here are old message board entries

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[2003-07-29 16:22:00] -,2933,93029,00.html Puerto Ricans protest Navy base. Navy shuts down base. Puerto Ricans angry over loss of jobs. Ironic, no? -Paul

[2003-07-29 14:49:00] - military kidnaps wife and daughter of iraqi lieutenant to get him to surrender. - mig

[2003-07-29 13:31:00] - seems like a cool site - aaron

[2003-07-29 11:17:00] - Is there such a thing as reproductive freedom? -Paul

[2003-07-29 11:13:00] - A little something about the Wimbleton fuss -Paul

[2003-07-29 11:02:00] -,0,3074752.story?coll=hc-headlines-topnews Obviously some people in the community DO want these stores or else they wouldn't be able to survive. Why can't people just mind their own business? Nobody is making them frequent these stores or anything. -Paul

[2003-07-29 10:57:00] - Ironic that the mayor wants to turn his city into "an international reference point for sexual equality" by making sexually unequal laws -Paul

[2003-07-28 12:24:00] - bush defaces an american flag. - mig

[2003-07-26 17:20:00] -

[2003-07-25 16:50:00] - no, lots of times i've found the people that seem the most cheerful on the outside are really depressed

[2003-07-25 14:41:00] - On a related note, does anybody else find it morbidly ironic that a cheerleader was suffering from depression and attempted suicide? This is the last person we need leading us in cheers. :-P -Paul

[2003-07-25 14:38:00] - The first part of this rather long article is how the media is struggling with whether or not to name Kobe Bryant's accuser -Paul

[2003-07-24 13:16:00] - Presidential panel releases recommendations for the Postal Service -Paul

[2003-07-24 09:41:00] - Sorry, I can't really respond to that without more information than just "what the hell" -Paul

[2003-07-24 07:41:00] - paul: what the hell

[2003-07-23 09:14:00] - I have to agree with the guy on the radio. Why is there no outcry over naming Bryant but there is an outcry when his accuser is named? -Paul

[2003-07-23 08:19:00] - a: Which article? :-P -Paul

[2003-07-22 15:32:00] - paul:  the beginning of that article seemed pretty dumb, but it got really interesting at the end.  ~a

[2003-07-22 11:53:00] - The thing that really interested me was the studies involving who negotiates their initial salaries and how the differences were nearly equal to the gap in pay. Could that explain the so-called "gender-gap"? -Paul

[2003-07-22 11:38:00] - This probably doesn't surprise any of you, but this was the first thing t run through my head when I heard about Kobe's recent legal problems -Paul

[2003-07-22 11:25:00] - So they want a warning saying that "Alcohol may cause your girlfriend to leave you" or something? And they're blaming the manufacturers for making drinking look sexy? -Paul

[2003-07-22 11:22:00] - Why are there Married AND Flirting chatrooms? :-P -Paul

[2003-07-22 10:38:00] - Kris: Feminism. Women's Studies. What's the difference? -Paul

[2003-07-22 10:16:00] - paul: i don't think that article was about feminism at all -kris

[2003-07-22 08:56:00] - Isn't it kind of un-feminist-like to try to control the decisions that a female freely makes? -Paul

[2003-07-21 20:03:00] - mig:  i know about magic_quotes_runtime and there are lots of other php.ini changes i want to make and i can't find a way to split up the configuration on a website basis.  ~a

[2003-07-21 20:01:00] - woohoo! - dewey

[2003-07-21 20:01:00] - try again, 'fixed' yet? - dewey

[2003-07-21 20:00:00] - did I \"fix\" it? - dewey

[2003-07-21 17:40:00] - dewey:  just change the php.ini file and look for \"magic quotes\" and set it to off. - mig

[2003-07-21 15:05:00] - paul:  i\'ll add them back in . . . i\'m at work now and i\'m busy!  :(  ~a

[2003-07-21 14:57:00] - as with any tranistion, will have a few glitches to work out. (like the apostrophes). - Dewey

[2003-07-21 14:57:00] - depends on how recent those posts were.  The p133 router/webserver we had running here had a faulty harddrive.  I copied over the files and am now running the server from my computer. - Dewey

[2003-07-21 10:28:00] - Hey, why did my crying face get mutilated? :-( -Paul

[2003-07-21 10:28:00] - Hey, what happened to my posts? :\'( -Paul

[2003-07-21 03:45:00] - and as for why \' and \" don\'t work, that i blame on me.  i haven\'t figured out how to override php.ini.  and it\'s late.  ~a

[2003-07-21 03:44:00] - well as for why my message board doesn\'t work.  it\'s windows\'s fault.  require_once doesn\'t work in the windows php port.  and as for why the rest of my webpage doesn\'t work, that\'s my webpage provider\'s fault.  loadmodule proxy_http_module modules/  ~a

[2003-07-20 08:36:00] - just as most liberals are just as hypocritical. - mig

[2003-07-20 08:35:00] - a:  me and paul would agree that most conservatives are hypocrites. - mig

[2003-07-20 08:35:00] - though he was less of a big spender than gwb2 is turning out to be. - mig

[2003-07-20 08:34:00] - clinton didn't "make up" for anything.  the surge in the economy had nothing to with anything he did. - mig

[2003-07-20 08:29:00] - paul:  i think most conservatives are hypocrites.  most government spending happened during regan and w.bush years.  clinton kind of made up for all of that spending with economic record highs.  yet who do we hear complaints about government spending from?  ~a

[2003-07-19 18:54:00] - a: You also think I'm conservative so... -Paul

[2003-07-19 10:50:00] - paul:  i think most libertarians are pretty naive.  ~a

[2003-07-18 18:32:00] - cia refuses to go along with white house claims that syrias has "wmds" - mig

[2003-07-18 18:27:00] - good cartoonist guy. - mig

[2003-07-18 09:33:00] - Ok, so I'm wondering who still reads this message board and how they disagree with me politically. The reason I ask is because I like to try to post things that people can disagree on and discuss in my never-ending quest to make you all good libertarians. :-P -Paul

[2003-07-18 09:26:00] - Did environmentalism help destroy the Challenger and Columbia? -Paul

[2003-07-18 09:19:00] - I'm torn whether or not to support this bill or not... -Paul

[2003-07-18 04:38:00] - At least they're not blowing things up -Paul

[2003-07-18 04:27:00] -

[2003-07-18 04:27:00] - Mig: A child abuse hotline... Hehehe. That IS funny... :-P -Paul

[2003-07-17 19:44:00] - father investigated for sending her daughter to college.  this story is absolutely ridiculous. - mig

[2003-07-17 15:10:00] - the irony is that the families of the victims could probably sue lockheed martin and probably win. - mig

[2003-07-17 14:04:00] - An interesting (yet long) article about the gunman at the Lockheed Martin facility and how the government was partialy responsible -Paul

[2003-07-17 14:00:00] - Let's tax the fat people! -Paul

[2003-07-17 13:51:00] - Hunt naked Bambis! :-P -Paul

[2003-07-17 00:37:00] - a place you grow/raise worms? -kris

[2003-07-16 23:46:00] - what's a wormery?  ~a

[2003-07-16 14:42:00] - Funny stories on this website. I could spend hours reading this stuff... -paul

[2003-07-16 13:35:00] - Is there any meaningful biological basis for race? -Paul

[2003-07-16 13:26:00] - It's a good thing the left finally showed up in the War with Iraq debate. Too bad they waited until after the war was "over" to make their dissent heard... -Paul

[2003-07-16 09:21:00] - The economics of Pokemon -Paul

[2003-07-16 08:32:00] - a: It was from some Washington Post article about Ari's last day on the job (he is no longer the White House spokesman) -Paul

[2003-07-16 00:58:00] - paul:  where did you find that quote?  ~a

[2003-07-15 12:51:00] - paul:  wow.  i know the gov is stupid but i would thnk the pr people for them wouldn't be as dumb. - mig

[2003-07-15 12:12:00] - Anti-abortion activists use mispelled versions of Planned Parenthood's URL. -Paul

[2003-07-15 12:07:00] - I can't believe the pro-abortion lobby is fighting these license plates so much. -Paul

[2003-07-15 10:08:00] - "I think the burden is on those people who think he didn't have weapons of mass destruction to tell the world where they are." A quote from White House Spokesman Ari Fleischer -Paul

[2003-07-15 09:03:00] - And odd little story about a caviar sniffing cat in Russia -Paul

[2003-07-15 09:01:00] - Record budget deficit expected -Paul

[2003-07-15 08:39:00] - Mig: Interesting stuff. I remember seeing the video of Andrew Card telling Bush that something had happened and I always wondered why they didn't immediately take action. -Paul

[2003-07-14 20:25:00] - a pretty interesting sum up of what gw was doing on 9/11. - mig

[2003-07-14 15:16:00] - Affirmative action in India shows how flawed the sytem can be. -paul

[2003-07-14 15:00:00] - Jurassic Park 4? -Paul

[2003-07-14 13:40:00] - Did environmental concerns play a role in the destruction of the Columbia? -Paul

[2003-07-11 15:32:00] - Yeah, considering how often people complained about the weather, I'm surprised. Personally, I never really minded the weather that much though. -Paul

[2003-07-11 15:12:00] - "B" for weather? hahahahaha. it was nice most of the time but so unpredictable - vinnie

[2003-07-11 13:33:00] - Which I guess just means we don't put up ENOUGH effort to be diverse.... -Paul

[2003-07-11 13:33:00] - Mig: I thought we did,though. Wasn't Steger always talking about how we're doing good with our affirmative action but we need more? -Paul

[2003-07-11 12:29:00] - paul:  i think statistic-wise, many people have been complaining that tech doesn't make any effort to be "divese". - mig

[2003-07-11 08:46:00] - And I don't know if I would put academics, girls and guys so high. Personally, I've seen a lot more attractive girls and guys in NOVA than I did down at Tech... -Paul

[2003-07-11 08:43:00] - mig: I don't know, I think they were a little harsh on diversity. It really depends on what major you are. I know the general campus was fairly non-diverse, but I never really noticed because CS classes were so diverse. -Paul

[2003-07-11 03:03:00] - this is one of the funniest things i have seen in quite a while. - mig

[2003-07-11 00:40:00] - imo i think they were pretty accurate on it. - mig

[2003-07-11 00:39:00] - virginia tech graded on various things. - mig

[2003-07-10 23:28:00] - if this was a dictatorship, this'd be a heck of a lot easier...

[2003-07-10 22:12:00] - a: You fixed it. Thanks. -Paul

[2003-07-10 20:43:00] - the trick with that face, is you have to match it before the regular face ( :) ) since it's a superset of the regular face.  ~a

[2003-07-10 20:38:00] - paul:  no one had tried to use that face since i rewrote the msg board in php.  ~a

[2003-07-10 13:37:00] - some interesting connections between liberia now and liberia during the lincoln era. - mig

[2003-07-10 12:41:00] - uk to allow us to try british detainees because they might not get the "right" verdict in the uk. - mig

[2003-07-10 09:03:00] -,,2-2003310256,00.html This is hilarious. The Hulk's monster willy... :-P -Paul

[2003-07-10 09:00:00] - Will Tennessee soon offer a license plate with the confederate flag on it? -Paul

[2003-07-10 08:52:00] - Hey, where's my angelic face? -Paul

[2003-07-10 08:52:00] - a: O:-) -Paul

[2003-07-09 21:07:00] - you must've stolen my other one.  ~a

[2003-07-09 21:06:00] - i'm back down to one.  ~a

[2003-07-09 16:26:00] - Yay! I have two computers at work now. :-P -Paul

[2003-07-09 14:33:00] - Kris: Finally, somebody is trying to prove that men and women communicate differently. :-P -Paul

[2003-07-09 13:59:00] - -kris

[2003-07-09 11:55:00] -

[2003-07-09 11:18:00] - families of us troops in iraq are getting angry. - mig

[2003-07-09 10:24:00] - he's more like a younger version of pat buchanan or O'Reilly. - mig

[2003-07-09 10:19:00] - Mig: Heh, I read about that. Never heard or read any of his stuff. Is he basically in the mold of Rush? -Paul

[2003-07-09 09:58:00] - ha!  it's nice to see this gasbag finally getting canned. - mig

[2003-07-09 09:43:00] - I don't want to hear teachers whining when they make more money than I do. :-P Interesting that private school teachers make less money than public school teachers though. -Paul

[2003-07-09 09:27:00] - The whole talk about suing the food industry is starting to scare me. It's not funny anymore because it's looking too close to reality... -Paul

[2003-07-09 09:07:00] - Mig: I didn't hear anything about his defense, I'm just glad that he didn't back down from what he said. -Paul

[2003-07-09 09:06:00] - The Free State Project goes marching on... -Paul

[2003-07-09 08:36:00] - paul:  re dusty baker, i have no problem with what he said but his defense of his statements was really lame.  it amounted to just "I'm black so i can say whatever i want about black people." - mig

[2003-07-09 08:28:00] - a: I'm for polygamy because it doesn't affect me at all. Either way, I'm not going to get a woman. :-P -Paul

[2003-07-09 00:22:00] - i'm not for polygamy.  all the hot guys will monopolize on the women  :-P  and it doesn't work both ways.  ~a

[2003-07-08 20:25:00] - us finally admits some of the more blatant lies about iraq's wmd. - mig

[2003-07-08 15:04:00] - Mig: Have you ever read The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress? It's a little tough in the beginning because of the peculiar style of writing, but it has some very interesting thoughts on polygamy and alternate forms of marriage and why they are better in many ways than the traditional concept. -Paul

[2003-07-08 15:03:00] - Vinnie: I agree that pilgrimages are too far (I was using it as an extreme case), but it's the same principal as vegan meals IMHO. How can we fairly draw the line between what beliefs we will accomodate and which we won't? -Paul

[2003-07-08 14:30:00] - paul:  well, polygamy legalized?  i'm all for it! - mig

[2003-07-08 14:14:00] - interesting case though - vinnie

[2003-07-08 14:13:00] - no, pilgrimages to Mecca are too much. but requesting vegan meals seem fine enough to me. it stops somewhere between the two - vinnie

[2003-07-08 13:08:00] -,0,1541956.story?coll=nyc-topheadlines-left Now I somewhat agree that prisons should try to be accomodating with vegan meals, but I have to ask where this stops. What if my religious beliefs require me to take a pilgrimage to Mecca every year? -Paul

[2003-07-08 12:48:00] - Pinching a woman's buttocks is now a crime in Italy. -paul

[2003-07-08 12:45:00] - I wish I was raised a naturist. :-P -Paul

[2003-07-08 10:04:00] - Does the Supreme Court Sodomy ruling open the door for legalized polygamy? -Paul

[2003-07-08 08:56:00] - Chicago Cubs manager says that black and Latin players are better suited to playing in the heat. Controversy ensues. -Paul

[2003-07-08 08:55:00] - Kris: Oh, you're absolutely right, my comparison is not perfect. I was just amused that the person brought up the 20% figure. It's basically like saying that the ban is perfectly fine since it only hurts the minority and not the majority. For any other kind of minority, that kind of thinking would be considered barbaric. -Paul

[2003-07-08 08:50:00] - paul: your comparison doesn't work.  i'm pretty sure they're not banning the smokers but the actual smoking.  so smokers can go in and just not smoke. -kris

[2003-07-08 08:31:00] - a: I don't think you understood my point. Their reasoning was that this particular minority (smokers) only constitute 20% of the population so it's perfectly ok to ban them from bars. I'm saying you could use that same argument for minorities and it wouldn't sound as peachy. -Paul

[2003-07-07 20:11:00] - paul:  re:  "20% of residents are that minority" . . . you'd probably be hard pressed to find a majority of the people that felt that minority should be banned from your restaurant, because that's what the parallel argument is; not that 20% of the residents are that minority.  ~a

[2003-07-07 15:45:00] - paul:  yeah it is a pretty terrible thing.  and their parents truly believe their children are being helped.  - mig

[2003-07-07 12:40:00] - mig: What worries me is that it seems like these kids are being brainwashed to think they are happy and content being good little children when their individuality is really being stamped out. -Paul

[2003-07-07 12:39:00] - Not sure if this story is entirely accurate, but if it is, then it's frightening. -Paul

[2003-07-07 12:39:00] - paul:  i would probably fake being a "good kid" all the while secretly plotting my revenge against my parents once i turned 18. - mig

[2003-07-07 12:36:00] - Clearing up some misunderstandings about the constitution. -Paul

[2003-07-07 11:20:00] - This guy is awesome. I wonder why the ACLU didn't take his case? He's even an atheist... -Paul

[2003-07-07 11:14:00] - I just thought this was funny because of the quote about only 20% of DC residents being smokers. Imagine if I proposed banning a minority from all restaurants because only 20% of residents are that minority. It's a no brainer! -Paul

[2003-07-07 11:08:00] -,1848,59495,00.html Turning the tables, Government Information Awareness -Paul

[2003-07-07 08:34:00] - mig: Scary stuff. I wonder how I would react if I was sent there... -Paul

[2003-07-07 08:22:00] - a: Well, your question was whether America was the maker of the biggest weapon of mass destruction ever conceived... -Paul

[2003-07-06 23:57:00] -,11913,987172,00.html don't send your kids to disney world, send them to tranquility bay! - mig

[2003-07-06 22:21:00] - well other nations make nuclear wessels too, but the question is who conceived it.  ~a

[2003-07-06 16:57:00] - a: I think there are other nations that make that particular weapon of mass destruction -Paul

[2003-07-05 23:06:00] - paul:  the vibrator.  ~a

[2003-07-05 22:28:00] - a: What weapon of mass destruction are you talking about? I'm sure you're right, but I am just wondering what you think is the biggest weapon of mass destruction ever conceived... -Paul

[2003-07-05 22:18:00] - a:  but you forget, we're the GOOD GUYS, so it's ok.    - mig

[2003-07-05 19:06:00] - isn't america the maker of the biggest weapon of mass destruction ever conceived?  ~a

[2003-07-04 20:39:00] -  weapons of mass destruction -kris

[2003-07-03 09:14:00] - Privatize marriage! -Paul

[2003-07-03 08:48:00] - Man receives life sentence for spitting. -Paul

[2003-07-03 08:30:00] - mig: Just go on the website and browse someday and I'm sure you'll come across it. Whenever they use the word gay, they put it in quotations. It's weird. -Paul

[2003-07-03 02:03:00] - I don't really care one way or the other... I was just pointing out the misunderstanding -Cryptic

[2003-07-03 02:02:00] - it was the second figure that brought in the discrepancy in character (it was merely reporting the overall average, and noting the reason it was mroe than 10% was that in general the female characters were not as developed) -Cryptic

[2003-07-03 02:00:00] - the same character would be worth ~10% less if it were female as opposed to male. -Cryptic

[2003-07-03 01:59:00] - "Holding all other characteristics equal, it turns out female avatars sell for about 10 per cent less than male avatars,"

[2003-07-03 01:02:00] - paul:  really?  i know wnd loves putting "gay rights" in quotatations, but i've yet to use 'gay' in quotations by itself.  what was the context? - mig

[2003-07-02 23:14:00] - i didn't.  ~a

[2003-07-02 22:32:00] - a: don't let that stop you

[2003-07-02 20:46:00] - "gays" aren't real. straight people just think they're "gay."

[2003-07-02 18:50:00] - i'll bet theres laws about it here.  ~a

[2003-07-02 18:49:00] - No ban on Autobahn autosex.  lol.

[2003-07-02 12:28:00] - let's go!

[2003-07-02 11:09:00] -,2763,989078,00.html It's not illegal to have sex while driving in Germany. -Paul

[2003-07-02 11:06:00] - Does anybody else here read Worldnet Daily ( They always put quotation marks around the word 'gays' (kinda like how I just did) and I want to know why because it annoys me. Any theories? -Paul

[2003-07-02 08:32:00] - a: You're missing the point. The key is that women aren't getting the same money as men. Who cares if there is a reason for it. We're only interested in the fact that our male-dominated society is screwing over women yet again. Sarcasm off. -Paul

[2003-07-01 18:31:00] - wait wait wait.  the "lower skilled female ones" went for less?  isn't that to be expected?!  i think it would only be news if the equally skilled females ones went for less?  right?  ~a

[2003-07-01 12:47:00] - Is there unequal pay for women even in games like Everquest? -Paul

[2003-07-01 10:50:00] - Is poltical correctness destroying America? I was embarassed to discover that I had been mistakenly using the term sexist (even though I usually only use that term when joking around). -Paul

[2003-07-01 10:30:00] - I'm like the only person I know that can't seem to bring myself to lie when filling out stuff like that. Even when I don't want the people to know information like that. -Paul

[2003-07-01 10:29:00] - kris: I do :-[ -Paul

[2003-07-01 10:22:00] - why does washington post ask those silly questions about sex/dob/zip ?  does anybody actually answer them with their correct information?  -kris

[2003-07-01 08:51:00] - kris: I didn't know it was online, maybe I'll give it a try then. Thanks. -Paul

[2003-07-01 08:51:00] - An interesting little article about Canada -Paul

[2003-06-30 22:43:00] - Get Fuzzy is in the washington post now - aaron

[2003-06-30 21:25:00] - paul:  it's online- it's not like it's going to hurt you to try reading it yourself.  i thought it was kinda dry, but i don't really like the subject normally. -kris

[2003-06-30 14:02:00] - kris: Did it sound interesting? Because I haven't read the book but was thinking about it. -Paul

[2003-06-30 10:52:00] - paul: i skimmed through the overview.  -kris

[2003-06-30 09:30:00] - kris: Have you read his book? -Paul

[2003-06-29 23:36:00] -  "Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do" -kris

[2003-06-29 22:59:00] -

[2003-06-29 22:22:00] -

[2003-06-29 20:31:00] -

[2003-06-29 16:48:00] - bored bored bored bored bored

[2003-06-28 20:20:00] - babhabhahaha

[2003-06-28 16:14:00] - is kinda interesting -kris

[2003-06-27 23:34:00] - who cares? i want to be like mike!

[2003-06-27 09:48:00] - Did Nike lie about conditions in their factories overseas? -Paul

[2003-06-27 09:44:00] - Japanese man publically fights groping charge. False accusations of groping seem tame compared to the false accusations of rape we have over here, but I guess face and honor is more important to the Japanese too. -Paul

[2003-06-27 09:37:00] - This sounds a lot like the Board of Visitors debate at Tech. I like the irony of the fact that those who think they are protecting homosexuals are singling them out as unique in this rule. -Paul

[2003-06-27 09:33:00] - Stickers made to cover up cigarette health warnings -Paul

[2003-06-26 17:09:00] - paul:  you are indeed correct. -mig

[2003-06-26 16:40:00] - mig: I believe we've sufficiently argued this point over AIM... no reason to duplicate it here, eh? :-P -Paul

[2003-06-26 16:27:00] - it's tyranny for someone else tells us what is moral and immoral, but it's ok when we do it! - mig

[2003-06-26 16:27:00] - "Under our constitutional republic, it is the place of the state legislature, acting through its duly elected representatives, to decide what is moral," he says. "For a handful of un-elected judges to impose their views of morality is not law, it is tyranny." hahahaha - mig

[2003-06-26 16:08:00] - paul:  i find thomas's point about "no general right to privacy" to be just as laughable. - mig

[2003-06-26 16:04:00] - didn't take long for christian monkeys to respond. - mig

[2003-06-26 14:20:00] - Kris: It's funny, because I was interested in hearing how the dissenting side was going to argue their case and I thought Scalia's point was fairly laughable, however, I really liked Thomas's explanation and he managed to change my mind about the ruling. -Paul

[2003-06-26 13:57:00] -  (Scout council reverses its policy on bias) -kris

[2003-06-26 13:47:00] -  Supreme Court Strikes Down Gay Sex Ban -kris

[2003-06-26 09:31:00] - Accidental drug addicts -Paul

[2003-06-26 09:25:00] - 1984 or Brave New World? -Paul

[2003-06-26 09:06:00] - Interesting concept of using the homeless for advertising. -Paul

[2003-06-26 07:36:00] - there are 10.01000001001001010000000001 types of people in the world.  those that understand base 1.5 and those that don't.  ~a

[2003-06-25 11:52:00] - "There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary and those that don't." :-P -Paul

[2003-06-25 10:26:00] - kris: I think a lot of those people may be retired or have jobs that allow them to work from home or something because it would be a much bigger commitment for somebody who has to also quit their job. That's the big reason why I decided not to sign up. -Paul

[2003-06-25 10:24:00] - Is global warming being caused by the sun heating up more? (Interesting note: The article is written by a VT professor) -Paul

[2003-06-25 10:22:00] - i wonder how they're gonna find jobs for the 5,000+ new people they're going to move into whatever state they pick.  -kris

[2003-06-25 10:00:00] - I hate how the federal government gives money to things just so they can control them with laws... -Paul

[2003-06-25 09:48:00] - The Free State Project visits New Hampshire. -Paul

[2003-06-23 21:00:00] - a: Yes :-) -Paul

[2003-06-23 18:26:00] - a

[2003-06-23 14:11:00] - paul:  are you accusing me of being accusatory?  ~a

[2003-06-23 10:30:00] - it's sexual in nature (as aaron said).  which means that its not appropriate for school.  -kris

[2003-06-23 00:23:00] - was/is

[2003-06-23 00:23:00] - Just a clarification: she was 14 -Cryptic

[2003-06-22 22:53:00] - a: Well, I was thinking mostly of Cryptic, but your questions seem rather accusatory as well. :-) -Paul

[2003-06-22 22:46:00] - i think the punishment should fit the crime.  ~a

[2003-06-22 22:34:00] - who's jumping on krissy?  ~a

[2003-06-22 22:16:00] - On the other hand, I think punishing a student for wearing rainbow beads seems really silly..... at least, unless there's some kind of context behind them - aaron

[2003-06-22 22:14:00] - I agree with kris actually.... I think the shirt is sexual in nature and would not be appropriate within that age group. When I was 12 I don't even think I knew what a lesbian was. - aaron

[2003-06-22 21:59:00] - And for the record, I don't understand why everyone seems to be jumping on Krissy for her remark. I couldn't imagine letting my daughter go to school wearing a shirt like that either. What wrong with being selective about what you let children wear? -Paul

[2003-06-22 21:55:00] - I doubt that any school administrator would EVER try to compile a list of clothing that is deemed inappropriate for school because it's simply too difficult to do. I agree with Vinnie, I consider most dress codes to general things like "don't wear anything not appropriate". -Paul

[2003-06-22 15:19:00] - "offensive" of course, being the school's idea of offensive, whatever that is - vinnie

[2003-06-22 15:17:00] - I thought most dress codes don't have a case-by-case listing of what is allowed but rather a general "a shirt is considered inappropriate if it could be deemed offensive or likely to disrupt normal operation" - vinnie

[2003-06-22 13:25:00] - kris:  to which part of the spirit of (most) school dress codes are you referring?  ~a

[2003-06-22 11:20:00] - (I looked this morning, and couldn't find one that I would agree would disallow that shirt) -cryptic

[2003-06-22 11:20:00] - Could you give some example links of where wearing that particular shirt directly conflicts with school dress codes? -Cryptic

[2003-06-22 10:33:00] - cryptic: i'm not anti-gay -kris

[2003-06-22 10:32:00] - a: i don't think it's within the spirit or letter of (most) school dress codes.  -kris

[2003-06-22 01:46:00] - "-a" ?  ~a

[2003-06-22 00:40:00] - -a

[2003-06-22 00:40:00] - would you "let" your child be a lesian? -Cryptic

[2003-06-21 23:29:00] - kris:  how do you decide what is appropriate for school?  ~a

[2003-06-21 22:49:00] - a: i just don't htink it's appropriate for school.  i don't have a problem with it outside of school. -kris

[2003-06-21 14:47:00] - kris:  what's wrong with it?  ~a

[2003-06-21 14:08:00] - i can't imagine letting my child go to school with a "barbie is a lesbian" shirt on.  -kris

[2003-06-21 14:06:00] - -kris

[2003-06-21 00:44:00] - Hurray, cryptic is back. Now all we need is Miguel and we can have debates again. :-) -Paul

[2003-06-20 23:34:00] - the good idea was usb and usb2 in general.  not the naming change:  that was what i meant by things getting ruined by politics.  ~a

[2003-06-20 20:02:00] - firewire!

[2003-06-20 19:04:00] - the change does not benefit end users, but rather retail/resellers... since they get to call OLD CRAPPY USB1.1... USB2... -cryptic

[2003-06-20 19:03:00] - that was the whole point of the article you posted, and thus I see no "good idea" at all -cryptic

[2003-06-20 19:03:00] - I think the idea of calling usb 1.1, usb 2 full speed.... and calling usb 2, usb 2 high speed..... is retarded -cryptic

[2003-06-20 19:02:00] - it was funny :(

[2003-06-20 15:01:00] - the humor was lost on me.  ~a

[2003-06-20 10:46:00] - a: It was a joke because they don't call it USB 1.1 anymore, they call it USB 2. -Paul

[2003-06-20 02:13:00] - i guess i don't understand your question.  ~a

[2003-06-20 02:12:00] - USB 1.1 is what you and most everybody still has.  ~a

[2003-06-19 23:57:00] - a: USB 1.1? What is this? I only know USB 2 :-P -paul

[2003-06-19 23:47:00] - usb is a great concept.  it is easy to use and very cheap.  usb 1.1 is getting kind of slow for today's standards, but the new usb standard is super fast.  ~a

[2003-06-19 22:27:00] - where's the "good idea" in that?

[2003-06-19 17:41:00] - story?  ~a

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