here are old message board entries

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[2004-04-29 11:49:00] - Travis: Well, nevermind that story then. I don't know what happened to the link. :-P -Paul

[2004-04-29 11:42:00] - but i'd say 18 is the dividing age, right?  since that's when you stop being a minor - travis

[2004-04-29 11:41:00] - Paul: somehow i don't think that last link's story was supposed to "Error: Invalid article key (NS,20040424,NEWS01,204240361,AR)." :-) - travis

[2004-04-29 11:40:00] - vinnie: i have pattern recognition and idoru all mixed up in my head, but i don't think much cyberpunk can translate well to film - travis

[2004-04-29 11:35:00] - I find it interesting that the 17 year old was called a girl but the 21 year old was called a woman. What age does a girl become a woman? -Paul

[2004-04-29 11:34:00] - only travis might care, but I have no clue how this can be a movie - vinnie

[2004-04-29 11:33:00] -,6903,1202742,00.html Muslim women exempt from ID card photos -Paul

[2004-04-29 11:33:00] - "Million Mom" Goes Undercover -Paul

[2004-04-29 11:19:00] - It's nice to hear somebody point out that the human polls are flawed too. -Paul

[2004-04-29 11:17:00] - Virginia to raise taxes. -Paul

[2004-04-29 11:06:00] - pierce: hehe, how stupid. some other window must have had permissions on the file as well. I closed all the other windows I had opened and it worked ^_^ -dave

[2004-04-29 11:03:00] - pierce: mcf35.abs.lst and mcf35new.abs.lst -dave

[2004-04-29 10:44:00] - you're using? - pierce

[2004-04-29 10:44:00] - dave: what are the actual filenames you'

[2004-04-29 10:43:00] - pierce: yeah I have permissions. and yes the question marks are in there. they are in there for other files in the directory that work fine with the utility tho, so I dunno -dave

[2004-04-29 10:42:00] - do you have write permissions for the directory in which you're creating newfile? - pierce

[2004-04-29 10:40:00] - are those question marks literally in there?  that's very unusual. - pierce

[2004-04-29 10:39:00] - pierce: hmm, now when I do dos2unix file newfile it says processing file and can't stat newfile -dave

[2004-04-29 10:37:00] - pierce: -rwxrwxrwx 1 tsouda ????? 1024290 .... I think maybe the file is too large? -dave

[2004-04-29 10:35:00] - you can say natural. or just C. I think natural is meant for sheet music - vinnie

[2004-04-29 10:30:00] - aaron: i guess the correct term would be "natural" instead of my nonmusical "natural", right? - travis

[2004-04-29 10:29:00] - yeah, usually a lower sharp equals a higher flat, but B/C and E/F don't have notes in between them - travis

[2004-04-29 10:28:00] - thanks aaron - pierce

[2004-04-29 10:27:00] - "B sharp" is "C normal"... and pierce, C sharp is D flat. - aaron

[2004-04-29 10:27:00] - quotes added for claritin. - pierce

[2004-04-29 10:27:00] - dave: what's the output of "ls -l [filename]"? - pierce

[2004-04-29 10:27:00] - travis: yes,

[2004-04-29 10:26:00] - or D normal? - pierce

[2004-04-29 10:26:00] - oh, damn.  I meant to say C sharp, not B sharp.  Does C sharp = D flat then? - pierce

[2004-04-29 10:24:00] - pierce: yeah, "up" is higher notes, although a quick search seems to reveal that b sharp == c normal and c flat == b normal :-P - travis

[2004-04-29 10:24:00] - pierce: hmmm, stat is a system function embedded in the code. It tries to run on the file. For some reason it can't run on the file I want it to.  Tried on other files and runs fine -dave

[2004-04-29 10:23:00] - Travis: I figured there had to have been SOME dramatic music during some of those scenes. :-) -Paul

[2004-04-29 10:22:00] - travis: so by "up", you mean later in the alphabet? - pierce

[2004-04-29 10:21:00] - but since sharp is half step up and flat is half step down, i would think i'm right :-) - travis

[2004-04-29 10:20:00] - pierce: B sharp is closer to C flat, i believe, hopefully vinnie or aaron will correct me - travis

[2004-04-29 10:20:00] - Paul: no actual talking, just some standard mario sound fx and dramatic orchestral music - travis

[2004-04-29 10:20:00] - someone with any musical background: is B sharp closer to A flat or C flat? - pierce

[2004-04-29 10:19:00] - dave: maybe file not found, maybe the file is a link to a nonexistant file. - pierce

[2004-04-29 10:11:00] - what does it mean when I get the error "can't stat <somefile>" -dave

[2004-04-29 10:08:00] - Travis: That's a pretty cool movie. Is there any sound to it? -Paul

[2004-04-29 10:07:00] - but then you don't get links to the first three movies in the series - travis

[2004-04-29 10:06:00] - or you can go here - travis

[2004-04-29 10:05:00] - like i said, they're tame and only show blushing girls faces.  besides, all you have to do is click on the big "watch the movie" link then close the page since the movie spawns in its own window - travis

[2004-04-29 09:56:00] - To me, his actual motivation is almost beside the point.  The important thing to me is that he doesn't seem to have actually been motivated by any of the things he claimed (or implied) before the war (terrorism cum 9/11 retaliation, WMDs, "liberation").  I'm bothered that he didn't feel like his real reasons needed accountability. - pierce

[2004-04-29 09:55:00] - paul:  disable images in your browser settings? - mig

[2004-04-29 09:53:00] - Travis: No chance we could get it without hentai ads? :-P -Paul

[2004-04-29 09:49:00] - (ignore the tame hentai ads at the top and bottom of the screen and watch the mario movie) - travis

[2004-04-29 09:48:00] - mig: but I will grant that if his reasons were based on revenge, he may take criticism more personally. I just don't think there's that strong of a connection between those two points -dave

[2004-04-29 09:47:00] - mig: taking criticism for his rationale for war personally would seem to be after the fact of him deciding to go to war for revenge. -dave

[2004-04-29 09:46:00] - pierce: good points.  but I do think it is still valid to deal with threats that are not necessarily less threatening, but easier to deal with first -dave

[2004-04-29 09:44:00] - paul:  i have to agree that bush's motivations on iraq seem to be some sort of revenge.  Everytime he answers criticism on his rationale for war he always seems to take it personally. - mig

[2004-04-29 09:44:00] - dave: try dos2unix or unix2dos... if they're not there you could always write a one-off program to do it yourself. - pierce

[2004-04-29 09:43:00] - dave: I don't think there's a lot to be said for that at all; it seems to me that that would simply lower our morale (in both the military and civilian arenas), commit our limited military resources to an unimportant target, and give the stronger enemies a heads-up that they need to prepare a defense. - pierce

[2004-04-29 09:42:00] - paul: I would agree, if for no other reason that they would be very difficult countries to beat, like you stated before. Tho I don't know much about Pakistan -dave

[2004-04-29 09:41:00] - what's the unix cmd(s) for converting text files between unix and windows format? -dave

[2004-04-29 09:41:00] - Dave: Possibly. I'm willing to bet a lot of money we won't be seeing the US attacking Pakistan or North Korea anytime soon though. -Paul

[2004-04-29 09:38:00] - pierce: my thoughts exactly, I don't mind Bush trashing as long as it's valid. I hate people who trash anyone, including Kerry, for invalid or absurd reasons -dave

[2004-04-29 09:37:00] - paul: Yes, they may be more dangerous because they are harder to beat.  However, there's something to be said for eliminating easier threats first - before taking on larger ones -dave

[2004-04-29 09:35:00] - Dave: That's true, Pakistan would be no push over with their nukes and North Korea could get sticky what with China. Iraq made an easy target. Still, I'm not so sure that's very reassuring. Aren't the most dangerous countries likely to be the ones that are hardest to beat? -Paul

[2004-04-29 09:34:00] - Dave: I tend to agree with you, in that there are a lot of people out there who think that EVERYTHING Bush does is related to helping big oil companies. I have no doubt that Bush is partial to big oil, but I certainly don't think everything he does is motivated by it. -Paul

[2004-04-29 09:33:00] - dave: you're right, that would be an absurdly expensive way of getting their oil, so if that's the claim of the guy out in the hall, then he's grabbing for straws to hate Bush.  Which is doubly stupid because there are so many valid reasons to hate Bush, IMO. - pierce

[2004-04-29 09:33:00] - paul: it could also be that it was the easiest country to target given that it is/was the easiest to raise us public furor over -dave

[2004-04-29 09:32:00] - paul: yes, I will admit like I have in the past that the reasoning behind attacking iraq is not necessarily clear or ironclad, I just thought it was absurd to say that Bush was an oil person so he attacked iraq because of it's oil. I hadn't thought of pierce's point at the time tho -dave

[2004-04-29 09:29:00] - Pierce: Having oil producing arab nations raise prices doesn't necessarily equate into more earnings for Big Oil companies in America. Not disagreeing with you, just saying that there is a weak link. Personally, I think Bush's motivation in Iraq was mostly revenge. -Paul

[2004-04-29 09:29:00] - pierce: I was thinking more that the point would be they attack iraq to just flat out take the oil -dave

[2004-04-29 09:29:00] - pierce: very true, I hadn't thought of that for some reason. -dave

[2004-04-29 09:27:00] - Again, I'm not saying that's what happened.  Just that oil is not an absurd motivation to ascribe to the Bush administration. - pierce

[2004-04-29 09:26:00] - Suddenly there's less oil, and the other oil-producing arab nations get nervous that we're going to say they have WMDs next, so they hike up their own prices... am I missing some basic economic truth here? - pierce

[2004-04-29 09:22:00] - dave: I'll admit that I don't have all the relevant facts here, so I'm not claiming anything as true as much as that it's not absurd, but couldn't Bush's oil connections have had an interest in driving up oil prices by attacking a middle eastern nation? - pierce

[2004-04-29 09:22:00] - Dave: I do think the choice of countries to attack is a bit weird. On the surface, it looks like Pakistan and North Korea and Saudi Arabia were better candidates. But I guess I don't have the "intelligence" from the CIA that Bush does. -Paul

[2004-04-29 09:18:00] - mig: personally, I think we should be able to use it to pay for the rebuilding of Iraq, but I guess I can see why they might not want to allow that -dave

[2004-04-29 09:16:00] - mig: it's absurd because all the money made from Iraqui oil sales goes directly into a fund that the US can't touch...not even to pay for rebuilding of Iraq -dave

[2004-04-29 09:16:00] - paul: oops, yeah, North Korea -dave

[2004-04-29 09:14:00] - Mig: Once I get my sanity back and read it again, I realize it's mostly drivel and hopefully delete it before others see it. -Paul

[2004-04-29 09:14:00] - Mig: Most of the time, I end up scrapping the entry half-way through writing it because the wave wears out. Every once in awhile the wave carries me through to completion and I get one finished. At the time I think it's some amazing and deep insight into my life. -Paul

[2004-04-29 09:12:00] - Mig: No, I was actually counting on the fact that nobody had read it (since there were no comments). Very often something will happen and I'll get a flash of insight and ride an emotional wave while writing out an entry. -Paul

[2004-04-29 09:11:00] - Dave: You mean North Korea? -Paul

[2004-04-29 09:06:00] - dave:  I think that's really unlikely, but i don't think it's really absurd to believe that. - mig

[2004-04-29 08:59:00] - The real Ralph Nader. - mig

[2004-04-29 08:52:00] - man, I love people who are misinformed.  This guy out in the hall is saying Bush is obviously corrupt because he attacked Iraq instead of Pakistan or South Korea.  The guy said that Bush is a big oil owner so he attacked Iraq because it had a lot of oil.  This seems absurd on so many lvls. -dave

[2004-04-29 08:47:00] - paul:  i saw it to.  read it all, as a matter of fact.  what happened, the thought police come knocking at your door? - mig

[2004-04-29 08:41:00] - Dave: Yup, but nobody was supposed to have noticed. So shhhh. Be quiet. ;-) -Paul

[2004-04-29 08:02:00] - paul: hmmm, you posted an update to your journal yesterday and now you took it back off? -dave

[2004-04-29 00:26:00] - i killed it :(

[2004-04-28 18:34:00] - i think i win.  i won't be leaving work until about 12am Central (Huntsville, AL)  ~a

[2004-04-28 18:00:00] - Travis: Actually, I'm probably going to leave now too. We can declare it a tie (or concede defeate to Mel if she's still at work). -Paul

[2004-04-28 18:00:00] - Travis: Yeah, I find that I sometimes dread when I get off at 4:45 because the metro is so crowded then. It's still pretty bad at 5:45 sometimes, but it's at least a little better. -Paul

[2004-04-28 18:00:00] - but i'll let you win today since i'm gonna try a new way home tonight - travis

[2004-04-28 17:59:00] - that's how i get off early on fridays, plus it lets traffic lighten up a bit - travis

[2004-04-28 17:57:00] - Travis: How come? -Paul

[2004-04-28 17:56:00] - Paul: hehe, actually i think i started surpassing you a couple weeks ago since i rarely leave before 6pm anymore - travis

[2004-04-28 17:55:00] - well, there's talk of starting a luxury tax a la baseball in basketball - travis

[2004-04-28 17:49:00] - Mel: Rosslyn, VA -Paul

[2004-04-28 17:45:00] - haha.  well you pro0bably still are if we adjust for time zones.  Where do you work anyway?  -Mel

[2004-04-28 17:35:00] - Mel: Man, I was always the last person to go home. Now it's you. I don't feel special anymore. :'( -Paul

[2004-04-28 17:31:00] - haha.  except me.  like always.  -Mel

[2004-04-28 17:30:00] - Whee, now everybody is gone home. -Paul

[2004-04-28 17:18:00] - Mel: At least that's how I THINK it works. It's probably more likely that I'm just totally wrong. -Paul

[2004-04-28 17:17:00] - Paul: ah, trading.  Ok I see.  -Mel

[2004-04-28 17:13:00] - Mel: Not entirely sure how it works in basketball, but I think the cap restricts how much you can spend when signing new contracts, but you can still trade for bigger contracts (or sign people for the mid-level exception) even if you're over the cap. -Paul

[2004-04-28 17:11:00] - Thats what I was wondering.  How does that work?  -Mel

[2004-04-28 17:09:00] - Travis: Makes you wonder what exactly the cap is, if teams are allowed to double it. :-P -Paul

[2004-04-28 17:07:00] - yup, that's why the knicks have no chance in hell of getting anybody at all because they're already at 200% of the cap - travis

[2004-04-28 17:07:00] - I've heard the suns are looking at getting Kobe too. that would be an excellent match, although they'd probably have to clear cap space - vinnie

[2004-04-28 16:55:00] - er.  sunglasses face is an 8. -kris

[2004-04-28 16:55:00] - pierce: if you want the scoop on the forum, send me an IM (kkat18) or email ( and i'll fill you in.  i'm right in the middle of it. -kris

[2004-04-28 16:53:00] - Travis: I don't know what the Knicks need, but somehow I don't think adding another Max contract SG is going to solve thier problems. -Paul

[2004-04-28 16:52:00] - Multiple DVD versions of the same movie sucks. -Paul

[2004-04-28 16:49:00] - Travis: I want to play Starcraft, but I might not be able to monopolize the phone line for that long and I would also be on a 33.6 modem. :-/ -Paul

[2004-04-28 16:43:00] - if any of you wanna play starcraft tonight, be on AIM after 8pm, i'm playing with people from work and we might want/need more people - travis

[2004-04-28 16:42:00] - there was a story on about the knicks wanting to get kobe (or t-mac).  that's what they need, two superstars that don't wanna share the ball (since marbury is already a ballhog) - travis

[2004-04-28 16:39:00] - Celtics hire Doc Rivers -Paul

[2004-04-28 16:27:00] - Travis: Yeah, I guess I'm not too surprised at the ratings. But I still think it's sad. -Paul

[2004-04-28 16:24:00] - and the draft had all the eli manning controversy to pad its ratings, along with a popular set of prospects at the top - travis

[2004-04-28 16:19:00] - Vinnie: Especially since nobody thinks that either team has a chance to make it beyond the next round. -Paul

[2004-04-28 16:07:00] - I can see Miami/NO not being as popular. that's really a very lowkey series - vinnie

[2004-04-28 15:50:00] - - the colon wasn't supposed to be part of the link ^_^ -dave

[2004-04-28 15:49:00] - Recording Industry Sues 477 Suspected Music Pirates.  VA Tech was among the schools that had students targeted -dave

[2004-04-28 15:13:00] - Mig: It's still pretty sad that an event that means so little in one sport gets three times as much ratings as the post-season of another. -Paul

[2004-04-28 15:11:00] - Travis: Yeah, every description of the game makes note of the fact that it wasn't a sellout. I still don't know why the NBA is trying to expand to more teams in places like New Orleans and Charlotte when there clearly isn't a fan base for them. -Paul

[2004-04-28 15:08:00] - the crowd for the hornets/heat game last night was pathetic, there were so many empty seats - travis

[2004-04-28 15:07:00] - paul:  well to be fair, none of those matchups that the draft competed with were very appealing to begin with. - mig

[2004-04-28 15:00:00] - NFL Draft ratings are higher than NBA Playoff ratings. A lot higher. -Paul

[2004-04-28 14:51:00] - Dave: I have no idea, but I would guess so. -Paul

[2004-04-28 14:50:00] - paul: yes, right now -dave

[2004-04-28 14:33:00] - Dave: You mean right now is there a corporate income tax? -Paul

[2004-04-28 14:33:00] - Dave: I tend to post articles that I find interesting. Often they coincide with my crazy viewpoints but sometimes they don't. I've been known to post liberal articles on here. -Paul

[2004-04-28 14:31:00] - i don't think the us gov will pay up, but i think it might be interesting to see their reaction to this. - mig

[2004-04-28 14:25:00] - iran demands US pays survivors of iran-iraq war for supplying hussein with chemical weapons. - mig

[2004-04-28 14:23:00] - paul: is there a corporate income tax? -dave

[2004-04-28 14:21:00] - mel: ummm, I dunno actually.  Maybe it seemed ironic to me since links that paul posts almost never coincide with my viewpoints ^_^ -dave

[2004-04-28 13:59:00] - Dave: I have no idea. It probably depends on the specific implementation. I imagine there would be SOME sort of tax on that kind of spending though. -Paul

[2004-04-28 13:56:00] - dave: why is that ironic?  -Mel

[2004-04-28 13:56:00] - paul: I wonder whether that kinda method would work for businesses as well? Does a business pay taxes on goods it buys? Like if you buy 1000 bales of hay, do you have to pay sales tax on that? -dave

[2004-04-28 13:55:00] - paul: ironically, the method they suggest is the same method I said might be used if the income tax was abolished -dave

[2004-04-28 13:54:00] - haha.  No, and now its displaying fine.  Before I was getting a server not found error.  Never mind.  -Mel

[2004-04-28 13:52:00] - Mel: It works fine for me. You aren't using some crappy non-IE browser, are you? :-P -Paul

[2004-04-28 13:50:00] - Paul: That page doesn't seem to display -Mel

[2004-04-28 13:49:00] - a: Like Miguel says, fair is relative. You think taxing the rich at a higher percentage is fair, I think that no tax is fair. It's a feel good term used to make it hard to disagree with them. Everybody does it. -Paul

[2004-04-28 13:48:00] - mig:  duh.  that's exactly what i was saying.  ~a

[2004-04-28 13:48:00] - a: For the record I don't really agree with what that website advocates, I just wanted to point out that there are groups out there trying to push for a different type of tax. -Paul

[2004-04-28 13:48:00] - a: fair is relative.  hell, i consider my system the fairest. - mig

[2004-04-28 13:44:00] - i think it's funny that they call themselves fair tax and they say "everyone pays their fair share of taxes"  .  .  .  like their system is fair and other systems are not.  :-)  ~a

[2004-04-28 13:44:00] - Mig: We had a debate the next morning. -Paul

[2004-04-28 13:38:00] - paul:  well it wasn't as much as a debate as my drunken ramblings directed at dave and adrian. - mig

[2004-04-28 13:33:00] - For those who were present for the Sales Tax debate down at Tech this past weekend. -Paul

[2004-04-28 13:31:00] - the westward journey is not something we should be celebrating.  it was disgusting.  ~a

[2004-04-28 13:26:00] - Travis: It's better to be safe than sorry. -Paul

[2004-04-28 13:21:00] -  new nickel design  -Mel

[2004-04-28 12:33:00] - have any of you guys seen the new louisiana purchase nickels?  how come i didn't hear anything about this?  the government usually spends my old money to make commercials with slick bill handling to tell me about my new money.  anyways, it's not even the bicentennial of the LP so i have no idea why they're doing this.  ~a

[2004-04-28 12:29:00] - Paul: hehe, somehow i doubt anything you write would get their attention - travis

[2004-04-28 11:08:00] - Travis: I meant "I would be shocked". Wasn't it a couple of years ago that the FBI was trying to search through emails? Searching through blogs seem almost as effective and a lot less controversial. -Paul

[2004-04-28 11:07:00] - Travis: I'm shocked that the government wasn't already doing that. I've actually removed a paragraph from my journal once that I wrote because I was worried that I might get a visit from the secret service. :-/ -Paul

[2004-04-28 11:06:00] - Dave: That his story about living in the library is made up. Travis: Yeah, I noticed that too. It didn't stop them from giving him free housing though. -Paul

[2004-04-28 11:02:00] - careful what you write 8-) - travis

[2004-04-28 11:00:00] - Paul: the article points that out in the next to last paragraph: "Asked whether the school believed the student had lived in the library for seven months, Beckman said, "I don't know"" - travis

[2004-04-28 10:59:00] - paul: that he made up the story of living in the library, or that the entire story including the university giving him free housing is made up? I would guess the former -dave

[2004-04-28 10:54:00] - oo i didn't catch that - aaron

[2004-04-28 10:51:00] - What's interesting is that he is described as a 'creative writing student'. I wouldn't be too surprised if this is all entirely made up. -Paul

[2004-04-28 10:46:00] - Housing in blacksburg was like, at a minimum, $3,000 a year, I think. Housing in New York is probably like 3 times that. I think the cost of a web site is pretty trivial compared to the cost of housing - aaron

[2004-04-28 10:31:00] - Maybe somebody else paid for the domain?  it's not like it's that expensive.  which reminds me i should probably renew my domain with gandi soon. - mig

[2004-04-28 10:29:00] - if he can't pay for a place to live, then why was he wasting money paying for a website?  ~a

[2004-04-28 10:22:00] - Travis: Yeah, but what are they going to do about it? Kick him out? If the university rewarded him living in the library with a free dorm, I highly doubt they're going to turn around and kick him out of the library next year. -Paul

[2004-04-28 10:14:00] - except the only reason he got away with living in the library was because they didn't know, but now they'll be on the look out - travis

[2004-04-28 10:11:00] - Travis: He'll go back to living in the library and then they give him free housing again? :-P -Paul

[2004-04-28 10:07:00] - Paul: well, it does say the free housing is only for the rest of the semester, i would think they'll do something else once that's over - travis

[2004-04-28 09:57:00] - Mig: Yeah, had I known that, I might've tried living in the library at Tech until they decided to give me free housing too. -Paul

[2004-04-28 09:57:00] - The lands that opted out. -Paul

[2004-04-28 09:56:00] - paul:  i wish i could get free housing by doing that. - mig

[2004-04-28 09:54:00] - Army tells ski resorts to give artillery back. -Paul

[2004-04-28 09:54:00] - Am I the only person who finds this to be somewhat offensive? -Paul

[2004-04-28 09:44:00] - I wonder if she will be charged with a hate crime. -Paul

[2004-04-28 09:41:00] - whoever runs that john kerryis... site is a total moron. - mig

[2004-04-28 09:40:00] - Travis: That's cool. I know a lot of games just use drugs and cigarettes as something that lowers your health and gives no benefits. -Paul

[2004-04-28 09:38:00] -

[2004-04-28 09:38:00] - Paul: the only one the article i read talked about was marijuana giving you a bullet time effect (think matrix slowdown if you don't know that term) - travis

[2004-04-28 09:12:00] - Hillary Clinton wants to make Jews a protected minority (well, at least more so than they are right now). - mig

[2004-04-28 08:57:00] - Travis: Is there any benefit from using the drugs? -Paul

[2004-04-27 23:27:00] - very odd wario ware type flash game (don't worry about the name "naked hero" it's all stick figures with nothing explicit) - travis

[2004-04-27 20:40:00] - get ready for the next big video game controversy: in the new NARC game you play a cop that can ingest the drugs you confiscate from criminals.  the game has different effects for each drug and you can get addicted if you use it enough - travis

[2004-04-27 18:49:00] - travis: Yeah, after I broke 100 on "Gear head fred" i decided that was enough. I don't think it gets any harder after 40 or so - aaron

[2004-04-27 18:04:00] - yeah, that whole time difference thing makes the boards quiet around this time...  -Mel

[2004-04-27 18:01:00] - Paul: bye, "see" you tomorrow.  :-P -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:59:00] - Mel: Anyway, it's time for me to go home. Enjoy the rest of your California workday. -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:57:00] - Mel: Yeah, and I just really don't like how he used the media to get what he wanted. -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:54:00] - The latest article I posted says "The family's ordeal drew nationwide attention after the women's father issued an emotional plea to the military to spare his daughters from having to return to combat."  It sounds like this plea was a public one to me. -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:54:00] - Arg, this annoys me. They so flippantly name the accused person but refuse to name the victim. Why? -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:51:00] - For instance, I wonder how the media heard about these three sisters. Somebody had to bring it to their attention, right? The cynic in me says that the family used the media in hopes of strong arming the Pentagon into letting them get non-combat roles (except that already seemed to be a rule, so there goes that theory). -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:50:00] - Mel: I guess that makes a twisted kind of sense. :-) -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:49:00] - I think I generally tend to be cynical of people who get too much media exposure. Part of it is because I dislike the media and so by association I am suspicious of them, and part of it could be because too many people try to use the media for their own selfish purposes. -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:49:00] - PauL; What do you think of that?  -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:49:00] - Paul: Not really, it's just all-or-nothing.  The soldier girls clearly don't fit into your ideals so its ok to be cynical about them. -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:47:00] - :-P -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:45:00] - It's funny how I can be called cynical AND an idealist. :-P -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:43:00] - I don't really think that they were trying to take free money, just that the extent of real risk that they were commiting to didn't hit them until too late -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:43:00] - Paul: I'm not so cynical.  I don'

[2004-04-27 17:42:00] - Mig: And that's why I am weaning myself off of mainstream news. -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:41:00] - paul:  for some reason it does appeal to people.  and media outlets know it. - mig

[2004-04-27 17:39:00] - Mig: Yeah, but WHY will people read about it? Because it's three sisters. I'm positive three brothers wouldn't have gotten the same media attention. -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:37:00] - paul:  why does this get so much media attention.  because it's a story that sells. people will read about it.  - mig

[2004-04-27 17:36:00] - Because they never expected to actually have to hold up their end of the bargain. They thought they could just take the free money. -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:33:00] - Paul: That seems strange to me too, when all three sisters enlisted in the military voluntarily -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:32:00] - I'm glad that the Pentagon didn't so anything special for them, although I'm still a bit miffed as to why this got so much media attention. -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:31:00] - Mel: I guess that's where I disagree with you then. Because I strongly believe that even the most well-meaning person can cause huge problems. -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:31:00] - Update on the soldier sisters (Paul's blog)  -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:29:00] - I think nearly all of Kerry's policies clash with my sense or morality, but I acknowledge that Bush is possibly the bigger threat. But it still feels like voting for Kerry would be the equivalent of doing something immoral to solve a problem. -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:29:00] - Paul: Just that I I think she could have a possible positive influence when I see so many negative ones.  Really sometimes I find it hard to have hope in our national government.  -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:27:00] - Paul: I'm not really arguing that she's a good person at all. -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:26:00] - "The Heinz grants reveal something of Heinz Kerry's political philosophy. Her two great passions are the environment and early childhood education. She doesn't think government has all the answers. She thinks of herself as practical." -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:25:00] - Mel: I'm not so impressed by that article. It's easy to seem like a good person when you have millions of dollars to throw around. :-P -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:23:00] - Paul: I know what you mean.  Well I still have hope in America as a country.  So many of Bush's policies clash with my concept of morality that I have to believe that Kerry will be better.  -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:21:00] -  Another Teresa Heinz article  -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:19:00] - Frankly, I don't know if I care too much if Kerry or Bush wins this upcoming election. I guess I'll hope Kerry wins just because he might end all the wars and roll back the Patriot Act some but it really is hard for me to see which is the greater of the two evils. -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:15:00] - Me too.  -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:14:00] - Mel: I don't think she could pull it off either, but I think she is going to try. -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:12:00] - Mel: I agree that Teresa Heinz seems to come across as a 'real' person in those articles, but I guess I'm just not so gung-ho about her as you are. Laura Bush seems nicer. :-) -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:09:00] - Paul:  Me too.  I hope she never becomes President.  I don't think she'll be able to pull it off.  Quite the opposite of Kerry, a lot of people strongly like or dislike her.  -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:08:00] - Mel: All I know is that Hillary scares me :-) -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:06:00] - Paul: I agree with you on the reasons that Kerry was chosen. -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:06:00] - Paul: It's so...  cheap  Of course this is just my interpretation.  But the reason that I like Teresa heinz is because she (at the very least) seems real.  I respect that.  -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:05:00] - Pierce: I think that Kerry was chosen because he was the most inoffensive candidate, the safest choice. I think the democrats are hoping that anti-bush sentiment alone will carry them into the white house, instead of a pro-Kerry sentiment. -Paul

[2004-04-27 17:05:00] - Paul: Hillary came across to me as calculating.  (All IMHO) She seemed to me to be ultimately interested in political power/wealth and everything else was just a means to that end.  And if there's one thing that really bugs me about people (politicians, friends, whatever) it's when they are willing to sublimate morals/values for money/power. -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:02:00] - Pierce: I'm a little worried about him being a weenie too.  :-(  Sometimes he strikes me as flaky.  I wish the primeries had resulted in a stronger Democratic candidate.  Maybe Kerry is the only one the Democrats could all compromise on, because of that.  Regardless, I remain in the "anyone but bush" camp.  -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:00:00] -  Slate article on Teresa Heinz  -Mel

[2004-04-27 17:00:00] - Which begs the question, why didn't the dems pick a candidate that at least had some personality, so that people could have something to stand behind?  A lot of people who dislike, but don't hate Bush won't vote for Kerry just because he seems like a huge weenie. - pierce

[2004-04-27 16:59:00] - Paul: Here, I'll post some articles on the message board so you can form an opinion.  :-)  -Mel

[2004-04-27 16:59:00] - The general impression I'm getting is that very few people actively like Kerry, but he has a strong support base simply because he's the arbitrary person that has been named as the "not Bush" candidate to vote for. - pierce

[2004-04-27 16:52:00] - Mel: Why didn't you like Hillary? I haven't formed an opinion on Teresa Heinz yet, I guess I probably should look into her so I can justifiably hate or like her. :-P -Paul

[2004-04-27 16:51:00] - Mel: Ok, so if everyone had an even shot at it, who would you vote for? -Paul

[2004-04-27 16:48:00] - Paul: Definitely more Hillary than Laura if I have to pick between the two.  But I didn't really like Hillary OR Laura Bush.  And I think Teresa Heinz is quality.  -Mel

[2004-04-27 16:46:00] - Paul: honestly, because he has the best shot of winning against bush.  -Mel

[2004-04-27 16:45:00] - Mel: No, actually I haven't. I've heard a little bit about her, though. She seems to be more in the mold of Hillary Clinton rather than Laura Bush. -Paul

[2004-04-27 16:44:00] - Mel: Now would you be voting for him because he's your first choice, or because you think he has the best shot of unseating Bush? -Paul

[2004-04-27 16:43:00] - by the way, have you read much about Mrs. Heinz, his wife?  I think intereviews with her are pretty quality.  She seems very unscripted.  -Mel

[2004-04-27 16:43:00] - I'll probably vote for kerry.  -Mel

[2004-04-27 16:18:00] - could be. haven't been there in years - vinnie

[2004-04-27 16:15:00] - Vinnie: Sounds about right. I remember passing an elementary school. Ghetto looking court? -Paul

[2004-04-27 16:08:00] - oh! I actually know the courts Paul's talking about. it's at an elementary school on Lees Corner - vinnie

[2004-04-27 16:02:00] - aaron: i got through the first third of the mini games in the album.  got some pretty high scores, like 150 on the log sawing game.  some games could go on forever, like the spaghetti twirling game, you only stop because you take pity on your controller - travis

[2004-04-27 16:00:00] - travis: I can tell you where the one is by my house, which is the only one I know about. I'll e-mail you - vinnie

[2004-04-27 15:50:00] - Aaron: There are lots of political quizzes out there which tell you who to vote for based on your stance on certain issues. You could probably find one by doing a search pretty easy. -Paul

[2004-04-27 15:49:00] - In other words, I have no idea how to give you directions there. -Paul

[2004-04-27 15:49:00] - Travis: Miss the turn onto Stringfellow (off of 50) and make a left at the next light. Get lost in that neighborhood while trying to find your way back to Stringfellow and you'll drive by it. -Paul

[2004-04-27 15:45:00] - travis: Wario ware is mine! I was told there are additional mini games to unlock so I'm working on that. I guess i'll look up a faq when i get home. - aaron

[2004-04-27 15:45:00] - paul: Wasn't there some kind of livejournal quiz posted a few years ago which asked you silly questions and then told you who to vote for? Has that been updated? That would be helpful - aaron

[2004-04-27 15:44:00] - vinnie: (and maybe paul): where is the basketball court you told me about? - travis

[2004-04-27 15:43:00] - aaron: hopefully you ignored my silence yesterday about wario ware and made your own decision about buying the game.  i guess i'll hang on to my copy for now - travis

[2004-04-27 15:42:00] - Travis: A truly apathetic person wouldn't even be reading this message board ;-) -Paul

[2004-04-27 15:37:00] - a: Your dad (i think) called yesterday, he wants you to call home some time. I don't think he knows where you are - aaron

[2004-04-27 15:31:00] - funny thing is that  a truly apathetic person wouldn't respond to that comment - travis

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