here are old message board entries

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[2001-10-22 13:32:00] - And I suspect his motivations differ from mine. -logan

[2001-10-22 13:32:00] - wolf: There's a difference -- malp is an idiot. -logan

[2001-10-22 13:29:00] - logan: did i ever tell you how much you sound like malp? :P  wolf

[2001-10-22 13:28:00] - logan: I totally agree with you, I have been on the list for a fraction of the time you have and I already unsubscribed because I couldn't stand it -paul

[2001-10-22 13:25:00] - mig: I'm not exaggerating.  I'm sick of seeing that PFAW crap.  I've called Andrew out on other groups whose political stuff he posts before, and I'll do it again. -logan

[2001-10-22 13:24:00] - wolf: What's the difference? :P -logan

[2001-10-22 13:22:00] - there's a difference between challenging others' views and simply trolling. - wolf

[2001-10-22 13:22:00] -;$sessionid$XW4CQPIAAHO25QFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2001/10/22/wcia122.xml&sSheet=/news/2001/10/22/ixhome.html - wolf

[2001-10-22 13:21:00] - i agree that there was some stuff on there that was irrelevant and as you said, "crap", but i think you're exagerrating it a little. - mig

[2001-10-22 13:20:00] - wolf: Dissent is highly valuable.  The challenge of ideas and notions is what enables us to develop more robust ideas and notions.  So sometimes I do disagree just to disagree.  But not always. -logan

[2001-10-22 13:19:00] - I'm using "leftist" as a convenient label.  If you would like, I could rant on and on specifically about why the majority of that post was inappropriate to the list. -logan

[2001-10-22 13:14:00] - wolf:  i think it's just an irrational fear/hatred of anything "leftist". - mig

[2001-10-22 13:08:00] - logan: just out of curiosity, do you simply like to disagree with people for the sake of disagreement? - wolf

[2001-10-22 13:03:00] - The leftist crap. :P -logan

[2001-10-22 12:52:00] - but which crap is worse?  the leftist crap or the rightist crap? - mig

[2001-10-22 12:44:00] - Heh, more leftist crap on the freeatvt list. -logan

[2001-10-22 11:08:00] -

[2001-10-22 10:03:00] - hmmm... so the novalug mailing list was right about rh 7.2  good thing i got it last weekend. - mig

[2001-10-22 10:02:00] -

[2001-10-22 09:35:00] - and new videos.  ~a

[2001-10-22 09:35:00] -  new pictures.  ~a

[2001-10-22 08:54:00] - that would be correct....

[2001-10-22 01:18:00] - wouldn't it be "/me fears anthrax is in his bills" ?  ~a

[2001-10-22 00:39:00] - *** cryptic fears anthrax is in my bills =Þ.... guess  shouldnt pay them

[2001-10-22 00:38:00] - I was commenting on logan's definition/explanation of what 'reverse' modifies and how it was being used -cryptic

[2001-10-22 00:38:00] - -cryptic

[2001-10-22 00:38:00] - I wasn't disagreeing with you

[2001-10-22 00:23:00] - chill out!  i was agreeing with you.  ~a

[2001-10-22 00:23:00] - I'd have to say using 'reverse' as in the examples is both incorrect when modifying the meaning or the connotation of the word it's attached to -cryptic

[2001-10-22 00:22:00] - hijacking is good when the company did it? discrimintation against whites is good? big business stealing is good? black cops beating up a white guy is good? a man working on the home is bad? -cryptic

[2001-10-22 00:21:00] - reverse implies opposite, and whether it's modifying the verb or the connotation, it's incorrect -cryptic

[2001-10-22 00:19:00] - the answer to all three is: no -cryptic

[2001-10-22 00:19:00] - is black cops beating up a white guy, the reverse-rodney king? -cryptic

[2001-10-22 00:18:00] - is big business stealing wallets, reverse-pickpocketting? -cryptic

[2001-10-22 00:17:00] - if a man lives at home while the wife works, is he a reverse-housewife? -cryptic

[2001-10-22 00:16:00] - why bother redefining reverse in these cases when it should be clear that they are reverse (opposite)  of what your would expect..... it's still discrimination, or hijacking, but the traditional roles are switched -cryptic

[2001-10-22 00:16:00] - it, in fact, sounds like a good thing.  since discrimination is bad, so reverse-descrimination should be good, right?  ~a

[2001-10-22 00:15:00] - yeah, i think people use "reverse-descrimination" because it doesn't sound as bad.  ~a

[2001-10-22 00:12:00] - discriminating against whites is just that, discrimination, not reverse-descrimination -cryptic

[2001-10-22 00:12:00] - reverse does not mean 'opposite of the expected manner' it means: 'opposite'.... reverse discrimination would be the opposite of discriminating.... stating 'the reverse is true' means 'the opposite is true'.... logan, I understand how some people use the term, that does not change the fact -cryptic

[2001-10-21 21:41:00] - ###/pics/download/84.gif

[2001-10-21 19:15:00] - -logan

[2001-10-21 18:49:00] -

[2001-10-21 16:55:00] - it's a poor choice of words. - wolf

[2001-10-21 16:30:00] - It's discrimination in a manner that is the opposite of the expected manner. -logan

[2001-10-21 15:43:00] - woof

[2001-10-21 15:37:00] - meow

[2001-10-21 13:52:00] - "reverse discrimination" would mean to treat someone equally, or discriminate while you're standing on your head, etc. - wolf

[2001-10-21 13:06:00] - if discrimination is happening, it's most likely not against white males... but discriminating against white males is discrimination, not reverse-descrimination -cryptic

[2001-10-21 13:05:00] - I understand what they mean, I understand what you say.... but it doesnt change the fact that it's hijacking whether done the way 'normally' expected, or this way... and thus the terminology is incorrect.... using the word hijacking would suffice... -cryptic

[2001-10-21 11:16:00] - I think the reverse applies more to the fact that it's in the opposite direction that one would normally expect.  It doesn't modify the verb (like 'hijacking'), but instead the connotation. -logan

[2001-10-21 10:22:00] - -logan

[2001-10-21 09:17:00] - although, I disagree with the term 'reverse-hijacking', as if hijacking can only go one way, that's like saying 'affirmative action is reverse discrimination'... no such thing, you can claim it's discrimination... not reverse -cryptic

[2001-10-21 09:15:00] - blah.... the aspen grove company == dumb -cryptc

[2001-10-21 01:15:00] -  it's not often good news comes about in the domain name area. - mig

[2001-10-20 23:29:00] - - wolf

[2001-10-20 15:20:00] - - wolf

[2001-10-20 13:26:00] - invastion!

[2001-10-20 10:27:00] - - wolf

[2001-10-20 00:39:00] - computers consume nearly 13% of the total kWh power consumption of the US -jdb

[2001-10-19 23:17:00] - Heh, all those capitalist notions apply only in a world of finite resources. -logan

[2001-10-19 23:13:00] - if libertarians went to heaven...  -jdb

[2001-10-19 19:58:00] - mig: if you're stuck on redhat, i've had good luck with this reiser+redhat combo -jdb

[2001-10-19 19:41:00] - It makes fsck nearly obsolete.  I've been using Reiser since last winter, it's great. -logan

[2001-10-19 19:32:00] - and, apparently (i haven't used ext3 before), it is identical to ext2 except for this file. -jdb

[2001-10-19 19:32:00] - mig: well, basically... a file records all transactions. if something screws up, this file can be "played" back. -jdb

[2001-10-19 18:18:00] - can someone explain what file journaling is in the ext3 filesystem? - mig

[2001-10-19 17:53:00] - damnit, there goes the "i didn't know this was illegal"-defense. :-D DEA Clarifies Status of Hemp in the Federal Register -jdb

[2001-10-19 17:30:00] - cool flash games -jdb

[2001-10-19 15:53:00] - heh.  nice article, josh.  ~a

[2001-10-19 15:31:00] - A Matter Of Choice -- Can a mathematical idea have political import? -jdb

[2001-10-19 15:19:00] - (corrupt)

[2001-10-19 15:16:00] - heh.  i didn't look at the bottom.  "Born Again Christian Parody Sites"  ~a

[2001-10-19 15:14:00] - how does playing "beat it" in the background going to convince you to stop masterbating(keeping in mind it's a michael jackson song)? - mig

[2001-10-19 15:13:00] - hehehe

[2001-10-19 15:12:00] - Stay away from the Old Testament stories about King David!

[2001-10-19 15:09:00] - TAKE MASTURBATION OUT OF THE DEVIL'S HAND  this can't be serious.  ~a

[2001-10-19 15:08:00] - interesting, but very unsurprising. - mig

[2001-10-19 15:04:00] - that url doesn't need a description.  hehe.  ~a

[2001-10-19 15:03:00] -  ~a

[2001-10-19 14:53:00] - jdb:  that's a really weird interpertation of masterbation...  i thought it meant rubbing your genitals.  glad she corrected me. - mig

[2001-10-19 14:47:00] - well, legally speaking, it wasn't a copy.  but since masturbation is good, i take her comments as a compliment. - wolf

[2001-10-19 14:18:00] - You take someone's form and turn it against them in an absurd manner in order to show how their argument is not a valid one. -logan

[2001-10-19 14:17:00] - That's the whole point of satire. :P -logan

[2001-10-19 13:54:00] - wolf: she says it is masturbation because it was pointless and was just copying a previous work, blah, blah, blah. she hates non-christians anyways. -jdb

[2001-10-19 13:39:00] - -logan

[2001-10-19 13:16:00] - heh.  that's a hardcore translator.  usually you don't associate translators with high risk activities.  ~a

[2001-10-19 13:13:00] - quite amusing.  he looks like he saying, "oh shit!" - mig

[2001-10-19 13:02:00] - masturbation is healthy for you!

[2001-10-19 13:01:00] - wolf: Does that make me a lesbian? -logan

[2001-10-19 12:55:00] - unless she's a lesbian and jerked off to the sorority girl that was in it. - wolf

[2001-10-19 12:54:00] - how was our comic "masturbation"?  perhaps she is confusing that word with "satire". - wolf

[2001-10-19 10:25:00] - well, maybe not crazy... but fruity and mushy and hollow to say the least. p.s. i am biased because his gf called our (wolf and i) comic "masturbation." -jdb

[2001-10-19 10:24:00] - kurek --> "Racism founded in fearful ignorance and reinforced by generalizations" -jdb

[2001-10-19 10:23:00] - kurek --> "our leaders are treating crisis with innovation" -jdb

[2001-10-19 10:21:00] - mig: i agree. kurek's columns are consistently crazy. -jdb

[2001-10-19 10:14:00] - especially if that one source is CNN. - mig

[2001-10-19 10:13:00] - who in the right mind claims to make sound arguments using facts solely based on one source? - mig

[2001-10-19 10:13:00] - this guy is a whacko.  george bush, "a man of conviction".    *shudder* - mig

[2001-10-19 09:19:00] - email dennis ( if you think his response is inconsistent. i saw an early edit of his response; i'm not sure how much the CT butchered... er... edited it. -jdb

[2001-10-19 09:12:00] - sure it pointed out the inconsistency of the assumptions... assuming other things, which may or may not be inconsistent -cryptic

[2001-10-19 09:09:00] - ignoring the mistake at the end... that article sucked -cryptic

[2001-10-19 09:09:00] - that's a good way to end the article.... good job CT! -cryptic

[2001-10-19 09:08:00] - "but I hope in the future he will........."

[2001-10-19 08:47:00] - all hail sex! - mig

[2001-10-19 08:38:00] - hmmm, pretty good straw man argument. - mig

[2001-10-19 01:49:00] - that's vt for ya. -jdb

[2001-10-19 01:08:00] - bah.  i wish it mainly revolved around geek circles.  ~a

[2001-10-19 00:24:00] - that event was advertised on a ton of mailing lists, in my classes, and in newspaper... but i guess it (advertising) mainly did revolve around greek circles. -jdb

[2001-10-19 00:21:00] - i went there alone but saw my roomate (wow!) and a stat major (aparna isn't the only one) there  ~a

[2001-10-19 00:20:00] - i wish they had advertised the jimmie's chicken shack concert better.  it was really cool for those of you that weren't there and everybody should go if jcs comes back again.  ~a

[2001-10-19 00:16:00] - :'( i wish cornel west's talk hadn't been cancelled -jdb

[2001-10-18 20:53:00] - first our mail started disappearing.  now everyone in my house has.  i think the gov't is out to get me. - wolf

[2001-10-18 20:47:00] - Sample of Larry Ellison's new National ID Card -jdb

[2001-10-18 20:45:00] - novel security measures -jdb

[2001-10-18 15:47:00] - haha.  rock stars are funny. - mig

[2001-10-18 14:02:00] - boo! and are all owned by the same company.  grrrr..... - mig

[2001-10-18 13:45:00] - The only downside is that they're French bastards. :P  But if a dispute goes to court, you can choose to have the proceedings in your local jurisdiction. -logan

[2001-10-18 13:44:00] - I don't think you can get any cheaper than gandi. -logan

[2001-10-18 13:44:00] - But I haven't really had any bad experiences. isn't under much demand. -logan

[2001-10-18 13:44:00] - The only other one I've tried is Joker.  I don't quite recommend them. -logan

[2001-10-18 13:41:00] - ugh, the top one is australia.  they have freaky computer laws over there. - mig

[2001-10-18 13:40:00] - Heh, they rank Gandi third highest overall.  They're the best in their price category. -logan

[2001-10-18 13:39:00] - mig: The free market at work: :P -logan

[2001-10-18 13:37:00] - that is to say, that i already do my own hosting. - mig

[2001-10-18 13:36:00] - if they are cheap about hosting, that's fine, i can do my own hosting. - mig

[2001-10-18 13:32:00] - what should i beware of? - mig

[2001-10-18 13:31:00] - -logan

[2001-10-18 13:29:00] - i'll try gandi.  i've heard good things about them, while not so good things about verisign. - mig

[2001-10-18 13:05:00] - I want with a cheap place ( and haven't had problems.  But beware, they're cheap. :P  I do my own hosting, too. -logan

[2001-10-18 12:41:00] - of course, i said no. - wolf

[2001-10-18 12:41:00] - the required you to have a nic handle to configure it, but didn't offer any ways to actually get one.  i complained, they eventually gave me my money back, transferred the license to themselves, and offered to sell me the domain for $100. - wolf

[2001-10-18 12:39:00] - i registered "" or something similar with a "cheap" place, and basically lost the domain. - wolf

[2001-10-18 12:38:00] - networksolutions (i guess they're owned by verisign now) will remind you when your license is almost up, lets you configure everything yourself, etc. - wolf

[2001-10-18 12:37:00] - most of the "cheap" places exist basically so that you'll forget to renew your license, they can take it over, and try to sell it back to you at a profit - wolf

[2001-10-18 12:35:00] - the only place i've had success with was  of course, they're also probably the most expensive. - wolf

[2001-10-18 12:19:00] - attention!  you are condemed!  did you know that? - mig

[2001-10-18 11:28:00] - if i wanted to register a domain name, who would be the best service to do it with? - mig

[2001-10-18 10:59:00] - woah. - mig

[2001-10-18 07:28:00] - ....why did I sign up for 8am class on tuesday/thurday?  ick.... I'll never know what I was thinking.... -cryptic

[2001-10-18 00:33:00] - hehehe.  that is funny.  ~a

[2001-10-17 22:47:00] - if this email roulette conversation ever ends, i'll post a log of it.  so much fun. - wolf

[2001-10-17 22:45:00] - - wolf

[2001-10-17 22:41:00] - I love these overused, meaningless phrases... "Make no mistake," "mark my words."  This particular quote comes off rather confrontational, in my opinion. :P -logan

[2001-10-17 21:13:00] - ""You mark my words, people are going to tire of the war on terrorism."  way to instill confidence, huh? - mig

[2001-10-17 21:09:00] - - mig

[2001-10-17 20:23:00] - yes, it is. - mig

[2001-10-17 20:20:00] - "Scott Culp is the Manager of the Microsoft Security Response Center."  Isn't it interesting that the name of this person is the root of the term "culpable"? ("Mea culpa") -logan

[2001-10-17 19:30:00] - -load of crap- - mig

[2001-10-17 17:50:00] - -logan

[2001-10-17 17:45:00] - logan: i understand what you are saying, but i disagree with you 100%. - wolf

[2001-10-17 17:11:00] - yo, adrian!  a bit more assistance?  --tuanomsoc

[2001-10-17 16:16:00] - more on the xp being too secure. - mig

[2001-10-17 16:08:00] - mig: It is my belief that 90% of arguments are just between people that truly agree, but are trying to settle on the same terms and define the same concepts. :P -logan

[2001-10-17 16:07:00] - 45 minutes of work left.  *twiddles thumbs*. - mig

[2001-10-17 16:06:00] - *** cryptic runs off to start his homework

[2001-10-17 16:05:00] - very good question... an argument of word usage and miscommunication? -cryptic

[2001-10-17 16:04:00] - f n a.... no extra then at the end of that.... oi, I'm retarded (statement of fact) -cryptic

[2001-10-17 16:04:00] - then what the bloody hell are you 2 arguing about? - mig

[2001-10-17 16:04:00] - well then, we're in agreement... I have purposely refrained from using the word rude, but we're at agreement then -cryptic

[2001-10-17 16:02:00] - they are free to do it, I find it annoying, obnoxious, etc. -cryptic

[2001-10-17 16:02:00] - mig: Yep.  I think it's just rude.  However, loonies that are trying to trick me I consider evil. -logan

[2001-10-17 16:02:00] - There is more evidence for reasons for OS preferences than there is for most religions. :P -logan

[2001-10-17 16:01:00] - 'linux is bettwe than windows for you' is also a true statement -cryptic

[2001-10-17 16:01:00] - i don't think whether it's intrusive or not is the point.  if loonies want to spout their crap at me, they are free to, and i am free to ignore them or to tell them to fuck off. - mig

[2001-10-17 16:01:00] - How is it not a belief?  I wouldn't tell you your headlights were on unless I believed they were.  Any statement of "fact" is really just a belief.  Some beliefs are just more justified than others. -logan

[2001-10-17 16:01:00] - 'windows is better than linux for me' is a statement of fact -cryptic

[2001-10-17 16:01:00] - 'telling me my' -cryptic

[2001-10-17 16:00:00] - Well, Linux is better than Windows. :P (but I have all sorts of experience and arguments behind that statement, and I have a lot of qualifications to make of such a statement) -logan

[2001-10-17 16:00:00] - 'linux is better than windows' is -cryptic

[2001-10-17 16:00:00] - telling my headlights are on is not a belief -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:59:00] - anyways... what was going on in my mind was that someone explaining to me how 'linux is better than windows' is just as annoying as someone explaining to me how 'christianity is better than whatever I have' -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:59:00] - A telemarketer puts little thought into deciding to call you.  Hence, annoying.  Someone that sees that you left your headlights on will put some thought into realizing that you'd be better off if he intruded and informed you of this fact, therefore not intrusive. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:58:00] - cryptic: That's what I'm offering -- how to determine if it's intrusive or not.  I think it boils down to intent, and how much thought was put into the decision of whether or not to bother you. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:58:00] - "you accidentally sent in a duplicate. i am sorry if you intentionally sent in a duplicate but it was suggested that i check for duplicates since so many people were having trouble with it." ...oops -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:57:00] - otherwise, I'd say it's uncalled for 'enlightenment'... it may not always apply, some people are shy and won't ask for help.... but in other cases it's annoying, intrusive and just not necessary... how do you determine which is the case? I don't know -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:57:00] - otherwise, I'd say it's uncalled for 'enlightenment'... it may not always apply, some people are shy and won't ask for help.... but in other cases it's annoying, intrusive and just not necessary... how do you determine which is the case? I don't know -crypticf

[2001-10-17 15:57:00] - do you need the person's approval before you speak to him about anything? - mig

[2001-10-17 15:56:00] - Well, I think that if you have good justification for offering unsolicited opinions (for example, if you can reasonably argue that the information you are offering could improve someone's life), then you should do so. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:53:00] - my original statement was one questing how do you know someone 'needs enlightenment', and at that, to really know if you should begin 'enlightening', you should verify they need enlightening.... usually by them expressing interest in the subject... such as religion or operating system -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:49:00] - mig: Like the difference between, say, Falwell and the Spanish Inquisition? :P -logan

[2001-10-17 15:49:00] - they may not be successful, and they may not be convincing, but it's the attempt that's annoying -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:48:00] - correct... although, in some cases christians come to your house, explain why their belief is better than yours, and are trying to force you to belief what they believe -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:46:00] - there's  a difference between convincing someone that they are right and forcing someone to acknowledge they are right., - mig

[2001-10-17 15:46:00] - cryptic:    i am not sure i would call that forcing you to attempt to believe. - mig

[2001-10-17 15:45:00] - belief/believe

[2001-10-17 15:45:00] - you have the right to explain.... I don't deny that... but I have the right to find it annoying and an attempt to try to make me belief something I may otherwise disagree with.... -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:45:00] - I still don't see how speech can be force.  They are trying to convince you, yes, but what is so wrong with that, if they've truly given it some thought?  Whether or not you are actually convinced is still a decision made by you and you alone. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:44:00] - if I want to hear the explanation... I'll ask... maybe by challenging the statement, etc. -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:44:00] - the difference is 'stating' vs. 'explaining' -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:43:00] - 'rambling on' modifies explaining... you can just remove it -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:42:00] - same thing with christians, they are welcome to believe christianity is the best, they have the right to say so... but when they start explaining, explicitly to me why it's better than my religion/belief system... it's an attempt to force me into believing in christianity -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:42:00] - What's the difference between "stating" and "rambling"? (that's the only difference I could find between the two scenarios you mentioned) -logan

[2001-10-17 15:41:00] - if you start rambling on explaining to me that debian is best, whether or not it's becuase you know what you're talking about, it's still trying to force me into the belief that debian is best... -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:40:00] - when you state your belief that debian is best... there is no explanation needed unless I challenge that belief -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:39:00] - explaining requires that they want to know, otherwise it's trying to explain something to someone who doesnt necessarily want to know, which can be taken as trying to force them into believing it -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:38:00] - In my mind, there's a world of difference, and that's probably why I argue so often, because of the way in which I view arguments. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:37:00] - Isn't there a difference between explaining something to someone and trying to force them to believe it? -logan

[2001-10-17 15:37:00] - If I persist in explaining without good reason, I'd call that rude (which is what I'd call many religious people). -logan

[2001-10-17 15:37:00] - I said "28960 - 10-17-01 3:17p - i dont mind people having their own beliefs, i dont mind people sharing their own beliefs, but when they try to make me believe that, it's a completely different scenario -cryptic" -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:36:00] - I think I have every right to explain.  You also have every right to ignore me. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:36:00] - cryptic: You don't believe in a right to free speech? :P -logan

[2001-10-17 15:35:00] - i'll let people express their views to me, but once i tell them 'go away', and they don't, we'll have problems. - mig

[2001-10-17 15:34:00] - but if I use merely use windows, you do not have the right to explain why debian, or any other os, is better, since I didnt ask for your opinion -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:34:00] - Doesn't that conflict with your notion that people should not express their ideas to you? -logan

[2001-10-17 15:33:00] - if I say 'windows is the best operating system ever'.... you then have the right to disagree, which may include an explanation of why you disagree -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:32:00] - expressing your views, sharing your ideas on the subject is a way of asking for differing opinions -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:31:00] - well, to determine if you're being a moron, you must express yourself -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:30:00] - (I'd rather have someone tell me that I'm being a moron, if they have a good reason for believing that it is true) -logan

[2001-10-17 15:29:00] - I would mention that I think such an attitude is silly, but I can't, since you haven't asked for my opinion. :P -logan

[2001-10-17 15:27:00] - I'm just saying, if I want to be 'enlightened' I'll ask -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:27:00] - Of course. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:27:00] - agreed, but those people have a right to stay ignorant, how can you say they want to be 'enlightened' -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:26:00] - around converting and not questioning what they are told -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:25:00] - not in every case.... I'm sure there are many christians who don't go around 'enlightening' (converting) people, who evaluate morality and why it is how it is, and agree with the christain way of life.... generalizations such as yours do not apply in every case (even if most christians do go -crypti

[2001-10-17 15:24:00] - Well, you could heavily qualify such statements... I could say that there is a set of people for whom Unix is better.  If such people are using Windows, then by definition they are ignorant.  But that's a pretty useless statement to make. *grin* -logan

[2001-10-17 15:23:00] - There's no question of the ramifications of these rules.  How does the practice of Christian ethics manifest itself in society.  Are we better or worse off with Christian ethics?  I've never heard such things addressed in church. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:23:00] - agreed, brainwashing children is a form of attack, installing an os on wolf's computer was a form of attack, saying windows users are ignorant and that *nix is better (in all cases) is an attack (this was not said by you if that's what you think I'm implying), etc -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:22:00] - cryptic: There is no derivation of Jesus's or God's ethics.  The fact that they are God is all the justification that is given. There is no question of why morality is as it is; it's just because God said so. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:22:00] - ah, but logan, "you always have a choice." - mig

[2001-10-17 15:21:00] - and what does that phrase mean? you have to have a definition of jesus' ethics and morality to determine that, in which case they have a set morality and ethics -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:20:00] - I would consider brainwashing as a kid an instance of me being "attacked", perhaps, but I grew up to have my own thoughts, fortunately. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:20:00] - Well, when have you been "attacked"? -logan

[2001-10-17 15:20:00] - Basically every ethical argument boiled down to pointing out how God did or said to do things. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:19:00] - there's a difference between two people arguing/discussing and one person attacking another -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:19:00] - Based on my experience of Christianity as a child, Christian ethical theory (at least among the people I met) could be summed up pretty well by their little catch phrase, "What Would Jesus Do?" -logan

[2001-10-17 15:18:00] - Then you can rationally evaluate it and accept or discard it.  You can agree with it, you can refute it, you can extend or modify it, or you can ignore it.  As long as someone is attempting to justify their beliefs, as opposed to imposing them, why be offended? -logan

[2001-10-17 15:18:00] - they teach christian morality all the time through they sermons.... as well as ethics.... they teach it on a conceptual level, through examples and application -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:17:00] - Maybe you should stop interpreting everything that everyone says as some attempt to subvert your thoughts, and instead accept it as an argument. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:17:00] - Some argue that certain sets of moral rules lead to a better life.  Others argue that morality is arrived at differently.  What they have in common is that they argue. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:17:00] - I dont mind people having their own beliefs, I dont mind people sharing their own beliefs, but when they try to make me believe that, it's a completely different scenario -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:16:00] - But since when have you heard a preacher get into gritty details of ethical theory and Christian morality? -logan

[2001-10-17 15:15:00] - Sure.  Here they are giving me a pragmatic reason why a certain set of moral rules, for instance, is good.  That's how science usually works, you know. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:15:00] - the point of living is different from person to person.... one may tell you 'to learn', another 'to have fun', another 'to survive', another 'to breed'.... -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:14:00] - religion can be boiled down to a set of beliefs in a certain philosophy and set morals.... if someone experiences many religions, and sees that one of them could suit your life better.... you would enjoy their intrusion? -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:12:00] - What's the point of living, then? -logan

[2001-10-17 15:11:00] - not necessarily, maybe you are seeking knowledge by living, but not everyone -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:10:00] - As long as you don't try to feed me bullshit, I'll appreciate everything you have to say on any subject. :P -logan

[2001-10-17 15:10:00] - I am asking for knowledge by living. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:10:00] - the teacher is a source of knowledge, I am asking for that knowledge by being in class -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:09:00] - A philosophical or moral claim based on some sort of religion doesn't hold the same credibility to me. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:09:00] - My teachers are constantly making such claims.  And I appreciate them, because I know they have experience and knowledge of the subject. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:09:00] - So, if a teacher observed you doing something using a certain method, and suggested what he or she thought would be a better one, you'd be offended? -logan

[2001-10-17 15:08:00] - I welcome proselytizing, as long as someone's not trying to defraud me. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:08:00] - and therefore I am selecting what information I want -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:08:00] - I choose which classes to take -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:07:00] - my presence in school == my asking for the information about the subject -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:07:00] - Or why are you even talking to me?  I talk to people because what they have to say can often inform me, or lead me to thoughts that I otherwise would not have had. -logan

[2001-10-17 15:07:00] - I'm learning.... -cryptic

[2001-10-17 15:07:00] - cryptic: What are you doing in school, then? -logan

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