here are old message board entries

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[2001-11-12 23:22:05] - i don't remember if he made it public or not.  ~a

[2001-11-12 23:21:53] - my professionalism in computing teacher has a mirror of that hitlist website.  ~a

[2001-11-12 23:15:22] - - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:12:43] - cryptic: Very well, how do you feel about the abortionist doctor hitlist website? -paul

[2001-11-12 23:11:12] - burning the flag does not really put anyone in the position to feel like they are endangered -cryptic

[2001-11-12 23:10:09] - while burning the flag, I group with dessing up as kkk members -cryptic

[2001-11-12 23:09:04] - I'd group mock lynchings with hit lists on doctors who perform abortions -cryptic

[2001-11-12 23:06:35] - either that or tinfoil. - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:06:06] - although the duct tape part came out pretty lousy around the edges.  i might glue corrugated cardboard to the duct tape. - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:05:32] - jdb: my chair is covered in duct tape and faux cow fur. - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:05:23] - cryptic: Veterans, people who see the flag as symbol of the United States and things it stands for. Mental anguish and all -paul

[2001-11-12 23:04:46] - which ones does it hurt? -cryptic

[2001-11-12 23:04:00] - cryptic: How can you support flag burning wheit obviously hurts many Americans then? -paul

[2001-11-12 23:03:16] - Supressing expression doesn't actually modify the intellectual climate that causes people to feel unsafe in the first place. -logan

[2001-11-12 23:02:33] - I'd make a flag supporting flag burners, and then burn it.  That's how much I support it. :P -logan

[2001-11-12 23:02:01] - I do not believe that the "feeling" of safety is more important than the freedom of expression. -logan

[2001-11-12 23:01:43] - I support flag burning.... for the most part -cryptic

[2001-11-12 23:01:00] - If cryptic ran the world, some of my favorite Mel Brooks films would be outlawed. :P -logan

[2001-11-12 23:00:56] - and by the way.... I said 'what if' once.... -cryptic

[2001-11-12 23:00:44] - I don't either.  I just see no reason to limit them in these cases.  It's just rampant political correctness. -logan

[2001-11-12 23:00:19] - cryptic: I gathered. What do you think about flag burning? Legal or not? -paul

[2001-11-12 22:58:46] - I dont think freedom of speech and expression are absoute rights -cryptic

[2001-11-12 22:56:17] - jdb: That's very kind of you -paul

[2001-11-12 22:56:09] - What if, what if, what if.  You haven't mentioned one thing that was actually harmful. -logan

[2001-11-12 22:54:29] - i think the university should do something if students stage a mock paul lynching on the drillfield. -jdb

[2001-11-12 22:50:21] - cryptic: So what do you think about actions like flag burning? -paul

[2001-11-12 22:42:02] - wolf: heh, i read that as "i think i have really cool hair." :-P been in this library waaay too long  -jdb

[2001-11-12 22:41:25] - wolf: is it purple now? -jdb

[2001-11-12 22:38:45] - i think i have a really cool chair. - wolf

[2001-11-12 22:38:35] - you know what i think?

[2001-11-12 22:36:08] - fine, you think it's ok for them to advocate the lynching of black people... I find that their freedom of expression ended when they decided it would be ok to glorify the abuse of african americans -cryptic

[2001-11-12 22:34:11] - bah

[2001-11-12 22:33:11] - what if I dressed up like hitler and made a concentration camp filled with my friends dressed up as members of a jewish frat? -cryptic

[2001-11-12 22:30:31] - why is it socially unacceptable for white people to use the n word? -cryptic

[2001-11-12 22:29:34] - I was just 'making fun of bomb threats' -cryptic

[2001-11-12 22:29:06] - why can't we call random places and tell them there is a bomb in their building? -cryptic

[2001-11-12 22:28:19] - and even if it is making fun of lynchings, does that make those portrayed as being hung/shot/whatever feel more safe now? -cryptic

[2001-11-12 22:27:08] - how do you know it was 'making fun of lynchings'? -cryptic

[2001-11-12 22:26:32] - The question is, does making fun of lynchings cause lynchings to occur? -logan

[2001-11-12 22:25:41] - what about the college?  Shouldn't they be concerned about the safety of their students? -cryptic

[2001-11-12 22:25:17] - do you think the national fraternity should have the right to ban them from their private institution? -cryptic

[2001-11-12 22:24:31] - well, then.  Is glorifying/promoting the shooting/hanging of african americans (the pictures portrayed black people in FUBU clothing and Omega (a frat) brothers) -cryptic

[2001-11-12 22:21:17] - cryptic: I don't need to prove intent, because I see no reason why intent should matter.  It's the actions taken that matter. -logan

[2001-11-12 22:12:28] - paul: points of view are tolerated, but when you make gestures and take actions that make someone else feel unsafe you are infringing on their rights.  We have rights in this country, but they are limited rights -cryptic

[2001-11-12 22:07:54] - logan: can you prove it was just 'all in fun'? and even if so, does that make, as wolf put it, glorifying/promoting abuse of african americans alright? -cryptic

[2001-11-12 21:42:09] - it's the american way! - wolf

[2001-11-12 21:41:53] - in the same way the christian right can twist the system to get what they want, so can civil rights people (like me). - wolf

[2001-11-12 21:39:52] - personally, i think what they did was fucking repulsive.  but that generally doesn't hold up in court. - wolf

[2001-11-12 21:38:48] - whether what they did was "ok" is technically a judgement call, although it could probably be characterized as a hate crime (glorifying/promoting abuse of african americans) - wolf

[2001-11-12 21:36:29] - if their national charter prohibits "hate propaganda", then the group should be penalized. - wolf

[2001-11-12 21:34:31] - i was talking about how the national fraternity should deal with an incident that may not reflect what is allowed in their charter. - wolf

[2001-11-12 21:26:20] - ###/pics/download/95.gif

[2001-11-12 21:24:39] - was the rodney king case about the "freedom of speech" of the police video? -jdb

[2001-11-12 21:20:35] - if this event hadn't been photographed, it would magically be ok? -jdb

[2001-11-12 21:18:39] - I didn't think this was restricted to private organizations. I thought we were talking about freedom of speech and whether it should be extended to that photo -paul

[2001-11-12 21:14:20] - should a university campus be as "free" as everywhere else? don't forget vt kicking out that wacko minister a few years back or the kkk in 1986. -jdb

[2001-11-12 21:13:56] - i thought this was about a private organization. - wolf

[2001-11-12 21:07:57] - cryptic: So the government shouldn't allow certain points of views that it considers wrong? -paul

[2001-11-12 20:55:36] - That's ridiculous.  How is making fun of lynchings morally equivalent to actual lynchings? -logan

[2001-11-12 19:51:23] - ~a

[2001-11-12 19:41:06] - nix that. not on my street, but on campus. -cryptic

[2001-11-12 19:40:37] - if osama bin ladin lived on my street and protested 'kill all americans' with his friends (dressed up in t-shirts with the american flag on it) walking around with guns to their backs and nooses around their necks... I would want something to be done about it -cryptic

[2001-11-12 19:39:00] - that matter, through demostrations depicting a memeber of that group being hung, shot, etc. infringes on the personal safety of the members of that group. -cryptic

[2001-11-12 19:37:48] - I disagree.... this is not a case of 'political correctness'.  Freedom of speech is extended to all as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others.  Black students at the campus have a right to be relatively safe (as does anyone) and advocating killing blacks or any group for -cryptic

[2001-11-12 19:00:24] - no time for that. thanks though. -jdb

[2001-11-12 18:51:08] - jdb: I actually read it in the print edition while at the airport, I can't find it on their website. You can borrow the paper though :-P -paul

[2001-11-12 18:47:01] - logan: People don't like equality of opportunity because they don't like the results they give -paul

[2001-11-12 18:44:08] - paul: i know the fraternities have been suspended. the auburn plainsman article is the only one i've read. post more articles about it and i'll read them. -jdb

[2001-11-12 18:43:01] - What I think is funny is how they try to enforce a "fair" representation by tweaking results.  It'd be more fair if they just made sure the process itself was sound instead. But now I'm rambling on about a different subject. -logan

[2001-11-12 18:41:43] - Another one is "underrepresentation." -logan

[2001-11-12 18:41:25] - paul: Diversity is just newspeak for quotas. -logan

[2001-11-12 18:40:11] - jdb: I thought I read in the USAToday that they were kicked out... -paul

[2001-11-12 18:39:50] - logan: Obviously diversity doesn't apply to thought ;-) -paul

[2001-11-12 18:38:05] - All their talk of "diversity" makes me sick.  They don't know the meaning of the word. -logan

[2001-11-12 18:37:48] - At least, that seems to be the general direction in which universities are moving these days. -logan

[2001-11-12 18:37:48] - paul: i'm not sure if they have been kicked out yet. but if they have, looks like that is the case. -jdb

[2001-11-12 18:37:19] - Eventually you'll have a nice "diverse" campus, full of people all thinking the same happy thoughts. -logan

[2001-11-12 18:36:56] - paul: Next you'll get kicked out because of the movies you choose to watch, then the books you choose to read. -logan

[2001-11-12 18:36:21] - jdb: So they weren't kicked out because of the photo, but because of dressing up like that? -paul

[2001-11-12 18:35:52] - And universities are notably overly politically correct.  (wow, three adverbs in a row!) -logan

[2001-11-12 18:34:23] - logan: Well, the owner of the theater should undoubtably be able to prohibit such speech since it's on private property -paul

[2001-11-12 18:34:17] - paul: the event happened on university grounds, the photo is just the evidence... -jdb

[2001-11-12 18:33:43] - -logan

[2001-11-12 18:32:31] - I'm undecided on whether even the old classic of shouting 'fire' in a crowded theater should be prohibited. :P -logan

[2001-11-12 18:29:28] - jdb: So basically you are asking whether such a photo should be legal or not? -paul

[2001-11-12 18:29:12] - (if you want to get offensive :P) -logan

[2001-11-12 18:28:58] - -logan

[2001-11-12 18:24:24] - Remember that episode of South Park where Cartman dressed as Hitler? :P -logan

[2001-11-12 18:24:10] - Heh, political correctness strikes again. -logan

[2001-11-12 18:07:13] - This is why I don't deal with frats.... well, not really, but it's certainly an indication that I made a good choice. -- Xpovos

[2001-11-12 17:54:14] - supposedly, this school has a lousy track record with racial discrimination and hate crimes.  i would think that the university ought to make an example of the people involved. - wolf

[2001-11-12 17:52:51] - at any rate, since it was a frat-sponsored event, the national organization is sort of obligated to deal with them in some way. - wolf

[2001-11-12 17:51:52] - actually, i think they were just making fun of black people in general.  the university's bsu felt offended and threatened by it. - wolf

[2001-11-12 17:49:15] - i think the frat members were making fun of the black student union - wolf

[2001-11-12 17:46:44] - I'm confused by this thing.  Were the fraternity members making fun of themselves?  Or was this another group making fun of the fraternity?  Not that it makes much difference, but the article is not perfectly clear. --Xpovos

[2001-11-12 17:38:00] - the problem was that the picture occured during a fraternity-sponsored event. - wolf

[2001-11-12 17:28:42] - oro! -- Xpovos

[2001-11-12 17:28:23] - what if you have a speech about hate?  can you use the term hate speech there, miguel?  ~a

[2001-11-12 17:14:20] - bah, the term "hate speech" is nothing but bullshit. - mig

[2001-11-12 17:05:26] - -kris

[2001-11-12 16:54:52] - a just cause, not a just war -jdb

[2001-11-12 16:40:47] - haha... my roomate just asked where my pots were.... I hid them in my room because he wasn't washing them when he was done.... if he does it again... he cannot use them... bastard -cryptic

[2001-11-12 16:37:36] - had they all dressed up as KKK members, it would be expressing their views without directly advocating violence (although, it could be argued it implies violence) -cryptic

[2001-11-12 16:36:27] - I'd say they were freely exressing themselves, the problem is they posted pictures which depict violence and advocate violence. -cryptic

[2001-11-12 16:35:16] - paul: i'm thinking the university can't really do much about it if it is "freedom of speech." if it is "hate speech," the fraternity brothers might face stiff penalties. -jdb

[2001-11-12 16:32:11] - I'm sure they may have had other non-white member, but the way that's worded it sounds like they've had 2 non-white members -cryptic

[2001-11-12 16:31:08] - "The fraternity’s Auburn chapter had one black member, Andre Bennett, in 1995, and a member of Indian background, Vipul Patel, in 1998. Ardillo said diversity is something the fraternity prides itself on." ahahahhahah -crypticburn

[2001-11-12 16:30:11] - jdb: Can it be both? -paul

[2001-11-12 16:07:37] - is this freedom of speech or hate speech? -jdb

[2001-11-12 16:03:39] - i think that there are people in this world who are sick enough to lay waste to cities just to push their own adjendas. - wolf

[2001-11-12 16:02:16] - didn't clinton bomb some arabic nation the night before his impeachment hearing? - wolf

[2001-11-12 16:01:28] - i'm just speculating. - wolf

[2001-11-12 14:58:16] - Linux = good.  Redhat = not so good.  But still, better than what I'm using. :-( --Xpovos

[2001-11-12 14:57:37] - Not conspiricy, just the way the world works.  --Xpovos

[2001-11-12 14:34:42] - wolf: conspiracy theory? -kris

[2001-11-12 14:28:52] - isn't, rather

[2001-11-12 14:28:41] - sn't it convenient how every time america starts to get all uppity about our civil liberties being taken away, we magically have another "national tragedy" to make us think of something else? - wolf

[2001-11-12 13:55:34] - it's because my cd player sucks!  ~a

[2001-11-12 13:51:03] - he converted! - mig

[2001-11-12 13:45:42] - from my nfs share, I might add ;-) - boing

[2001-11-12 13:45:29] - adrian's been installing redhat 7.2 all weekend - boing

[2001-11-12 13:40:27] - a:  was your computer out or something?  the board's been down for most of the weekend.

[2001-11-12 12:05:19] - i'm in mcb.  ~a

[2001-11-12 11:52:24] - !  i can't even do ellipsis (is that what you call those little dots?) -kris

[2001-11-12 11:51:05] - grrr  where is this adrian fellow? -kris

[2001-11-12 11:50:48] - paul:  it depends. - mig

[2001-11-12 11:40:31] - a: Ok :-) -paul

[2001-11-12 11:38:16] - (i am voting no)  ~a

[2001-11-12 11:38:01] - paul, no.  ~a

[2001-11-12 11:36:03] - (and i know you weren't one of those people so i know you don't want more specific information.  :-P )  ~a

[2001-11-12 11:35:25] - Does voting lend legitamacy to the state? -paul

[2001-11-12 11:34:46] - (in reference to "where do you live, or is that a silly question?" )  ~a

[2001-11-12 11:34:23] - paul, miguel, aparna, dave, vinnie, aaron, dewey, boing(pierce), and i all went to tj, so we all live in or near fairfax county.  ~a

[2001-11-12 11:28:27] - Ireland may face fines for producing too much milk -paul

[2001-11-12 11:25:40] -,1283,48274,00.html France upset over U.S. Yahoo ruling -pau

[2001-11-12 11:19:16] -,2933,38416,00.html United States considers using the military for domestic security -paul

[2001-11-12 11:17:38] - where do you live, or is that a silly question?

[2001-11-12 10:48:14] - I need a ride home. Can anybody provide? - aaron

[2001-11-12 10:22:41] - fast cnn mirror for latest plane crash

[2001-11-12 09:57:12] - lots of stuff left to do before computer is happy again.  at least i got the important stuff up quickly.  let me know if you find something on my computer that's broken.  ~a

[2001-11-09 14:46:18] -

[2001-11-09 14:35:59] - jdb.... yeah, I was watching the speech he read and changed the channel after hearing shit like that come out of his mouth -cryptic

[2001-11-09 14:31:03] - cdnow becomes an authority on anime

[2001-11-09 14:29:18] - ###/pics/download/94.gif

[2001-11-09 14:09:18] - *tapes "what democracy?" sticker to bookbag* - wolf

[2001-11-09 13:55:56] - "patriotism is a virtue of the vicious."

[2001-11-09 13:35:53] - bush sez "But those who celebrate the murder of innocent men, women and children have no religion, have no conscience and have no mercy." -jdb

[2001-11-09 13:33:30] - manufacturing consent -jdb

[2001-11-09 13:03:06] - Sure, you could withhold killing them until they attempt to govern you by force. -logan

[2001-11-09 12:55:49] - my/by

[2001-11-09 12:55:18] - if governed my fuckheads, the solution is not necessarily 'kill all the fuckheads' or even 'kill all the governing fuckheads' -cryptic

[2001-11-09 12:23:46] - too bad i'm not as inerested in baseball anymore. - mig

[2001-11-09 11:43:21] -

[2001-11-09 11:38:40] - they can kick the prez out of office, i'm sure they can do the same thing to anyone he appoints. - mig

[2001-11-09 11:38:00] - i think it would take a consensus among congress to kick ashcroft out. - mig

[2001-11-09 09:04:18] - how do you get the attorney general out of office? can he be impeached? - wolf

[2001-11-09 08:43:42] - I wonder when my aunt became the religious type. -logan

[2001-11-09 08:43:28] - This morning's email is this obliviously ironic rant about how all the bad things that happen in the world are because of people forsaking God in some way or another. -logan

[2001-11-09 08:42:00] - My aunt's always sending me these stupid emails that've been forwarded a hundred times... -logan

[2001-11-09 00:38:07] - Government to Begin Monitoring Some Lawyer-Client Calls -paul

[2001-11-09 00:06:33] - don't kill all the fuckheads; i like logan.

[2001-11-08 23:48:46] - So kill all the fuckheads and govern yourself. -logan

[2001-11-08 21:17:32] - i identify myself living on a piece of land that happens to be ruled by fuckheads. - wolf

[2001-11-08 19:09:48] - Hmm.  I think it's because people identify themselves as their government. -logan

[2001-11-08 19:09:27] - If the government were a private entity with which people were contracting to provide things like security, I bet people would have a whole different attitude. -logan

[2001-11-08 15:49:52] - logan: Because people want to feel protected and safe and they never blame their own government for the wrongs that it commits -paul

[2001-11-08 15:45:41] - Because I think it explains why we're cursed with the burden of government in the first place. -logan

[2001-11-08 15:45:27] - I think it's an interesting psychological effect that should be examined in more detail. -logan

[2001-11-08 15:43:35] - On another note, why is it that whenever a government brings down disaster and calamity onto its citizens, the citizens love it more?  It's happening in the US and Afghanistan even now. -logan

[2001-11-08 15:41:27] - logan: a lot of people are :-/ They seem to think that all the money the government spends just comes from nowhere -paul

[2001-11-08 15:39:09] - Yeah, that was precious.  I guess people really are too dumb to know that a tax is paid with the same money as a fee. -logan

[2001-11-08 15:36:44] - logan: I thought it was funny when the Postmaster said they needed the bailout so the public doesn't have to bear the burden of higher prices for stamps and such -paul

[2001-11-08 15:29:27] - Haha, government bailouts to cover government incompetence. -logan

[2001-11-08 15:25:34] - Postmaster asks the government for more money -paul

[2001-11-08 14:52:01] - first gates says open source is evil incarnate ... now he claims to have inspired it... - mig

[2001-11-08 13:33:58] - aba:  while that is true, the precedent can be used against dumb us laws. so its still a good thing - mig

[2001-11-08 13:11:24] - I'm better than you guys... my SSN doesn't even come up. :P -logan

[2001-11-08 12:52:28] - mig:  that whole yahoo/france thing stinks of hypocrisy.  i mean the whole situation with skylarov was fairly similar - it was just the other way around.  -  aba

[2001-11-08 11:40:27] - "One senator has questioned the timing of such a move given the US war in Afghanistan"  if the afghans make it into space we are defenseless! - mig

[2001-11-08 11:28:12] - Nasa considers privatizing space shuttles -paul

[2001-11-08 11:23:49] - jdb: What does that article have to do with World War 3? -paul

[2001-11-08 10:41:08] - world war 3 -jdb

[2001-11-08 10:04:42] - <-- mentions the cell phone thing i was talking about a while back. -jdb

[2001-11-08 09:33:18] - judge rules for common sense. - mig

[2001-11-08 09:07:36] - that god awful source is good in some ways... it allows the [html] file to be re-edited easily (just like a normal .xls or .doc, etc.) office will export fairly clean html if the user wants -- but then it can't re-edit the [html] file. -jdb

[2001-11-08 09:05:05] - actually pierce, it looks like excel also took a part in creating that abomination of source code.  there seem to be formulas floating around(why you bother to go through the trouble of creating formulas to add up 1s is rather odd). - mig

[2001-11-08 09:01:14] - does that web page even load on a non-ie browser? - mig

[2001-11-08 09:00:38] - i can hardly read that god awful source - mig

[2001-11-08 08:53:46] - did ya'll look at the source of that webpage? it includes all the student's names also. -jdb

[2001-11-08 08:52:15] - ack!  mine came up on my web site as well.  stupid cs project that made me put in my ssn. - mig

[2001-11-08 03:58:47] - jdb: i searched google for my ssn and the only 2 hits were on my own web page.  doh!  ~a

[2001-11-08 02:30:59] - A minarchist is a statist of sorts.  Just a matter of degree. :P -logan

[2001-11-08 01:23:43] - too bad he rebounded and smokes so much he fills the house when he walks in..... yuck -cryptic

[2001-11-08 01:23:15] - I thought it was a wonderful idea when he decided to stop smoking -cryptic

[2001-11-08 01:22:15] - what a stinky bastard -cryptic

[2001-11-08 01:22:03] - damn, my roomate got home....

[2001-11-08 01:09:50] - oh god, that ssn page was obviously saved from word... but it uses such weird fonts and stuff at arbitrary times! - boing

[2001-11-08 00:55:25] - logan: Hey, at least we're better then statists... -paul

[2001-11-08 00:45:34] - Libertarians generally tend to be minarchist (the bastards). -logan

[2001-11-08 00:45:17] - Well, you forget that I am more of an anarchist than a libertarian. -logan

[2001-11-08 00:22:45] - i've been away from tech too long.  i had trouble remembering it when i needed it at the bank the other day. - mig

[2001-11-08 00:10:44] - like social security numbers? -jdb

[2001-11-07 23:36:34] - i don't think taxes could ever be eliminated; i think that they could be lower. - wolf

[2001-11-07 23:33:15] - i think most libretarians would tolerate minimal taxes of a non-bloated and non-wasteful government. - mig

[2001-11-07 23:30:53] - even unofficially seems to think it's unfeasible(they talk a lot about tax credits and such), though they officially support no-taxes/user fees. - mig

[2001-11-07 23:29:13] - no-tax/user fee is mainly something the hardliners truly believe in.  most probably would agree that it's simply not feasible. - mig

[2001-11-07 23:25:25] - if our gov't wasn't so bloated and wasteful, i think our taxes would be a lot lower. - wolf

[2001-11-07 23:24:12] - and that's why i'm not a libertarian. - wolf

[2001-11-07 23:22:54] - If it's truly that important, it will be accessible at low cost if it is at all possible to provide it at low cost (which you presume when you say government should provide it for free, unless you really want to tax the hell out of people). -logan

[2001-11-07 23:22:16] - jdb: I compare public education to fast food (or food in general). -logan

[2001-11-07 22:19:35] - i mean, i buy into the "user fee" ideology of libertarianism in many ways -- but when applied to fundamental things like education, i just see poor folks getting the shaft. sorry johnny, no va tech for you, enjoy community college! -jdb

[2001-11-07 22:18:47] - jdb:  until that happens, it won't bother me that much.  - mig

[2001-11-07 22:16:37] - jdb:  of course, if it's state funded, it's a hell of a good deal if you live in a state with good schools. - mig

[2001-11-07 22:15:33] - am i the only person bothered by seeing corporate logos (sponsorship) on the cs webpage? i'd hate to see kids walking around campus, in their required microsoft uniforms. :-P -jdb

[2001-11-07 22:14:19] - i've met a few kids at tech that are in an "indentured servitude" type setup. foreign companies have sponsored their education here. they are required to go back home and work for foreign company for X years to pay back. -jdb

[2001-11-07 22:13:00] - i could deal with corporate sponsorship, as long as it wasn't too invasive.  indentured servitude, definitely not. - mig

[2001-11-07 22:12:12] - jdb:  the federal government is apparently willing :p

[2001-11-07 22:11:35] - maybe we'd see more corporate sponsoring for education? ...or indentured servitude setups? -jdb

[2001-11-07 22:08:44] - would banks be willing to give kids loans that big for undergrad education? -jdb

[2001-11-07 22:07:40] - but all those people that don't have kids in college would certainly rejoice at not having to pay our way. -jdb

[2001-11-07 22:05:53] - wolf: if university was completely self funded, your parents would save a few grand in education taxes and you wouldn't have the option of cheap local schools, but you could go anywhere for about the same price maybe. $30-40k all around (that's my guess). college is one hell of a deal (for me). -jdb

[2001-11-07 21:42:37] - all the current system does is keep the poor poor and keep the rich rich. - wolf

[2001-11-07 21:42:02] - ideally, i don't believe we should have to pay for higher learning -wolf

[2001-11-07 21:33:01] - i'm willing to pay money for an education, but i only have a limited amount of money.  that's why i'm at tech instead of bu or tufts. - wolf

[2001-11-07 21:30:05] - that's government enforced political-correctness. - mig

[2001-11-07 21:28:06] - High School student suspended for wearing anarchist t-shirt -paul

[2001-11-07 21:27:22] - you assume i would support things like punishing "hate speech" and the like, but i do not. - mig

[2001-11-07 21:15:25] - i see it more of a restriction on the government rather than a restriction on any individual. - mig

[2001-11-07 21:12:00] - logan:  i don't see that as the government enforcing anything. - mig

[2001-11-07 21:06:00] - Green Party seeks Committee Status -paul

[2001-11-07 20:51:12] - mig: You mean you want government-enforced political correctness. -logan

[2001-11-07 20:29:22] - it's one of the very few reasons why i think there should be public education:  some place that(in theory) is supposed to be completely netrual to all ethnic groups/religions/speech etc, and be suitably smacked down if they are found to be non-netrual. - mig

[2001-11-07 19:43:00] - Having a huge bureaucracy like we do just obfuscates things and makes them inefficient. -logan

[2001-11-07 19:41:49] - jdb: The idea is that the University just represents a market place... basically, it rents classroom space and other things like that.  Instructors pay for the classroom space, marketing, etc.  Students pay to get in particular classes.  It's very simple, and would be effective. -logan

[2001-11-07 19:40:24] - The LP is not being one-sided there.  They're just stating a position that, if there has to be public-funded schools, those schools should be more tolerant of speech. -logan

[2001-11-07 19:40:14] - ( -jdb

[2001-11-07 19:39:37] - art instructors at tech get paid ~$25k. -jdb

[2001-11-07 19:38:38] - If one wants to learn art, one will be willing to pay money to someone teaching it.  That's all it means. -logan

[2001-11-07 19:37:00] - i wonder what the libertarian party has to say about students who are forced to remove afghanistan flags. - wolf

[2001-11-07 19:34:33] - as long as it doesn't violate existing public decency laws (live waving a flag that showed porn), i don't see what the big deal is. - wolf

[2001-11-07 19:33:24] - why is it suddenly offensive to display an american flag? - wolf

[2001-11-07 19:21:25] - -jdb

[2001-11-07 19:19:44] - logan: or does that mean an art degree will cost $40k/year and engineering degrees will only be $20k? -jdb

[2001-11-07 19:19:15] - logan: so what does that mean (a free-market university)? will art be deemed unprofitable and dropped, along with things like mining engineering (very small dept)? would that sort of thing trigger a move to "virginia tech computer science university"? -jdb

[2001-11-07 19:11:34] - paul: I was speaking more generally, of how I think a good way to organize any university (even private) might be. -logan

[2001-11-07 17:58:01] - logan: Good luck, if there is one thing that the two major parties seem to be in total agreement over it is that the government needs more control over schooling -paul

[2001-11-07 17:54:30] - That's why a free-market approach should be taken when organizing a University. -logan

[2001-11-07 17:53:25] - the only reason the graphic design major is so competitive is because they can only afford to take 10 or 15 new students a year - wolf

[2001-11-07 17:52:51] - Vinnie and I were told that the reason we can't get a Japanese minor is because there isn't enough funding for foreign languages to expand the curriculum -paul

[2001-11-07 17:52:41] - the demand for the classes is there, but the university won't do anything about hiring more professors - wolf

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