here are old message board entries
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2004-07-21 16:24:42] -
Vinnie: I think I would rather see a new Superman movie than Spiderman 3. I'm about fed up with the stupid on-again off-again romance and the overdone burden of being a superhero message.
2004-07-21 16:21:45] -
paul: haha, I wrote that before seeing your post, but it answers you
- vinnie
2004-07-21 16:21:15] -
hell, I think I'd even rather see spider-man 3 than some dumb superhero like green lantern. at least spider-man now gets to skip the predictable exposition that takes up half the first movie in a franchise
- vinnie
2004-07-21 16:20:34] -
Vinnie: Maybe they can get the Smallville creators to write the script.
2004-07-21 16:18:54] - I'd much rather they concentrate on the decent modern superhero franchises rather than start more new ones or revive the ancient ones. batman excepted
- vinnie
2004-07-21 16:17:37] -
ugh, superman? I am so blah towards seeing one of those
- vinnie
2004-07-21 15:44:29] -
Travis: We'll see how long HE lasts.
2004-07-21 15:40:28] - just in case people hadn't seen this, bryan singer is now set to direct superman, so x3 and x4 might be delayed or have a different director
- travis
2004-07-21 15:39:18] - that article makes it sound like blockbuster wants to get back some of the 2 million people that subscribe to netflix which means they'll have to offer something netflix doesn't, otherwise why switch back, and you can only cut prices so low before you go out of business
- travis
2004-07-21 15:35:32] - 200 person pool and beach Paris
2004-07-21 15:33:02] -
Paul: a NEGATIVE difference, heh heh heh, j/k
2004-07-21 15:32:44] -
Paul: yeah, it'll make a difference
2004-07-21 15:27:19] -
Dave: *Shrug* All I'm saying is that a major obstacle for Netflix is building warehouses and Blockbuster is starting with thousands of store already built. It won't automatically make them better than netflix, but I think it will make SOME difference.
2004-07-21 15:24:13] -
Paul: they have more money to play with probably, like you said
2004-07-21 15:23:04] -
Dave: You might be right, I just gotta think that Blockbuster has a little bit more going for it other than simple name recognition.
2004-07-21 15:22:30] -
Vinnie: You also have to factor in warehouse costs for each time you return a movie and they have to ship you another one.
2004-07-21 15:21:59] -
vinnie: the article said that the avg. netflix user rents 6-8, and that the blockbuster in-store rental plan has an avg of 10
2004-07-21 15:20:36] -
vinnie: well they get bulk-rate on the shipping costs I'm sure. And bulk / quantity makes a huge difference
2004-07-21 15:19:20] - I think I read it's unprofitable if a customer rents more than 6 movies a month
- vinnie
2004-07-21 15:19:18] -
Paul: yeah I agree about the customer base, that's what I was trying to get at with my comments about advertising. Netflix is mainly a computer-savvy audience, whereas Blockbuster has access to the common person who just goes and rents from stores
2004-07-21 15:18:15] - I mean postage has got to exceed the monthly fee after what? 8 movies a month? 10?
- vinnie
2004-07-21 15:17:40] - Blockbuster also already has a huge customer base, which can only help.
2004-07-21 15:17:17] -
Dave: So I think they are realy close to being able to compete with Netflix right now, and since they undoubtably have bigger cash reserves, that puts them even closer to being able to overtake them.
2004-07-21 15:16:21] -
Dave: I totally agree that they can't just start shipping DVDs out of their stores right now without any improvements. I'm just saying that Netflix had to start from scratch (no name recognition, no stores, no DVDs) whereas Blockbuster already has a big name, tons of stores, and lots of DVDs.
2004-07-21 15:15:01] - -Paul
2004-07-21 15:14:53] -
Dave: You might be right, but I just can't help but thinking that starting off with thousands of stores already in place spread out around the country like that HAS to be a good thing. Maybe they can't store all the movies in the stores themselves, but they could probably store a bunch of them and maybe build just a few places for obscure stuff.
2004-07-21 15:14:44] -
dave: I still think netflix is losing money for other reasons. I don't think they have enough casual users yet. but they will probably hike up the price by a couple dollars more every few months or so
- vinnie
2004-07-21 15:13:24] -
travis: yeah, that whole paragraph was bizarre
- vinnie
2004-07-21 15:12:58] -
Paul: The only real reason Netflix isn't profitable atm is because they are building warehouses like mad. As soon as they finish getting the infrastructure into place, I believe they will do well
2004-07-21 15:11:53] -
Paul: right, Blockbuster will have to add selection, but my point is, is that with wider selection, the current blockbuster stores can't really help, even if they were all converted to mini-warehouses, because the wider selection would just take up too much space methinks
2004-07-21 15:11:11] -
Dave: I didn't even know Wal-Mart had an online rental service.
I'm guessing they're not putting much effort into it but I'll bet that changes once NetFlix becomes profitable.
2004-07-21 15:10:14] -
Dave: That's true that Blockbuster doesn't have the selection that Netflix currently does but that was one of the things that I just assumed Blockbuster would be working on adding.
2004-07-21 15:10:05] -
Paul: I did go to walmart's website and look at their option, but it just didn't seem as good as Netflix's
2004-07-21 15:09:33] -
Travis: Did you read that one article a couple of months ago about that? They were saying that the only hope Netflix had to survive if Wal-Mart entered the online rental market was to begin having porn.
2004-07-21 15:09:14] -
Paul: I don't think Walmart will do well for the simple fact that it does not really seem desireable for renting DVDs. Like I have been contemplating subscribing to an online renting store, and only Netflix has the depth of selection that I would want, one of the large factors being anime
2004-07-21 15:09:06] -
vinnie: i am in awe of that entire shaq response "People that I'm connected with ... all you got to do is think -- I call you" man, that's classic, that's why i love shaq interviews
- travis
2004-07-21 15:07:54] -
Paul: and my other point is that all of Blockbuster's current stores are all taken up by in-person renting anyways, so they can't really use them for the new internet renting
2004-07-21 15:07:42] - the obvious way for netflix to remain ahead is to stock porn, which neither walmart nor blockbuster will be able to do (especially walmart, the land of censored cds)
- travis
2004-07-21 15:07:27] -
Paul: so although there are tons of blockbuster stores, none of them can hold as much selection as a Netflix warehouse
2004-07-21 15:07:03] - i remember people thinking netflix would fold up once walmart entered the market but it doesn't appeared to have affected them at all
- travis
2004-07-21 15:06:58] -
Paul: In order to deliver a DVD overnight, you have to have the entire selection close enough to deliver it within a day.
2004-07-21 15:06:27] -
Paul: well the thing is that the Netflix selection of DVDs is so much wider than anything Blockbuster has at any of its stores.
2004-07-21 15:04:50] -
Dave: Why don't you think Wal-Mart will do too well?
2004-07-21 15:03:11] - I'm just envisioning that Blockbuster has thousands of tiny warehouses spread all around the country and that HAS to be better than whatever Netflix currently has.
2004-07-21 15:02:26] -
Dave: Maybe I'm underestimating demand, but it seems like since Blockbuster has so many more stores than Netflix has warehouses, all they would have to do is maybe double the current amount of DVDs each store carries and have each store be responsible for a much smaller area than the Netflix warehouses are responsible for.
2004-07-21 15:00:50] -
Paul: I actually don't think Walmart will do too well, but who knows
2004-07-21 15:00:26] -
Paul: Like I said, I think the biggest benefit from the stores is advertising
2004-07-21 15:00:15] -
Paul: and it's not as if Blockbuster is going to give up renting them out normally like they are now, so the space will still be taken up
2004-07-21 14:59:42] -
Paul: well the problem with the stores that they have now is that they're really small, and not really geared for stocking large numbers of DVDs. I believe the locations Netflix has are quite large
2004-07-21 14:52:08] - Of course, that will be moot since Wal-Mart is going to end up overtaking them both in the end.
2004-07-21 14:51:43] -
Dave: That's exactly why I think Blockbuster has such a great shot. They already have a very big infrastructure set up in the form of having a store within a couple miles of so many people. I'm sure they will have a rocky start, but once they get things settled down I think they'll overtake NetFlix.
2004-07-21 14:50:04] -
Paul: Although if blockbuster can leverage the advertising of its stores etc, it may very well do better
2004-07-21 14:48:14] -
Paul: really? I actually think Netflix has the better shot. There is so much infrastructure that needs to be put in place to make it work. Blockbuster is only shooting for a 2 day delivery because of that, as opposed to Netflix's overnight
2004-07-21 14:45:27] -
Dave: That's why I sold my netflix stock not too long ago. I think Blockbuster has a good shot at easily overtaking Netflix as long as it plays it's cards right.
2004-07-21 14:38:58] - blockbuster to make own "netflix" online renting program
2004-07-21 14:01:37] -
Vinnie: And he's supposed to be the smart and charismatic one.
2004-07-21 13:59:59] - big five become big four
- vinnie
2004-07-21 13:55:02] - "My thought process begins where the regular human apex is at." ??? I am in awe of this sentence
- vinnie
2004-07-21 13:26:07] - Interviews with Shaq and Kobe.
2004-07-21 13:12:18] -
Dave: I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree then.
2004-07-21 13:09:35] -
Paul: which is something you should probably understand quite well, being the idealist you are
2004-07-21 13:09:15] -
Paul: Not only is there a pretty extreme reaction to porn from the religious-right, but they also don't have any compunctions about making a huge deal over something they think is wrong, regardless of what chances they have of actually getting anything changed
2004-07-21 13:07:52] -
Paul: yeah, I'm not saying at all that it doesn't make sense to do what you're saying, I'm just trying to say that I think you may be surprised at what some factions might still do. In the case of porn, I believe the religios-right would be all over it in a hearbeat if there was some legal technicality
2004-07-21 12:54:53] -
Dave: It would be like if liberals found out that technically every company needed to have 50% minorities working for them (or come up with some wildly unpopular liberal position of your own). I don't think they would make it a huge issue because all it would end up doing is probably closing the loophole for the other side.
2004-07-21 12:52:34] - -Paul
2004-07-21 12:52:26] -
Dave: Right, I'm not saying the religious right isn't against porn. I'm just saying I don't think they would make it a huge issue. Liberals have only recently made gay marriage a huge issue because they feel like they can make headway with it. Saving the whales hasn't been a big issue for them in awhile because Star Trek IV was a long time ago.
2004-07-21 12:46:59] -
Paul: if you look from the liberal point of view, liberals have no problem advocating gay marriage or saving the whales, in the face of a huge disparity in numbers of people supporting each side
2004-07-21 12:32:29] - Abortion is different because the sides are a lot more even in terms of numbers (I think) and that the religious right sees abortion as murder, which seems to be slightly more important than mere corruption from porn.
2004-07-21 12:31:22] -
Xpovos: True, but you just don't see people marching on washington and demanding that the government outlaw birth control very often. That's how I see the religious right here. They oppose porn, but aren't going to make a huge deal about it.
2004-07-21 12:26:46] - The debate died down, yes... but not the entire movement. Minorities still have some clout
-- Xpovos
2004-07-21 12:15:10] - Maybe you're right. I just view this kinda like the whole short-lived birth control debate with Catholics. Originally they were big about being against it but once they realized how small their support was compared to the other side, it kinda died down.
2004-07-21 12:07:18] -
yeah. they've picked on other big groups, like pro-choice
- vinnie
2004-07-21 11:57:28] -
paul: I don't think they would care about picking a fight with the pro-porn community. In fact, I think they would relish that fact
2004-07-21 11:57:06] -
mig: that's actually exactly what I was referring to when I said that if it was technically illegal, people would be making a big stink
2004-07-21 11:44:03] - And there is also the twist that porn can be considered free speech whereas prostitution (for some reason) isn't.
2004-07-21 11:42:17] -
Mig: You might underestimate the pro-porn constituency though. I doubt the religious right wants to pick a fight with the huge number of people who would go berserk if porn was made to be illegal.
2004-07-21 11:40:37] -
Dave: These people don't seem to know either, but I agree with the one guy who said that it's the solicitation of prostitution which is punished while everything else is pretty much ignored.
2004-07-21 11:40:20] -
dave: also if it was technically illegal, the religious right would be fighting a lot harder to enforce those technicalities (well, more than they already are).
- mig
2004-07-21 11:36:11] -
Paul: maybe, though I find it hard to believe that making porn would be technically illegal, I think plenty of people would have made a stink about it if it was
2004-07-21 11:34:24] -
Like, they don't want all these women prostituting themselves on street corners but they could care less if they do it privately.
2004-07-21 11:33:49] -
Dave: Well, I'm sure the state laws vary a great deal and government apathy plays a role too. Maybe most porn production is technically illegal but the governments don't care enough to crack down on it. When it comes to prostitution, I think the government is mostly concerned with individuals advertising themselves.
2004-07-21 11:31:38] -
vinnie: heh heh, so no "prostitute token" machine either eh, like at the video arcade
2004-07-21 11:30:36] - and I guess paying for chips or something, which you give to the prostitute must be illegal too. 'tis weird
- vinnie
2004-07-21 11:29:19] - there might be more fees and stuff that way. legal porn might have regulations too
- vinnie
2004-07-21 11:24:13] -
xpovos: but is that really true? could you make prostitution legal that way?
2004-07-21 11:22:38] -
Dave: only if you make a tape of it.
-- Xpovos
2004-07-21 11:21:07] -
Paul: so I wonder if you could have a brothel where you could "pay" to be a pornstar?
2004-07-21 11:21:07] -
Dave: So you can be a prostitute, but only if somebody is videotaping it.
2004-07-21 11:20:30] -
Paul: which is getting paid to have sex, and having it on camera
2004-07-21 11:20:02] -
Paul: actually, that raises an interesting point, because you can get paid for making porn.
2004-07-21 11:04:19] - when it comes to law, it's impossible to define "stupid". but defining "paid" is pretty easy.
2004-07-21 11:02:24] - I always find it endlessly amusing how we're allowed to vote based on whatever stupid rationale we come up with as long as no money is involved at all. It's kind of like sex. You can give it away for free but you can't get paid for it.
2004-07-21 10:52:49] - apparently, many of the sites were shut down. the law is unclear though
- vinnie
2004-07-21 10:46:20] -
paul: I remember it. I wouldn't be surprised if it were illegal also. but I guess I should find this out instead of assuming
- vinnie
2004-07-21 10:43:13] -
Vinnie: I remember there was one site (last election?) where democrats who wanted to vote for Nader but who lived in battleground states could "trade" their vote with democrats in decided states so Nader still got the same number of votes but wouldn't tip states towards Bush.
2004-07-21 10:40:54] -
vinnie: hah hah, I suppose it was inevitable, but still funny.
2004-07-21 10:38:23] - the ad channel. yes, it will run its own ads
- vinnie
2004-07-21 10:38:03] -
paul: oh, definitely. I'm surprised that whole "fuck the vote" thing wasn't illegal, actually
- vinnie
2004-07-21 10:31:59] -
Vinnie: Hmmm, that's a shame. I bet they could really get the percentage of people who vote to increase if it wasn't illegal.
2004-07-21 10:25:44] -
paul: almost certainly, I would think...
- vinnie
2004-07-21 10:06:03] - I wonder if it's illegal to sell your vote...
2004-07-21 09:36:51] -
vinnie: yeah I don't know, I'd wager it probably tastes much the same, they say it comes in raspberry, latte, and double chocolate, so it kinda sounds just like any other drink
2004-07-21 09:34:07] - one could argue that that would go fine with donuts
- vinnie
2004-07-21 09:33:44] - that krispy kreme beverage is supposed to taste like a donut?? why not just make some derivative coffee flavored thing?
- vinnie
2004-07-21 09:09:25] - "Ray Robillard (Waterbury TO): I had a funny story starting like that once. I was at the mall with my girlfriend and she asked THE QUESTION that every guy hates: "What do you think of this?" Like I know any of that stuff! So the next time she asks me which of two outfits looks better, I say "Pack 1, pick one: Sparksmith or Solar Blast?""
2004-07-21 08:44:36] -
hehe, one police officer used it, waited till there were no cars, then ran a light, seeing the flash of the camera go off behind him. he never got a ticket
2004-07-21 08:43:49] - designed to reflect the flash of a camera back at the camera. Several people, including one or two police depts say it work. Others say it doesn't. Illinois banned it because they were losing revenue....
2004-07-21 08:42:36] - photo-blocking sprays for license plates. illegal in maryland.
2004-07-21 08:37:33] - Kerry and Dems outraise Bush and Repubs, 292 mil to 272 mil
2004-07-21 08:36:36] - MS also planning to buy back up to 30 billion in stock over four years
2004-07-21 08:34:14] - apparently this cuts their warchest of 60 billion in half
2004-07-21 08:33:51] - Microsoft giving back $3 a share (30 billion) to investors
2004-07-21 08:27:57] - Dreamworks spinning off animation unit (maker of Shrek and Shrek 2) in IPO
2004-07-21 08:23:40] - Krispy Kreme frozen beverage line
2004-07-21 08:22:35] - haha, inmates escape jail, buy cases of beer, then return and share beer with other inmates. They do this twice. Still being charged with escape from jail
2004-07-21 08:20:49] - Drunk flight attendants spur passenger to request being served by a sober flight attendant. Beating of passenger by crew commences
2004-07-21 07:38:21] - 44% of large companies (20k+ employees) have people who read all outgoing email. The number drops to 30% for all companies
2004-07-21 07:25:50] -
hmmm, methinks I use the phrase absolutely hilarious too much
2004-07-21 07:25:27] - Horry and Malone considering move to the Heat. That would just be absolutely hilarious
2004-07-21 07:19:03] - Ostertag signs with the Kings
2004-07-21 07:17:20] - Divac signs with Lakers for two years
2004-07-21 07:14:45] - Absolutely hilarious: "On his weight: "I play my best ball at 345. I need my meat because I'm going to take a beating. If you put a guy in front of me who eats salad and cucumber and baked chicken all day, I'll kill him.""
2004-07-21 07:13:57] - O'Neal's entrance into Miami
2004-07-21 00:16:33] - bored
2004-07-21 00:16:32] - bored
2004-07-21 00:16:28] - bored
2004-07-21 00:16:27] - bored
2004-07-21 00:16:24] - bored
2004-07-21 00:16:21] - bored
2004-07-21 00:16:18] - bored
2004-07-20 17:28:59] -
Aaron: I don't know. I just assumed it would let you crop at least but maybe not. Either way, it doesn't seem like the software does anything that you can't already do in windows.
2004-07-20 17:26:32] -
Paul: Are you sure it even lets you edit? From the description on Google's site, it looks like it's primarily for photo viewing
- aaron
2004-07-20 17:23:28] -
Aaron: I don't know. It looks like it's just some watered down photo editing software to me.
2004-07-20 17:22:08] - What does iPhoto do? I don't understand the appeal.
- aaron
2004-07-20 17:12:25] -
Mel: Nope, sorry.
2004-07-20 17:03:41] - has anyone tried picassa?
2004-07-20 16:53:11] -
dave: haha. the vegnace scale article is hilarious. I like the combination of movie/tv examples and sports examples.
2004-07-20 15:20:17] -
Dave: It's about time.
2004-07-20 15:16:33] - Redskin's Taylor signs with agent
2004-07-20 15:12:59] - or application, singular
2004-07-20 14:50:44] - Google giving away iPhoto-like applications
2004-07-20 14:43:24] -
Dave: I liked "girls usually start smoking because they're stupid" the most. How deliciously un-PC.
2004-07-20 14:21:50] -
Paul: How bizarre, heh heh
2004-07-20 14:08:39] - Anti-smoking group mocks big tobacco lies by lying.
2004-07-20 13:51:50] - Everybody always says they want to go to the Knicks...
2004-07-20 13:48:58] - Vince Carter says he has to go, preferably to the Knicks
2004-07-20 13:16:23] - haha this is great. a vengence scale
2004-07-20 13:15:42] - CSPAN is kind of unique as well, but not in a way that appeals to the mainstream but rather a niche group of people.
- mig
2004-07-20 13:14:55] -
dave: it's not surprising because in a way fox is pretty unique in a way that appeals to a lot of people. CNN, MSNBC, etc, are all pretty similar.
- mig
2004-07-20 13:11:56] -
Dave: *Shrug* It makes sense to me. You estimate that roughly half the population leans conservative and have one conservative news show and like four liberal ones and I'll put money on the conservative one winning the ratings battle.
2004-07-20 13:08:12] -
Paul: I dunno, for some reason having such a conservative news outlet as the most watched seems rather surprising to me. not sure why
2004-07-20 13:07:50] - Armstrong in lead
2004-07-20 13:02:02] -
Dave: Why is that surprising?
2004-07-20 13:00:12] - what's rather surprising is that the article says Fox News is consistently the highest rated cable news network
2004-07-20 12:59:44] - Fox News slogan "Fair and Balanced" being challenged
2004-07-20 12:59:22] -
aaron: like no one can find this miner atm
2004-07-20 12:59:12] -
aaron: what's funny is that they say that the miners who discover huge diamonds usually run off in fear
2004-07-20 12:04:43] - I hope the government was reasonably gentle during the excavation process
- aaron
2004-07-20 12:04:19] -
Hehe. Found by the government. In the hands of a poor person.
- aaron
2004-07-20 11:07:18] - 182 carat diamond found
2004-07-20 11:05:35] - apparently 1/4 of the 4500 people there got up and left after she made the dedication
2004-07-20 11:05:08] - Ronstadt kicked out after dedicating song to Michael Moore.
2004-07-20 10:28:55] -
Vinnie: Too bad that doesn't make as much sense as the original quote.
2004-07-20 10:17:53] - "I have a secret identity, anyone who what that means?" "doesn't that mean you're a superhero?" "no, it means I was a superhero
- vinnie
2004-07-20 09:35:35] -
Travis: But at least Halle was a reasonable choice for Catwoman. I can't imagine in what world Jack Black could be considered a reasonable choice for Green Lantern.
2004-07-20 09:34:42] -
true, but warner bros. also let catwoman be made like it is, so anything's possible
- travis
2004-07-20 09:26:07] - I agree - it sounds very very strange. I'm anticipating the trailer, it seems like a total long shot
- aaron
2004-07-20 09:22:14] -
Travis: Not that I doubt your link, but I simply cannot imagine Jack Black as the Green Lantern. It's about the most wrong casting decision they could've made.
2004-07-20 09:16:25] -
paul: apparently the jack black as green lantern rumor is true
- travis
2004-07-20 09:13:13] - conservatives to pen "Thank you Bush" book to counter the "liberal" anti-bush books.
- mig
2004-07-20 09:10:25] - apparently for some school-related content. it must be like one of those "apples for students" things
- vinnie
2004-07-20 08:57:36] -
Dave: Why do all incoming freshmen need iPods?
2004-07-20 08:55:05] - New iPods. Buried in the article is the fact that Duke is going to give an iPod to all incoming freshman. Jeez, why can't we ever get breaks like that?
2004-07-20 07:40:26] - Microsoft buys Lindows name for $20 mil
2004-07-20 07:31:05] - Divac called LA and gave go-ahead to make a deal
2004-07-20 07:30:41] - Malone urging LA to hire Divac
2004-07-19 17:50:24] - Iran is next.
2004-07-19 15:36:18] - In case any you guys are interested, I've been told that the company I am currently working at is still looking for people interested in learning .NET so if you are looking for a new job just let me know and I'll be sure to pass your resume on to them.
2004-07-19 13:12:08] -
dave: I meant too few "shift" keys for 7 functions. but I forgot you can press some in conjunction
- vinnie
2004-07-19 12:52:32] -
vinnie: well let's see. there appear to be 15 keys and looks like up to 7 functions per key. that gives 105 instructions? So that's about right if you think that a typical keyboard is 104 keys which includes a redundant keypad with 17 extra keys
2004-07-19 12:14:22] -
Vinnie: You know, we could probably improve upon the keyboard by finding ways of getting other limbs involved. Maybe having the shift "key" be a pedal we push with our feet?
2004-07-19 12:08:42] -
paul: well, maybe if you take into consideration that you get a free hand it might be more efficient, except I don't know what you'd do with another hand, except mouse, which isn't really useful simultaneously with a keyboard
- vinnie
2004-07-19 12:06:06] -
Vinnie: Somehow I doubt the purpose of that device is to increase efficiency.
2004-07-19 12:01:00] - and also, I wonder if that's really faster to have to press all those "shift" keys
- vinnie
2004-07-19 12:00:16] -
dave: there still seem to be waaaayyy too few keys. there's like seven symbols on each one
- vinnie
2004-07-19 11:59:19] -
vinnie: sorta like TI calculators when you have "alpha" "shift" etc.
2004-07-19 11:58:02] -
vinnie: seems like they just have a bunch of "shift" keys to make each key on the pad capable of identifying 4(?) things.
2004-07-19 11:37:31] - anyone know how this keyboard works?
- vinnie
2004-07-19 11:12:26] -
vinnie: excellent ^_^ thanks!
2004-07-19 11:07:50] -
dave: the DVDs come in thin envelopes, not cases. they are letter size (in terms of shape and weight). I don't think you should have a problem mailing them
- vinnie
2004-07-19 10:57:55] -
vinnie: so just the dvd itself? not like the big rectangular case that retail dvds come in?
2004-07-19 09:54:24] - the envelopes can also be folded pretty easily. as long as you could fit a DVD through the slot you should have no problem
- vinnie
2004-07-19 09:53:15] -
dave: how small is the slot? the envelopes are not much bigger than normal envelopes
- vinnie
2004-07-19 09:52:23] -
aaron: yeah, most the decklists I see now have that card, 4 wasteland, strip mine, and oftentimes mishra's etc
2004-07-19 09:37:59] -
dave: Hehe. I can imagine how that could overpower a balance or armageddon deck
- aaron
2004-07-19 09:28:18] - Jeez, talk about a Type 1 format changing card
2004-07-19 09:12:30] - question for people who subscribe to Netflix: it doesn't seem to me like I would be able to return / mail back movies through the normal apt. mail slot because it wouldn't fit. Is this true? Anyone else have this problem?
2004-07-19 09:11:19] -
aaron: heh heh, that's great
2004-07-19 09:06:28] - For those of you wanting to read washington post articles without registering.... give this site a news URL, and it gives you a user name and password capable of accessing it
- aaron
2004-07-19 09:02:35] - "Please stop the hype on Citizen Kane. It doesn't work. It's like you are trying to convince people that poop smells good."
2004-07-19 08:50:05] -
mig: yeah, I wasn't saying that it would, just amused that they were helping him
2004-07-19 08:46:51] -
dave: ha, the GOP thinking that Nader being in will hurt the democrats is just wishful thinking. Liberals are way too focused on getting rid of Bush, and many still blame Nader for costing Gore the election. And they are certainly not going to vote for him if he is on the reform party ticket.
- mig
2004-07-19 08:24:05] - Just for the record, I was quite impressed by I, Robot
2004-07-19 08:21:58] - Schwarzenegger calls opponents girlie men
2004-07-19 08:20:05] - Republican party helping Nader to get signatures to put him on the ballot in Nov.
2004-07-19 08:14:41] - all the studies were done by independent or liberal entities
2004-07-19 08:14:05] - the article uses some studies done on voting records of senators. According to one method, Kerry is more liberal than Mondale. According to another, Kerry and Edwards are the 1st and 4th most liberal senators
2004-07-19 08:13:01] - interesting fact from the article is that it claims only 20% of people identify themselves as liberal
2004-07-19 08:12:34] - Kerry and Edwards, extreme liberals or not.
2004-07-19 08:05:46] -,aid,116920,00.asp Microsoft wins $4 million case against spammer
2004-07-19 08:04:35] - Ebay trial for music downloads
2004-07-19 08:00:34] - a comment on the King James Bible "This was the worst piece of fiction I've ever read. The characters were cliched and their actions were just unbelievable. A total piece of trash."
2004-07-19 08:00:01] - List of popular titles off of Amazon and "contrarian" reviews of them
2004-07-19 07:44:18] - Davenport beats Venus, thinking of retirement
2004-07-19 07:39:56] - Fisher leaves Lakers for the Warriors
2004-07-19 07:38:49] - Man gets 4 months in prison and fine for giving death threat to Kobe Bryant accuser
2004-07-19 07:37:48] - Robinson may buy small stake in Spurs
2004-07-19 07:34:06] - Divac probably switching teams. Maybe to the Lakers
2004-07-18 03:49:21] - fahrenheit 420. tee hee!
- aaron
2004-07-17 11:07:19] -
paul: not a criticism
- vinnie
2004-07-16 17:50:00] -
Aaron: We perfectly compliment eachother! Or, we are so different that we would drive eachother crazy!
2004-07-16 17:28:54] -
Paul: Inability to sustain prolonged interest in anything is one of mine. We should marry!
- aaron
2004-07-16 17:26:16] -
Aaron: Stubbornism is one of my strongest traits/flaws.
2004-07-16 17:23:39] - It's like when you were a kid and you play the "why" game with someone - at some point I think everyone lets something drop. I just drop things a lot faster than you do
- aaron
2004-07-16 17:21:34] -
paul: I don't have the correct idea of every word in the English language, I just lack the motivation to challenge the definition of every word someone uses.
- aaron
2004-07-16 17:04:22] -
Vinnie: So is that a criticism or an observation? Because I would politely point out that Aaron ended with a sarcastic statement first.
2004-07-16 17:02:22] -
hmmm, that really looks nothing like an arrow
- vinnie
2004-07-16 17:02:07] - [sarcasm to end it]
- vinnie
2004-07-16 17:02:00] - |
2004-07-16 17:01:56] - |
2004-07-16 17:01:54] - V
2004-07-16 16:55:16] -
Aaron: And I'm sorry I don't have the correct idea of every word in the English language like you do.
2004-07-16 16:53:58] -
aaron: i sent you a short email. in fact, short enough i could have quoted it here.
2004-07-16 16:53:02] -
Aaron: *Shrug* At least I was trying to get to the source of our disagreement instead of just giving up because I "wasn't changing my mind" while conveniently ignoring the fact that you hadn't changed your mind at all either.
2004-07-16 16:47:37] - Guns are make you fearful? Define fear! You fear danger? Define danger! Danger implies potential harm? Define potential! Potential implies it has a possibility of happening? Define possible! Oh yes the "fun" "never" ends with "arguments" like that one
- aaron
2004-07-16 16:45:47] -
Vinnie: That's the hope. Unfortunately, I think it only works when the people I am talking to think the same way I do. Otherwise they just think I'm being stupid and annoying with my strange questions.
2004-07-16 16:44:58] -
a: Ok.
2004-07-16 16:41:09] -
paul: it's like the socratic method. or something
- vinnie
2004-07-16 16:41:02] -
paul: nope!
2004-07-16 16:11:35] -
Vinnie: Well, I've found that stating my opinion tends to frustrate people so I'm trying a new method where I try to debate things without expressing an opinion at all.
2004-07-16 16:08:31] -
apaul: I gotta say I've found your debates this week very amusing. "are you implying this?" "by that, are you implying this?" etc. until "[something sarcastic to end it]"
- vinnie
2004-07-16 15:13:11] -
a: are you saying that the tons of studies that say that gun control laws lead to higher crime rates aren't proof enough?
2004-07-16 14:33:10] -
paul: gun control laws lead to higher crime rates?
2004-07-16 13:59:31] -
vinnie: I sent you an e-mail back by the way
- aaron
2004-07-16 13:27:46] -
Vinnie: What were you thinking?
2004-07-16 13:27:36] - and I guess maybe those eye examinations
- vinnie
2004-07-16 13:24:25] - in what game is memorization cheating? ok, besides blackjack
- vinnie
2004-07-16 13:15:31] - whee, armstrong vaults into second
2004-07-16 13:14:42] -,0,5189397.story?coll=sns-ap-nationworld-headlines Maryland Prison Guard fired for nude photos.
2004-07-16 13:11:09] -
vinnie: you cheat by hiding extra queens up your sleeve and inserting them onto the board at opportune moments ^_^
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