here are old message board entries

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[2001-11-26 22:27:11] - but when he makes a broad generalization, I reserve the right to point out places where the statement fails, it's not interpretting, it's pointing out -cryptic

[2001-11-26 22:26:28] - "ben franklin's colonial gang bang vol. 23"

[2001-11-26 22:26:18] - if he wants to say "growing a few cells to collect stem cells to make organs is wrong" say that

[2001-11-26 22:25:58] - i reserve the right to make up titles of fictional pornos that may have involved famous historical figures. - wolf

[2001-11-26 22:25:34] - I can't misinterpret when all I'm doing is applying a statement/belief to life -cryptic

[2001-11-26 22:16:46] - cryptic: I reserve the right to think you are misinterpretting what he said :-P -paul

[2001-11-26 22:12:26] - bah -cryptic

[2001-11-26 22:12:13] - I agree that's what he was trying to say, along with the attempt to sway people's beliefs..... but that doesnt change the fact that his original statement when applied to life is contradictory.  If he wants to make sweeping generalizations, I reserve the liberty to apply it to all situations -crypti

[2001-11-26 22:06:24] - well.... atleast contradictions with his/our own lives.... eating meat/plants, using baterial soap, biochemical weapons, etc, etc etc. -cryptic

[2001-11-26 22:05:51] - cryptic: I think what he was trying to say, was that creating human life with the intention of destroying it soon after creation is wrong. But again, that's just my interpretation -paul

[2001-11-26 22:05:31] - he was trying to sway everyone to think "making someone for the intent of killing them is wrong, thus cloning is wrong", but that's not reason or logic.... especially once you point out flaws/contradictions in the original statement -cryptic

[2001-11-26 22:04:04] - if a reason is given, atleast I have something to argue/disagree with.... until then, it's basically "it's bad because I say so"... and that's bullshit -cryptic

[2001-11-26 22:02:57] - but he still hasn't given a solid, logical, scientific, reasonable, explanation why cloning is bad... he or any other fundamentalist -cryptic

[2001-11-26 22:01:02] - paul: I know bush was saying: "we should not grow fetuses for the reason to obtain stem cells", but he didnt say that, so he is subject to my interpretation and perversion of his words -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:59:47] - I cannot recall the study, but it examined criminals of multiple murders, etc. and while genetics (chemestry and workings of the brain) played a role in some cases, other cases had no such tendencies and appeared to be more related to the environment of the murderer -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:59:10] - cryptic: You can certainly say that the intent is the same, but I really think that Bush was trying to be much more specific then that -paul

[2001-11-26 21:56:06] - individuals have free will to an extent, while it's true for the most part we have free will, we are also subject to our surroundings and it's hard to deny that society/surrounding have an effect on individuals -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:54:25] - paul: well, of course we can't say we created the life of bin laden or cancer intentionally.... but we used bin laden to our own objectives, and disposing of him afterwards would be contradictory to the statement (assuming we do just that and not hold any sort of real trial) -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:53:00] - cryptic: so individuals ultimately have free will?

[2001-11-26 21:52:14] - and for the record: people are responsible for their individual actions, although society and genetics both appear to have a role in determining a person, and thus society plays a role, but is not directly responsible for the actions of individuals in the society -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:51:37] - cryptic: Oh, I wasn't necessarily arguing the validity of what Bush said because I probably disagree with it to an extent as well... -paul

[2001-11-26 21:50:04] - paul: those last 2 questions may be rhetorical.... or maybe not... but they were directed towards you... or anyone else -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:48:58] - If anyone is talking to me, please let me know because I have a hard time telling too -paul

[2001-11-26 21:48:36] - blame, rather

[2001-11-26 21:48:03] - but I can be wrong -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:47:35] - I think he was refering to me.... -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:47:09] - if you mold/assist the life to what you desire, you don't have to make it... does that make it any less wrong? -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:46:12] - logan: i don't blane individual actions on society.  i blame individual actions on individuals. - wolf

[2001-11-26 21:46:05] - yet does it make a difference if we purposely create the life or help it fit our needs/desires? -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:44:45] - wolf: Because I felt he was saying that we shouldn't intentionally create life with the intention of destroying it later, I don't think you can say we created the life that is Bin Laden or cancer intentionally -paul

[2001-11-26 21:44:33] - you're probably one of those people who group people on one opinion, even when you have no clue what that opinion is -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:43:54] - since the murder statement was made after yours -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:43:39] - you were refering to: training soldiers to send on suicide missions and possibly growing bacteria/virii for biochemical weapons.... if you were talking to me -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:43:18] - You're probably one of those people that attempt to blame individual actions on society. -logan

[2001-11-26 21:42:41] - how long have you been on aim? did you sign off/on recently? -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:42:37] - I don't consider murderers and the like to be "grown" by society. -logan

[2001-11-26 21:42:16] - I'd like to add, labels suck.  For the most part they do a poor job of truely describing the individual's beliefs -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:41:29] - i'm on aim... it's working fine. - wolf

[2001-11-26 21:41:02] - i avoid affiliating myself with political/religious/moral/whatever groups. - wolf

[2001-11-26 21:40:51] - yes.... buddly list server is unabailable.... which is why they should have a backup on the individual's HD.... quite crappy I might add -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:39:40] - paul: i dislike labels. - wolf

[2001-11-26 21:39:18] - while it is assumed he talking about human life.... it's still contradictory and ignorant -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:39:05] - paul: i listed things that are grown and are eventually destroyed. how is this off-topic? - wolf

[2001-11-26 21:38:25] - I'd say applying it to eating plants, or alleviating viral infections is extreme, but I think her point was to sow the contradictions in his words and actions -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:37:34] - wolf: Can I assume you are pro-choice? -paul

[2001-11-26 21:37:23] - i don't necessarily agree or disagree with these things -- if bush doesn't, he oughtn't make sweeping comments like that. - wolf

[2001-11-26 21:37:12] - Buddy List Server is Unavailable

[2001-11-26 21:36:57] - cryptic: I agree, his actions seem to contradict what he was saying, I just wanted to point out that a lot of wolf's examples seemed off the topic of what he said -paul

[2001-11-26 21:35:11] - bah, weapons are designed to destroy... in that action they nearly always destroy themselves -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:35:02] - this is the same guy who advocates the death penalty, has no moral qualms about killing afghanistan people, wants to kill a man his own country made, eats meat and plants, ad nauseum. - wolf

[2001-11-26 21:33:57] - paul: even restricting yourself to dealing with human life, there are contradictions -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:32:52] - back to wolf again: "sentence anyone with the death penalty"..... as a 'society' we 'grew' the life of the criminal... to quote bush "we should not, as a society, grow life to destroy it" -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:32:37] - The destruction is not the primary purpose behind the growth. -logan

[2001-11-26 21:32:13] - i just find it amusing how hypocritical bush's statement was. - wolf

[2001-11-26 21:31:43] - i've accepted my own mortality, etc etc etc. - wolf

[2001-11-26 21:31:11] - same thing with growing bacteria/virii for biochemical weapons -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:30:41] - back to the main quote: “we should not, as a society, grow life to destroy it,''-bush.... wolf: "training soldiers to send on suicide missions", I think that fits quite well -cryptic

[2001-11-26 21:29:29] - a fetus is just a cancer - wolf

[2001-11-26 21:28:50] - nor do i - wolf

[2001-11-26 21:17:17] - I have no problem with killing embryos (or fetuses or even newborns, for that matter). -logan

[2001-11-26 20:00:06] - I say that they aren't in the same category as removing tumors and killing bin laden -paul

[2001-11-26 19:57:15] - well, what do you call raising cattle, then? or planting crops?  or training soldiers to send on suicide missions?  biochemical weapons? - wolf

[2001-11-26 19:36:15] - wolf: And I think he was kind of restricting himself to human life when he said that, but that's another discussion altogether -paul

[2001-11-26 19:33:14] - wolf: I thought that Bush was touching more upon not creating life for the express purpose of being destroyed by us later -paul

[2001-11-26 18:22:39] - nobody wants to give any real, tangible, logical evidence as to why cloning is detrimental. - wolf

[2001-11-26 18:18:34] - and what about anthrax?  we can produce all sorts of deadly living things, usually in the name of "self defense". - wolf

[2001-11-26 18:17:15] - if i recall correctly, we did train him :) - wolf

[2001-11-26 18:13:08] - paul:  in a sick twisted kind of way, we kind of did. - mig

[2001-11-26 17:27:29] - wolf: I don't think a lot of your examples are very relevant if you are trying to mock Bush for his statement because we didn't exactly "grow" Osama Bin Laden or viral infenctions... -paul

[2001-11-26 16:34:07] - - mig

[2001-11-26 16:33:07] - etc etc etc - wolf

[2001-11-26 16:33:01] - or kill bin laden, or sentence anyone with the death penalty - wolf

[2001-11-26 16:31:43] - it also means we shouldn't remove cancer or tumors, or alleviate viral infections. - wolf

[2001-11-26 16:09:30] - heh, good point.  I guess that's a more thorough way to interperet it - boing

[2001-11-26 14:14:26] - it sounds more like we shouldn't grow crops or use anti-bacterial soap. - wolf

[2001-11-26 14:09:10] - "We should not, as a society, grow life to destroy it,'' Bush said." does that sound like a call to vegetarianism to anyone else? - boing

[2001-11-26 13:32:41] - it is morally wrong!  sez, bush, anyways. - mig

[2001-11-26 13:30:58] - did anyone actually see any cops around this weekend? - mig

[2001-11-26 12:13:31] - yay ppl are actually going to be in the 8:00am os class.  i thought i was going to be alone. - mig

[2001-11-26 09:50:53] - they've put up the course request results?  nice of them to send us an email... - dewy

[2001-11-26 09:45:56] - if i'm a christian and i own a business, does that mean i'm exempt from taxes?

[2001-11-26 01:31:14] - l_WMV0K1kdyDGh0FlBlN217lrmJwhdBrU7uhb1K_g-F6aevV009H_U1SXI71FtjF4Ju85faSFigcW19QoWyrMKDrShOAqSBF3NZeth-bE_CtSEHgh599LUsB5TIox-Pj7KKZpDtyOoUGQ4HQT5oof0LBC0PIYCFcJolHsEbyxUu

[2001-11-26 01:11:48] - somehow i got all of my classes.  i was certain they were gonna screw me over somewhere.  maybe next semester... - mig

[2001-11-25 18:29:35] - (for those of you not on the free@vt listserv)

[2001-11-25 18:29:22] -

[2001-11-25 18:24:22] - well, i got 2/6 of my classes :( bah. - wolf

[2001-11-25 16:55:03] - -logan

[2001-11-25 16:51:34] - jesus seems like a bad man.  ~a

[2001-11-25 16:37:18] -    what would jesus do?  -  aba

[2001-11-25 16:00:32] - I wouldn't wish the evil that is government on even my worst enemy. :P -logan

[2001-11-25 15:52:36] - Kernel Panic:  Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

[2001-11-25 15:52:08] - wow.  linux crashed.  ~a

[2001-11-18 21:29:12] - hooray for motorola power mac clones. - wolf

[2001-11-18 19:40:15] - Do terrorists deserve the protection of the American constitution? -paul

[2001-11-18 18:26:22] - everyone went home.  -  aba

[2001-11-18 17:16:55] - It's awfully quiet here. -logan

[2001-11-17 04:04:09] - a: you pervert

[2001-11-17 00:09:53] - yay - mig

[2001-11-16 22:59:17] - It took them a year to track me down and my roomate has a subscription -paul

[2001-11-16 15:23:16] - i guess it takes awhile for playboy to track everyone down. - mig

[2001-11-16 15:10:27] - nice to see the public finally sobering up. - mig

[2001-11-16 13:38:22] - - wolf

[2001-11-16 13:36:49] - i thought every male on campus got snail mail ads from playboy. - wolf

[2001-11-16 11:46:16] - how did playboy get my name and address?!  ~a

[2001-11-15 21:19:20] - ... sucks to be them. - wolf

[2001-11-15 18:07:56] - anyone want to do a group order from - mig

[2001-11-15 15:51:52] - what the?

[2001-11-15 14:17:31] -

[2001-11-15 11:52:06] - i saw on c-span yesterday that the democrats were trying to get abiguous "anti-hate crime" legislation passed.  anyone know what that's all about?  wolf

[2001-11-15 11:39:20] - hello from graphics lab in the basement of henderson that smells like urine. - wolf

[2001-11-15 11:38:48] - Adrian. The song Hogisim is in Pump It Up. It is called "Curiosity". You should come play Pump some time. Maybe friday - aaron

[2001-11-15 11:24:33] - Terrorist attacks haven't changed Congress' pork spending -paul

[2001-11-15 08:59:13] -

[2001-11-15 08:24:44] - A little heavy on the conspiracy theory, but refreshing nonetheless: -logan

[2001-11-15 01:16:23] - tee-he. :-P -jdb

[2001-11-15 01:03:22] - My own insult, turned on me. ): -logan

[2001-11-15 00:45:56] - jdb: I'm afraid of you too. -logan

[2001-11-14 22:45:02] - I Am Homophobic -jdb

[2001-11-14 21:11:00] - hogisim

[2001-11-14 18:19:38] - ... check out "short on patriotism" - wolf

[2001-11-14 16:46:23] -

[2001-11-14 16:45:36] - ###/pics/download/96.gif

[2001-11-14 16:21:10] - don't make fun of county officials. - mig

[2001-11-14 14:45:48] - lp takes over a colorado city. - mig

[2001-11-14 14:41:14] - travis hudson = Critically Ill Smurf

[2001-11-14 14:04:10] - I'm Cleft Palate Smurf?  - mig

[2001-11-14 14:03:37] - Paul Essen = The Smurf -paul

[2001-11-14 14:00:34] - paul must be a womyn

[2001-11-14 13:59:49] - Women find male sweat sexy -paul

[2001-11-14 13:55:14] - ... and the ensuing fan club: - wolf

[2001-11-14 13:54:42] - - wolf

[2001-11-14 13:51:18] -

[2001-11-14 13:50:24] - kung pao?  ~a

[2001-11-14 13:50:23] - logan hanks = Hoochie Smurf

[2001-11-14 13:50:16] - Women's brains have more cells then men -paul

[2001-11-14 13:50:04] - which is saying something considering i have read about 8 books in the last three years.  ~a

[2001-11-14 13:49:19] - adrian porter = Kung Pao Smurf

[2001-11-14 13:48:15] - paul, i read that book.  ~a

[2001-11-14 13:43:57] - Scientist working on a perfect lie-dectecting machine -paul

[2001-11-14 13:43:31] - Sounds like a healthy obsession to me. -logan

[2001-11-14 13:43:21] - So why do all those quotes deal with penises in some form or another? -logan

[2001-11-14 13:42:49] - mig: Maybe I'm a wiley terrorist. -logan

[2001-11-14 13:35:08] - "john ashcroft collects stamps depicting jello biafra masturbating into paul feyerabend's breakfast cereals"

[2001-11-14 13:32:30] - "john ashcroft enjoys listening to other men urinate"

[2001-11-14 13:28:58] - When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 1999 Homicide Data -paul

[2001-11-14 13:25:30] - "john ashcroft likes the taste of cock"

[2001-11-14 13:25:03] - logan:  oh but you forget...  runaways, crazy people and drug dealrs are terrorists.  looks like the cia forgot to re-educate you. - mig

[2001-11-14 13:20:48] - - wolf

[2001-11-14 12:57:00] - Personally, I think runaways, crazy people, and drug dealers should be left alone. :P -logan

[2001-11-14 12:56:16] - Don't you love how all this supposed "anti-terror" legislation never contains anything having to do with terrorism at all?  It's great for catching runaways, crazy people, drug dealers, etc., but not terrorists. -logan

[2001-11-14 12:52:03] - "john ashcroft touched my butt"

[2001-11-14 12:29:32] -

[2001-11-14 11:29:05] - -kris

[2001-11-14 11:20:47] - big brother at the beach -kris

[2001-11-14 11:20:21] - hmm.. -kris

[2001-11-14 11:07:02] - maybe ling ling needs some training.

[2001-11-14 10:52:35] - what stress that must be for poor Ling Ling -kris

[2001-11-14 10:52:05] - -kris

[2001-11-14 10:43:29] - is not working for me. - mig

[2001-11-14 10:39:08] - the board looks so dismal (colorwise) today -kris

[2001-11-14 10:38:19] - -kris

[2001-11-14 10:36:26] - "john ashcroft is my gay lover."

[2001-11-14 10:33:05] - i should make up shirts that say that. - wolf

[2001-11-14 10:22:31] - john ashcroft must be out to get me. - wolf

[2001-11-14 10:21:39] - can anyone access - wolf

[2001-11-14 09:57:36] - shhhh!!! annoucing security holes to the public is bad!! - mig

[2001-11-14 09:43:14] - what the fuck?  individuals cannot commit acts of war.

[2001-11-14 02:31:43] - I don't see what's so wrong... they're trying to minimize the dangers of smoking.  I can't see how that'd be anything but good for them. :P -logan

[2001-11-14 01:04:59] - i smell an impeachment trial some time soon. - wolf

[2001-11-14 00:40:37] - Bush signs presidential directive to allow terrorists to be tried by military, bypassing the American criminal justice system -paul

[2001-11-13 23:49:40] - i remember someone telling me that the admin people were trying to guess people's file sharing passwords. - mig

[2001-11-13 23:44:44] - if my shared folders are password locked, can i accuse them of hacking into my computer? - mig

[2001-11-13 23:37:15] - jdb: what are you talking about? -kris

[2001-11-13 23:34:51] - 150 j.r.'s given out today for people sharing files. 150 more will be given out tomorrow. -jdb

[2001-11-13 23:01:07] -    this is wrong on sooooo many levels.  -  aba

[2001-11-13 18:12:27] - i come from one of the top 10% dirtiest cities in the us. i rule. - wolf

[2001-11-13 16:40:57] -

[2001-11-13 15:41:45] - this is a post to make adrian happier -kris

[2001-11-13 09:01:46] - and now for something completely different. - mig

[2001-11-13 08:58:37] - mig: I think there are particular attributes of an "order" that separate it from just plain expression.  Just because this particular subset of expression has these particular attributes does not in any way justify limitations on other forms of expression. -logan

[2001-11-13 08:57:19] - pierce:  yes, it should be a case by case kind of thing(a mob boss ordering a hit on someone comes to mind), however, this just appears to be just some minority group getting pissy and crying "hate speech" to get their way. - mig

[2001-11-13 08:36:18] - pierce:  what about "dangerous" music that "encourages" kids to kill themselves? - mig

[2001-11-13 07:58:06] - That's not true. -logan

[2001-11-13 07:44:47] - remember that logan will disagree with you no matter what you say.

[2001-11-13 07:35:51] -

[2001-11-13 07:34:25] - Well, you seem to hold that the presence of the idea itself is capable of putting people in danger. -logan

[2001-11-13 07:19:58] - who said it will make those ideas go away? -cryptic

[2001-11-13 06:43:45] - boob

[2001-11-13 05:55:50] - boo

[2001-11-13 05:32:33] - -logan

[2001-11-13 03:30:46] - As if hiding subjectively disturbing ideas will make them go away. -logan

[2001-11-13 03:18:14] - What a sad state our world is in. -logan

[2001-11-13 01:31:14] - *** cryptic agrees with boing on his way to bed....

[2001-11-13 01:11:45] - so in this instance, I think dressing up as klan members should be protected (since even the klan doesn't "officially" advocate violence), but the mock lynching and guns and stuff are not - boing

[2001-11-13 01:10:18] - "blowing off steam" is hard to police, I guess

[2001-11-13 01:09:36] - because even I have vocally wished harm upon others in the past, without intending to encourage others to inflict that harm - boing

[2001-11-13 01:08:57] - though I wish there were a better way - boing

[2001-11-13 01:08:41] - I think it needs to be decided on a case-by-case basis what the intent of the speech was - boing

[2001-11-13 01:08:07] - - boing

[2001-11-13 01:08:00] - though I don't think those instances are morally or legally comparable to the acts themselves

[2001-11-13 01:07:28] - like, I don't think mob bosses are protected if they instruct their underlings to kill someone, or even if they say they wish for an "unfortunate accident" - boing

[2001-11-13 01:06:28] - personally, I think that speech that will cause harm to others ("fire!"), and speech that directs or encourages illegal acts should not be protected - boing

[2001-11-13 00:24:34] - - wolf

[2001-11-13 00:10:23] - i thought the word "spic" meant someone who was really clean when i was a kid, because it was connotative of household cleaners. - wolf

[2001-11-13 00:02:38] - ah spic 'n span.  i remember that joke!  i think i learned that one when i was like 7. - mig

[2001-11-13 00:01:01] - i don't know. - wolf

[2001-11-13 00:00:53] - the people who bring you spic-and-span, the world's most powerful cleaning agent (tm) - wolf

[2001-11-13 00:00:10] - yes, but i wonder whose brilliant idea it was. - mig

[2001-11-12 23:59:07] - it seems like a shortening of "hispanic" - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:57:47] - it's all about context. but very little of it can be legislated. - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:57:21] - hmmm... where did the term 'spic' originate? - mig

[2001-11-12 23:56:50] - different groups have been trying to reclaim words that have gained negative connotations over the years (cunt, faggot, etc), but they haven't been too successful. - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:54:15] - well, historically it was "hate speech". - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:51:26] - black person saying it is considered "hate speech" - mig

[2001-11-12 23:50:57] - it's funny.  a black man can say 'nigger', but a non-w

[2001-11-12 23:49:48] - wolf: Then we wouldn't even be having this conversation because that is perfectly acceptable in our society -paul

[2001-11-12 23:49:24] - wolf:  that's the funny part.  if it was, nothing would have happened. - mig

[2001-11-12 23:48:34] - what if it had been two black-faced guys in kkk uniforms lynching a white guy? - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:47:53] - first it was just getting rid of stuff they didn't like outright.  that didn't work.  then it was to "protect the children".  that worked to some degree, but that argument doesn't hold water anymore.  now it's labelling non-pc views as "hate speech". - mig

[2001-11-12 23:47:19] - i was leafing through my roomate's sorority "rule book" freshman year... they had pretty strict rules about not destroying property, underage drinking (ha), and not conducting oneself in a manner that wouldn't fit the sorority's ideals while representing said sorority. - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:46:21] - a: Ok, my mis-understanding. Thanks for the clarification :-) -paul

[2001-11-12 23:45:52] - paul:  if it's public then it's on the vt networks; if not, then not.  ~a

[2001-11-12 23:45:26] - since they were at a frat-sanctioned event, would't that make "free speech" less of an issue? - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:44:51] - i find it interesting how the censorship has changed in motivations over the years. - mig

[2001-11-12 23:42:20] - i thought katie was short for katherine.  ~a

[2001-11-12 23:39:10] - wolf: that "legality" is what makes this so sticky. a "free speech" vs. "hate speech" issue. -jdb

[2001-11-12 23:39:01] - however, what is legal and what i find moral have historically been two different things. - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:38:26] - you try to make generalizations based on false premises, and twist my words, my point is: freedom of speech has it's limits, my definition for those limits will most likely conflict with the next persons... but I'm free to believe it -cryptic

[2001-11-12 23:37:16] - cryptic: Ok, you've answered my question. Thank you :-) -paul

[2001-11-12 23:37:12] - those guys had the right to parody a lynching, but (and i haven't read their frat's charter) not as representatives of their fraternity.  unless it was the kkk-reenactment frat.  then i guess it was legal. - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:37:10] - cryptic:  how, precisely? - mig

[2001-11-12 23:36:40] - I find the advocating of the brutal killing and the mock killing of fellow students to be an act that endangers the saftey and well being of those students portrayed -cryptic

[2001-11-12 23:35:42] - twist my ideas as you may -cryptic

[2001-11-12 23:34:26] - and if you do want to do it somewhere public, expect to be met with my opposition. - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:34:09] - cryptic:  movies portray groups being shot and killed.  shall we ban those? - mig

[2001-11-12 23:33:57] - just my opinion -cryptic

[2001-11-12 23:33:50] - I dont think mock lynchings of black people and members of a black frat  or hitlists (there is a difference between simple lists of abortion doctors and hit lists) that indicate abortion doctors and their current status (alive, hurt, murded) are protected by free speech... but this is -cryptic

[2001-11-12 23:33:42] - parody a black guy getting lynched, but don't do it in my living room.  - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:32:57] - people can act like assholes, but not in my house. that is all. - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:32:19] - wolf: pat robertson. -jdb

[2001-11-12 23:32:11] - ban guns because they can hurt people! - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:31:36] - mig: I didn't say it does.  In my opinion, people have the right to dress up like kkk members, it's just when they (in this case) portray another group being shot and killed that their right to express themselves is limited.  While it may not be a hardline direct link to violence, -cryptic

[2001-11-12 23:31:22] - ban feminism because it encourages women to kill their kids, become lesbians, practice witchcraft and something else.  i forget who originally said that. - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:30:26] - i don't speak spanish, per se, but i used to get bored in high school and try to get people to teach me different languages. - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:30:15] - i could claim that a "gothy" type look may make some people feel unsafe, should we ban that "look" also? - mig

[2001-11-12 23:29:23] - uf! estos insectos en me refrijerador. - wolf

[2001-11-12 23:28:48] - and how does someone dressing in a kkk outfit endanger anyone? - mig

[2001-11-12 23:25:52] - a: He was hosting a mirror of it on the VT networks? -paul

[2001-11-12 23:25:25] - katie, there is a stapler in my mouth!  ~a

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