here are old message board entries
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2004-03-26 12:14:00] -
vinnie: we have tennis courts and 2 pools but no basketball courts that i've seen
- travis
2004-03-26 12:14:00] -
Paul: either one, as long as it's close to me
- travis
2004-03-26 12:02:00] -
Travis: Are you talking about a simple outdoor asphalt court with a hoop or something like an indoor court?
2004-03-26 12:00:00] - I think "Masterhation" is funner when used as a verb. "The PETA are an organization of fervish masterhaters!"
- aaron
2004-03-26 11:54:00] -
ok, the hateful dead isn't very funny, but I think the rest are, especially if you read out the olsen twins one. "man, mary hatin' ashley!"
- vinnie
2004-03-26 11:52:00] -
vinnie: on the contrary! I think we've disproven your argument quite thoroughly
- aaron
2004-03-26 11:51:00] - The hateful dead
- aaron
2004-03-26 11:51:00] - hatamax
- vinnie
2004-03-26 11:50:00] -
travis: your complex doesn't have courts? I would think it does
- vinnie
2004-03-26 11:50:00] - there are courts less than a minute's walk away from my house, but I can't attest to how good they are
- vinnie
2004-03-26 11:49:00] - you guys got the hang of it, I see. comedy gold
- vinnie
2004-03-26 11:40:00] - based on vinnie's comment in andrew's journal: "play basketball some weekend or something like that, most people would be up for it" did anyone ever figure out where any basketball courts are? or at least come up with a method to find them?
- travis
2004-03-26 11:38:00] - Secretary of hate, Colin Powell
- aaron
2004-03-26 11:28:00] -
Masterhation. -Paul
2004-03-26 11:26:00] - Katherine hater jones. Mary hate and ashley.
- aaron
2004-03-26 11:02:00] -
well, it has to rhyme with what it replaces, obviously
- vinnie
2004-03-26 10:36:00] -
Hatatarian. -Paul
2004-03-26 10:34:00] - any time part of a word is replaced with "hate" it's comedy gold, cf. Hatorade, hatriarch, etc.
- vinnie
2004-03-26 10:26:00] - lyric from the song "scar spangled banner" by exodus: "i'm not a patriot just a hatriot", now that's funny stuff
- travis
2004-03-26 10:12:00] - Some interesting stats on airbags.
2004-03-26 10:12:00] -
Xpovos: Easier than it could've been.
2004-03-26 10:06:00] -
Paul: Who said it was easy? Spent 4 hours on it yesterday. Granted, most of that was because John's computer is old and finicky, but...
2004-03-26 09:46:00] -
Xpovos: Glad it was easy to fix
2004-03-26 09:19:00] - The rants (and everything else) is back up again. Hurrah for fixing the problem.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-25 18:01:00] -
2004-03-25 17:54:00] - finally a quiet day on the message board when i had work to do all day
- travis
2004-03-25 16:37:00] - dums = drums
- pierce
2004-03-25 16:37:00] - I'm bored.
2004-03-25 16:25:00] - Unless some more support dums itself up by tonight, which is when I'll presumably get it and start watching it.
- pierce
2004-03-25 16:24:00] -
Nah, there's enough lethargy that I'm going to go ahead and close.
- pierce
2004-03-25 16:23:00] -
Pierce: I'll watch it, but I think you're going to need to find more people than just me to get a conensus.
2004-03-25 16:16:00] - i think it's safe to close the bid on that one
- vinnie
2004-03-25 15:44:00] - Going two-and-a-half times...
- pierce
2004-03-25 14:02:00] -
Pierce: OH. I don't particularly care either way then. I can always find something amusing to do.
2004-03-25 13:58:00] -
No, I'm not saying someone can borrow it. I'm asking if anyone's going to watch it at Travis's
- pierce
2004-03-25 13:51:00] - Thanks for the offer, though.
2004-03-25 13:51:00] -
Pierce: I've got B5S4 commentaries to wade through along with a repeat viewing of Babylon Squard and War Without End parts 1 and 2 so I should be set for awhile.
2004-03-25 13:49:00] - or indeed if you return it at all
- vinnie
2004-03-25 13:42:00] -
pierce: i like paul's idea. we don't care if you don't get speedier delivery of your next disc.
2004-03-25 13:36:00] - Going twice...
- pierce
2004-03-25 13:35:00] -
Paul: but I can watch it tonight and return it for speedier delivery of the next netflix disc if nobody's going to want to watch it.
- pierce
2004-03-25 13:18:00] -
Pierce: You could bring it along and try to auction it off at Travis'. Might work better that way.
2004-03-25 13:12:00] - Chris Rock show? Anyone? Going once...
- pierce
2004-03-25 12:19:00] -
Pierce: Thank you, you fulfilled my desire to hear dispariging remarks about my DVD collection.
2004-03-25 12:12:00] -
Paul: plus, everything you have sucks!
(since that was obviously what you were looking for)
- pierce
2004-03-25 12:02:00] -
Paul: no, I think two seasons of futurama, two seasons of sopranos borrowed from my cousin, and normal netflix stuff is already way too many dvds for me to handle
- vinnie
2004-03-25 11:58:00] - What was the verdict on the Chris Rock show?
- pierce
2004-03-25 11:56:00] - And I assume nobody wants anything I have?
2004-03-25 11:51:00] -
pierce: S1 and S2, if you don't mind. I think there are episodes on both I haven't seen
- vinnie
2004-03-25 11:51:00] - i've seen taxi driver too. didn't like it too much either
- vinnie
2004-03-25 11:45:00] -
also, i might have the original dawn of the dead by saturday
- travis
2004-03-25 11:44:00] -
pierce: i've already seen taxi driver, otherwise i'd say bring that, but you're free to bring whatever you want since it shouldn't be that much effort
- travis
2004-03-25 11:44:00] -
a: Well, I think that's because most of the misleading feminist stats aren't due to causation and correlation.
2004-03-25 11:35:00] -
a: do you mean correlation and causation?
- pierce
2004-03-25 11:23:00] -
paul: i'm disappointed that the ifeminist site didn't say anything about confusing cause and effect.
2004-03-25 11:15:00] -
Vinnie: did you want Futurama S1 or S2?
- pierce
2004-03-25 11:15:00] - I'll also have
the best of the chris rock show volume 1 and
taxi driver from crackflix... does anyone want me to bring either of those?
- pierce
2004-03-25 11:12:00] - So what DVDs am I supposed to bring to Travis's on saturday? Futurama season 2, Alias season 2, 28 Days Later, anything else?
- pierce
2004-03-25 10:41:00] - 'Corporate Terrorism' is a good sound bite. I think KFC is trying to counter PETA's sound bite with one of their own.
2004-03-25 10:39:00] - heh. Where have I seen this picture before? Must've been in an anthropology journal or something.
- pierce
2004-03-25 10:38:00] -
Paul: which is kinda my point exactly. All the posturing about PETA being "corporate terrorism" seems very shallow since they're unwilling to say that PETA is wrong.
- pierce
2004-03-25 10:34:00] - Since I imagine that PETA could come up with a lot of real good negative publicity to slam KFC with that IS true.
2004-03-25 10:33:00] -
Pierce: It gets press in newspapers and maybe local news. I'm thinking that a slander suit might get national attention and frankly, I don't think KFC wants the truth being advertised in a courtroom either.
2004-03-25 10:29:00] -
Paul: but the thing is, stunts like these get PETA press
anyway. If KFC was at least claiming it was
false, especially in a slander suit setting, it would go a long way towards cancelling out the bad publicity for KFC.
- pierce
2004-03-25 10:27:00] - "Wow, am I glad that we in the United States have an electoral college, so that recounts don't require counting every vote in every state" Interesting benefit to the electoral college system.
2004-03-25 10:23:00] -
Pierce: I'll bet that the corporations technically could charge an organization like PETA with slander but they probably don't want to give them the publicity AND it would probably cost them more in legal fees than it would be worth.
2004-03-25 10:22:00] - Some interesting strategies to not let statistics confuse you.
2004-03-25 10:20:00] - Here's a question: if anything PETA says is incorrect, can a corporation go after them for slander, or do corporations not get slander protections?
- pierce
2004-03-25 10:19:00] -
Pierce: Shut up, you terrorist.
2004-03-25 10:19:00] - Interesting things going on in Taiwan.
2004-03-25 10:18:00] - I just love it when people refer to anything they don't like as terrorism.
- pierce
2004-03-25 10:16:00] - "KFC spokeswoman Bonnie Warschauer initially said, 'We don't comment on the corporate terrorist activities of PETA. They are corporate terrorists and just like the United States government, we will not negotiate with corporate terrorists.'" she went on to add, "Corporate terrorists. Corporate terrorists!"
- pierce
2004-03-25 10:11:00] -
Finally, they're showing straight people in that county what it might be like to be refused a marriage license. I feel bad for the straight couples in that county who support gay marriage, or who don't care about the issue at all, though.
- pierce
2004-03-25 10:11:00] -,2933,115108,00.html I'm just wondering, where does PETA get all of this money?
2004-03-25 10:10:00] - I actually think it's clever; since I don't think licensing marriage is an appropriate governmental function, they're doing the right thing. In addition, they're applying equal protection in a way that the "straight marriage only" crowd can't argue with.
- pierce
2004-03-25 10:05:00] -
yeah, I read about it already too. it's pretty damn hilarious
- vinnie
2004-03-25 10:00:00] -
Travis: No, but I read about that. It's kinda amusing, and I feel sorry for those poor people stuck in the middle of this debate who don't know whose orders to follow.
2004-03-25 09:58:00] - was this already posted here and i missed it?
- travis
2004-03-25 09:54:00] - strangest nba game(s) ever
- travis
2004-03-25 09:44:00] -
Aaron: really makes you think.
- pierce
2004-03-25 09:25:00] - Then when i wanted to have my genitals pierced, I found I had no genitals left
- aaron
2004-03-25 09:19:00] - First they stopped the communists from piercing their genitals, and I did not speak out - because i was not a communist. Then they stopped the women from piercing their genitals, and i did not speak out, because i was not a woman;
- aaron
2004-03-24 18:48:00] -
Adios, Paul.
- pierce
2004-03-24 18:47:00] -
Anyway, I think it's time for me to head on out for my Japanese Class. Talk to you all tomorrow!
2004-03-24 18:46:00] -
Pierce: Welcome to my world of the past 6 years or so.
2004-03-24 18:45:00] - It's much easier to get stuff passed restricting something than it is to get stuff passed allowing something (IMHO) because only the people who do the restricted activity care and the rest are more likely to restrict something they don't do (IMHO).
2004-03-24 18:44:00] -
Paul: yes, I would guess that you're right. Depressing, though.
- pierce
2004-03-24 18:44:00] - I mean, hell, libertarians have a decent minority in the southern states and THEY can't get anyone to listen to them. How will the genital piercers be any different?
2004-03-24 18:43:00] -
Pierce: Yes, but who is going to do that? My guess is that less than 1% of the people in Georgia care enough to stand up and make it a point to oppose this specific law, and I think among those that care, fewer would have the courage to do it.
2004-03-24 18:41:00] -
Paul: but at least the people of Georgia could point at that bill, and all ambiguity about their legislators' beliefs would be resolved. They could register their anger, if they have it, that such control over peoples' personal lives is deemed appropriate.
- pierce
2004-03-24 18:40:00] - And from their point of view, it doesn't hurt anybody and could potentially save lives, so why not?
2004-03-24 18:40:00] - It's like with seatbelt and bicycle helmet laws. Nobody really wants to stand up and oppose those laws because it would make them appear as if they think it's a bad idea.
2004-03-24 18:39:00] -
Pierce: *Shrug* I'm sure a seperate bill would pass by similar margins. There just isn't a big enough lobby against it.
2004-03-24 18:37:00] -
Yeah, you're probably right, but it doesn't excuse them. Their ONLY JOB is to look through the bills and make sure they're acceptable. Extra clauses like this should be hilighted, red-flagged, and removed. They can make a separate bill against genital piercing if they like.
- pierce
2004-03-24 18:37:00] -
Pierce: That, and they're probably all older males who find body piercings in general distasteful, let alone genital piercings...
2004-03-24 18:35:00] - I almost wrote "killing babies" but then I realized there is actually a debate going on about that.
2004-03-24 18:35:00] -
Pierce: I think that they all thought they were essentially voting that female genital mutilation should be illegal. Essentially, they thought they were voting for something as ming-blowingly obvious as "eating children is illegal"
2004-03-24 18:33:00] -
Paul: I understand, but 160-0?!?! (I wish I could capitalize numbers...) Is it that all the georgia legislators thought this was acceptable, or did they not see the piercing aspect, or what?
- pierce
2004-03-24 18:32:00] -
Pierce: Because lots of people out there don't like piercings like that and think "there oughta be a law" and since most people don't care, it gets passed.
2004-03-24 18:31:00] - It's not even that I
want to pierce my genitals (despite the name)... I just reject that philosophy so fundamentally, and I don't understand why more people don't similarly reject it. (and yes, I know the georgia decision doesn't affect me because I don't live there, nor am I female)
- pierce
2004-03-24 18:30:00] -
Pierce: They're not telling YOU that you can't do this (since you're male), so calm down.
2004-03-24 18:29:00] -
Pierce: Because, like the quote clearly shows, legislators are morons and think that female genitalia piercings are only done forcibly as part of female genital mutilation.
2004-03-24 18:29:00] - I dunno, it just infuriates me that there are people in my state and federal legislature that tell me I can't do things, even if those things don't affect anyone else in any way.
- pierce
2004-03-24 18:27:00] - Grrr! I'm so cynical!
- pierce
2004-03-24 18:27:00] - When exactly did we decide, as a country, that people aren't allowed to mess up their own bodies? (oh, except in government-approved (tm) ways)
- pierce
2004-03-24 18:25:00] - Georgia legislators decide that women's bodies belong to the government, BITCH!
- pierce
2004-03-24 18:08:00] - *Sigh* I guess I'm the only person left at work...
2004-03-24 17:32:00] - You can ignore the preaching, if you want, and focus on some of the interesting technological bits.
2004-03-24 17:21:00] - anyone have an unabridged dead-tree dictionary to check it?
- pierce
2004-03-24 17:19:00] - as in, the size of my vocabulary dwarves all of yours
- vinnie
2004-03-24 17:18:00] - you can use dwarves as a verb, or at least, I've seen it used
- vinnie
2004-03-24 17:10:00] -
Paul: because both "dwarves" and "dwarfs" are correct plural forms of "dwarf"
- pierce
2004-03-24 17:09:00] -
Pierce: I thought the movie title implied that they were not dwarves, but dwarfs. Why else would the title be spelled that way?
2004-03-24 17:09:00] -
Aaron: not according to, which only lists "dwarfs" as a verb form of "dwarf".
- pierce
2004-03-24 17:08:00] -
Paul: and if I were referring to the movie title, I would have been incorrect. But since I was referring to multiple dwar
in that movie, I'm okay.
- pierce
2004-03-24 17:06:00] - Can you use "dwarves" as a verb? That sounds funny to me.
- aaron
2004-03-24 17:05:00] -
Pierce: -Paul
2004-03-24 17:03:00] -
Paul: - pierce
2004-03-24 16:57:00] -
Vinnie: How dare you put the responsibilities of work above your message board responsibilities...
2004-03-24 16:54:00] -
sorry, work called. wait, why am I apologizing for that...
- vinnie
2004-03-24 16:53:00] -
Pierce: Bored isn't a dwarf (btw, it's dwarfs, not dwarves).
2004-03-24 16:47:00] - I'm bored; this joke has gone on for at least three dwarves too long.
- pierce
2004-03-24 16:42:00] - I'm bashful; Or at least shy and introverted, according to the book I am reading.
2004-03-24 16:36:00] - I'm dopey; apparently, I don't even friggin' know how old I am.
- pierce
2004-03-24 16:32:00] - I'm sneezy; My work area is dusty to begin with because the air filters seemingly haven't been cleaned in years and I think my allergies are beginning to act up.
2004-03-24 16:29:00] - I'm sleepy; I've had the venetian blind at my desk closed all day because I'm too lazy to get up and open it, and the decreased light is messing with my circadian rhythms.
- pierce
2004-03-24 16:12:00] - I dunno.
- pierce
2004-03-24 16:11:00] -
sorry, gust of wind - a single feather falling onto a soft surface
2004-03-24 16:04:00] - Where did everybody go?
2004-03-24 14:25:00] - I suppose it could have nostalgic value for people who saw those old movies, but I have almost no desire ever to see it.
- pierce
2004-03-24 14:24:00] -
ugh, dear god. I mean parody is one thing, but that just looked bad.
- pierce
2004-03-24 14:16:00] - "you'll be
sterilized with fear"
- travis
2004-03-24 13:51:00] -
Pierce: I just recently started looking at the Gold Box in and it always shows me Jewelry and Cooking Utensils also.
2004-03-24 13:44:00] - *grumble grumble*
- pierce
2004-03-24 13:44:00] - In other gripes: Amazon's gold box only shows me jewelry and home & garden stuff these days, in spite of (or because of) the fact that I've never bought anything like that from amazon. What happened to the good old days where four out of five offers were DVDs I wanted to buy?
- pierce
2004-03-24 13:42:00] - The previews I've seen for KB:V2 have kind of blown, though, the ones where she's driving in the car talking about her "roaring rampage of revenge". I don't think it's well-written enough to be worth breaking the fourth wall (and certainly not well-written enough to be worth not showing any of the damn movie)
- pierce
2004-03-24 13:37:00] -
Excellent, that's soon. Pierce, I think you have the right idea waiting. My only disappointment with Kill Bill 1 was that it ended all of a sudden and I wanted to wathc the rest.
2004-03-24 13:36:00] -
vinnie: curse you and your tidings of ill news
- travis
2004-03-24 13:35:00] - and that's if they don't change the date on us again, it was supposed to be out last month!
- travis
2004-03-24 13:34:00] - april 16 for kill bill 2. although I thought I heard it was gonna be bumped back again. huh
- vinnie
2004-03-24 13:34:00] -
Vinnie: yes, he wrote it (w/ Robert Kurtzman, who got a "story" credit)
- pierce
2004-03-24 13:33:00] -
Mel: April 16.
- pierce
2004-03-24 13:32:00] - oh wait, did he write it?
- vinnie
2004-03-24 13:32:00] - From Dusk Till Dawn? I don't think even Tarantino fans like his acting
- vinnie
2004-03-24 13:23:00] - When does Kill Bill 2 come out anyway? Kill Bill1 was excellent
- Mel
2004-03-24 12:47:00] -
Paul: Thanks, Hopefully it won't come to a reinstall, as that would be most annoying, time consuming, and in general a bad thing. *sigh* it was doing so well too.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-24 12:43:00] -
Xpovos: Well, I wish you luck.
2004-03-24 12:40:00] - It can always be fixed, it's just a matter of how far gone it is. Right now it's medium bad. I've got the hard drive out and am taking it to John's later for a repair attempt. If that fails I'll have to reinstall 2K, which could prove to be very difficult given that my 2K disk and back-up disk are both scratched and not reading well.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-24 12:35:00] -
Xpovos: So is it gone for good or can it be fixed?
2004-03-24 12:31:00] - do it (later. So I boot up and) Murphy's Law strikes
-- Xpovos
2004-03-24 12:30:00] - Murphy's Law strikes, just as it's getting to the sensitive part of the boot up, *blink* there goes the power. My own fault, but no less aggrivating.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-24 12:30:00] -
Paul: I might, except it wasn't the power people, it was the construction people, and the reason it happened was they gave me warning. "We're gonna cut the power, it'll be out for about half an hour." I say "ok" and go and shut down everything, turn off lights, etc. Wait an hour. Hour and a half. Figure they're going to do it ...
-- Xpovos
2004-03-24 12:22:00] -
Travis: agreed, and honestly, I don't even remember Resevoir Dogs, and I didn't see Jackie Brown or From Dusk Till Dawn or Natural Born Killers. So I think Vinnie was way off claiming that I'm a huge Tarantino fan.
- pierce
2004-03-24 12:21:00] - and if you wanna torture yourself, i posted the T2 parody, not looking for serious critiques since it's so old and out of touch with my writing now anyway
- travis
2004-03-24 12:19:00] - just a note: i was talking about directing. somehow i never knew tarantino wrote natural born killers, i always assumed the whole thing was oliver stone. that movie has some of the best use of violence i've ever seen
- travis
2004-03-24 12:18:00] -
Xpovos: I agree with Vinnie, that does suck. You should send a nasty letter to your power people.
2004-03-24 12:18:00] - it's not that hard to see everything he's made, though, considering kill bill is only his fourth real movie
- travis
2004-03-24 12:13:00] -
xpovos: that sucks
- vinnie
2004-03-24 12:10:00] -
Vinnie: though I'm
not a rabid tarantino fan. I like his work
a lot, but not so much that I'll inherently see anything he makes just because it's him.
- pierce
2004-03-24 12:09:00] -
Vinnie: so you might say that my
not having seen it is indicative of being a rabid tarantino fan.
- pierce
2004-03-24 12:09:00] -
Vinnie: no, I haven't. Since it was originally supposed to be one movie, my plan is to rent volume 1 and watch it right before seeing volume 2.
- pierce
2004-03-24 12:06:00] - My journal is down indefinately. They cut the power this morning just as my system was rebooting. Master boot table got corrupted.
-- Xpovos
2004-03-24 12:03:00] - my comment wasn't exactly true. I've got quite a bit to do actually, but I've got to map out how to do it mentally, so whenever I'm pondering i usually check journals and stuff. if I were smarter I'd have less time like this
- vinnie
2004-03-24 11:53:00] -
vinnie: you aren't busy with work?
2004-03-24 11:43:00] - re: posting stuff - i'll read anything anyone posts basically. no lack of time here
- vinnie
2004-03-24 11:41:00] - you haven't seen kill bill, pierce? not that it's as good as pulp fiction but I thought you were a huge Tarantino fan for some reason
- vinnie
2004-03-24 11:36:00] -
Travis: and I posted a reply right back. - mysterious stranger
2004-03-24 11:24:00] -
Paul: i don't remember much of the story, so you could be right, i just remember the young one calling the older one a bastard in the beginning
- travis
2004-03-24 11:23:00] -
oh, and if anybody here was the one that posted a comment yesterday asking about why i use violence in my stories, i posted a reply this morning
- travis
2004-03-24 11:22:00] -
Travis: I remember you worrying about the ending, where they looked deep into eachother's eyes or something, about the implication being wrong. Or am I remembering wrong?
2004-03-24 11:15:00] -
Paul: i don't remember those vampires being gay. i do remember worrying about the use of "damn" and "bastard" in that story, though
- travis
2004-03-24 11:08:00] -
Travis: Do it.
2004-03-24 11:05:00] -
Travis: It's not the gay vampires from O'Brien English9 is it?
2004-03-24 11:05:00] - but if you guys are that bored i can post the gay terminator parody from senior year of high school (something i actually turned in for a grade, so you know it's not
that offensive)
- travis
2004-03-24 11:04:00] - i have a really long story that i wrote junior year of high school that i'm going to post to misterdreamer, but i was going to break it up into 5 parts and do a one-a-day week
- travis
2004-03-24 11:03:00] - it did and colored it black
- vinnie
2004-03-24 10:46:00] - hey it didn't recognize my name - a single feather falling onto a soft surface
2004-03-24 10:45:00] - fwmmmmmph - a single feather falling onto a soft surface
2004-03-24 10:35:00] - go comment on my latest entry if you want something to do
- vinnie
2004-03-24 10:20:00] - A little too quiet...
- pierce
2004-03-24 10:06:00] - It's certainly quiet today.
2004-03-23 17:29:00] -
2004-03-23 17:24:00] -
Mel: Thanks, since clearly I wasn't going to get a serious answer from Pierce.
2004-03-23 17:20:00] -
Paul, I have chipped in before and I gave a check but a bunch of other people gave cash, so I believe either is ok.
2004-03-23 17:13:00] - Silence!
2004-03-23 17:10:00] -
Pierce: A way out of giving money? Then why would I be asking how to go about doing it?
2004-03-23 17:07:00] -
Suuure, Paul. We all know you're just trying to find a way out of it.
- pierce
2004-03-23 14:39:00] - I only ask because I would like to contribute some, but am not sure if giving cash to the person collecting is ok or if they prefer a check.
2004-03-23 14:39:00] - Anyone here ever chipped in some money for a group donation to some charity like the American Cancer Society as an expression of sympathy to a coworker who had a family member die?
2004-03-23 14:10:00] -
Travis: Maybe I'm thinking of a different show. I'm pretty sure I never saw it for myself, though.
2004-03-23 13:56:00] -
Paul: dunno where you heard that, but those people were wrong, it was an awesome show
- travis
2004-03-23 13:53:00] -
So, wait, Freaks and Geeks was a good show? I thought I had heard that it was horrible...
2004-03-23 13:50:00] - Yay for quantum leap! Never seen northern exposure, but maybe I'll check that out. Where the hell is my NewsRadio, though? It was promised for February at one point!
- pierce
2004-03-23 13:46:00] - if only the wire would get on the ball...
- vinnie
2004-03-23 13:45:00] -
hey, freaks and geeks on dvd! huzzah. wow, it looks like almost every show I wanted on dvd has announced a release since I last checked. northern exposure, quantum leap, etc.
- vinnie
2004-03-23 13:24:00] - Aw cmon. "Follow the white rabbit" was the second-funnest 20 seconds of my life.
- aaron
2004-03-23 12:47:00] - looks like the set has a big set of extras, too, which is nice, since most shows don't have that many (and most are bad extras at that)
- travis
2004-03-23 12:47:00] - It's too bad I hate watching TV shows on TV. I might have checked this show out when it was still on.
- pierce
2004-03-23 12:46:00] -
hehe, cheapskate
- travis
2004-03-23 12:46:00] - joy
- pierce
2004-03-23 12:45:00] - joy
- travis
2004-03-23 12:42:00] -
Travis: Suuuure someone else signed it. Like anyone could defeat Adrian's crack security system.
- pierce
2004-03-23 12:41:00] -
Vinnie: incidentally, I watched that scene in Pulp Fiction last night that I had mentioned in my journal entry, and The Wolf indeed asks for lotsa cream, lotsa sugar.
- pierce
2004-03-23 12:40:00] - i sent ya the email, ya bunch of heathens
- travis
2004-03-23 12:40:00] - how clever, someone else signed my name
- travis
2004-03-23 12:39:00] -
- pierce
2004-03-23 12:39:00] - Waah! I'm a big baby!
- travis
2004-03-23 12:30:00] -
okay, now you can yell, since i was actually doing
work instead of planning for a weekend that is 3.5 days away
- travis
2004-03-23 12:06:00] -
2004-03-23 11:26:00] - i think he's trying to make a joke that i'm trying to hook up a date with a girl this weekend or something, which we know could never happen
- travis
2004-03-23 11:19:00] - She?
2004-03-23 10:56:00] -
Travis: Well, I really hope she decides to give you an answer before then.
2004-03-23 10:47:00] - it's still morning through 11:59am
- travis
2004-03-23 10:40:00] -
Travis: So where's our email?
2004-03-23 10:01:00] - "Oh god! We're all gonna die!"
- travis
2004-03-23 09:40:00] - Oh god! We're all gonna die! The earth isn't being ridiculously overpopulated as quickly anymore! Oh, the humanity!
- pierce
2004-03-23 09:37:00] - World population growth is slowing.
2004-03-22 23:08:00] - i know i implied i'd have a plan by tonight for the weekend, but i'll send an email out tuesday morning instead
- travis
2004-03-22 17:26:00] - The secret life of Coat Check Girls.
2004-03-22 17:24:00] - So there.
- pierce
2004-03-22 17:24:00] - You can license it in exchange for 3% of the revenue for any works you create with a character by that name. Use of the name subsequent to reading this agreement constitutes agreement to the preceding terms.
- pierce
2004-03-22 17:21:00] -
oh, so we can steal it? great
- vinnie
2004-03-22 17:20:00] - I've made up a couple of my first names but mostly used uncommon real-life names. like I might use Uma e.g., if it weren't so well-known and so singularly attached to one person. the two last names I've bothered giving are common last names
- vinnie
2004-03-22 17:17:00] -
btw, the "no stealing!" was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek.
- pierce
2004-03-22 17:13:00] -
Travis: no particular method. I usually try to pick real words as last names, since they're easier on the tongue and more memorable IMO. For example (no stealing!) the main character of my screenplay at the moment is named Jack Banner. It probably won't be the final name I use, but it's easy to write with and I can fine-tune it later.
- pierce
2004-03-22 17:09:00] -
travis: yes, tonight is fine.
- pierce
2004-03-22 17:07:00] - do any of the writers here have any method/source for naming characters?
- travis
2004-03-22 17:06:00] -
pierce: hopefully "asap" can be sometime tonight?
- travis
2004-03-22 16:16:00] - either way
- vinnie
2004-03-22 15:49:00] - I'm up for either way
- aaron
2004-03-22 15:37:00] - Either one's fine with me, but I'd like to know which one ASAP.
- pierce
2004-03-22 15:34:00] - how about we just take a week off from FF:CC and do something this friday? or does saturday work better?
- travis
2004-03-22 15:16:00] -
Travis: if you were to have a FF-free get together, what day do you think it would be?
- pierce
2004-03-22 14:59:00] -
Pierce: well, i'm trying to figure out when/if we're doing FF:CC in the first place
- travis
2004-03-22 14:45:00] - And we never did that. We never really entered a level because we could find Toad Oil there or Holy Water or whatever. The materials were almost useless for us.
2004-03-22 14:43:00] - For instance, if you wanted to make a real good armor, you would need to get a needle and blue silk, and those items are only found in Lynari Desert and Moschet Manor... etc
2004-03-22 14:43:00] -
Aaron: Well, I got around to reading the FAQ halfway through and I got the impression that for the high level stuff, the game makes the players go searching for those odd materials.
2004-03-22 14:41:00] -
Paul: It seems silly having such high-power armor when you can easily beat the game with much less - but i guess that's the final fantasy way
- aaron
2004-03-22 14:30:00] -
Travis: are you going to have a get-together this weekend that won't involve FF:CC?
- pierce
2004-03-22 14:30:00] - No offense to Vinnie, but maybe we could invite others to be in the caravan instead (Miguel or Adrian) if Vinnie doesn't want to start a new one.
2004-03-22 14:29:00] - or alternatively, we could start a new game and maybe switch up the roles, but I'm not sure if I really want to do that
- vinnie
2004-03-22 14:28:00] - i'd be fine with doing the volcano level, but I don't think it'll take that long so maybe we can have other people come at like 8:00
- vinnie
2004-03-22 14:26:00] -
Travis: Would creating new characters in the existing caravan be the same thing as starting a new one, basically?
2004-03-22 14:23:00] - "starting over" doesn't even mean we have to create a new caravan, there's 4 empty slots in the existing caravan
- travis
2004-03-22 14:23:00] -
aaron: as far as i can tell, there is no new game+, so our only options are continuing to power up a party that can already beat the game or start over
- travis
2004-03-22 14:16:00] -
Aaron: I really wish it had been longer, because I like my character and the fact that you get to improve it and everything. I'm kinda disappointed that we beat the game so early because we really never got around to making the high level armor and stuff.
2004-03-22 14:15:00] -
Paul: I wouldn't mind starting a new caravan or looking into New Game + or whatever. I liked the game.
- aaron
2004-03-22 14:11:00] -
Travis: On the other hand, if there is something else you wanted to do on Friday, it really doesn't seem necessary to keep playing the game since we've already beaten it. So I guess my point is that it's up to you.
2004-03-22 14:10:00] -
Travis: I kinda enjoyed FF:CC for whatever reason (the game itself, playing with friends, etc) so I would be willing to play a pointless volcano level (I would even be willing to start a new caravan, but I'm probably the only one).
2004-03-22 14:06:00] -
vinnie/paul/aaron: are we still gonna set aside friday for FF:CC (we still have the volcano to beat, but is there really a point...?) or should i go ahead and open that night up for doing other stuff?
- travis
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