here are old message board entries

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[2003-06-19 15:52:00] - hehe :) what a dumb story - aaron

[2003-06-19 02:09:00] -  it makes me cry when good ideas get ruined by politics.  ~a

[2003-06-15 19:39:00] - a listing of the fibs made by fox news during the war. - mig

[2003-06-14 12:50:00] - Aaron: Yeah, if you seriously want people to lose weight then that seems to be the best way of going about it. I don't know why he was so against it... -Paul

[2003-06-14 02:44:00] - I like the tongue-in-cheek "tax-per-pound-overweight" suggestion. I actually made the exact suggestion to someone over AIM yesterday - aaron

[2003-06-13 22:01:00] - A look at the campaign against obesity. I particularly like the mention of how obesity and smoking might NOT cost taxpayers more money in medicare in the end since they die earlier. -Paul

[2003-06-11 21:06:00] -

[2003-06-11 21:06:00] -

[2003-06-11 21:06:00] - both words are acceptable:

[2003-06-11 07:48:00] - coupled with the often overuse of the word irony, it's doubly ironic that the one case where irony did rear its head, the word sat idle for a different incorrectly used word.  ~a

[2003-06-11 07:25:00] - that's not a paradox.  ~a

[2003-06-11 00:24:00] - a: I think paradoxically works too, since tobacco companies usually fund ads FOR smoking, not ads AGAINST smoking. -Paul

[2003-06-10 22:42:00] - ironically enough, you shouldn't have put paradoxically.  ~a

[2003-06-10 13:17:00] - companies should be able to kill whoever they want!

[2003-06-10 02:06:00] - a: Well, not directly. The anti-smoking ads are mostly paid for by the tobacco companies, paradoxically enough. -Paul

[2003-06-10 00:11:00] - but there's no need to worry, the anti-smoking ads are paid for by american taxpayers, so that tips the scale.  ~a

[2003-06-09 23:11:00] - mig: I'm torn here because I despise the inherent unfairness of how the government has been utterly trampling on big tobacco while also being a staunch advocate of free speech. -Paul

[2003-06-09 22:17:00] - :)  ~a

[2003-06-09 16:22:00] - california is sued for anti-smoking ads. - mig

[2003-06-09 09:17:00] - you said it, i transcribed it. you said it was OK - aaron

[2003-06-09 03:27:00] - you mean when aaron wrote it?  ~a

[2003-06-09 03:19:00] - a: Yes you did, I was there when you wrote it. ;-) -Paul

[2003-06-09 00:30:00] - just so you guys know, i didn't post that last thing signed by me.  ~a

[2003-06-08 20:54:00] - Nobody loves Paul Essen

[2003-06-07 13:49:00] - Jessica Lynch? No, America loves Paul Essen!

[2003-06-07 13:42:00] - MSGed

[2003-06-07 04:32:00] - once you've had cock, you'll never go back ~a

[2003-06-06 16:35:00] - If a restaurant is really smoky all the time, everyone who eats there will soon die and they will have no business :) - aaron

[2003-06-06 16:33:00] - I simply avoid restaurants that don't cater to non-smokers. I don't really think this is a political issue as much as it is an economic one - aaron

[2003-06-06 14:45:00] - paul:  nope.  and i really don't like smokers.  i hate having to ask to move at restaurants (when the nonsmoking section is right next to the smoking section, or even share proximity) and having to leave bars, etc...  -kris

[2003-06-06 13:46:00] - Some interesting statistics on what percentage of the total taxes are paid by the rich. -Paul

[2003-06-06 12:46:00] - Beginning of the US withdrawal from South Korea? -Paul

[2003-06-06 12:31:00] - kris: You were never a member of the freethinkers, were you? :-P -Paul

[2003-06-06 11:14:00] - is?

[2003-06-06 00:37:00] - a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from her own

[2003-06-05 21:53:00] - smokers suck! maroon them all on an arctic island with no boats. -kris

[2003-06-05 14:56:00] - a: Hence why I post stuff about smoking still, because it's an issue that is divisive amongst us. -Paul

[2003-06-05 01:11:00] - i'm sure aaron has stuff to say about a smoking ban with his smoky allergies.  ~a

[2003-06-05 00:53:00] - paul:  i couldn't agree with you more.  i retract my statement.  ~a

[2003-06-04 10:12:00] - A sad story about how child support ruined a father's life. -Paul

[2003-06-04 10:01:00] - The Surgeon General would support a ban on tobacco products. -Paul

[2003-06-04 09:45:00] - a: It's all about trying to provoke discussion and lively debate and I don't see how having everybody agreeing about the stupidity of republicans will do that. -Paul

[2003-06-04 09:44:00] - a: And if I can convince a few more people of the rightness of my views (:-P) then there may come a time where I cut back on the number of anti-feminism articles I post on the message board. -Paul

[2003-06-04 09:43:00] - a: It's the same reaon I cut back on the number of PETA and ELF articles (yes, believe it or not, I've been cutting back on those), because I don't think anybody on the message board really supports or agrees with either of those organizations. -Paul

[2003-06-04 09:42:00] - a: To me, it's not as much fun posting a link and having everybody agree with it because then nobody will post or anything (preaching to the choir and all). However, since a decent portion of the message board seems to be liberal, I find that disagreeing with democrats is a better way of stimulating conversation. -Paul

[2003-06-04 09:41:00] - a: And the reason I don't have articles dissing republicans is because whenever I read stuff about republicans doing something that I feel is post-worthy (which is not as often as I find articles regarding democrats) it's always about an issue that I feel like everyone on the message board agrees is wrong. -Paul

[2003-06-04 09:39:00] - a: Specifically, that lady might only represent 0.1% of democrats, but I think she is a semi-accurate caricature of roughly 30-40% of democrats. The people who make stupid decisions and then whine about it and get money from democrats and not republicans so they vote democrat. -Paul

[2003-06-04 03:29:00] - a: here you go. - mig

[2003-06-04 00:52:00] - this lady represents .1% of democrats.  i don't see how .1% of the population is re-electing democrats.  and why don't you ever have any articles dissing republicans?  ~a

[2003-06-04 00:10:00] - Neal Boortz has a humorous way of explaining how taxes work and how democrats get re-elected. -Paul

[2003-06-03 22:18:00] - Another typical 'save the males' article, but this one mentions Fairfax County. :-P -Paul

[2003-06-03 17:05:00] - i <3 wnd

[2003-06-02 23:44:00] - mig: You're probably right, the government would rather make more money by raising taxes and suing tobacco manufacturers rather than waste money trying to outlaw it. -Paul

[2003-06-02 23:42:00] - Interesting examination of some feminist causes -Paul

[2003-06-02 23:37:00] - there are way too many people smoking for it to work feasibly, and the feds are probably content just extorting more money out of the smoking population by raising taxes. - mig

[2003-06-02 23:33:00] - What effect will Saving Nemo have on fish sales? -Paul

[2003-06-02 23:28:00] - paul:  because it would cause people to revolt. - mig

[2003-06-02 23:20:00] - Is tobacco a weapon of mass destruction? I don't see why they don't just make smoking illegal. -Paul

[2003-06-01 02:54:00] - it's pretty clear that we generally make more money, we man handle our wives and we do all the raping and murdering and we're more violent and more vicious.  we're less susceptible to stds and pregnancy, we don't have to worry about walking outside at night.  we got the longer end of the stick, why do we need to worry so much about more rights?  ~a

[2003-06-01 01:15:00] - I think it's funny how men's rights groups get labeled as a "hate group" while feminist organizations aren't. -Paul

[2003-05-31 01:14:00] - More muslim hate crime hoaxes. -Paul

[2003-05-30 09:16:00] -

[2003-05-29 17:53:00] - Who or What, depending on the context. Usually implies a question mark. The "TF" is really padding, to make this a three-letter acronym, meaning something like "pray tell"

[2003-05-29 00:55:00] - Is there a Muslim hate crime epidemic? -Paul

[2003-05-26 22:33:00] - haha. i didn't mean for that Ananova part to copy.  *laugh*

[2003-05-26 22:33:00] - Ananova: "Driver so drunk breathalyser crashes" -kris

[2003-05-26 22:33:00] -

[2003-05-25 15:17:00] - "women could use it offensively, and that it would be hard for police to arrest anyone wearing one".... oooo neat - aaron

[2003-05-24 15:28:00] - shocking!

[2003-05-23 22:30:00] - mig: Curses you! I was just about to post that link myself :-P -Paul

[2003-05-23 18:26:00] -,1282,58914,00.html shock jacket for girls. - mig

[2003-05-22 15:16:00] -

[2003-05-22 12:56:00] - jessica lynch rescue faked. - mig

[2003-05-22 12:40:00] - Larry Elder on Affirmative Action -Paul

[2003-05-22 12:40:00] - a: Sorry to hear that. I hope things turn around. -Paul

[2003-05-21 23:35:00] - both of my grandfathers have cancer and one of them is taking a turn for the worse.  ~a

[2003-05-21 23:14:00] - "How the FDA helped kill my Dad" -Paul

[2003-05-21 23:13:00] - mkay  ~a

[2003-05-21 23:13:00] - same here -Paul

[2003-05-21 23:09:00] - sorry, i just thought it was a problem with my connection - aaron

[2003-05-21 21:24:00] - why didn't anyone tell me that they couldn't post?!  i just kind of figured you guys had nothing to say.  well it should be fixed now.  sorry, guys.  ~a

[2003-05-21 21:17:00] - test  ~a

[2003-05-18 23:06:00] - -

[2003-05-14 22:12:00] - - mig

[2003-05-14 21:12:00] - aaron: was this posted to the message board?  if so, i can search for it; otherwise i dunno.  ~a

[2003-05-14 20:45:00] - hey what was the name of that web site we went to a long time ago that had patches and cracks for new games? - aaron

[2003-05-14 19:33:00] - *sniffle*

[2003-05-14 14:12:00] - I'm going to miss everyone too. -Paul

[2003-05-13 22:52:00] - i'm going to miss you guys

[2003-05-11 16:56:00] - hospital needs klingon interperter. - mig

[2003-05-11 16:12:00] - no it's not - mig

[2003-05-11 00:49:00] - DIS IS MIGGUEL!

[2003-05-10 21:32:00] -

[2003-05-10 15:16:00] - :(  ~a

[2003-05-10 11:13:00] - a: yeah, I know you were just kidding, but it's obviously not sacrilege. -Paul

[2003-05-10 02:18:00] - yeah, i know you were just kidding; but it's obviously not sacrilege.  ~a

[2003-05-10 02:05:00] - paul:  i just call it theft. - mig

[2003-05-10 00:35:00] - paul:  i disagree.  ~a

[2003-05-10 00:35:00] - -kris

[2003-05-09 17:42:00] - a: taking money forcibly from people isn't just wrong, it is sacrilege. -Paul

[2003-05-09 01:00:00] - kris:  taking money forcibly from the people and giving it to churches / religious instituons isn't just wrong, it is sacrilege.  ~a

[2003-05-09 00:30:00] - -kris

[2003-05-06 15:55:00] - Paul's coming over to play DWI and stuff and it would be more fun if you came too

[2003-05-06 15:55:00] - Hey adrian, do you want to come over?

[2003-05-05 10:44:00] - several parts of campaign finance reform ruled unconstitutional. - mig

[2003-05-03 23:44:00] - v ungr zl yvsr

[2003-05-02 03:39:00] - "The pom utility displays the current phase of the moon.  Useful for selecting software completion target dates and predicting managerial behavior."

[2003-05-01 16:59:00] - but paul, caffeine isn't an evil drug.  so it doesn't count.  ~a

[2003-04-29 15:29:00] - college is a gatway drug?  ~a

[2003-04-29 14:56:00] - I would think caffeine is a more widely used drug for teenagers. -Paul

[2003-04-29 09:49:00] -

[2003-04-28 04:38:00] - twig and giggle berries

[2003-04-27 18:56:00] - hi  ~a

[2003-04-27 15:57:00] - hi

[2003-04-27 01:33:00] - John Ritter rules  -Paul

[2003-04-26 13:35:00] - John Ritter rules :-P -Paul

[2003-04-26 02:18:00] - scott ritter rules.  ~a

[2003-04-25 19:33:00] - booo.  ~a

[2003-04-25 18:21:00] - file-sharing services are not liable for copyright infringement done on them. - mig

[2003-04-25 16:14:00] - hey, is anybody else's email downloading really slowly?  ~a

[2003-04-23 20:37:00] - hey, i want to waddle into obesity! :)  ~a

[2003-04-23 13:41:00] -,0,5099397.story "female toplessness cannot, as a matter of equal protection, be deemed criminal when male toplessness is legal" :-P -Paul

[2003-04-23 10:47:00] - PETA also urged judas priest to change their song "Hell Bent for Leather" to "Hell Bent for Pleather" - mig

[2003-04-23 09:46:00] - Doesn't PETA have anything better to do? Of course, now that I think about it, maybe we don't want them out doing useful stuff... -Paul

[2003-04-23 09:36:00] - aaron: I think there were trying to avoid trouble when they did that. :-P -Paul

[2003-04-23 07:10:00] - Heh, you have to admit they were kind of asking for trouble by registering under a less-controversial name... - aaron

[2003-04-23 01:38:00] - hey hey, they weren't recruiting dancers.  :-P  ~a

[2003-04-22 21:17:00] - Exotic Dance Club Recruits at High School -Paul

[2003-04-21 05:53:00] - blah blah blah

[2003-04-20 00:15:00] - That's my point.  What's the point of saying "Not everyone who gets hit by a drunk driver dies." ?

[2003-04-19 23:40:00] - your point?

[2003-04-19 03:42:00] - Not everyone who gets hit by a sober driver dies.  Many more people get hit by sober drivers than drunk drivers per year.

[2003-04-19 02:03:00] - a

[2003-04-17 14:09:00] -

[2003-04-16 13:40:00] - An interesting take on a libertarian view of marriage and how it benefits homosexuals -Paul

[2003-04-15 22:43:00] - man someone was bored - aaron

[2003-04-15 21:14:00] - i liked that one a lot! i bet he gets a lot of interesting email - aaron

[2003-04-15 19:41:00] - aaron:  lol :-D  ~a

[2003-04-15 17:18:00] - i play russian roulette every day;  a man's sport

[2003-04-15 16:13:00] - tax day aritcle. - mig

[2003-04-15 14:30:00] - paul:  i'm going to guess she's being serious there.  ~a

[2003-04-15 14:29:00] - i don't get it.  who or what is cheesetor?  ~a

[2003-04-15 11:39:00] - elftor is funny - aaron

[2003-04-15 11:04:00] - Particularly interesting is the paragraph near the bottom dealing with Burk's views regarding male contraceptives. It's chilling because I can't tell if she was being serious. :-/ -Paul

[2003-04-15 11:02:00] - Interesting article regarding the Augusta National debate -Paul

[2003-04-14 21:43:00] - a: He might've known what was going to happen, but he might have done it anyway. I think it would kinda suck to be into politics and never be able to protest anything because of the negative stigma of the group you belong to so maybe he just doesn't care. -Paul

[2003-04-14 11:04:00] - didn't the KKK guy know that was going to happen?  if not, then he hasn't been keeping up on his southpark.  ~a

[2003-04-14 08:31:00] - a: A one-man splinter group of the KKK came to protest against Burk because he felt that Augusta, as a private club, had the right to restrict it's membership. Burk then used that to try to show that the members of Augusta National were like the KKK. -Paul

[2003-04-14 07:18:00] - strange article. - aaron

[2003-04-14 00:28:00] - what does she have to do with the KKK guy?  ~a

[2003-04-13 18:58:00] - Martha Burk amuses me :-) -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:38:00] - Cryptic: Well at least we hit upon something that I somewhat support as well. :-) I think I'll leave on that good note then, since I have to take a shower and eat lunch. Have fun, mig and cryptic. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:35:00] - Paul: that is not rhetoric or a strawman, but It depends based on the current testing.  But I do support required levels of education to get through grades (ie. 4,6,8,12) -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:33:00] - who decides the standards?  who decides what levels of education should be required?  on a national level?  local/state? - mig

[2003-04-12 13:32:00] - Cryptic: Aren't we already investigating and trying to remove corruption? -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:31:00] - Cryptic: Wait, so are you in favor of having more testing throughout the grades to see how schools are doing? (Not trying to set up a strawman or use rhetoric, just curious) -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:31:00] - mig: but of course we're running to the problem of differing opinion -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:31:00] - as well as investigating and removing corruption -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:30:00] - and thus a more involved solution is required, setting standards and requiring levels of education to be reached -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:30:00] - Cryptic: Well, I dunno, throwing money at a problem to me usually means you spend more money on it and do nothing else. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:29:00] - of course just increasing funding will not 'fix' everything (ie. current corruption) -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:29:00] - as far as i'm concerned spending more money = throwing money at it when governmnet is involved. - mig

[2003-04-12 13:28:00] - Cryptic: Yes.. ok... so how is it different? -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:28:00] - unless of course that's how you define throwing money (which implies throwing AWAY money) -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:27:00] - spending more money != throwing money at it -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:27:00] - Cryptic: Well, maybe could you tell me where my description of "throwing money at it" is flawed? -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:26:00] - There also is the issue of severe corruption in many inner city school boards -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:25:00] - The problem of k-12 can not be solved by merely "throwing money at it", although money is needed to solve many of the problems with k-12... since inner city schools do lack the funds to correctly educate youth -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:23:00] - Cryptic: If you want to really go to the root, I think the problem lies before schooling even begins, it lies in the culture of where people grow up. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:22:00] - damn, that was retarded. - mig

[2003-04-12 13:22:00] - i mean cryptic - mig

[2003-04-12 13:22:00] - mig:  for once we can make that agreement. - mig

[2003-04-12 13:22:00] - Cryptic: I thought your point was that it was crucial to fix that problem in order to fix the problem affirmative action is trying to fix. Doesn't that make fixing k-12 important to this discussion too? -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:21:00] - you may hold beliefs such as mig, that the solution is privatization, or something completely different, but I think we can initially make the agreement that the solution lies there -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:20:00] - how to fix the k-12 education.... well, I'm sure we have completely different opinions how to do this, but getting into that discussion is a tangent to the current issue (affirmative action) -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:20:00] - Cryptic: Very sorry if I offended you with my terrible straw man rhetoric. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:19:00] - Cryptic: Ok, so (in the most non-enflaming tone possible) do you have any proposed solution to the problem? -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:18:00] - it's not a proposed solution, merely an observation that something must be done sooner (ie. fix k-12 education) -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:18:00] - Cryptic: I've tried not to, you're the one that has been hurling accusations. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:17:00] - Cryptic: THEN PLEASE EXPLAIN MORE CLEARLY. That's all I have been asking. Give me more specifics about your proposed solution. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:17:00] - whatever, we've degrated this petty bickering -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:17:00] - Cryptic: Sounds more to me like you are ignoring MY previous statements -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:16:00] - Clearly "HERE IS MONEY DO WHAT YOU WANT" is not a solution, but that is not what currently happens, and that's not what I'm suggesting -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:16:00] - Cryptic: Ignore WHAT previous statements? -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:15:00] - I'm done with this if you're going to continue to ignore my previous statements -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:14:00] - Cryptic: And if you want to talk about attempts to enflame people, why not talk about accusing people of using rhetoric and setting up straw men? What is the point of that other than to enflame? -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:13:00] - Cryptic: Yes, it was a question trying to understand your stance. I was trying to figure out if your solution was anything more than that. As far as I can tell, the only reason you would take offense is if I was completely right about my question and you didn't like how I stated it so blatantly. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:11:00] - Of course I take objection to statements like: "So your solution is to just throw more money at the education system? -Paul" because it's not a question trying to understand my stance (as if I had a complete solution worked out....) but instead, is an attempt to enflame me (very successful) -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:10:00] - Cryptic: A million pardons for not using the exact same wording you did. Otherwise my question would have been pointless. I was asking you if your solution was the same as the one I asked. A polite, simple "No, let me explain more clearly" would have sufficed over accusations of a straw man. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:10:00] - I'll agree that a solution is very difficult, since you run into issues with varying opinions on how involved the government should be, from privatizing education to complete control (and everywhere in between) -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:09:00] - Cryptic: As I recall, I asked you if that was your position and then said nothing. Waiting for your repsonse. YOU are the one who took tremendous offense at that question for some reason. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:08:00] - Cryptic: I take objection from the baseless accusation that I am setting up a straw man, not that I am assuming anything. Please don't create a straw man of me to knock down. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:08:00] - you took my statements.  and projected a viewpoint of "THROW MONEY AT IT AND THE PROBLEM WILL DISAPPEAR", and you already formed objections to such a viewpoint, and started spouting a retort to it -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:07:00] - Cryptic: Right, I'm trying not to assume I said. That's why I am asking you questions about your positions. I said I can only assume stuff based on what you said. I am assuming that you are not lying about what you are saying basically. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:06:00] - don't take objection when I claim you assume something after you state you can only assume.... -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:06:00] - " I can only assume  -Paul" -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:05:00] - the solution is better education (for all?) and minimum requirements for education... how you achieve this, or how you think it can be achieved, will vary from person to person -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:05:00] - Cryptic: I'm trying not to assume anything! That's why I asked if that was your position. Don't accuse me of something that I am not doing. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:04:00] - Cryptic: I can probably point out just as many ways that life is unfair as you can, but that doesn't really help anyone. It only helps if you have some solution which can help fix the problem. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:03:00] - Paul: of course you're assuming things, and that's the problem.  All you're doing it setting up strawmen to knock down -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:03:00] - Cryptic: And I am saying it's easy to point out problems in society, but much harder to propose a solution. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:02:00] - Cryptic: Except that's not what I want to do, I don't want the government to throw more money at anything. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:02:00] - Cryptic: My objection? I was really objecting, I was making sure I understood that your brilliant solution was to give more to the schools. -Paul

[2003-04-12 13:02:00] - I am not claiming to have all the solutions, merely stating that something must be done FAR before college admissions and jobs to create equal opportunity -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:00:00] - I should have expanded my statement to say: "you're just going to throw more money at ______" -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 13:00:00] - Cryptic: "that's not what I'm suggesting" Then maybe you should explain yourself a  little better. I can only assume what you mean based on what you say and all I've heard from you is that you want to give more money to the schools. -Paul

[2003-04-12 12:59:00] - Paul: you clearly misunderstood what was stated.  I was pointing out that your objection was pure rhetoric. -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 12:57:00] - Cryptic: Don't blame me, your the one who said it. "I think a dedication to the education system (<=2% of our national budget) by diverting money from our attack (err... defense) department (30?40? percent of our budget)" -Paul

[2003-04-12 11:40:00] - It's not currently "here is money do what you want", but more of "here is money do what we say", which i think is just as bad. - mig

[2003-04-12 09:58:00] - Clearly "HERE IS MONEY DO WHAT YOU WANT" is not a solution, but that is not what currently happens, and that's not what I'm suggesting -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 09:58:00] - disadvantaged schools commonly do not have the funds to fix their building, unlike their constantly renovating counterparts in more affluent areas - Cryptic

[2003-04-12 09:57:00] - nor do they have the funds to improve the learning materials, to even come remotely close to those used in, say, Northern Virginia (NOT EVEN CLOSE) -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 09:55:00] - Clearly disadvantaged schools do not have the funds to properly fund faculty (teachers in poorer areas work for an average of 6 months before leaving) -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 09:53:00] - Thanks for spouting rhetoric.    "throw more money at _______" is so effecive at proving a point! -Cryptic

[2003-04-12 03:56:00] - Cryptic: Yeah, I meant equal opportunity. Where do we try to equalize the opportunity that people have? So your solution is to just throw more money at the education system? -Paul

[2003-04-12 03:38:00] - PENIS

[2003-04-12 01:23:00] - fill in the blank:  true lesbianism requires total ________ rejection.  ~a

[2003-04-12 00:22:00] - mig: i think you're wrong. -kris

[2003-04-11 23:11:00] - DIS IS MIGGUEL!

[2003-04-11 16:52:00] - syria is next on bush's shit list

[2003-04-11 16:43:00] - i might be wrong, but i think you want the standard quality of education to reach some sort of mininum threshold for every single school. - mig

[2003-04-11 16:42:00] - but you're never going to be able to realisticly get rid of the money advantage.  richer people will always be able to afford better education than poorer people. - mig

[2003-04-11 16:41:00] - i have no way of really knowing, but i do believe that a privatized system would work out so that pretty much everyone would be able to afford some sort of schooling.  and even then, there could be charity groups that could provide free schooling for those who can't. - mig

[2003-04-11 16:32:00] - How is a poor person going to educate their son/daughter on the few hundred dollars they will save on taxes(ie. $2-500)? -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 16:29:00] - let's just say i think it will make the situation better than it is now. - mig

[2003-04-11 16:27:00] - cryptic:  solve was a bad choice of words then.  - mig

[2003-04-11 16:21:00] - Privatization will result in equal opportunity based on parental income, not true equal opportunity -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 16:21:00] - mig: yes, you did say solve: "one solution to provide equal opportunity would be to completely privatize the education system. - mig"  -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 16:20:00] - I really doubt the effectiveness of privatization of schools in solving the disparity, since the poor do not pay in taxes what it costs to educate their young.... I'm not certain how the few dollars they get back will pay for a decent education -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 16:19:00] - I think a dedication to the education system (<=2% of our national budget) by diverting money from our attack (err... defense) department (30?40? percent of our budget) -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 16:15:00] - Paul: I think it's clear that I'm not suggesting we should "make people equal", but rather strive to provide equal opportunity to resources (ie. education), which we clearly do not have. -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 15:05:00] - cryptic: And where do you think we should be trying to make people equal? From the time of their birth? Puberty? 21? At what point can we say that people are equal and then let the unfair world have their way with them? -Paul

[2003-04-11 15:02:00] - cryptic: I mean, sure, it's nice to say all these things. I agree, we should increase the quality of educated. Hell, why not increase it for everybody? The question is how to do it. -Paul

[2003-04-11 15:01:00] - cryptic: And how do you suggest providing better education in areas of clearly disadvantaged people? -Paul

[2003-04-11 12:39:00] - no, i don't think it'll solve it.  i think it will shorten the gap between the quality of education in rich and poor schools, which would make for more equal opportunity than we have now.  - mig

[2003-04-11 12:23:00] - as you clearly understand, it will create a system of advantage to those with money, and disadvantage to those without... it does NOT solve the disparity between the education of the rich/upper-middle class and the poor -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 12:22:00] - again, I don't see how that helps provide EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, which is what we are talking about -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 12:03:00] - and yes, there would be incentive to have those schools in such disadvantaged areas. - mig

[2003-04-11 12:01:00] - cryptic:  well, complete privatization would certainly drive down the costs of current private schools.  And schools that would prop up in areas where there are clearly disadvantaged people would have to be low-cost, otherwise there would be no students. - mig

[2003-04-11 10:27:00] - Paul: I lack a solution for those who have been disadvantaged already, but by providing better education in areas of clearly disadvantaged people we can break the cycle -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 10:26:00] - Paul: I don't expect you to read everything I write, but as stated before, I understand that completely equal opportunity will never happen, but we can strive to provide as close as possible -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 10:24:00] - yup, disagree.  I don't see how a privatization of the education will provide equal opportunity, except equal opportunity based on parental income -Cryptic

[2003-04-11 09:36:00] - i'm sure you'll probably disagree with me, but i think one solution to provide equal opportunity would be to completely privatize the education system. - mig

[2003-04-11 03:19:00] - cryptic: You say that you think that affirmative action is the wrong answer to a serious problem, I agree. So what is your proposed solution? -Paul

[2003-04-11 03:18:00] - cryptic: I think we all agree that the world is not perfect, it isn't fair. Believe it or not, I don't want to see poor people in such dire straights. I just don't see any reasonable and fair way of solving this problem. -Paul

[2003-04-11 03:16:00] - cryptic: It's nice to say that we all "deserve" equal opportunity, but that's totally impossible to do. I'm sure we would all agree that it would be nice if it was possible to have a level playing field for everyone, but it simply is not feasible -Paul

[2003-04-11 01:17:00] - We are all born slightly different, but all 'deserve' equal opportunity... this is not the case, society does not treat us all the same, and we do not all have equal opportunity to relatively equal education - Cryptic

[2003-04-11 01:15:00] - I have stated that affirmative action is ass-backwards, trying to solve a symptom of a more serious problem in our society -Cryptic

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