here are old message board entries
prev <->
2005-07-07 12:59:06] -
ddr_people: What is the plan today? Is there one?
- lori
2005-07-07 12:46:33] -
aaron: ah yes, i didn't see that rule in the wiki article. i must have just missed it.
2005-07-07 11:53:43] -
aba: What did you think it was lacking? I thought it was pretty good.
2005-07-07 11:49:42] -
paul: i thought the finale last night was lacking.
- aba
2005-07-07 10:50:11] -
aaron: I don't know, but I promise I had nothing to do with the spelling rules - if I did, english would be far more simple.
- lori
2005-07-07 10:17:54] -
Vinnie: *Shrug* I just thought it was interesting that in the case of an emergency, it might not be wise to listen to what the authorities say.
2005-07-07 09:58:42] -
Etymology: Middle English (northern dialect) rasch quickly; akin to Old High German rasc fast -amy
2005-07-07 09:57:43] -
Aaron: from
rash Function: adjective 1 : marked by or proceeding from undue haste or lack of deliberation or caution (I was curious too)
2005-07-07 09:30:52] -
a: Still, very very cool. It was a somewhat tough puzzle to solve, the very ending could not be solved with "conventional" methods so i'm impressed your program figured it out!
- aaron
2005-07-07 09:30:11] -
a: #2 is correct but the rest violate the "single connected wall" principle of the nurikabe
- aaron
2005-07-07 09:09:27] -
bomb blasts in london - pierce
2005-07-06 23:11:23] -
aaron: i wrote a program ~a
2005-07-06 21:54:18] -
lori: isn't rash derived from irrational? shouldn't it be spelled rati? or rat?
- aaron
2005-07-06 16:50:19] -
paul: alright. in the very unlikely event anyone here is in that situation, maybe that article will prove useful
- vinnie
2005-07-06 16:42:16] -
Lori: I think it's reasonable to question authorities when they tell you to remain inside of a building which has just had an airplane rammed into it.
2005-07-06 16:26:50] -
paul: So from one, albeit large, example we are supposed to make such a rash generalization?
- lori
2005-07-06 15:45:32] - Question Authorities
2005-07-06 12:46:56] -
mel: another thing you missed on the message board: i was at the jpl for a week in june.
2005-07-06 12:44:29] -
mel: i think JPL will be better off than other parts of NASA, right? (happy belated birthday too)
- aba
2005-07-06 12:42:09] -
errr, happy late birthday. i wished you a happy birthday yesterday but you weren't here.
2005-07-06 12:41:48] - happy birthday, mel.
2005-07-06 12:40:23] - ""We're in a 'wait-and-see' mode," said J.P. Stevens, vice president of the Aerospace Industries Association, a leading aerospace trade organization. "He knows he's going to need more money." "
2005-07-06 12:39:49] - From the Washington Post "NASA Chief Sees Space as Inside Job" on June 27th: "As hard choices are made about which programs to close and how many of NASA's 9,700 jobs will be cut, Griffin's comfort zone could shrink dramatically."
2005-07-06 12:39:48] -
aba: I'm very tempted to buy it myself.
2005-07-06 12:36:50] -
aba: NASA is having layoffs
2005-07-06 12:36:27] -
aba: thanks.
yes I think I forgot the "e"
2005-07-06 12:35:43] -
mel: that was dan ceperl(e?)y.
- aba
2005-07-06 12:34:59] -
paul: omfgiwantthat.
- aba
2005-07-06 12:34:11] -
Mel: I doubt it was Kamerling then. I think we hung out in different groups and therefore knew different Dans. I don't think I'll be of much help to you. Sorry.
2005-07-06 12:33:34] - Dan Ceperly maybe. I am checking the alumni directory.
2005-07-06 12:33:32] - Thundercats, HOOOOOO!!!!!
2005-07-06 12:31:29] -
Paul: Is that Kamerling? Not Turek.
2005-07-06 12:30:12] -
Paul: The one that was good friends with Rachel Thessin.
2005-07-06 12:26:07] -
Mel: There were a couple. Kamerling? Turek?
2005-07-06 12:24:41] - What was Dan's last name??
2005-07-06 12:24:27] - I was so shocked I forgot to ask him for his number or his e-mail so we could catch up.
2005-07-06 12:23:09] - you will never believe this. I was parking at the JPL parking lot and I happened to park in the same row as Dan from TJ. We recognized each other pretty much right away. He is temporarily at JPL until Aug as part of his grad work... What are the odds??
2005-07-06 11:54:44] -
Aaron: Tough to say. I would guess if you have neighbors who were "loud" about their beliefs than you might have a case. Especially if the way they are loud about it could reduce the property value of your place.
2005-07-06 11:53:43] -
Xpovos: I do not have your gmail account in my address book. Can you give it to me?
2005-07-06 11:45:55] -
Paul: Please send me an e-mail from an account you check while at work. (my gmail one, please).
-- Xpovos
2005-07-06 11:38:55] -
paul: I wonder what the fair housing act would say about that one.... that's a weird one
- aaron
2005-07-06 11:38:32] -
paul: if the kinko's case (xerox case?) from a few weeks back is any precedent, they're allowed to discriminate against people who are vocally offended by homosexuality (which probably also means, people who are openly racist or mysogynist)
- aaron
2005-07-06 11:33:44] -
Aaron: To a certain degree, I think they are also allowed to discriminate based on appearance. For example, if you show up with tattoos and piercings they could say you appeared unprofessional and use that as a knock against you.
2005-07-06 11:26:41] -
paul: Well employers are allowed to discriminate based on education level for one
- aaron
2005-07-06 11:14:43] -
Aaron: Also, I wonder if employers are granted more leeway in being discriminatory in terms of who they hire. I'm not sure if you're allowed to discriminate at ALL in terms of house buying (except that they qualify for a loan of course).
2005-07-06 11:13:43] -
Aaron: That's an interesting way to look at it. I don't know about the legality of that or not but I think that the gender seperation does not have as direct a connection to the hiring to make it clearly illegal.
2005-07-06 11:10:40] -
paul: Right, but it's like - it's illegal to discriminate against people on the basis of gender for hiring purposes right? Well the Apprentice separates groups based on gender and forces them to compete for a job, so it seems like that crosses a legal line as well
- aaron
2005-07-06 11:04:09] -
Aaron: Yeah. I didn't think about it when I heard of the show, but it does make sense because it is illegal to discriminate against people like that when selling a house which is basically what the show is about.
2005-07-06 10:58:17] -
paul: I think it's hilarious that it's a violation of fair housing laws though - I wouldn't have even imagined that. Pooh on ABC's lawyers for not seeing that coming.
- aaron
2005-07-06 10:54:50] - It sounds like people are making judgements about the show without seeing what it's all about.
2005-07-06 10:54:37] -
Aaron: I guess so. I can understand that a network like ABC would be jittery about offending it's viewers but I kinda agree with the producer who said that it was supposed to be a feel good show about overcoming prejudices.
2005-07-06 10:38:24] - Well let me say that another way. In the viewer's eyes, each character on a TV show is either someone they should revile, or someone they should feel compassion for, and it's uncomfortable painting any of the characters on that show in either light
- aaron
2005-07-06 10:31:33] -
paul: I can understand their concerns though - because in the viewer's eyes, if you televise something, you're legitimizing it a little bit
- aaron
2005-07-06 10:15:24] - I think it's a shame ABC cancelled this show. It sounded like it could be entertaining to watch.
2005-07-06 09:48:56] -;_ylt=AlUig9XezGawYSIGa2bSmeqs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc- Texas man arrested after heroic rescue
- amy
2005-07-06 09:39:16] -
aba: haha i wonder what kind of music they would do. .)
2005-07-06 08:50:52] - the only problem i have with the 'W' hats is they're just ambiguous about what it stands for. 'W' can stand for anything. 'DC' is unmistakably represents ... DC.
- mig
2005-07-05 20:16:27] -
paul: it never occurred to me when i saw them.
2005-07-05 18:50:47] -
amy: "incas of emergency" sounds like a good band name.
- aba
2005-07-05 17:13:36] -
a: So you're one of the people who are bothered by the hats?
2005-07-05 17:00:20] -
pierce: also, let me know when they give us our security deposit back so that we can square expenses. I don't think we've settled bills since like last November
- vinnie
2005-07-05 16:58:06] -
pierce: yeah, they cashed it. the amount was for 16.03, if that helps. the time period it covered didn't go until the end of June though, so I knew we would get another water bill
- vinnie
2005-07-05 16:55:31] -
pierce: yeah let me check right now
- vinnie
2005-07-05 16:53:20] -
vinnie: did they deposit the check? can you check that with your bank easily?
- pierce
2005-07-05 16:52:27] -
vinnie: and yes, it was the one that was supposedly due on the first.
- pierce
2005-07-05 16:52:05] -
vinnie: that's odd... when did you pay it? I went in there today to pay my new apartment's rent, and they said I still had an outstanding water bill from the old apartment.
- pierce
2005-07-05 16:39:37] -
pierce: oh, did you mean for June? I paid the one that was due on July 1
- vinnie
2005-07-05 16:37:09] -
pierce: gah, I already paid it! sorry, I should've let you know. I'm not sure how you want to get the money back
- vinnie
2005-07-05 16:30:16] -
vinnie: I paid the water bill for the last month of the apartment, so if you got the little slip thing you can disregard it.
- pierce
2005-07-05 16:11:31] -
paul: that's a pretty annoying coincidence. and not really that bizarre of a coincidence unless you take into account the fact that it's a "W"
AND red.
2005-07-05 16:01:15] -
aaron: hey what about dog gets dots. the dog's ass says "BOW" (vinnie pointed this out to me)
2005-07-05 15:59:46] -
amy: That picture for "cat on dog" is priceless
- aaron
2005-07-05 14:52:25] - a collection of my friend's pics of engrish in japan. should really be submitted to .p
2005-07-05 13:32:44] - In D.C., 'W' Spells More Than Baseball
2005-07-05 12:31:37] -
astrologist sues nasa over crash - aaron
2005-07-03 19:59:10] -
neon genisis on cartoon network ~a
2005-07-03 18:18:54] - nobody here on the weekend!
2005-07-01 11:47:13] - Supreme Court Justice O'Connor Resigns.
2005-07-01 09:54:27] -
Vinnie: Ok, thanks for the heads up.
2005-07-01 09:11:08] -
basketball_people: skipping again today. still trying to handle the move
- vinnie
2005-06-30 16:10:28] -
vinnie: And yes, 5:45 sounds good
- aaron
2005-06-30 16:10:17] -
vinnie: Saturday afternoons are OK although the arcade doesn't open (i think) until 2:00 pm. Saturday nights are bad. I don't know about sundays but I think sundays are good.
- aaron
2005-06-30 15:16:30] -
Vinnie: I figured it was probably a lot more crowded on the weekends. I wonder if it will be even though it's the July 4th weekend. I'm thinking DDR could be a good way to get some quick aerobic exercise but I really don't want to go when it's crowded.
2005-06-30 15:05:53] -
paul: we don't go because it gets very crowded on weekends, even more than on weekday nights, which can sometimes get to four or five turns waiting. although, now that's it's summer I wonder if it's about the same on weekends...
- vinnie
2005-06-30 15:04:13] -
ddr_people: Do you guys ever play on the weekends?
2005-06-30 13:26:46] -
aaron: yeah, still meeting at 5:45? I can't do stuff afterward though
- vinnie
2005-06-30 13:21:23] -
aaron: afaik vinnie was still planning on it, too. have fun
2005-06-30 13:17:09] -
amy: Bummer! I'm still interested though
- aaron
2005-06-30 10:53:08] -
ddr_people: i can't make it today. It looks like just Aaron and Vin?
2005-06-30 10:40:04] -
Dave: What's funny is that I think the PS2 was notoriously difficult to program for also and yet it seemed to be the console with the most support among game developers.
2005-06-30 07:48:02] -
hmm, maybe not vendor pressure, but MS and Sony pressure
2005-06-30 07:47:42] - and apparently the previous Anandtech article was pulled, probably due to vendor pressure
2005-06-30 07:47:14] - another view on the hardware of the next-gen consoles. This one takes a more balanced approach
2005-06-29 15:39:45] -
Dave: You should be more amused by Toronto taking a PF in the draft.
2005-06-29 15:38:59] -
Dave: Well, I had read that Microsoft is always talking about how they are dedicated to the HD-DVD standard and that they hope it goes well so I just assumed they were more committed to HD-DVD than Blu-Ray.
2005-06-29 15:38:48] - SA took a PF in the draft, I'm amused
2005-06-29 15:32:41] -
Paul: well, I read that MS has a good relationship with Toshiba (the creator of HD-DVD) so that would be a reason for it. I was just wondering if there was anything more concrete than that
2005-06-29 15:27:48] -
Dave: I dunno, I've read some places that Microsoft has more business alliances in place with the HD-DVD standard than Blu-Ray. Maybe they're just rumors.
2005-06-29 15:25:51] -
aaron: definitely have to have a planning session beforehand. i don't necessarily expect "real" music. maybe just bring your keyboard over and mike it, and we can record ourselves improvising random tunes and giggling a lot
2005-06-29 15:25:21] -
Paul: how is MS already aligned with HD-DVD?
2005-06-29 15:20:41] -
amy: Sounds like fun. I'd think about it. I can't fathom how working collaboratively would work though. Given the setup I have at my place I can't imagine working in guitar or vocals. And i have no experience with fruity loops so..... i don't know. Sounds fun but i think we'd have to work out some details.
- aaron
2005-06-29 14:15:20] - Maxtor shipping SAS (serial attached SCSI) drives.
2005-06-29 14:14:33] - DVD Jon breaks lock on Google's new in-browser video player within 24 hours
2005-06-29 14:14:16] -
Dave: Backing HD-DVD, though, could be messy too if Blu-ray turns out to be the dominant format.
2005-06-29 14:13:55] -
Dave: But Microsoft is already somewhat aligned with HD-DVD so not only would they be turning their back on all the companies who have sided with HD-DVD, but they also would be helping out Sony (their rival).
2005-06-29 14:12:47] - spokesperson for MS backs away from HD-DVD support
2005-06-29 14:09:40] -
paul: if they go hd-dvd, it will probably mean that both formats will be present in the next-gen dvd era
2005-06-29 14:08:43] -
paul: i don't think MS would be caught in a bad place if they went with blu-ray. In fact, if they did, it would probably kill hd-dvd
2005-06-29 14:07:23] - "The most ironic bit of it all is that according to developers, if either manufacturer had decided to use an Athlon 64 or a Pentium D in their next-gen console, they would be significantly ahead of the competition in terms of CPU performance. "
2005-06-29 14:07:15] - "floating point multiplies are apparently 1/3 as fast on Xenon as on a Pentium 4. "
2005-06-29 14:07:07] - "the real-world performance of the Xenon CPU is about twice that of the 733MHz processor in the first Xbox"
2005-06-29 14:06:51] - on the practical performance of the next-gen consoles
2005-06-29 14:06:33] - Of course, Microsoft would also be caught between a rock and a hard place if they tried choosing between HD-DVD and Blu-ray.
2005-06-29 14:05:38] -
Dave: I think releasing the Xbox 360 with just a normal DVD drive initially might be a mistake.
2005-06-29 14:00:13] - costs
2005-06-29 14:00:00] - PS3 cpsts $500 to make, will sell for $400
2005-06-29 13:58:52] - current Xbox 360 just has "normal" dvd support. Future Xbox 360s may have HD-DVD support
2005-06-29 13:01:50] -
Album-a-day: anybody wanna do this with me someday? (no musical talent required!) aaron? vinnie? .D
2005-06-29 11:42:14] - Terry McMillan's Epilogue to 'Groove' Affair.
2005-06-29 10:55:02] -
paul: yeah, I didn't think of that either
2005-06-29 09:58:12] -
Aaron: Heh, for some reason that didn't even cross my mind.
2005-06-29 09:54:02] -
aaron: me too!
2005-06-29 09:13:16] -
paul: well, until about the half-way point of the article anyway, i assumed he was handing out flyers to support his girlfriend's business or something
- aaron
2005-06-29 09:12:35] -
paul: "advertise for a girlfriend" can mean so many different things, i completely misunderstood the meaning of the article even after reading it
- aaron
2005-06-29 09:12:34] - interesting future for Google video
2005-06-28 18:01:00] -
Vinnie: btw, here is that picture I was talking about before.
2005-06-28 16:47:16] - Could eminent domain be used to build a hotel on land owned by David Souter?
2005-06-28 11:45:02] - Home seizure ruling doesn't play in Texas.
2005-06-28 11:43:24] - Batman Begins would've been a very different movie if Gotham had the same law system that we do.
2005-06-28 11:40:13] - A man who set up a stall on a busy high street to advertise for a girlfriend says his faith in human nature has been restored by the experience.
2005-06-28 11:36:27] - sunscreen usually doesn't block rays that cause cancer
2005-06-28 11:26:28] -
Vinnie: There was one photo of Belichick and Parcells where I could've sworn they were about to kiss. Would've been perfect for that site.
2005-06-28 11:18:02] - Canada set to ok same-sex marriage
2005-06-28 11:12:37] -
aaron: yeah, it will be interesting to see what happens, although from the stuff I've read, supposedly the impact will be more on inhibiting new inventions / research on new projects as opposed to stopping anything that is out there now
2005-06-28 11:06:34] - the initial picture is like the funniest thing I've ever seen - vinnie
2005-06-28 11:05:50] - too funny not to post - unintentionally homoerotic sports imagery (sfw) - vinnie
2005-06-28 08:29:23] -
dave: Kind of wonder what they mean by "on their lines"... on their hard drive space? if they route a packet from one machine to another machine? what if it's encrypted? kind of sounds like a pointless law since it's so impossible to enforce
- aaron
2005-06-28 08:19:34] - AMD files antitrust suit against Intel. Interesting issue, from the article it sure seems like Intel is using monopoly-like power, but I wonder if it is really so clear cut?
2005-06-28 08:12:30] - good article, clarifying what the SCOTUS ruling on MGM vs. Grokster means
2005-06-28 08:04:01] - "These are not legal decisions or trade association PR responsibilities on either side. They are fundamentally business issues that must be addressed in the marketplace."
2005-06-28 08:02:26] - Hilary Rosen (former head of the RIAA) voices opinion that it isn't piracy that is the problem, but an outmoded business model.
2005-06-27 14:59:41] - Supreme Court disallows ten commandments in courthouse, but allows on government land
2005-06-27 14:50:37] - votes were 6-3 for the cable and unanimous for the illegal content case
2005-06-27 14:50:03] - Supreme Court says that cable operators do not have to open up their lines to competition, and also that companies can be held liable for illegal content on their lines
2005-06-27 13:41:05] - N.C. Governor Polls 'King Of The Hill' Fans
2005-06-27 12:00:29] -
Dave: It really sounds like they're trying to imply something, though, with the "swollen rear fenders in a shape so hormonally suggestive" comment. I just don't know what it is they are trying to say.
2005-06-27 11:50:06] - comparing the Ferrari and the Ford, rather
2005-06-27 11:49:15] -
Paul: it was an article comparing the Ferrari to the Ford
2005-06-27 11:48:47] -
Paul: this was the preceeding sentence, if it helps for context "Today we're moving in formation. Shadowing the GT's every move is Ferrari's latest V-8 coupe, the F430. Two red flashes, vivid as slashes in your retina. "
2005-06-27 11:47:39] -
Paul: it was just an excerpt from a review of the Ford GT from Motor Trend, so they were just trying to describe the car, not make any implications on anything else
2005-06-27 10:49:06] -
Dave: Have to admit I'm not entirely sure what they're implying there.
2005-06-27 10:18:51] - interesting description of a Ford GT " The Ford impossibly low and wide, an organically primal shape, that flat rear deck offsetting the swollen rear fenders in a shape so hormonally suggestive it ought to be banned from daytime TV. "
2005-06-27 10:01:35] - senators backing municipal broadband (state/city etc sponsored broadband)
2005-06-27 09:59:04] - CD Piracy is rampant (1/3 of CDs sold are pirated) but legal downloading on the rise, almost to surpass illegal downloading (35% vs 40%)
2005-06-24 17:35:15] -
amy: Well it was hard for me to motion you to pick up your phone and hold my phone and drive at the same time
- aaron
2005-06-24 15:59:49] -
mig: I think it's still decently significant in that I'm sure the IRS would've loved to shut him up but there wasn't a strong enough case to do that.
2005-06-24 15:55:11] -
basically, they just decided it wasn't a crime to have the opinion that we shouldn't have to pay income taxes.
- mig
2005-06-24 15:50:58] -
paul: the result of the case is unfortunately not as signficiant as it sounds.
- mig
2005-06-24 15:23:11] - Tax activist wins in federal court.
2005-06-24 12:38:12] -
Dave: At least there didn't seem to be any reference to the extreme right or hardcore conservatives.
2005-06-24 12:31:16] -
err, and the left is
2005-06-24 12:31:08] -
Paul: yes, everyone knows the right is extreme is the left is moderate ^_^
2005-06-24 11:55:10] - Republicans beat Democrats in baseball. I wonder, was there any reason to call it the "moderate left" instead of just the "left"?
2005-06-24 10:35:15] -
mig: Hence why I didn't mock you about them.
2005-06-24 10:26:51] -
paul: the a's have put together a decent stretch over the last couple weeks. they're showing signs of life. and don't forget the nationals are still in first place.
- mig
2005-06-24 10:23:51] -
Amy: There might even be one next year!
2005-06-24 10:06:15] - (dumb of me not to check my phone, not dumb of you)
2005-06-24 10:05:41] -
aaron: this is so utterly dumb. i saw you on the phone yesterday as you were passing me on 495 and i thought, i wonder who he's talking to, i guess it's not me or he'd be slowing down and motioning me to pick up my phone rather than passing me. ^_^;
2005-06-24 10:04:45] -
paul: there will be another one soon enough .)
2005-06-24 10:03:47] -
Amy: Cool. Too bad basketball season is over now.
2005-06-24 10:03:13] -
Mig: Yes, and how are Oakland and the Dodgers doing?
2005-06-24 10:02:39] -
Dave: Somebody needs to tell the Pistons that they should've done that with Rasheed.
2005-06-24 10:01:27] -
paul: yes actually, I did; not that Vinnie and I need any more things to do together, but I really enjoy watching bball with him .) (i suppose this would also extend to other people as well)
2005-06-24 10:00:45] -
aaron: i am SO SO sorry I didn't get your msg until *just now* ;_; I'm a bad friend.
2005-06-24 09:10:15] -
wow, I'm impressed, the movers that NG is paying to move me actually come and pack all your stuff into boxes, so you don't have to do anything at all, just tell them what you want packed
2005-06-24 08:44:08] -
paul: smile! your team sucks!
- mig
2005-06-24 08:10:12] - "I felt the game was going bad for me," he [Duncan] said, speaking of the 0-for-8 stretch. "My teammates continued to throw me the ball, continued to feed me. They were more confident in me than I was. That's so appreciated . . . they'll never understand."
2005-06-24 07:42:40] -
*** dave cheers
2005-06-24 00:19:26] -
*** pierce asks for a dry martini.
2005-06-24 00:19:15] - god I'm funny.
- pierce
2005-06-24 00:19:01] - I'm sure it's way late and/or been done before, but I guess Katie Holmes is missing some of her
pieces of april, eh? Eh?!?
- pierce
2005-06-23 18:06:45] - Is it just me, or does the title seem misleading? She doesn't sound like she is "upset" as much as she is just confused.
2005-06-23 17:48:01] -
person_who_made_the_title: aren't there 365.25 days in a year? won't it be year 292,271,025,015?
2005-06-23 17:24:57] -
Amy: Wow, I'm impressed. Have you enjoyed learning about basketball?
2005-06-23 17:16:59] -
paul: haha. Like I would have to. Vinnie has been teaching me things. I can even identify the major players on the pistons, spurs, and the heat! just ask him! ,)
2005-06-23 17:06:47] -
Amy: Did you look that up just now?
2005-06-23 17:06:11] -
Amy: -Paul
2005-06-23 16:50:42] -
paul: also the pistons won last year!
2005-06-23 16:49:02] -
paul: duh, pistons (detroit) + spurs (san antonio). the spurs beat the suns in the semis and the pistons beat the miami heat, which i saw .)
2005-06-23 16:44:16] -
Amy: Just out of curiosity, can you name the two teams involved in the Finals?
2005-06-23 16:38:40] -
paul: hey, i care! or at least, find it entertaining .) as of about a week or two ago. ^_^
2005-06-23 16:37:05] -
Amy: And if you cared about basketball?
2005-06-23 16:32:43] - i'd watch the game if it weren't so late .(
2005-06-23 16:10:50] -
Vinnie: Sure, of course. And if anybody else here is interested in watching the game, they're welcome to come over too.
2005-06-23 16:08:13] -
paul: if it's still alright, I'd like to watch the game at your place tonight
- vinnie
2005-06-23 15:42:02] -
Aaron: Ah, over on the left? I did not see that before.
2005-06-23 15:34:57] -
paul: It does seem to say "opinion", although it's buried
- aaron
2005-06-23 15:33:54] -
Aaron: Awesome, thanks.
2005-06-23 15:33:13] -
Dave: I suppose. But that doesn't make it much more "right" to me.
2005-06-23 15:32:56] -
ddr_people: sounds good to me - i'll be there at 6:15
- aaron
2005-06-23 15:32:27] -
vinnie: Bah! That's more or less what we thought it was back in like the 8th grade back when we first heard the joke!
- aaron
2005-06-23 15:30:25] -
paul: Sure, I've watched them all, next time you come over you can get them (or, if i come over and remember, i'll bring them along)
- aaron
2005-06-23 15:29:50] -
Paul: yeah, I know. But it's better than them just taking it without any compensation at all ^_^
2005-06-23 15:22:52] -
Dave: Yeah, money isn't really the point. Maybe my house has lost value since I bought it and so I don't want to sell even with a slight percentage increase.
2005-06-23 15:10:26] -
paul: well, I think they give you market value (+ some small percentage maybe?), but yeah, I know what you mean
2005-06-23 14:06:41] -
aaron: This reminds me of when you showed me that fox news article which you weren't sure if it was an editorial or not.
2005-06-23 13:44:59] -
Dave: I think if the government ever tried doing something like that with me, I would seriously consider doing something drastic.
2005-06-23 13:43:52] - can seize, not size
2005-06-23 13:43:39] - Supreme Court rules that local governments can size people's homes and businesses for private economic development
2005-06-23 13:27:16] - yah 6:15 is fine
- vinnie
2005-06-23 12:56:32] - 615 is fine w/me
2005-06-23 12:54:55] -
ddr_people: I can't stay too long today - there is packing to be done
but if you want i can meet you all for a little while - whether you push the time back or not
- lori
2005-06-23 12:03:38] -
ddr_people: who's in for today?? do we want to push back the time so lori can join us? Maybe 6:15 or so?
2005-06-23 11:19:25] -
Vinnie: And yes, I do see the humor in what you said.
2005-06-23 11:18:40] -
Vinnie: I could definitely see that, and it would explain why his marriages always seem so fake. I dunno, I willing to believe either way but I just never saw any glaring evidence to suggest that he was gay.
2005-06-23 11:14:58] -
paul: that's because he's the stereotypical in-the-closet gay man
- vinnie
2005-06-23 11:14:14] -
aaron: fyi - vinnie
2005-06-23 11:09:00] -
aaron: Since we're talking about DVDs, are you done with my Invader Zim DVDs? If so, can I get them back? If not, then there is no rush.
2005-06-23 11:08:23] -
aba: He is? I didn't think he possessed any of the normal stereotypes for a gay man. Of course, women are supposed to be able to tell better than men, right? So I guess I should take your word for it.
2005-06-23 10:58:41] -
paul: no. because hes so flaming.
- aba
2005-06-23 10:56:32] -
a: can I steal the Angel S3 DVDs from you since you are away? If you're not done yet, I can just take the ones you're done with
- vinnie
2005-06-23 10:41:14] -
aba: Just because he keeps breaking up with his wives/girlfriends?
2005-06-23 10:33:51] -
paul: i have no clue. i always thought he was gay.
- aba
2005-06-23 10:33:32] - playstation thumb!
- aba
2005-06-23 10:08:13] -
aba: It's true. Why doesn't Tom Cruise want to brainwash me?
2005-06-23 10:01:57] - pauls just jealous that they didnt try to brainwash him when he went to visit them.
- aba
2005-06-23 07:46:57] -
Paul: She's been brainwashed by scientologists!
2005-06-22 16:39:45] -,2933,160192,00.html Katie Holmes' Missing Days
2005-06-22 13:09:59] -
a: I'm sure uno has some skill as well.
2005-06-22 12:47:59] - but it has like zero skill (poker has some skill).
2005-06-22 11:11:04] -
a: Probably because it has the most in common with poker. It's a card game that doesn't require anything like physical skill or knowledge of words.
2005-06-22 11:05:45] - we need a fourth law of robotics:
stop fingering my wife. (i actually linked to the main site, b/c there's a ton of other funny articles there)
2005-06-22 10:59:56] -
paul: did you see the poll results? interestingly, dodge ball got last place and uno (omg) got first place. how weird.
2005-06-22 10:56:16] - "For those new to the game, the only acceptable throws are Rock, Paper and Scissors. Any use of Dynamite, Bird, Well, Spock, Water, Match, Fire, God, Lightning, Bomb, Texas Longhorn, or other non-sanctioned throws, will result in automatic disqualification."
2005-06-22 10:13:50] - What will be the next Poker?
2005-06-22 09:40:40] -
aaron: spacemonger works in linux.
2005-06-22 09:34:05] -
a: Nothing I know of. I was trying to find information about that "see and say" toy where you pull a string and it makes an animal noise
- aaron
2005-06-22 09:26:08] -
upload.html ~a
2005-06-21 17:31:10] -
heh. 22 22 22 22 22.
2005-06-21 17:27:56] -
aaron: what is that from? i remember reading something about "look and say"
2005-06-21 17:25:42] - "we are planning for a long term profit margin of about 10%" is from their website. doesn't sound very concrete to me. they should make their finances public (i.e. what is their current profit margin?)
2005-06-21 17:20:20] - look and say sequence
- aaron
2005-06-21 17:11:04] -
haha. it told me to buy a hybrid pass (because the co2 emmissions are so low it doesn't even fit into their "efficient" category).
2005-06-21 17:01:46] - and it's 1yr / 12000miles (i'm guessing whichever is less).
2005-06-21 17:01:08] - i looked at their
site and it's about $30-$80 per year (30 for hybrid 80 for suv).
2005-06-21 16:58:54] -
a: I don't know honestly, couldn't find it in the article, I think it's for a year
2005-06-21 16:55:57] -
dave: $160 for one year or one day?
2005-06-21 16:23:31] - the humor of the Spurs
2005-06-21 15:46:46] -
Dave: That's pretty funny, and ironic.
2005-06-21 15:37:29] - NBA, Players agree on new labor deal
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