here are old message board entries

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[2003-09-12 09:17:00] - Metro fares to increase again? :-/ -Paul

[2003-09-10 16:14:00] - You know what? I can't wait for the ads that link fast food to terrorism :-) -Paul

[2003-09-10 16:13:00] - Can anyone tell us why eating isn't stupid? -Paul

[2003-09-10 14:32:00] - Think. Don't eat. - vinnie

[2003-09-10 13:57:00] - Wendy's new Chicken Parmigiana Sandwich!  It's more Parm-ful than we all thought. [ducks] - pierce

[2003-09-10 13:38:00] - French Fries are wack-o, if you're a teen. -Paul

[2003-09-10 13:16:00] - mark my words - when america is shocked by the surgeon general telling us that obesity is bad for us (gasp!) we'll see just those kinds of commercials, including several by - vinnie

[2003-09-10 13:14:00] - apostrophe catastrophe! - vinnie

[2003-09-10 12:24:00] - DAMMIT! "What's next" - pierce

[2003-09-10 12:24:00] - damn.  I forget the quotes, then I misspell my name.  What'

[2003-09-10 12:24:00] - [shameless ripped off from Futurama] - piece

[2003-09-10 12:23:00] - "People, stop eating Big Macs!  Stop enjoying Big Macs with a side of fries and a bucket of Coke for only thirty-nine cents more!  Stop taking advantage of double-big-mac wednesdays! (this ad brought to you by McDonalds) - pierce

[2003-09-10 12:09:00] - anyhow, that obesity article is interesting. what we really need is for the food companies to sponsor anti-obesity commercials (joking, but I could totally see this happening) - vinnie

[2003-09-10 12:08:00] - gah! why do people always use the seat belt argument as a sign that our liberties are being taken away? there are much better examples, like enforcing motorcycle helmets - vinnie

[2003-09-10 11:12:00] - Paul: and yo mama's not fat enough. - pierce

[2003-09-10 10:21:00] - Does it make sense for the government to try to fight forest fires? -Paul

[2003-09-10 10:18:00] - Pierce: Or hang out with enough Priests and Rabbis? -Paul

[2003-09-10 10:18:00] - Is the "Click it or ticket" program a glimpse of the future of the anti-obesity movement? -Paul

[2003-09-10 09:58:00] - Paul: No, you don't walk into enough bars for that to be true. - pierce

[2003-09-10 09:12:00] - Pierce: So you're saying I'm a joke to you? ;-) -Paul

[2003-09-09 18:23:00] - and you can burn in hell, Paul.  I don't take you too seriously! Damn. :-P - pierce

[2003-09-09 18:20:00] - hehehehe.  touché.  still, I'm not saying make it unlimited, just make it so that I can get a few coherent thoughts together without having to interrupt them in the middle. - pierce

[2003-09-09 17:37:00] - And I am personally against extending the message length for this board. I see the length of the stuff you write when there is no limit (comments on my journal) and it ain't pretty. :-) -Paul

[2003-09-09 17:36:00] - They get paid less because they don't play at the same level as men for the most part. My point is that if women basketball players and tennis players and whatever want to get paid the same amount as men, then they should play WITH the men and see how well they do -Paul

[2003-09-09 17:33:00] - Pierce: You take me too seriously sometimes. :-P My suggestion was about 99% in jest, with the other 1% being a serious jab at those feminists that complain that female athletes get paid less. -Paul

[2003-09-09 14:17:00] - I wish the message length were longer on this board. - pierce

[2003-09-09 14:16:00] - having a black man drink doesn't change the water; having a female linebacker for the 49ers changes the game. - pierce

[2003-09-09 14:16:00] - on the other hand, going back to the "sports and society are different" thing, there is no reason why women should be denied promotions, or black men should not be allowed to drink from white water fountains, other than (otherwise unreasonable) biases and prejudices. ... - pierce

[2003-09-09 14:14:00] - "women", as a group, do not want complete equality, because they are willing to recognize that they are still women, and they are still not men.  if you were basing your statement on the specific opinion of any real women, they were not representing the gender as a whole. - pierce

[2003-09-09 14:12:00] - sports and society are different, paul. while there are people who advocate exactly that, the problem with fixing "separate but equal" in sports is that we are not even close to equal.  by the same logic, we should genetically grow uteri in men to fix that "separate but equal" establishment. - pierce

[2003-09-09 13:24:00] - If women want true equality, why not stop forcing them to play in seperate leagues and have them compete equally with the men. Sounds fair to me. -Paul

[2003-09-09 13:23:00] - I think this person has a point. Isn't the WNBA and WPGA and such similar to the "seperate but equal" argument of the past? -Paul

[2003-09-09 10:58:00] - Is wearing perfume and lipstick increasing the risk of being raped? -Paul

[2003-09-09 10:50:00] - Man sentenced to death for child rape -Paul

[2003-09-09 09:46:00] - Did the Japanese provoke us in World War 2 or did we provoke them? -Paul

[2003-09-08 17:24:00] - it's a good thing none of the interns working on that ecstacy study took any of it home for "experimentation". - pierce

[2003-09-08 16:58:00] - Ringing cell phones can cause you to be in contempt of court -Paul

[2003-09-08 16:57:00] - Why you should never believe everything you hear -Paul

[2003-09-08 16:01:00] - Pierce: I think you are right, but I just think it's funny that they are basically saying that they don't want anymore customers because they can't afford it. :-P -Paul

[2003-09-08 15:47:00] - I don't think metro fares cover the cost of operations, I think it's partially subsidized.  Thus, if one specific event is taking usage past its subsidized level, then it's reasonable to charge for it.  Similar to making concert venues pay for extra police attention. - pierce

[2003-09-08 15:37:00] - Metro wants money from the NFL because of the increased service during opening weekend. Shouldn't  metro be thanking the NFL instead of charging them? -Paul

[2003-09-08 15:29:00] - Vinnie: I don't know, Adrian strikes me more as a Larry Flynt kind of voter to me... -Paul

[2003-09-08 13:41:00] - of course not. i'm sure adrian intends to vote for arnold. the link was unrelated to his comment - vinnie

[2003-09-08 13:03:00] - Why? So you could vote for that girl? -Paul

[2003-09-06 21:12:00] - i wish i could vote in california    ~a

[2003-09-06 01:29:00] - don't complain about taxes!  it's not theft and/or extortion if they only take a little at a time! - mig

[2003-09-04 17:39:00] - Pierce: I know, and I agree, I just think that it was funny that the implication with her last sentence was that the prison system shouldn't have the power to restrict choice. Period. -Paul

[2003-09-04 14:56:00] - Paul: but if you took that to the extreme, then prisons would also be justified in taking away the freedom to live by killing all the prisoners.  In this country, our prison system is supposed to have limits on which freedoms it's allowed to supress. - pierce

[2003-09-04 14:55:00] - ... Abortion rights are a subset of the right to privacy (another unclearly-defined right, but I digress).  The right to privacy is clearly incompatible with incarceration, since you are living under the surveillance of the guards - pierce

[2003-09-04 14:51:00] - Pierce: What I found humorous was the sentence taken totally out of context (since it referred to taking away choice, not mentioning abortion at all). To me, the very definition of a prison is taking away choice. Isn't that how prisons punish people? By taking away their freedoms? -Paul

[2003-09-04 14:50:00] - Pierce: Agreed. I think we can all agree that the opinion article was just poorly written. Too many definitive and factual statements that just aren't true. -Paul

[2003-09-04 14:28:00] - ... I think the overall point is that prisons should only restrict those rights that are relevant to incarceration, and leave the rest alone.  Incidentally, that does not support the argument given in the CT, because it bases itself on the "right to abortion", which doesn't exist.  ... - pierce

[2003-09-04 14:27:00] - Paul: on the other hand, the "cruel and unusual punishment" clause is specifically intended to protect some of the rights of criminals.  I mean, the woman should have the right to choose to eat; the state is not justified in starving her simply because they have control.  ... - pierce

[2003-09-04 13:55:00] - I'm sorry, but I just find the last sentence of this opinion article to be hilariously contradictory. The very concept of jail means taking away choice. Should women have the right to choose to leave the jail whenever they want? -Paul

[2003-09-04 12:28:00] - geez, they couldn't get him with regular bullshit trademark laws, so they resort to the "protecting the children" card. - mig

[2003-09-04 10:35:00] - First man to be prosecuted for the Truth in Domain Names Act -paul

[2003-09-04 10:22:00] - An organization that pays drug addicts to be sterilized. -Paul

[2003-09-04 10:20:00] - On a related note, I find it sad that an 18 year old girl with a 2 year old child (and presumably no college education) is making more moeny than I am... :-/ -Paul

[2003-09-04 10:19:00] - Judge upholds rights of 18 year olds to dance nude as a matter of free speech. :-P -Paul

[2003-09-04 10:13:00] - Pierce: And by virtue of being the faster typer, I win. :-P -Paul

[2003-09-04 09:58:00] - gah! you added two comments while I was typing one! - pierce

[2003-09-04 09:58:00] - I've heard it about equally both ways.  And in the Armstrong article, I think it's referring to him agreeing to go into counseling with her... he's not going alone.  The article is ambiguously worded, though. - pierce

[2003-09-04 09:53:00] - The implication, at least to me, was that there was something wrong with Armstrong so that he needed to go to counseling. *Shrug* It's something I have picked up from reading a lot of articles. Women hardly ever receive any blame for divorces, it's always the man's fault somehow. -Paul

[2003-09-04 09:52:00] - It's even evident in that article, they said that Armstrong entered couseling to save the marriage. I assume they both went to counseling? I don't think marriage counseling works too well if only one person goes. So how come they didn't mention that both went? -Paul

[2003-09-04 09:49:00] - Pierce: Well, my comment wasn't based entirely on the article, it was just sparked by it. It's just whenever I hear about a divorce, it's usually followed up by mentioning that the husband is going to counseling or that the husband was cold and uncaring -Paul

[2003-09-04 08:57:00] - Ummm, I think you're being a bit overdefensive if you're asking that question in response to that article.  There's only one sentence that comes even close to blaming him, and it doesn't really do that, and it was from his wife's comments.  What, is she going to blame herself? - pierce

[2003-09-04 08:41:00] - Lance Armstrong and his wife to divorce? My question is: Why does it always seem to be the husband's fault when a marriage doesn't work out? -Paul

[2003-09-03 17:01:00] - a: I don't. - pierce

[2003-09-03 16:47:00] - pierce:  $tags="b|i|u|s|sub|sup|small";  $str = preg_replace("/&lt;\s*($tags)\s*&gt;(.*?)&lt;\s*\/\s*\\1\s*&gt;/i",'<$1>$2</$1>', $str);  ~a

[2003-09-03 16:43:00] - pierce:  oops.  my bad.  bold tag works but no nested tags were programmed for when the php implementation was made.  do you have any idea how to tell if preg_replace made any replacements (without checking if the string has changed b/c that's ghetto).  ~a

[2003-09-03 14:22:00] - dammit adrian!  make bold text work! - pierce

[2003-09-03 14:22:00] - if he's really comparing himself to jesus, then he's jewish.  how do they like <b>that</b>?! :) - pierce

[2003-09-03 13:57:00] - Pierce: Because he's one of their own. -Paul

[2003-09-03 13:26:00] - quote from ashcroft about his political career: "for every crucifixion, a resurrection is waiting to follow."  why don't religious fundamentalists get upset about that kind of blasphemy? - pierce

[2003-09-03 12:29:00] - some from the GOP actually taking a stand against comrade ashcroft - mig

[2003-09-03 09:47:00] - And I thought that being automatically charged for the BT was bad enough... -Paul

[2003-09-03 09:44:00] - a: You mean the opinion article? I guess it doesn't have a name attached to it (likely doesn't want the hate mail :-P). I just assumed it was a male because it just sounds like it was written by a male... *Shrug* -paul

[2003-09-03 09:42:00] - Virginia Tech plans to build a supercomputer out of Macs :-/ -Paul

[2003-09-03 09:39:00] - oooooooh.  it doesn't have a name attached to it?  ~a

[2003-09-03 09:36:00] - paul:  interestingly enough, i thought the article was written by a female.  i guess you can see where my preconceived notions lie.  ~a

[2003-09-03 09:14:00] - Angry customer calls 911 over being charged for BBQ sauce -Paul

[2003-09-03 09:03:00] - Mig: I'm not the one who is going to be selling a house, Adrian is. :-) -Paul

[2003-09-03 09:02:00] - Pierce & Adrian: I just thought it was funny because I thought the article was poorly written. All I really got out of it was that the guy really hates Christians and thinks that people should be quiet in what they believe in and not speak out. Doesn't that kind of go against his opinion article? :-p -Paul

[2003-09-02 22:10:00] - paul_pierce:  yep.  that article showed me that there is such as thing as an incorrect opinion :-P  ~a

[2003-09-02 21:26:00] - paul:  selling a house is indeed a big pain.  however, before you do it, make sure you get a real estate agent who isn't a part timer. - mig

[2003-09-02 16:47:00] - meh.  I'm sure if a muslim student organization wanted to put advertising on the BT, they'd have an equal opportunity to do so... they're money (j/k, adrian) is as good as anyone else's.  I dislike preaching as much as the next guy, but I have no specific problem with this - pierce

[2003-09-02 16:29:00] - An opinion article from the Collegiate Times that I found humorous -Paul

[2003-09-02 15:57:00] - a: You're right about apartments being a pain, but I just can't help but think that selling a house is a much bigger pain. At least it seems that way to me. -Paul

[2003-09-02 15:55:00] - a: I'm almost 100% positive that he is being totally serious with that quote. -Paul

[2003-09-02 15:24:00] - you may end up eating costs for several months while you wait for the lease to end . . . like you/we did in blacksburg these past few months.  ~a

[2003-09-02 15:23:00] - pierce:  yeah.  so i'll stay in it a year or so.  you get the same problem with apartments . . . you know, one year lease and all.  ~a

[2003-09-02 15:06:00] - haha.  yeah.  what a stupid mistake.  it's like using the wrong their.  ~a

[2003-09-02 14:46:00] - regarding BFC: "anybody who says otherwise is committing an act of libel"... if they say otherwise, it's slander, not libel.  Hard to take statements like that seriously when the person doesn't even know what they're accusing others of - pierce

[2003-09-02 14:44:00] - that's assuming you can sell the house in this market.  you may end up eating costs for several months while you wait for someone who's interested, and it's still a long process even after that. - pierce

[2003-09-02 14:30:00] - paul:  selling a newly bought house isn't so bad.  you usually get paid the amount that (usually more than) you had to pay for the house.  so you lose nothing.  yes, you paid mostly interest at the head of the morgage, but you lost much less than you would have lost paying rent.  ~a

[2003-09-02 14:25:00] - "Every fact in the film is true. Absolutely every fact in the film is true. And anybody who says otherwise is committing an act of libel."  I can't tell if he's being facetious here or not.  ~a

[2003-09-02 10:45:00] - Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine has some inaccuracies in it? Shocking. -Paul

[2003-09-02 10:37:00] -,1626,ECP_4476_2200016,00.html Is there such a thing as wrongful life? -Paul

[2003-09-02 10:34:00] - The American government is sponsoring anonymizer for Iranians? -Paul

[2003-09-02 10:08:00] - The story of two American soldiers in Iraq marrying Iraqi women -Paul

[2003-09-02 09:51:00] - Man with bomb attached to his neck is forced to rob a bank -Paul

[2003-09-02 09:49:00] - You would think that considering the results of the last time they supported a presidential candidate, they would think twice before trying to make their voice heard... -Paul

[2003-09-02 08:59:00] - Then I would either have to turn the job down or sell my newly bought house. -Paul

[2003-09-02 08:58:00] - a: I kind of agree with you about buying a house. But I don't have near the money or income to support buying a house right now and I'm not all that sure I'm ready to settle down that much either. What if I buy a house and suddenly get offered this amazing job in California? -Paul

[2003-09-02 08:54:00] - Cryptic: You're probably right about where we fundamentally disagree. I think that BOTH the accuser and the accused deserve protection instead of just protecting the accuser like we do now. -Paul

[2003-09-02 08:53:00] - Cryptic: I don't think I ever said to reveal the accuser's name before the accused. In fact, that goes against my entire point. All I am saying is that if you reveal the accused's name, then I think you should reveal the accuser's name as well. If you don't want to reveal the accuser's name, then don't reveal the accused's name either. -Paul

[2003-09-02 01:55:00] - pierce:  we'll see.  it's something i'm still considering.  ~a

[2003-09-02 01:55:00] - sorry that the webpage was down for long and sorry it is currently at port 81.  i'm hoping this will go back.  as soon as it does, i'll post something here.  ~a

[2003-08-29 21:06:00] - if you can afford to buy a house, I guess now's the time to do it.  but can you afford it in the first place?  keep in mind that maintenance becomes a HUGE cost in both time and money with a house, much more than an apartment - pierce

[2003-08-29 18:16:00] - While I see the point of "ruining the accused's life", personally, I think protecting the victim is more important.... but that's probably where we fundamentally disagree -Cryptic

[2003-08-29 18:14:00] - you basically said "reveal the accuser's name before revealing the accused", which has little to do with the fact that some/many/most (?) rape victims find comming forward difficult (even being annonymous), why make it more difficult and thus possibly (surely?) increase the number of sexual predators not prosecuted -Cryptic

[2003-08-29 18:10:00] - Paul: I don't think that was an argument against my statement at all. -Cryptic

[2003-08-29 17:30:00] - it's

[2003-08-29 17:30:00] - somebody give me a good reason not to buy a house b/c it seems like its a ton smarter than renting.  ~a

[2003-08-29 09:17:00] - Cryptic: And I say it's pretty hard for a man who has been accused of rape to carry on his life. Given the choice between making somebody uncomfortable and ruining somebody's life, I would pick making somebody uncomfortable. -Paul

[2003-08-29 08:46:00] - I think that when you're dealing with something like rape, there are much more significant variables than gender that determine how hard it is to come forward... I'd say it's a toss-up. - pierce

[2003-08-29 00:03:00] - cryptic: i'd guess it might be even harder for men, actually -kris

[2003-08-28 23:07:00] - I'd assume it's also difficult for most men after being raped.... -Cryptic

[2003-08-28 23:01:00] - it's hard for some women to come forward after a rape, why should they also have to deal with the media? (assuming their name isn't protected) -Cryptic

[2003-08-28 23:01:00] -  ~a

[2003-08-28 17:15:00] - Kris: I guess we just disagree on this point then. I just think that I would think twice about falsely accusing somebody of rape if I knew my name would be disclosed as well. -Paul

[2003-08-28 17:12:00] - Pierce: I think I agree with you. But, with the social climate as it is, I don't think we're going to see accused rapists get any sort of protection like that. I think it's more likely that we will just see the protection of the accuser get broken down. -Paul

[2003-08-28 16:10:00] - paul: i was using "screwy in the head" in the loooosest possible meaning of the term.  -kris

[2003-08-28 15:21:00] - Paul: I would definitely want to know.  But as the father of someone who is dating someone who has not been proven to be a rapist, it would not be the judicial system's responsibility to tell me, at the expense of the relationships of an as-yet-innocent person. - pierce

[2003-08-28 15:15:00] -,1,2697529.story?coll=la-home-headlines us admits iraqi 'defectors' gave bogus information on iraqi wods.  charges that sadaam was behind the bogus information, because he obviously wanted the us to invade iraq. - mig

[2003-08-28 14:29:00] - Pierce: I think I can agree with that. If you're going to protect the accuser's name then you should protect the accused's name too. The only problem there is, what if the accused is dating your daughter? Wouldn't you want to know? -Paul

[2003-08-28 14:28:00] - kris: Yeah, but if we named the accuser and she was screwy in the head, then we would probably be able to figure it out by looking into their past (drug use, psychiatrists, suicide attempts etc.) -Paul

[2003-08-28 13:14:00] - kris: I'm with you.  I think we'd be better off protecting both names involved than we are now, protecting only the accuser, or than we'd be if they were both publicized - pierce

[2003-08-28 12:21:00] - paul: i think it'd cut down on the number of real accusers.  the fake ones are screwy in the head-they might even like the publicity (who knows).  . -kris

[2003-08-28 10:09:00] - Turns out the standardized test was too hard (ie, too many students failed) so the state decided to bump up everybody's score (so less students failed) -Paul

[2003-08-27 09:03:00] - Hehe :) my best time is still like 35 seconds..... that's poor even by canada standards - aaron

[2003-08-27 08:53:00] - "Etymology: Latin, so, thus" (from - pierce

[2003-08-27 08:51:00] - Are we going to have a law-breaking computer chip in our cars in the future? -Paul

[2003-08-27 08:07:00] - what does sic stand for?  is it latin or an acronym?  ~a

[2003-08-27 01:11:00] - 20 seconds?  you could beat that, aaron.  ~a

[2003-08-26 17:29:00] -

[2003-08-26 13:11:00] - A look at how different rape is treated in Japan -Paul

[2003-08-26 12:17:00] - Women's group fined for barring transexual. Delicious irony. :-) -Paul

[2003-08-26 09:52:00] - The law needs a new category of sexual assault -Paul

[2003-08-25 13:27:00] - Yeah... as I said, I didn't think it was going to be anything new to anyone here, but I thought it was a particularly blatant example - pierce

[2003-08-25 12:22:00] - Pierce: That's why I stop watching and reading mainstream news for the most part. :-P -Paul

[2003-08-25 12:06:00] - Paul: my problem is not so much with the negativity, but with the arbitrary way that wording is used to convey "arguments", without actually defining the logical reasoning behind them. - pierce

[2003-08-25 12:04:00] - in this case, the error is the use of the word "insure" where the correct word is "ensure" - pierce

[2003-08-25 12:03:00] - [sic] means that the error in the quote is in the original quote, and not a typing error or anything like that in the reproduction - pierce

[2003-08-25 10:36:00] - Pierce: I totally agree. There are always two sides to every debate and it annoys me when people try to simplify things down to their negatives instead of pointing out the positives too. -Paul

[2003-08-25 10:34:00] - kris: So you don't think that publicizing the name of rape accusers would cut down on the number of false accusations? -Paul

[2003-08-25 01:03:00] - [sic]?  ~a

[2003-08-24 23:07:00] - I know I'm not saying anything that anyone here didn't already know, but it just bothers me that the norm is to start with your conclusion (Bush sux0rs, Bush rulez!!1!, etc), and construct your argument backwards from the "solution" instead of starting from evidence and reason and then arriving at a conclusion. - pierce

[2003-08-24 23:07:00] - I'm using Berkowitz as an example, but it's really a practice that is almost universal among political commentators. - pierce

[2003-08-24 23:07:00] - Also, he's not "eroding the wall of separation between church and state by seeking federal funding for faith-based charities", he's "seeking to insure [sic] that religious organizations are not excluded from receiving federal funds to support their charitable activities" - pierce

[2003-08-24 23:07:00] - for example, bush isn't "stifling public schools" by supporting school vouchers, he's "encouraging choice". - pierce

[2003-08-24 23:07:00] - I post this not because I think it's correct, or even insightful, but because it's really a point-by-point example of the way people change wording to change meaning, though the original subject remains the same - pierce

[2003-08-24 23:06:00] - rebutting the "caricature" of bush by his opposition: - pierce

[2003-08-24 01:25:00] - egyptians use bible to sue jews. - mig

[2003-08-21 17:40:00] - paul: i'm saying it's fixing something entirely different than the problem.  sure maybe both things can CAUSE the symptoms, but replacing the alternator when the problem is an oil leak isn't going to help anything but sure will piss me off.  i'm not sure if i'm still with the metaphor or not :p -kris

[2003-08-21 09:29:00] - Unsigned: I don't quite get your metaphor... are you trying to say that it's fixing something that doesn't need to be fixed and won't solve the problem? -Paul

[2003-08-21 09:07:00] - kris: Thank goodness that the belief in evolution is so low :-P -Paul

[2003-08-21 09:06:00] - This sounds like one of the most moronic things I have ever heard -Paul

[2003-08-20 23:19:00] - "presumed innocent until proven guilty" doesn't seem to work very well sometimes...  i don't think that's a reason to change the anonymous charge for rape part.  that's like the mechanics who give me a new alternator when the problem is oil leaking onto the starter

[2003-08-20 23:12:00] - with such interestings as "Americans believe, 58 percent to 40 percent, that it is necessary to believe in God to be moral. " and "Americans are three times as likely to believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus (83 percent) as in evolution (28 percent)." -kris

[2003-08-20 23:11:00] -

[2003-08-19 11:19:00] -,2933,94224,00.html "it does not speak well for a democratic nation that a once respectable person can be brought so low by a charge rendered anonymously" -Paul

[2003-08-19 11:16:00] - Interesting note that seventy percent of the store's customers were women -Paul

[2003-08-19 11:06:00] - aaron: Even better. :-D -Paul

[2003-08-19 11:05:00] - The contract that I am working under (USAID) is being named in an online article! I don't know whether to be happy or ashamed. :-P -Paul

[2003-08-19 11:04:00] - he didn't say it was a statue..... - aaron

[2003-08-19 08:38:00] - I want a topless mermaid statue -Paul

[2003-08-19 08:37:00] - Some interesting points in this article, like how society seemed to be able to make do just fine during the blackout -Paul

[2003-08-18 21:00:00] - -kris

[2003-08-18 15:24:00] - We should've known Vick was going to break his leg. Beware the curse of the video game cover. -Paul

[2003-08-18 14:00:00] -,1413,36%257E53%257E1571398,00.html Drug checkpoints may be illegal, but what about FAKE drug checkpoints? -Paul

[2003-08-18 13:54:00] - Mark October 1st on your calendar, the Free State Project has 5,000 members! -Paul

[2003-08-18 10:17:00] - Do the Nazis have more in common with the left than the right? -Paul

[2003-08-18 10:07:00] - Anti-logging activist illegally cuts down trees -Paul

[2003-08-18 09:33:00] - Online documents can sometimes contain deleted text -Paul

[2003-08-18 09:30:00] - Pressure from Blockbuster and Wal-Mart may force Netflix to begin offering porn -Paul

[2003-08-15 18:34:00] - republican governor tells citizins it is their 'christian duty' to vote yes on tax increases. - mig

[2003-08-15 10:15:00] - A perfect example of how silly minimum wage laws can be -Paul

[2003-08-15 09:06:00] - I really think that college speech codes are such crap. I don't understand why they don't admit that it's a CLEAR violation of free speech. -Paul

[2003-08-15 09:04:00] - Man to be jailed over house extension. -Paul

[2003-08-13 13:23:00] - Pierce: And make me HUGE. :-P -Paul

[2003-08-13 11:23:00] - Hmm.  Internet messages with no clear author, advocating porn.  Sounds like a grassroots campaign is in my hotmail account every time I check it.  Seems like there are a lot of people who also want to protect my right to bail out the nigerian government and get real Ivy-league diplomas FAST! - pierce

[2003-08-13 10:57:00] - Vinnie: Which hold so much weight and accomplish so much. :-P -Paul

[2003-08-13 00:32:00] - that second "in" = of

[2003-08-13 00:32:00] - the mass protests will be in the form in anonymous internet petitions :) - vinnie

[2003-08-12 15:33:00] - Pierce: You're probably right about the whole religion over gender thing. To be honest, I kind of lost interest in the article when the author went on that tangent. It was the beginning that I found to be much more relevant. -Paul

[2003-08-12 15:30:00] - Pierce: And pornography is still taboo enough in America that you're unlikely to see mass protests by people who want to protect their right to view it. -Paul

[2003-08-12 13:31:00] - Paul: from an evolutionary standpoint, men have primarily been the hunters of other animals.  In fact, the female would seem a more likely natural candidate, because territorial disputes or threats to the nation would fall under the jurisdiction of the maternal instinct to protect her family. - pierce

[2003-08-12 13:28:00] - Paul: from the article: "The strongest argument—not that it will be heeded in post-Christian America—is moral and spiritual."  That alone indicates to me that his objection is founded in his religion more than any natural view of gender.  But even if he uses your argument, the fact remains that from an evolutionary standpoint... (cntd) - pierce

[2003-08-12 13:24:00] - Re: Ashcroft... they're picking their targets intelligently.  there aren't many people who are going to sympathize with a porn studio that makes movies that simulate rapes and murders.  I had forgotten about that incident with the curtains covering the classical statues, though.  I wish more attention was paid to stuff like that. - pierce

[2003-08-12 13:20:00] - Pierce: The author's response would probably be because men have been the traditional hunter/killer and women have been the traditional nurturer and therefore it's unnatural for women to kill. -Paul

[2003-08-12 13:17:00] - Valid question, though it tapers off in quality when it starts to question the moral value of teaching young women to kill men.  Why is that immoral, if it's perfectly fine to teach young men to kill? - pierce

[2003-08-12 12:05:00] - What did Lynch do to get so much attention? -Paul

[2003-08-12 11:55:00] - Ashcroft begins his war against pornography -Paul

[2003-08-12 11:51:00] -,1426,MCA_437_2159130,00.html Man found guilty of exploiting his underage daughter. Daughter claims it was all her idea to try to become a model -Paul

[2003-08-12 09:24:00] - Who should be named in rape trials? -Paul

[2003-08-12 09:22:00] -,2933,94415,00.html Why are less people getting married? -Paul

[2003-08-11 19:46:00] - cx

[2003-08-11 19:42:00] - cm

[2003-08-11 17:20:00] - Interesting article on how Democrats seem to always nominate the underdog while Republicans are the opposite -Paul

[2003-08-11 11:03:00] -,1367,59907,00.html This is how spam is worth it -Paul

[2003-08-11 10:27:00] - Mathematician predicts divorce by the numbers -Paul

[2003-08-08 17:46:00] - paul:  i thought the nene thing was strange until i found out he was brazilian.  it's not that odd. - mig

[2003-08-08 16:21:00] - beware of buying government impounded cars. - mig

[2003-08-08 15:19:00] - paul:  a little. - mig

[2003-08-08 10:40:00] - Anybody else think this guy is crazy? :-P -Paul

[2003-08-07 17:58:00] - yeah, he changed his background right after i posted that :-\  ~a

[2003-08-07 16:59:00] - Aw poo, the link's down. Well, thanks anyway - aaron

[2003-08-07 16:57:00] - a: You just posted one. About the guy's background :-P -Paul

[2003-08-07 16:29:00] - wow.  i didn't think that i had posted the link.  i never post links!  "  it makes me cry when good ideas get ruined by politics.  ~a;6-19-03 2:09am"  ~a

[2003-08-07 09:34:00] - Nene Hilario changes name to just Nene. I dunno, I find this amusing for some reason. -Paul\

[2003-08-07 08:50:00] - Hey adrian, do you remember the address of that USB 2.0 article someone posted a while ago - aaron

[2003-08-07 08:49:00] - Hehe. It is a nice background - aaron

[2003-08-07 08:28:00] - I'm not talking about anybody specifically. Pretty much ANY female I know would've given me an earful. For some reason I seem to be able to piss them off like few others. :-P -Paul

[2003-08-06 21:27:00] - paul:  no you wouldn't have.  aparna doesn't read this anymore.  ~a

[2003-08-06 08:32:00] - a: Now see, if I had said that about female CS teachers I would've gotten an earful from somebody. :-P -Paul

[2003-08-06 00:09:00] -  anybody like this kid's background?  he's loading it dynamically off my page, so i thought i would write him a message :-P  ~a

[2003-08-05 23:50:00] - aaron:  and we had females for cs.  teehee  ~a

[2003-08-05 23:37:00] - We had organic teachers for geology, this seems like a double standard - aaron

[2003-08-05 08:40:00] - Can't have a white teacher for a back history class, now can we? -Paul

[2003-08-04 22:21:00] - mig:  do you ever wonder if hitler existed?  ~a

[2003-08-04 20:03:00] - a:  sometimes i wonder if bin laden even exists. - mig

[2003-08-04 18:14:00] - paul:  nor bin laden.  ~a

[2003-08-04 16:41:00] - Oh, and hoe = how in that next to last comment. :-P Stupid keyboard... -Paul

[2003-08-04 16:41:00] - Is "nano-" the new overused buzz word? -Paul

[2003-08-04 16:28:00] - So this is hoe the machines from the Matrix did it... -Paul

[2003-08-04 16:23:00] - The Fogscreen sounds like an interesting invention. -Paul

[2003-08-04 14:52:00] - Mig: Personally, I don't think we'll ever catch him. Dead or alive. -Paul

[2003-08-04 14:51:00] - Nutella won't renew their endorsement deal with Kobe -Paul

[2003-08-04 13:58:00] - paul:  I doubt they will try to bother to take him alive, since it will more than likely bring the U.S.'s involvement in propping up and supporting his regime to the limelight should he go to trial. - mig

[2003-08-04 08:37:00] - Should the United States try to kill Saddam or capture him for a trial? -Paul

[2003-08-04 00:46:00] - i want a "god hates religion" license plate.  ~a

[2003-08-03 19:39:00] - teen arrested for "bomb threat". - mig

[2003-08-01 15:18:00] - Aaron: To be honest, I'm surprised this issue didn't come up earlier (regarding license plates). As soon as any sort of government agency allows people to put a message on government property you just know there is going to be a problem. -Paul

[2003-08-01 15:16:00] - Aaron: I thought the funniest part was how the men's ages went UP for the question about their first sexual encounter when they were anonymous. That seems to imply that men want to lose their virginity younger. :-P -Paul

[2003-08-01 14:28:00] - Hehe :) i want an "oppose god" license plate - aaron

[2003-08-01 14:26:00] - I really like the part about how anonymity affected women's answers to sexual surveys more than men's... although I definitely think the differences are probably mostly mental and societal - aaron

[2003-08-01 11:57:00] - An interesting article that talks about whether promiscuity is innate or something that is learned -Paul

[2003-08-01 08:50:00] - Will there be a "Trust God" License Plate? -Paul

[2003-07-31 21:42:00] - non violent drug offenders are being released in washington state. - mig

[2003-07-31 21:21:00] -,2101,59801,00.html american soldiers get subsidized for their gaming habits. - mig

[2003-07-31 09:50:00] - The Bush Administration is spending a lot of money. -Paul

[2003-07-31 08:56:00] - This really annoys me. Why in the holy hell are all taxpayers paying to fund something that isn't able to make money? Either the government should cut it off and see if they can survive as a REAL company or it's not worth funding. -Paul

[2003-07-31 08:39:00] - An article which teaches you to always take statistics with a grain of salt -Paul

[2003-07-30 18:30:00] - men in spanish city will be arrested if they go to a bar during a mandatory 'girls night out'. - mig

[2003-07-30 14:05:00] - bush takes "responsibility" for raving about the fraudulent Niger report. - mig

[2003-07-30 13:49:00] - paul:  yeah and i thought what the 49ers did (interview the minority candidates without any intention of hiring them) was wayyyy worse. - mig

[2003-07-30 08:54:00] - The problem is that there just aren't enough qualified minority candidates out there. I was thinking of the coaches I would hire if I was the owner of a football team and there is only like one minority on my top ten list... -Paul

[2003-07-30 08:45:00] - Mig: The sad thing is that they TRIED to interview minority candidates but none of them would come for an interview because it was pretty common knowledge that the Lions wanted Mariucci because he was (IMHO) the most qualified candidate -Paul

[2003-07-29 19:39:00] - nfl owner fined $200,000 for not going through the charade of interviewing minority candidates like the 49ers did. - mig

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