here are old message board entries

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[2001-11-07 17:51:08] - last semester, each of my art classes had to turn away 30+ people who wanted to force add - wolf

[2001-11-07 17:50:08] - don't get me started on under-funded departments. - wolf

[2001-11-07 17:00:25] - this will all have to change on our move towards top 30 research status, since grad enrollment is supposed to increase and undergrad decrease. -jdb

[2001-11-07 16:57:58] - or so they said at the meeting in which the explained why we werent allowed to sign up for cs classes last semester.  apparently they requested more funding for a new teacher and they didnt get it, so they closed off classes and added caps.  -  aba

[2001-11-07 16:57:00] - it seems to me the dept is adequately funded. over in lane hall, i heard "don't let them see those post-it notes, we're not allowed to use them. they're too expensive." i bet that comment has never been made in mcbryde. i'm not sure how funding here works overall. -jdb

[2001-11-07 16:56:18] - the university refused to let the cs dept place caps on enrollment size until this year because it was such a profitable major.  -  aba

[2001-11-07 16:55:07] - perhaps if restrictions were as tight as engineering, the retention rate would be higher. some kids would still end up not liking the program and leaving, but there might not be as many kids failing out, etc. -jdb

[2001-11-07 16:53:31] - If things were run the Friedman way, they'd be much more efficient.  You'd end up with instructors getting pay proportional to their quality and demand. -logan

[2001-11-07 16:53:04] - The Dept. doesn't get funding proportional to the number of its students? -logan

[2001-11-07 16:52:41] - I agree.  And then they spend so much time and hassle making their lives miserable so they'll switch out of CS. -logan

[2001-11-07 16:46:35] - speaking of cs dept lack of funding -- why doesn't the cs dept just use some loganeconomics and not let  so many undergrads in? major is too big if ya ask me. :-) -jdb

[2001-11-07 16:46:34] - She seems to take pleasure with screwing people over with obscure policy. The best trick is to go behind her back. -logan

[2001-11-07 16:46:01] - jdb: She just likes to be a bitch. -logan

[2001-11-07 16:35:42] - it might have all been because she was mad at me for taking hci. "that's for our majors" i can't help they don't know how to place proper course restrictions. :-P -jdb

[2001-11-07 16:34:27] - i wasn't told "you should," i was told "you have to." this was even after i said "well, i'm not going to be in cs anymore." dr. shuetz was still trying to control my academic plan... even after that! (that is what prompted me to officially switch into idst) -jdb

[2001-11-07 16:06:13] - nobody ever told me i should graduate in 4 years.  you just have to not let them push you around :) -kris

[2001-11-07 16:05:09] - places like berkeley actually put a cap on the number of years you're allowed to be enrolled in a program. -jdb

[2001-11-07 16:04:46] - "firm" doesn't mean it happens much, of course.... but in theory... -jdb

[2001-11-07 16:04:20] - um, the cs dept is very firm about 4 years. shitz told me "josh, you have to graduate in 4 years."  the reason they're being such bastards about offering classes for cs minors is that they want to push their students along (and want more money, of course). -jdb

[2001-11-07 15:50:25] - on a somewhat unrelated note, when is it that we have to apply for the cs degree? - mig

[2001-11-07 15:43:32] - AOE requires 137 -cryptic

[2001-11-07 15:18:28] - I only know about computer science. -logan

[2001-11-07 15:16:03] - some majors require more than 120, don't they? - mig

[2001-11-07 15:09:50] - And that's not counting AP credit, credit by exam, etc. -logan

[2001-11-07 15:09:37] - 120 / 8 = 15 -logan

[2001-11-07 15:08:52] - and co-op people almost never graduate in 4 years. - mig

[2001-11-07 14:56:59] - we need to take 17-18 credits to graduate in 4 years.  -cryptic

[2001-11-07 14:56:12] - well, atleast not from this college -cryptic

[2001-11-07 14:56:00] - 15 credits a semester does not get you an aerospace engineering degree in four years -cryptic

[2001-11-07 14:31:03] - actually, it's seems to be more for slowing down all cs majors in general. - mig

[2001-11-07 14:28:52] - hmmm...t hat's odd, in my case, the school is trying to make sure i don't graduate on time . - mig

[2001-11-07 14:02:19] - i believe vt will implement some sort of project to push kids out faster within the next 5-10 years -jdb

[2001-11-07 13:45:22] - real life fight club -jdb

[2001-11-07 12:41:12] - Hmm, ctrl-t in Mozilla. -logan

[2001-11-07 12:32:40] - take my money please! - mig

[2001-11-07 12:23:52] - i would replace the word 'bait' with 'coerce' however. - mig

[2001-11-07 12:20:11] - You can't get certain forms of student aid at all if you're not registered, for instance. -logan

[2001-11-07 12:19:55] - He's talking about the "opportunities" to receive government subsidies, such as student loans, which they use as bait to get young men to sign up. -logan

[2001-11-07 12:19:26] - That's not the opportunities he's talking about. -logan

[2001-11-07 11:57:42] - yeah, missing out on killing people is such a sad thing.... everyone should register so they can kill people all over the world! -cryptic

[2001-11-07 11:57:05] - "It is tragic to see young men potentially missing out on future opportunities because they just don't know they are required to register," said Selective Service System Director Alfred Rascon.

[2001-11-07 11:44:40] - ###/pics/download/93.gif

[2001-11-07 11:26:07] - Some Philadelphia schools to be privatized -paul

[2001-11-07 11:23:32] - You have junkies.  You have scorpions.  Of course the junkies are going to try to smoke the scorpions! -logan

[2001-11-07 11:17:33] -    there is something inherently strange about smoking dried scorpion.  -  aba

[2001-11-07 11:13:44] -,2933,38202,00.html More males registering for draft after 9-11 -paul

[2001-11-07 10:47:21] - cox cable can suck my fucking cock. - mig

[2001-11-07 10:41:48] - twins and expos cards that is

[2001-11-07 10:41:27] - hmm... maybe some of my twins and expos might be worth something once those teams get the axe. - mig

[2001-11-07 10:29:16] - Heh... -logan

[2001-11-07 10:27:54] - ###/pics/download/92.gif -logan

[2001-11-07 10:22:34] - Interview with Robert Nozick: -logan

[2001-11-07 10:16:38] - I wonder if my baseball cards are worth anything. -logan

[2001-11-07 10:15:04] - Heh, I remember having Desert Storm cards. -logan

[2001-11-07 10:11:41] - i'm going to order a box of these --> -jdb

[2001-11-07 10:10:18] - wolf: are you 21 now? -jdb

[2001-11-07 08:33:37] - happy birthday to wolf!!!

[2001-11-06 23:01:18] - aba: i'm glad you came to tech.  :-]  ~a

[2001-11-06 22:57:17] - i'm still banging my head against a wall about goddamn, i wish that had been my idea. - wolf

[2001-11-06 22:50:15] - cool... schundler lost in nj.  that's all that mattered to me. - wolf

[2001-11-06 22:47:06] - ... i wish i had come up with this. - wolf

[2001-11-06 22:33:20] - To those who care: Warner won the Virginia gubernatorial race -paul

[2001-11-06 22:01:04] - paul:  i would never regret going to tj.  if i hadnt i would be some english major who though a computer was a glorified paper weight.  i did really want to go to yale, but its really not that big of a deal in the long run.  -  aba

[2001-11-06 21:50:59] - aba:  it would matter more if tj ranked students but they don't because it would seriously fuck up a lot of students chances to get into some colleges. - mig

[2001-11-06 19:14:05] - we don't have magnet schools in nj as far as i know; just public, private and vocational ones. - wolf

[2001-11-06 18:53:16] - i can't complain as much as some people; columbia was just a crapshot for me and i got into the schools i really wanted to go to... it was just economic reasons that made me come to tech. - wolf

[2001-11-06 18:51:39] - three of us applied to columbia; there were kids at the interview session who were unbelievably stupid but attended rich suburban north jersey schools, and thus got in. - wolf

[2001-11-06 18:47:50] - i think the "quotas" are the real crippling factor.  i got into tufts but turned it down; a girl from my high school was livid because she wanted to go and she wasn't accepted (most likely) due to their quote. - wolf

[2001-11-06 18:11:05] - aba: I'm sorry to hear that. Did you really want to go to Yale and do you regret going to TJ? -paul

[2001-11-06 17:18:55] - paul:  its true.  i got deferred early from yale and then got rejected.  if i hadnt gone to tj like a whole bunch of the other applicants, i probably would have been able to get in, but they tend to limit the number of tj people to around 5.  -  aba

[2001-11-06 16:01:15] - be afraid

[2001-11-06 15:38:19] - Does going to a competitive high school make it harder to get into a good college? -paul

[2001-11-06 15:05:10] - -logan

[2001-11-06 14:36:27] - "This is an evil man we're dealing with and I wouldn't put it past him to develop evil weapons to try to harm civilization as we know it,''  we can't have anyone having nuclear, biological or chemicals weapons, no sir!  oh... wait. - mig

[2001-11-06 14:35:22] - - mig

[2001-11-06 12:05:04] - really.  i find cutting through e st much faster. - mig

[2001-11-06 12:02:36] - it's the same distance.  ~a

[2001-11-06 12:00:42] - i usually go the short way because i get there most of the time around 8:30, and that's when i'm supposed to come in.  i take the scenic route if i manage to make it earlier - mig

[2001-11-06 11:54:56] - mig: not like it matters; it's only a few blocks.  ~a

[2001-11-06 11:54:12] - mig: dan goes north from netalyst first, then west.  i walked that way with him a few times then did it on a more regular basis.  :-P  ~a

[2001-11-06 11:21:56] - oing it.  yep yep - mgi

[2001-11-06 11:21:45] - "``Like the Fascist totalitarians before them, these terrorists - al-Qaida, the Taliban regime that supports them and other terror groups across the world - try to impose their radical views through threats and violence."  umm.... yeah, and all we're not doing the same thing because it's us that's d

[2001-11-06 11:19:53] - "no nation can be neutral in this conflict"  one wonders if that comment was pointed directly at the swiss. - mig

[2001-11-06 11:19:12] - - mig

[2001-11-06 10:49:24] - kinda like a 'before' and 'after' thing? - mig

[2001-11-06 10:35:50] - or maybe going into engineering makes you ugly? - mig

[2001-11-06 10:34:49] - I guess the message is that models are generally prettier than engineers, so unless you want to be ugly, you should be a model! -logan

[2001-11-06 10:33:49] - I like how they have these young models on the front page, but then you go into their gallery and all the female engineers are older women and generally less attractive. :P -logan

[2001-11-06 10:05:45] -

[2001-11-06 10:01:01] - their?

[2001-11-06 09:36:25] - alright, i'm confused now.  wasn't C# supposed to be there attempt to kill java?  now they're trying to kill it with J#?? - mig

[2001-11-06 08:55:08] - i saw two people wearing i agree with t shirts in the same day a couple days ago.  it was scary because i hadn't seen one since the day of.  ~a

[2001-11-06 07:25:42] - yay!!!!

[2001-11-06 07:23:20] - "the graphics consultant has been dealt with appropriately"  in other news:  a graphics consultant's body was found buried in the outskirts of Austin.

[2001-11-06 06:55:30] - i go from 1st st and then to E st - mig

[2001-11-06 02:55:11] - bahahaha! great article, logan - vinnie

[2001-11-06 01:51:12] - mig: do you take 1st st or d st?  or do you alternate?  ~a

[2001-11-06 00:23:31] - the sad thing is that i see stuff like that happen all the time in the projects the upper-level graphic design majors do - wolf

[2001-11-06 00:22:35] - ahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahaa - wolf

[2001-11-06 00:02:18] - *rofl* -logan

[2001-11-05 18:04:21] - aba: It only took a century or two. -logan

[2001-11-05 15:04:03] - thats so disturbing.  i cant believe that the ideas of freedom have been so distorted.  -  aba

[2001-11-05 15:02:11] - yeah.  oh well.  good thing i don't fly much. - mig

[2001-11-05 14:36:35] - mig: I'm sure you're already flagged because you have a foreign sounding name. :P -logan

[2001-11-05 14:24:11] - why did icq make it harder to put people on the ignore list? - mig

[2001-11-05 13:10:12] - i wonder if i'll get 'flagged' by voting for redpath tomorrow? - mig

[2001-11-05 12:57:06] - - wolf

[2001-11-05 12:49:49] - i like orange and grey a la my empty web site. - wolf

[2001-11-05 11:47:57] - Of course it is. -logan

[2001-11-05 11:46:16] - blue is prettier -kris

[2001-11-05 11:43:02] - -logan

[2001-11-05 11:38:45] - -logan

[2001-11-05 11:35:44] - -logan

[2001-11-05 11:33:30] - or maybe not. i really don't care. - mig

[2001-11-05 11:27:49] - maybe i should get the color changed.  but i don't know what color i should ask for - mig

[2001-11-05 11:26:47] - I like a red board :-P -paul

[2001-11-05 11:22:41] - This board is really ugly as red. -logan

[2001-11-05 11:21:43] - People that do that annoy me. -logan

[2001-11-05 11:18:04] - referral denied! - mig

[2001-11-05 10:24:41] - bah, referral denied! go here instead -->

[2001-11-05 10:22:19] -

[2001-11-05 01:23:37] - ?  ~a

[2001-11-05 00:11:55] - (too big)

[2001-11-04 23:52:15] -

[2001-11-04 23:50:53] - one of the guys running for our governor called himself a loser - wolf

[2001-11-04 23:42:25] - ###/pics/download/91.gif

[2001-11-04 22:07:07] - time0=times(&tms);

[2001-11-04 21:38:21] - Ok, I'll blame someone else then. -logan

[2001-11-04 21:24:49] - ummm... i haven't posted for awhile.  i was pushed ahead rather than sneaking ahead. - mig

[2001-11-04 21:11:04] - Not fair to sneak ahead of me while I'm gone! -logan

[2001-11-04 19:43:06] - microsoft messenger has interesting emoticons -jdb

[2001-11-04 14:48:50] - Stolen from Devin -paul

[2001-11-04 12:33:50] -

[2001-11-04 12:26:26] - - wolf

[2001-11-04 12:13:48] - ###/pics/download/90.gif

[2001-11-04 11:00:45] - wow.... red.... something new... I was getting tired of blue -cryptic

[2001-11-04 01:46:39] - ###/pics/download/89.gif

[2001-11-04 01:31:18] - New technology may make males obsolete and may lead to their extinction -paul

[2001-11-03 20:48:29] - i was in the emporium.  the computers they have there are really new (they were all updated in the last year but not as new as torg)  ~a

[2001-11-03 20:33:17] - even the latest version? i've never had any trouble looking at pngs on torg macs. -jdb

[2001-11-03 19:24:11] - ie for mac still doesn't support pngs, pierce.  ~a

[2001-11-03 19:20:29] - yum yum yum

[2001-11-03 14:04:51] - mmmm... vagina

[2001-11-03 13:47:07] - - wolf

[2001-11-03 07:27:52] - miguel, they have been like that for years.  ~a

[2001-11-02 14:15:49] -  president beush?

[2001-11-02 13:36:09] - all the computers in the tj cslab have been renamed into transformer characters!! - mig

[2001-11-02 12:09:09] - not only does our roomate apparently overcharge us for electricity, but he flat out doesn't pay the bill. wheeeeee. - wolf

[2001-11-02 12:08:00] - yeah... they apparently were knocking on his door right after sept. 11.  - wolf

[2001-11-02 12:07:01] - hmm...  i didn't know about the fbi troubles, though it doesn't surprise me at all. - mig

[2001-11-02 12:03:17] - well, i still have one or 2 stickers still left. - mig

[2001-11-02 11:22:45] - srini apologized for it, but you're probably better off printing up your own at this rate. - wolf

[2001-11-02 11:18:21] - i think i placed my order around sept 23 and i still haven't gotten it. - wolf

[2001-11-02 11:17:58] - mig: i orderd stuff from them and they're extremely backed up. the fbi has been hounding them since sept. 11, tried to confiscate their computers, etc. - wolf

[2001-11-02 09:14:12] - try to ignore the annoying background. - mig

[2001-11-02 09:09:16] - paul:  hmm, i might try putting some stickers on my car... - mig

[2001-11-02 08:07:00] - not true :-P -jdb

[2001-11-02 05:37:24] - i guess in 1996, blink tags and annoying animated gifs were acceptable even if it is a computer science department home page.  ~a

[2001-11-02 05:33:04] -  hehehe.  ~a

[2001-11-02 04:35:17] - re: powerpuff girls dvd; i always get the words venereal and viral mixed up.  ~a

[2001-11-02 04:31:21] - Kyle Williams is 12 years old, home-schooled and lives in a rural community in America's heartland. His column title, "VERITAS," is Latin for "spoiled"  ~a

[2001-11-01 17:51:28] - all we can get on nj license plates are ducks or something. or else you get the yellow one. - wolf

[2001-11-01 17:47:06] - Confederate flags on VA license plates? -paul

[2001-11-01 15:36:03] - whoo! - mig

[2001-11-01 15:31:09] - Kind of scary... -paul

[2001-11-01 15:15:49] - bah, everyone is full of shit. - mig

[2001-11-01 13:34:01] - why bubbles, why!!!??? - mig

[2001-11-01 13:25:23] - their assumption that one dialing a phone # constitutes as a "performance" is just laughable. - mig

[2001-11-01 13:16:00] - here's the idiots website.  their rational is based on a flawed understanding about how copyright works. - mig

[2001-11-01 13:13:33] - at least, they claimed they did. - mig

[2001-11-01 13:09:27] - wolf:  actually, they got a copyright on almost all the possible phone dialing sounds. - mig

[2001-11-01 11:14:16] - <-- i wish they could come to tech. - wolf

[2001-11-01 11:13:46] - didn't a couple guys in europe patent every possibly combination of phone dialing sounds? - wolf

[2001-11-01 10:27:49] - they called logan "hank"  ~a

[2001-11-01 10:23:13] - have fun checking what sites run what. - mig

[2001-11-01 09:35:38] - it's time to stop the evil cell phone ring market!! - mig

[2001-11-01 09:19:38] -

[2001-11-01 09:19:32] -

[2001-11-01 09:19:26] -

[2001-11-01 09:19:21] -

[2001-11-01 08:55:10] -    logan!  :)  -  aba

[2001-11-01 08:50:21] - terrible, terrible editing!  they just added line breaks just for fun it seems. - mig

[2001-11-01 00:13:09] - Heh, precious. -logan

[2001-10-31 23:31:58] - summary: "we don't know what happened, or why it happened, or whether anything actually happened at all." - wolf

[2001-10-31 23:31:20] - best news report ever. - wolf

[2001-10-31 23:24:20] - because jesus is sending the anthrax out due to gays, feminists and democrats!!!1111111 - wolf

[2001-10-31 22:14:49] - why is their a picture of jesus next to an article about anthrax on the ct's front page?? - mig

[2001-10-31 21:57:08] - ###/pics/download/88.gif - wolf

[2001-10-31 21:20:24] - /me hugs you

[2001-10-31 16:59:49] - Bah, cnet is just too afraid to choose one or the other and offend any of its readers (who are, incidentally, using web browsers :P).  Reading that was a waste of my time. :P -logan

[2001-10-31 16:10:11] - ie 6 v. netscape 6.2 - mig

[2001-10-31 14:31:16] -

[2001-10-31 14:18:30] - It's always all about me. :P -logan

[2001-10-31 14:18:13] - hahahahahahahahahahaahahaha

[2001-10-31 14:18:01] - oh, it's about you. - mig

[2001-10-31 14:15:14] - I didn't write it. -logan

[2001-10-31 14:12:27] - dare i ask what you've wrote about? - mig

[2001-10-31 14:07:06] - I should be in the CT tomorrow or Friday. :P -logan

[2001-10-31 13:55:17] - interesting.  according to my logs, the fcc has been poking through my site. - wolf

[2001-10-31 13:48:32] - yes!  vim is cool.  ~a

[2001-10-31 13:27:13] - a: What are you using for your syntax highlighting?  vim? :P -logan

[2001-10-31 12:05:12] -

[2001-10-31 11:40:03] - halloween card my mom sent me: , - wolf

[2001-10-31 11:23:53] - i haven't been able to connect to morhpeus since i've gotten here. - wolf

[2001-10-31 11:11:12] - except in this case, they apparently cut off the bandwidth completely. - mig

[2001-10-31 11:10:02] - mig: That's how they implement QoS. -logan

[2001-10-31 11:09:01] - actually, that doesn't surprise me.  kazaa is set to a specific port, so all they need to do is just block that port, and since it's not changeable by the software, you're fucked. - mig

[2001-10-31 10:31:51] - yup. of course, i read that a good month or two ago (it could be working again). other than kazaa, i've only heard of qos policies. -jdb

[2001-10-31 10:28:14] - They "quashed" that? -logan

[2001-10-31 10:26:38] - mig: yes, kazaa. -jdb

[2001-10-31 10:25:17] - Basically they look the other way as much as possible.  It's not worth the trouble to try and "quash" anything. -logan

[2001-10-31 10:24:41] - In which case they handle it as a violation of acceptable use policy, I believe. -logan

[2001-10-31 10:24:24] - But in general CNS does nothing unless someone complains about a specific student. -logan

[2001-10-31 10:23:59] - CNS implemented QOS, which limits the amount of bandwidth that might be consumed by, say, Napster.  That was a couple of years ago. -logan

[2001-10-31 10:21:29] - has vt been quashing any p2p programs? - mig

[2001-10-31 00:41:13] - fiddle-dee-dee

[2001-10-30 18:04:58] - the section on political affiliation vs. religious preference is interesting, but nothing i didn't expect. - wolf

[2001-10-30 18:04:07] - my home state is slightly above the average of people who reported "no religion" - wolf

[2001-10-30 18:03:34] - - wolf

[2001-10-30 17:37:11] - <-- would be amusing to try out with random stuff, like papers that say "vote for stalin" or something - wolf

[2001-10-30 15:36:58] - You don't get your way politically by following the Constitution.  You get your way politically by being a persistent nuisance. -logan

[2001-10-30 15:33:35] - which is why i'm still puzzled would-be censors still try to use it.  it's been showed as flawed in court cases before, why do they think it'll work now? - mig

[2001-10-30 15:28:04] - mig: The argument is flawed because of a lack of evidence. -logan

[2001-10-30 15:11:31] - i really wish people would come up with better arguemnts.  this "gateway" thing is getting rather old. - mig

[2001-10-30 15:09:02] - so, yes.  it is an attempt to rout out "evil" behavior. - mig

[2001-10-30 15:08:52] - Others claim that it is a release, reducing the drive for real child molestation. :P -logan

[2001-10-30 15:08:16] - people claim it's a "gateway" for potential child molestor/real kiddie porn. - mig

[2001-10-30 15:03:56] - computer-generated porn would be easier to make than real porn, so wouldn't it cut down on real kiddie porn being made? - wolf

[2001-10-30 15:03:02] - computer-generated kiddie porn doesn't hurt anyone.  real children generally aren't sexually or emotionally mature to understand what they'd be asked to do.  strictly speaking, this just looks like another attempt to rid the country of "evil" sexual deviancy. - wolf

[2001-10-30 14:37:17] - Lack of enforcement, probably. -logan

[2001-10-30 14:30:08] - i wonder how hentai gets around these laws... - mig

[2001-10-30 14:26:11] - Maybe it came before the bill in question. -logan

[2001-10-30 14:25:45] - i don't think kids got ruled illegal though. - mig

[2001-10-30 14:18:15] - Or the movie Kids. -logan

[2001-10-30 13:55:23] - no mention the "tin drum"? man, that was a scandal. - mig

[2001-10-30 13:30:36] - Supreme Court takes up the issue of virtual child porn -paul

[2001-10-30 11:10:04] - prof. obvious makes a point. - mig

[2001-10-30 08:33:06] - nothing beats living off campus, though. - wolf

[2001-10-30 08:32:47] - payne was pretty decent last year.  - wolf

[2001-10-29 22:51:56] - west egg's the best building on campus (imo) -kris

[2001-10-29 19:17:42] -  (too big) -logan

[2001-10-29 18:19:55] - hey!  they didn't give me an envelope to send back to them!! - mig

[2001-10-29 18:03:22] - quick question:  i got my housing contract today.  how should i order my hall preferences(or which halls that don't suck would i have the best chance of getting into)?

[2001-10-29 17:11:28] - Only an idiot rocks a drink machine.  Where do they think all those cans of soda sit?  At the bottom? -logan

[2001-10-29 13:56:52] -

[2001-10-29 13:46:47] -

[2001-10-29 12:53:14] - even if they have centralized servers in their control, how does that help them at all?  the problem wasn't monitoring network traffic, it was decrypting encrypted traffic.  ~a

[2001-10-29 11:40:40] -,2933,37203,00.html fbi wants a "centralized" internet.  good luck. - mig

[2001-10-29 08:47:49] - my viking personality: go here to get your own: i found it on kristin's blog  ~a

[2001-10-29 00:12:00] - i'm living proof.  ~a

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