/pics/download/81.gif -logan

[2001-10-15 12:14:00] - ###/pics/download/80.gif -logan

[2001-10-15 12:07:00] - Think of all the computations you could be doing. -logan

[2001-10-15 12:07:00] - cryptic: No it doesn't! -logan

[2001-10-15 11:31:00] - mmmm dual athlons..... my next computer.... a few years down the road, since this one suits my needs for now -cryptic

[2001-10-15 11:25:00] - the riaa is a very fucked up organization.  hopefully, it wont be around for long.  -  aba

[2001-10-15 11:22:00] - i like gnome but everyone makes fun of me because gnome is for people who dont know how to use linux.  :-\  -  aba

[2001-10-15 11:19:00] -,2100,47552,00.html in addition to the senate, the riaa would like to send americans a hearty "fuck you". - mig

[2001-10-15 11:15:00] - i hate kde.  i always "killall kdeinit" because it keeps starting processes and won't go away.  ~a

[2001-10-15 10:38:00] - "a workstation based on a dual 1.53GHz AMD Athlon MP processor 1800+ outperforms a similarly-configured workstation based on a dual 1.7GHz Intel Xeon processor by up to 23 percent on various application benchmarks, such as High-end Microstation, SoftImage XSI and Alias Wavefront/Maya." -dave

[2001-10-15 09:02:00] - why does everyone think that kde is so great? - mig

[2001-10-15 08:51:00] - which sucked when you wanted something other than pepsi -cryptic

[2001-10-15 08:51:00] - heh.... the soda machine back when I lived at oshag would sometimes have the button for pepsi stuck..... -cryptic

[2001-10-15 04:23:00] - another screen saver: "aj sucks"  ~a

[2001-10-15 04:20:00] - i went to a soda machine in aj, swiped my card, and before i selected which soda i wanted, it read my mind and dispensed it.  the display told me my balance and then thanked me.  "no, thank you" i said.  ~a

[2001-10-15 04:18:00] - one of the screen savers at the aj computer lab: "people at aj eat poo"  ~a

[2001-10-15 01:37:00] - alright.... time for bed.... too late to be awake -cryptic

[2001-10-15 01:37:00] - =Þ -cryptic

[2001-10-15 01:37:00] - hrmm... I think he was... he had brown hair right? I remember someone fitting that description approaching me asking about 'josh', I just nodded and kept moving... -cryptic

[2001-10-15 01:19:00] - let's hope that big, burly boy was not attempting to do that... -jdb

[2001-10-15 01:13:00] - 8pm? that's very strange.... sure it wasnt' some guy/girl just trying to get your name, etc.? -cryptic

[2001-10-15 00:21:00] - a: hmm, they checked me in at 8pm. that was a first. maybe it depends on time of day? -jdb

[2001-10-15 00:07:00] - yay, aj doesn't do check-in anymore and i figured out that i can turn dvorak on.  ~a

[2001-10-15 00:04:00] -  really cool contest ibm is doing.  ~a

[2001-10-15 00:03:00] - aba: the one in my journal?  That is my hairstyle now- it used to be flat, remember? - dewey

[2001-10-15 00:02:00] - aba: :-p - dewey

[2001-10-14 22:55:00] - "If an Anthrax member gets Anthrax, call Alanis Morrisette. That would be ironic. Don't you think?"  heh  ~a

[2001-10-14 22:53:00] - anthrax is a cool band, i'm glad they're not considering changing their name. - mig

[2001-10-14 22:35:00] - If you really wanted to abuse the children, you should have them carry the packets back and forth. from -jdb

[2001-10-14 21:54:00] - i wish i knew, but they charge money for that information.  :( - wolf

[2001-10-14 20:02:00] - wolf: And just what are the projections for edible ass meat in 2002? -logan

[2001-10-14 19:28:00] - -jdb

[2001-10-14 18:38:00] - i just thought it was funny because it mentions "ass meat" - wolf

[2001-10-14 18:38:00] - - wolf

[2001-10-14 18:25:00] - burger king to roll out veggie burger -jdb

[2001-10-14 18:24:00] - dewey: i cant make out the difference in your hair from that pic.  sorry.  -  aba

[2001-10-14 18:22:00] - wolf: ct is only printed tues-fri. -jdb

[2001-10-14 17:49:00] -

[2001-10-14 17:28:00] - 31 new ddr pictures and 3 new videos:  ~a

[2001-10-14 14:00:00] -    funny condom commercial

[2001-10-14 13:48:00] - i want to start a band called "physicists with syphilis" - wolf

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