here are old message board entries

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[2001-10-28 23:46:00] - aba: Lies! People don't die and then get better! -paul

[2001-10-28 23:19:00] - paul: well, apparently he does.  :-p  -  aba

[2001-10-28 22:44:00] - a: You don't "get better" from death :-( -paul

[2001-10-28 22:37:00] - a:  maybe it's a prophecy? - mig

[2001-10-28 22:06:00] - it's ok, paul, i got better.  ~a

[2001-10-28 21:24:00] - a: I'm sorry adrian :'( -paul

[2001-10-28 21:12:00] - "Adrian Porter (34) died in a hail of bullets fired through the window of his home"

[2001-10-28 21:11:00] - "The Loyalist drug dealer shot dead in a house in Conlig, outside Bangor last Tuesday was Adrian Porter (34)."  wow.  there's more to my story  :-D  ~a

[2001-10-28 21:07:00] -  how come no one told me?!  you would think i would have been the first to know!  ~a

[2001-10-28 20:52:00] - i made that picture 4 years ago.  it seems like only yesterday :-P  ~a

[2001-10-28 20:50:00] -  (too big)  pretty  ~a

[2001-10-28 19:35:00] - horray for lawsuits! - mig

[2001-10-26 23:13:00] -

[2001-10-26 18:48:00] - i'm also prone to typos - mig

[2001-10-26 18:36:00] - no, probably not.  me no good at english. - mig

[2001-10-26 16:50:00] - Was your misspelling of anarchocapitalism intentional? :P -logan

[2001-10-26 16:50:00] - mig: I've been browsing some articles today; while the arguments tend to be crude and immature, they are definitely fun to read. -logan

[2001-10-26 15:30:00] - other than the promotion for anachro-capitalism, that was some good readin' - mig

[2001-10-26 15:14:00] - -logan

[2001-10-26 15:08:00] - yes, innovation indeed!  restricting access for different users?  what a novel idea! - mig

[2001-10-26 13:58:00] - u.s.-iraq-anthrax connection

[2001-10-26 13:13:00] - read the first paragraph talk about innovation! all of these old files can now be disposed of!

[2001-10-26 13:07:00] - Interesting conversation. -logan

[2001-10-26 13:03:00] - the olsen twins are apparently in a band now. - mig

[2001-10-26 10:51:00] - I wonder if they did that because some people (idiots) would ask for a synonym and then wonder why their computer was calling them an idiot. (apparent condescension towards users in error messages and such is always an hci issue, for instance) -logan

[2001-10-26 10:42:00] - haha. - mig

[2001-10-26 10:35:00] - ###/pics/download/87.gif -logan

[2001-10-26 10:35:00] -

[2001-10-26 10:21:00] - All of a sudden, CT editorials actually have proper paragraphs again.  Is it that there is just one bad editor, and he took the day off? -logan

[2001-10-26 10:18:00] - That John Edward guy cracks me up. -logan

[2001-10-26 10:18:00] - Haha... "But America may never get to hear what they have to say because yesterday afternoon production house Studios USA axed the whole idea after reporters and station execs -- the two least queasy segments of society -- actually cringed." -logan

[2001-10-26 10:11:00] - another on john edward

[2001-10-26 10:10:00] - i say john edwards is a sick fuck-face

[2001-10-26 08:19:00] - Just because it's big doesn't mean it's a "lot of things." :P -logan

[2001-10-26 07:04:00] - like the government.  :-p  -  aba

[2001-10-26 01:53:00] - Like what? -logan

[2001-10-26 01:33:00] - you seem to hate a lot of things.  -  aba

[2001-10-26 00:14:00] - I hate Rocky Horror. -logan

[2001-10-25 23:13:00] - i want to go to rocky horror this weekend.  you want to meet up or something?  -  aba

[2001-10-25 23:01:00] - freakiness on the radio:  98 rock, WHFS, and DC101 all played that shitty puddle of mudd song.  what was scary was they were all roughly in sync with each other. - mig

[2001-10-25 22:43:00] - is anyone going to rocky horror this weekend? - wolf

[2001-10-25 22:42:00] - ninja saddy |:|( - wolf

[2001-10-25 19:53:00] - I just saw Josh! Eating pho, I believe. -logan

[2001-10-25 18:29:00] -  ~a

[2001-10-25 16:49:00] - Vote Libertarian! -logan

[2001-10-25 15:44:00] - too bad i can't seem to find any information on the fnj party. - wolf

[2001-10-25 15:40:00] - democrat, republican, libertarian, independent, two different socialist parties, green party, and whatever the "free new jersey" party is. - wolf

[2001-10-25 15:39:00] - interesting selection of candidates running for governor of nj on my absentee ballot. - wolf

[2001-10-25 15:21:00] - Oh no, now I can't browse!  What was there, anyway? -logan

[2001-10-25 15:09:00] -

[2001-10-25 12:53:00] - -logan

[2001-10-25 11:40:00] - logan:  well, then there is another problem that only pakistan recognizes the legitamacy of the taliban government. - mig

[2001-10-25 09:37:00] - maybe you two should take it to email. - wolf

[2001-10-25 00:57:00] - I'm going to bed... we can discuss this further later -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:57:00] - to make sure 'peace' is kept -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:56:00] - by the way, I only swayed the military onto my side and fill their pockets with money -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:56:00] - let's say I killed 400 thousand people you couldnt save.... I still 'deserve' to be in charge? -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:55:00] - If I had large sums of money, and was great at convincing people of my beliefs and seized power of a country and ordered all people shorter than 5' be killed.... nothing should be done to me, just save those people who don't want to be in my country? -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:53:00] - other slaves were born here.... how can you 'deserve' the government you have when you're born into the situation -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:52:00] - actually, they were kidnapped and enslaved by other factions, then sold to the slave traders -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:51:00] - Those slaves were kidnapped from somewhere.  Why did they let their own people be kidnapped and enslaved? -logan

[2001-10-25 00:50:00] - The only force I'd consider justified is removal of people from a country, if they desire it. -logan

[2001-10-25 00:49:00] - so then when slavery was legal in america... those slaves deserved a government that supported slavery? that's bullshit -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:45:00] - well, if we're going to talk realistically, the US should pull it's head out of it's ass, and walk to the corner and look at the wall..... since most actions are short-sighted, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' kind of shit -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:45:00] - Which is why I believe intervention is never justified.  Aid may be justifiable.  Asylum is certainly justifiable.  Force against sovereign nations is just a bad idea. -logan

[2001-10-25 00:44:00] - People get the government that they deserve. -logan

[2001-10-25 00:43:00] - i just know that when the u.s. decides that it needs to "set things straight", bad shit happens. - wolf

[2001-10-25 00:43:00] - i didn't read the whole argument that just happened here... i don't particularly care about it, either. - wolf

[2001-10-25 00:42:00] - there are more important problems than breaches of christian morality in the u.s. today. - wolf

[2001-10-25 00:41:00] - "or let's say one country decides to rid it's ranks of one religious group..." so when john ashcroft decides that heathens like me need to be "re-educated", should russia be allowed to forcibly take over the u.s. gov't? - wolf

[2001-10-25 00:39:00] - well then change 'doing something morally wrong' to 'imposing upon individual's rights' -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:39:00] - bush thinks abortions are morally wrong.  i think they're morally right.  etc. - wolf

[2001-10-25 00:38:00] - the problem is that morality is entirely subjective. - wolf

[2001-10-25 00:37:00] - we must seperate intervention from imposing. Since imposing our beliefs would be just as wrong as a government imposing it's beliefs on it's people -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:35:00] - if you want to boil it down to something simple: we should intervene when a country is doing something morally wrong.  -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:33:00] - and have the population in america was impoverished, it would call for someone to intervene, if someone powerful enough existed. -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:33:00] - -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:33:00] - if the taliban denied one woman from teaching because she was a raving lunatic, it would be different than barring all women from teaching/learning.  If civic programs were non-existant, and taxes were inversely proportional to income, and businesses has no taxes and a half the population in -crypti

[2001-10-25 00:30:00] - I understand your point, as I said before, it's going to be dependent on the case.... you draw the line, I'm not going to, since it really hinges on the circumstances and the magnitude of the situation -cryptic

[2001-10-25 00:00:00] - cryptic: There are always bad things happening in other countries, just as there are bad things happening in our country. I am just wondering where the line should be drawn whether or not the United States should interfere -paul

[2001-10-24 23:58:00] - cryptic: If you were a poor minority in America right now would you like for something to be done? -paul

[2001-10-24 23:45:00] - teir / their -cryptic

[2001-10-24 23:44:00] - there are many people speaking out against many totalitarian regimes and dying for it.... while others go on with teir lives tolerating it only because they do not wish to die... should we just leave them to suffer, the way the child was in my example? -cryptic

[2001-10-24 23:42:00] - if you were born in afghanistan, were a woman, and were a teacher (until the taliban decided women shouldn't teach/learn).... would you like for something to be done? -cryptic

[2001-10-24 23:39:00] - eh, a country is missing a personality (is it?... multiple personality disorder/multi-goverment disorder) but the current government usually has it's agenda, actions, beliefs, etc.... I see a pretty close correlation -cryptic

[2001-10-24 23:37:00] - even if you draw a line, there's always the possibility that something happens that will cause you to cross it. - mig

[2001-10-24 23:28:00] - cryptic: I don't know where to draw the line there but I think that's a slightly different situation. Countries are slightly different from individuals -paul

[2001-10-24 23:25:00] - mig: I think it's kind of debatable whether they were brainwashed hostages or believers with free choice. However, most foreign governments can usually give their own reasons about why some religious groups are dangerous and need to be gotten rid of as well -paul

[2001-10-24 23:17:00] - it's going to be a judgement call, and people aren't perfect, but in some cases action is called for and almost required -cryptic

[2001-10-24 23:16:00] - if you were walking down the street and you saw a guy you were larger than kicking the crap out of his child, would you intervene? where do you draw the line there? -cryptic

[2001-10-24 23:15:00] - paul:  didn't they have hostages? - mig

[2001-10-24 23:14:00] - Taking for example the Taliban and it's inhumane treatment of afghani people, it's an extended time.... and as always it will vary from case to case -cryptic

[2001-10-24 23:13:00] - well, I'd hope there was more to it than the US trying to rid itself of 'dividians' -cryptic

[2001-10-24 23:05:00] - cryptic: So where do you draw the line? It could be argued that the United States government tried to rid itself of the Branch Dividians at Waco. Would other countries be justified in trying to stop us? -paul

[2001-10-24 22:32:00] - there are certain circumstances where intervention is required, otherwise, we shouldn't be telling other countries how to run themselves -cryptic

[2001-10-24 22:27:00] - or let's say one country decides to rid it's ranks of one religious group, there is definite cause for intervention -cryptic

[2001-10-24 22:24:00] - just as if I were walking home and saw someone I was bigger than kicking the shit out of some tiny little person -cryptic

[2001-10-24 22:24:00] - I think intervention is necessary in certain situations -cryptic

[2001-10-24 19:20:00] - logan:  i don't think they should be, but there are many people who do. - mig

[2001-10-24 18:46:00] - mig: Only if you believe that democracy and morality are linked. :P -logan

[2001-10-24 18:27:00] - logan + devin:  as long as the 'majority morality' doesn't violate other's rights. - mig

[2001-10-24 18:01:00] - devin: I agree. -logan

[2001-10-24 16:45:00] - Logan: I'm not so sure government should even have 'moral duties.' Government would be better off leaving morality to the people. -devin

[2001-10-24 16:45:00] - now mail being sent to us is being returned to the sender as "underliverable"... we just went to the post office, and they were clueless. - wolf

[2001-10-24 16:45:00] - the mail saga continues... - wolf

[2001-10-24 16:31:00] - devin: Do you think it is our government's moral duty to work for the freedom of people that aren't citizens of this country? -logan

[2001-10-24 16:28:00] - Do we have any right to create other governments as we see fit, regardless of the efforts of the people there? -devin

[2001-10-24 16:27:00] - I'm more curious as just where the responsibility lies for creating a new government. Should it not be us but instead be the people of Afghanistan building their government? -devin

[2001-10-24 16:16:00] - finally, some sensible traing for our police officers. - mig

[2001-10-24 16:06:00] - or i guess the other question:  is it any of our concern that there are people in other nations who are denied the liberties that we consider sacred? - mig

[2001-10-24 16:05:00] - hmm... it does raise the question:  is it ethical to for another nation to force out totalitarian regimes in order to establish a more democratic one? - mig

[2001-10-24 15:56:00] - I don't see what is disturbing about it at all. It is America's God-given right to create free, democratic countries all around the globe. Especially if they attack us first. -devin

[2001-10-24 15:42:00] -    this is really disturbing.  -  aba

[2001-10-24 14:33:00] - I wonder if the Bush has realized how terribly ironic it is to ask the Israelis to get out of Palestine: -devin

[2001-10-24 14:25:00] - hmmm... i never realized how much sucked after they went subscription based.  i really hope the same thing doesn't happen to slashdot, but i'm pretty sure taco won't do something completely retarded. - mig

[2001-10-24 13:49:00] -    how slashdot can avoid subscriptions  -  aba

[2001-10-24 13:40:00] - ###/pics/download/86.gif -logan


[2001-10-24 10:31:00] -  wtf????  -  aba

[2001-10-24 10:22:00] -    buy your anthrax box today!  -  aba

[2001-10-24 09:57:00] - sometimes the originals are better than the parody site :) - mig

[2001-10-24 09:56:00] - miguel, i misread that.  i thought you said chick has a great sense of humor.  for a second i thought you were saying was a parody site.  ~a

[2001-10-24 09:49:00] - yep, jack chick is a great source for humor. - mig

[2001-10-24 09:40:00] - "It only takes one error to disprove the Qur'an. That's right. Just one little error and the whole book goes down in defeat! You have just discovered one irrefutable error in the Qur'an" hahahahahaha... and the bible doesnt have any scientific errors? -cryptic

[2001-10-24 09:38:00] - i dunno about you, but i can't wait for his tract on 9/11!! - mig

[2001-10-24 09:19:00] - "Our God is a jealous God and will share His glory with no other."  that's right.  spread the love!  whoo! - mig

[2001-10-24 09:16:00] -  our dear friend jack chick talks about 9-11. - mig

[2001-10-24 08:54:00] - I'm starting to think they do the paragraph breaking to non-CT articles in order to make them look dumb! -logan

[2001-10-24 08:54:00] - Notice how that article has normal paragraphs. -logan

[2001-10-24 08:54:00] - Interesting.  This article is by the person that one sends editorials to: -logan

[2001-10-24 08:43:00] - then the doctor told them, you know, if you want to have a child, it won't happen if you keep on going through the back door. - mig

[2001-10-24 08:42:00] - haha.  i was listening to dc101 yesterday, and there were telling about this couple in romania that were trying to have a kid, but they were unsuccessful at it.  they went to a doctor after a couple years, and they explained the whole situation to him...

[2001-10-24 00:13:00] - hello dhaslim!  you were always my favorite fighter!

[2001-10-23 23:30:00] - ###/pics/download/85.gif

[2001-10-23 18:09:00] - I don't understand why a person from the Ayn Rand Institute is advocating the "owner" rebuilding the WTC... are they referring to the Port Authority that originally funded it? -logan

[2001-10-23 17:54:00] - plus, what's the point of being able to store 1k songs if the battery only lasts for ten hours? - wolf

[2001-10-23 17:53:00] - $400 seems a little excessive for an ipod, though. - wolf

[2001-10-23 17:45:00] - what do we tell our children about september 11th?

[2001-10-23 17:16:00] - As long as your PC has firewire support, it should work. Nothing's impossible to reverse engineer. :P -logan

[2001-10-23 15:37:00] - bsod evolves! - mig

[2001-10-23 15:25:00] - hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha - mig

[2001-10-23 15:01:00] - And before I head off to stuff, a step in the right direction -devin

[2001-10-23 14:48:00] - Aye. -devin

[2001-10-23 14:34:00] - logan:  well that depends.  if i can't hook it up to my pc, the 5 gb capacity does me no good. - mig

[2001-10-23 14:29:00] - 128 MB versus 5 GB? -logan

[2001-10-23 14:23:00] - Gah, wait, I only have a PA-1. Switched models on me. -devin

[2001-10-23 14:21:00] - -devin

[2001-10-23 14:21:00] - Looks spiff, but I'll just settle for my iPAQ PA-2 -devin

[2001-10-23 14:19:00] - is it only macable? - mig

[2001-10-23 14:10:00] - Makes my old Rio look like a piece of shit. -logan

[2001-10-23 14:08:00] - say hello to ipod -jdb

[2001-10-23 13:46:00] -

[2001-10-23 12:45:00] - devin:  ~a

[2001-10-23 12:27:00] - "Sharing files spreads Anthrax."

[2001-10-23 12:24:00] - - mig

[2001-10-23 11:09:00] - grrr.  fucking spammers.  got spam and the link for removing was a porn site.  not that i'm surprised. - mig

[2001-10-23 11:07:00] - i saw the original one. - mig

[2001-10-23 10:59:00] - Granted, the story associated with the image wasn't funny, but it was just odd to see that. -devin

[2001-10-23 10:59:00] - Hey! Those punks! They removed the caption! It used to be "People Smuggling." -devin

[2001-10-23 10:07:00] - Meh. Shows what I know about html tags. -devin

[2001-10-23 10:07:00] - I'm sorry, but the caption on the image available <a href="">here</a> is just hilarious. -devin

[2001-10-23 09:21:00] - I really should write an article satirizing that lame style. -logan

[2001-10-23 09:21:00] - Heh, one of these CT editorials hardly has any paragraph with more than one sentence. -logan

[2001-10-23 09:00:00] - oops - add a /journal at the end of that last link

[2001-10-23 09:00:00] - I think intro to proofs is what most math majors take to get their 'proofs' credit. Beats me if it covers as wide a range of stuff as discrete does, though I'd think it'd not. -devin

[2001-10-23 09:00:00] - well, that was rather painless.  here's my sched(hopefully) -

[2001-10-23 08:31:00] - i used to be a cs minor. - wolf

[2001-10-23 08:29:00] - what's the difference between intro to proofs and descrete math?  is one more comprehensive? - wolf

[2001-10-23 07:29:00] - why is geol lab a restricted class while the lecture isn't, this is so fucking gay. - mig

[2001-10-23 01:44:00] - cs majors don't need to take any extra classes to get a math minor.  ~a

[2001-10-23 01:25:00] - technically, i'd have to take 4 classes to get the minor. - wolf

[2001-10-23 01:25:00] - i just realized that i'm only 9 credits short of a math minor. - wolf

[2001-10-23 00:46:00] - time for rollerblading.  ~a

[2001-10-23 00:45:00] - who needs sleep.  i got 0 hours last night.  after a one hour nap early in the day, i'm ready to stay up again!  :)  ~a

[2001-10-23 00:40:00] - i can't sleep.  bah. - wolf

[2001-10-22 23:51:00] - heh.  logan, check out my new signature.  ~a

[2001-10-22 21:27:00] - has anyone had heflin for a physics class?  ~a

[2001-10-22 21:05:00] - that sounds like a guide on how to sodomize mickey mouse. ;P - wolf

[2001-10-22 21:02:00] - wolf: but i'd still be fun. see the winter 95-96 issue of 2600. it has a great article: "infiltrating disney." :-D -jdb

[2001-10-22 20:52:00] - they pipe eerie happy music from within the shrubs, etc.- wolf

[2001-10-22 20:52:00] - when you go to disneyworld again when you're 18, though, it's just disturbing. - wolf

[2001-10-22 19:55:00] - Doesn't seem any different from their usual projects, which consist of building shallow facades of beauty and normality. -logan

[2001-10-22 19:45:00] - i still think disney is neat in some ways. going to disneyworld as a child is a pretty magical experience. i think, however, "celebration" is their most disturbing project -jdb

[2001-10-22 19:26:00] - to call disney "retarded" is an insult to mentally handicapped people everywhere.  disney is more like "sub dirt". - wolf

[2001-10-22 19:20:00] - ALL DAY I DREAM ABOUT APARNA

[2001-10-22 19:12:00] - i'm still in awe that disney was retarded enough to actually do this. - mig

[2001-10-22 19:10:00] - mig: Then that means I'm screwed if I even try to respond to him. -logan

[2001-10-22 18:23:00] - virus writer = terrorist?  does a virus make you fear for your life?  does virus writers "terrify" you? - mig

[2001-10-22 18:06:00] - logan:  i think andrew is just one of those people who takes everything personally. - mig

[2001-10-22 18:04:00] - blast. - wolf

[2001-10-22 18:02:00] - wolf: they've actually been up for a long while - mig

[2001-10-22 17:11:00] - spring 2002 timetable of classes is up. - wolf

[2001-10-22 17:10:00] - Time for some football on the drillfield.  Later. -logan

[2001-10-22 17:09:00] - Well, you should see what he emailed me personally.  Stuff about my criticizing his decisions is endangering the existence of the group, that I should not publicly criticize, that I'm attacking him personally, etc. -logan

[2001-10-22 17:07:00] - yeah, he shouldn't be pushing a political adjenda, but it's difficult to push a religious viewpoint and not push politics alongside it. - wolf

[2001-10-22 17:06:00] - i don't know where i stand on the issue. - wolf

[2001-10-22 17:06:00] - i think it's just one of those "highly debatable" topics. - wolf

[2001-10-22 17:05:00] - Is he this touchy in real life? -logan

[2001-10-22 17:04:00] - On a different subject -- I think Andrew is seriously pissed off at me.  Why is he so offended at my public critique? -logan

[2001-10-22 17:02:00] - So eventually we took advantage of the fact that the acceptable use policy prohibits both harrassing users and unauthorized access of services. -logan

[2001-10-22 17:02:00] - Yes.  He would go out of the way, at times, to reconnect just to get a new IP whenever he was banned. -logan

[2001-10-22 17:01:00] - i lost contact with him around the time he complained to cns.  i didn't know or care what went on after that. - wolf

[2001-10-22 16:59:00] - i thought he was only on a modem, though.  don't you get a new ip each time you connect anyway? - wolf

[2001-10-22 16:59:00] - Even after I removed the display of his address, he continued to access the server against my wishes.  Eventually we had to complain to CNS ourselves about him.  I don't know if it was effective, but eventually he found something else to do. -logan

[2001-10-22 16:58:00] - If he weren't abusing VT's acceptable use policy in the first place, it never would have been necessariy. -logan

[2001-10-22 16:58:00] - The display of his address was a stopgap measure utilized in order to dyanimically ban malp whenever he obtained a new IP address. -logan

[2001-10-22 16:58:00] - i'm not trying to justify what he's done; i'm just explaining what i came to understand. - wolf

[2001-10-22 16:57:00] - all i know is that sitting there watching everyone fight on irc = massive entertainment. - wolf

[2001-10-22 16:57:00] - wolf: /whois malp does the same thing.  He just wanted to be able to piss people off without them being able to unilaterally ban him without risking banning others.  He was abusing CNS, in fact, by utilizing dynamic IPs to gain access to a server that he had been barred from accessing. -logan

[2001-10-22 16:55:00] - i also didn't know whether he asked you to remove the bot in the first place. - wolf

[2001-10-22 16:54:00] - whether he complained to ntc specifically to get you in trouble or not... i don't know.  i never asked. - wolf

[2001-10-22 16:54:00] - logan: i came to understand that malp was unhappy because you had set up a bot to publicly return his ip whenever he logged on.  he thought it was a breach of security and complained to ntc about it, because the bot was hosted on an ntc machine. - wolf

[2001-10-22 16:53:00] - mig: Is playing devil's advocate trolling? -logan

[2001-10-22 16:52:00] - lousy grammar there

[2001-10-22 16:51:00] - i consider disagreeing with someone simply for the sake of being a pain in the ass, trolling. - wolf

[2001-10-22 16:45:00] - trolling and flaiming, those terms are actually synonimous(sp?) - mig

[2001-10-22 16:37:00] - saying something like "ms products sux diq" is a troll, whereas someone stating giving logical rational as to why ms products are bad is not. - mig

[2001-10-22 16:36:00] - arguing for the sake of arguing isn't trolling unless you are just resorting to name-calling or using the "straw man fallacy". - mig

[2001-10-22 15:02:00] - you're welcome to explain, I wouldn't mind knowing... do it when you have time/patience -cryptic

[2001-10-22 15:00:00] - Yeah, I can go into gory detail of the situation if you want me to later.  I've got to run. :P -logan

[2001-10-22 14:59:00] - you're also welcome to believe he's a moron/idiot for the rest of your life... and maybe his actions towards you justify that belief... but it hardly describes malp's true intelligence -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:58:00] - I'm not sure of any truth to the statement, if it had to do with you, or what... just that I believe he mentioned it -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:57:00] - well, I dont remember much of what happened back then... and I'm not defending him, nor trying to change your viewpoint on the matter.... but I recall him mentioning something about gaybot or some automated task that notified when he logged on and what his current IP was.... -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:55:00] - not necessarily.... intent has little to do with end result in many/most cases -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:55:00] - I'd never done much to him before.  My not intervening was never a decision on my part.  I was not at my computer. Even if I had been, I don't see how it should affect me. -logan

[2001-10-22 14:55:00] - it wasnt the straw that necessarily broke the camel's back, but all the other things -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:54:00] - Sure.  I don't really care about the distinction.  I don't think the intent behind it really modifies the value gained from it in any way. -logan

[2001-10-22 14:54:00] - have you ever heard of the straw that broke the camel's back? -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:54:00] - The course of actions suggests that he was retaliating because I failed to intervene. -logan

[2001-10-22 14:54:00] - although that is quite a broad definition.... there is a thin line between arguing for the sake of arguing and trolling... -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:52:00] - cryptic: The action occurred when I was not present.  He got into an argument with someone else, asked me (online) to intervene.  A mere hour later, he made his attempt to have me fired.  So what good reason could he have had? -logan

[2001-10-22 14:52:00] - trolling can also be defined as making statements which are inflamatory and baseless -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:51:00] - I can tell you there is more to it than 'something that someone else did' -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:51:00] - Well, I can't say I've ever cared too much about pissing people off.  Not that I always go out of my way to avoid it. -logan

[2001-10-22 14:51:00] - you don't know the reason why he went to harm you... so you cannot determine his intent... you are assuming his reason -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:50:00] - as for the trolling vs challenging other's views.... that should be painfully obvious.  while one is designed to piss people off, the other isn't and is rather aimed at 'more robust ideas and notions' (in your words) -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:50:00] - I don't have enough time today or tomorrow to put suitable effort into a good flame war. ): -logan

[2001-10-22 14:49:00] - Well, I have no desire to be associated with a person that will go out of his way to cause personal harm to me in retaliation for something that someone else did.  Therefore, out of my own self-interest, I must call him an asshole and forcibly remove him from my life. :P -logan

[2001-10-22 14:47:00] - but that's my perspective on his reasoning, which could be just as incorrect as yours -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:47:00] - the grounds on which he stood may have been his reasons... even if he told you his reasons, they may not reflect his true goals and reasons, since he didn't care much for the people of #vtlug.  I think his interest was in the mind games and reactions he could gather -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:46:00] - malp is intelligent, no question about it.  he pissed off people in the channel for many different reasons, but mainly because he had the power to push people's buttons.  his reason(s) for trying to get you fired may or may not be what you believe.... the effect of his attempt, and -cryptic

[2001-10-22 14:08:00] - logan: looks like andrew wants to start another flame war... - mig

[2001-10-22 13:51:00] - For the pettiest of reasons, over an argument with someone else that didn't involve me at all. -logan

[2001-10-22 13:46:00] - He tried to get me fired, among other things. -logan

[2001-10-22 13:45:00] - This asshole that we had to kick out of #vtlug.  He's the only person to hold that distinction. -logan

[2001-10-22 13:37:00] - who is malp?

[2001-10-22 13:37:00] - I can only judge his intelligence based on his actions, and his actions were those of a moron. -logan

[2001-10-22 13:36:00] - his weakness was that it was very easy to "push his buttoms" - wolf

[2001-10-22 13:34:00] - malp's motivation was that he thought he was always right. - wolf

[2001-10-22 13:33:00] - i may not like malp, but he's maybe the third-smartest person i know. - wolf

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