here are old message board entries

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[2005-08-09 14:58:26] - Paul: no, it makes sense.  Assume the average person has attractiveness A to the placer of the ad.  Libertarians and Capitalists have "A + 3" attractiveness, but other answers are not taken down to "A - 3".  They remain at A. - pierce

[2005-08-09 14:23:38] - pierce: I've had that happen as well -dave

[2005-08-09 14:22:51] - Pierce+Lori: It was based on a quote from a personal. The actual quote is: "Extra points if you're a Libertarian or Capitalist although applications not penalized for other answers" and I just realized that she can't really have it both ways. -Paul

[2005-08-09 14:12:41] - it's weird when I send out two netflix discs from the same mailbox at the same time, but one gets there the next day and the other doesn't.  Seems like the odds would be in favor of them getting there together. - pierce

[2005-08-09 14:09:53] - speaking of vendettas and thinly-veiled 1984 references, anyone know anything about V for Vendetta besides the trailer?  I know Alan Moore (creator of the graphic novel) called the script "imbecilic"... probably not a good sign, but maybe he's just sour on movies after LXG. - pierce

[2005-08-09 14:03:10] - anon: War on Terror?  What's that?  Haven't you heard the news, we're engaged in a "global struggle against extremism".  We have always been in a global struggle against eastasi^H^H^H^H^H^Hxtremism. - pierce

[2005-08-09 14:02:06] - Paul:  i guess you don't lose points, as in go negative whatever amount, though I agree, in comparison to X and Y you do get penalized.  To what are you referring?  - lori

[2005-08-09 14:00:42] - Paul: depends on what you're talking about. - pierce

[2005-08-09 13:55:12] - President Bush said in August 2004 that he believes the "War on Terror" is "not winnable"

[2005-08-09 13:52:03] - "Extra points if you're a X or Y although applications not penalized for other answers" If you're getting extra points for being an X or Y, doesn't that kinda mean you ARE getting penalized for other answers? -Paul

[2005-08-09 13:48:38] - Pierce: Then I pronounce vendetta upon you! -Paul

[2005-08-09 13:41:40] - Paul: I'm afraid I can't agree to your terms. - pierce

[2005-08-09 13:23:09] - Pierce: I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree then. -Paul

[2005-08-09 13:04:57] - P.S. I'm not saying there's no room for specialization in HS... I thought the tech labs were an excellent idea and prepared students for the specialized environment they'd encounter in college.  But it was only one class out of eight, one year out of four (with few exceptions).  It was still a relatively small part of the education. - pierce

[2005-08-09 13:01:04] - And while I also admire the college-like atmosphere TJ had, I didn't admire it because people could choose to limit themselves to their particular interests (compared to other schools).  I admired it because of the environment of free exchange of ideas, and the general educational quality which I think was on par with most universities. - pierce

[2005-08-09 12:58:09] - We (I) want kids in high school to be exposed to a broad range of education, so that they can better decide how they want to specialize, and also so that they'll have a common ground with people in other careers and walks of life when they get into the real world. - pierce

[2005-08-09 12:57:35] - Paul: because (while you disagree with this) colleges are supposed to be largely specialized, as they are preparation for specialized careers.  High schools (IMO) are not supposed to be specialized to that same extent. - pierce

[2005-08-09 12:26:37] - Besides, I'm still not sure how this changes the complaint that "Science and Tech" is misleading for a high school but it's perfectly ok for a college to be misleading (a "Tech" school also having a good drama program or whatever). -Paul

[2005-08-09 12:25:35] - Instead of being forced to take classes which didn't interest you, the students were given more flexibility to choose things they wanted to do and the Tech Labs could almost be considered precursors to a major. -Paul

[2005-08-09 12:24:23] - Pierce: I always felt like that was one of the things that made TJ special, though. It wasn't like a normal high school in that in WAS geared towards more specialization and was more like a college atmosphere. -Paul

[2005-08-09 12:20:37] - High school, on the other hand, is the last (and IMO most important part) of one's general education.  It's where you really are supposed to explore different educational areas and figure out which ones jive with you the best.  You're not supposed to be able to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life at the age of fourteen. - pierce

[2005-08-09 12:19:04] - as for "tech" universities, notwithstanding their highly regarded liberal arts programs (Carnegie Mellon has one of the top-rated drama programs in the country, IIRC)... college is the time for specialization, hence the idea of a "major".  You're being prepared for a career in a specific field. - pierce

[2005-08-09 12:17:08] - paul+dave: again, technology may be prioritized at TJ, but I think the overall quality of education, in all disciplines, is what makes it really stand out. - pierce

[2005-08-09 12:11:30] - dave:  biology is close enough :-P  ~a

[2005-08-09 12:04:38] - pierce: well, but think about the senior tech labs, there weren't any liberal arts choices, were there? -dave

[2005-08-09 11:32:16] - Pierce: How about places like MIT and CalTech then? -Paul

[2005-08-09 11:28:15] - I guess I don't like the implication (intentional or no) that science+tech and other disciplines are mutually exclusive.  If anything, they should be considered complementary. - pierce

[2005-08-09 11:11:33] - in fact, I think there's a sister school to TJ for the liberal arts stuff? -dave

[2005-08-09 11:05:43] - yay.  the message board is back.  vinnie:  cable (cable tv and cable internet) outage.  ~a

[2005-08-09 10:52:51] - Paul: I would agree with Paul, altho it is still good for other things -dave

[2005-08-09 10:47:09] - Pierce: I don't particularly mind the name. It probably does give people a limited preconception of the school but I think it's also fairly accurate. TJ's focus is much more on Science and Technology than other things. -Paul

[2005-08-09 10:41:39] - Plus it's intimidating to smart kids who would really excel there, but who may not be interested in being "computer nerds". - pierce

[2005-08-09 10:40:18] - I kinda wonder if TJ would be better off removing the "of Science and Technology" from its name.  It gives people a limited preconception of what the school's really about, and it's one that I don't think is particularly accurate. - pierce

[2005-08-09 10:15:15] - a: what was the reason? - vinnie

[2005-08-09 10:14:04] - identify theft spyware -dave

[2005-08-09 08:53:33] - yes, the message board and other webpages are down AGAIN.  it is for a whole new reason this time and the worst part is i'm not sure how long they'll be down.  :'(  ~a

[2005-08-08 23:05:57] - i am comfortable with the size of my ups.  ~a

[2005-08-08 19:34:22] - a: I think you need a bigger UPS. :-P -Paul

[2005-08-08 17:57:47] - uptime days 000 :'(  ~a

[2005-08-08 17:57:20] - the message board was down today because of a power outage in my apartment that outlasted my ups (ie it wasn't my fault).  ~a

[2005-08-08 14:50:16] - Pierce: I liked the "There aren't that many opportunities for Latinos." comment myself. -Paul

[2005-08-08 14:20:10] - aka it may not have been a major question then - lori

[2005-08-08 14:18:49] - My mother actually sat on the board one year to decide who would go (I think she was asked as a middle school teacher in the area - not because of her conection to me) and she said they never looked at race.  Of course, this was right after we graduated. - lori

[2005-08-08 14:16:43] - I can't believe that that logic would come out of someone who'd had a child at TJ for two years. The "science and tech" in TJ's name shows that those things may be prioritized, but (IMO) it's orders of magnitude better as a school of "public policy and international relations" (for what that's worth), or the arts, etc. than elsewhere. - pierce

[2005-08-08 14:13:37] - Also, "'If TJ was a magnet school for public policy and international relations, I could see why more racial diversity would make sense,' says Louise Epstein, whose daughter will be an 11th-grader there this year. 'But TJ is supposed to be a math, science and technology school.'"... - pierce

[2005-08-08 14:09:10] - has TJ ever been accused of actively discriminating against minorities in the admissions process? - pierce

[2005-08-08 14:08:45] - some of the stuff in that article bugged me... like the snarky "'There are almost no Latinos,' she said in Spanish, adding wryly: 'Maybe that means Miguel isn't supposed to apply?'"... I don't know how seriously she meant it, or whether maybe the reporter exaggerated its significance, but... - pierce

[2005-08-08 13:47:54] - aba+vinnie: Thanks for the info. I didn't think TJ did any kind of filtering on gender but I wasn't sure. It just seemed odd that there were so many females at a Science and Tech school when stereotypically such areas are dominated by men. -Paul

[2005-08-08 13:28:46] - our TJ class was something like 45/55 girls/boys IIRC but I remember hearing that that was above average. yeah I don't think they look at gender at all at TJ - vinnie

[2005-08-08 13:09:04] - two straight men in canada get married for tax benefits -amy

[2005-08-08 12:44:58] - aba: thanks for the stats. i guess there is more of a discrepancy between races than between genders, which makes sense if you think the discrepancy is caused by upbringing. every community/area is going to raise roughly the same number of girls as boys, but with races, obv, communities will have skewed proportions. -amy

[2005-08-08 12:29:34] - tj was split about 40/60 girls/boys, but afaik that was natural and not due to any sort of skewing in entrance qualifications.  -  aba

[2005-08-08 11:58:55] - a: It was. But we were having a conversation about the possibility that CMU was lowering their standards for women, and I guess my friends didn't think it would be fair for me to suggest such a possibility without considering I might be included in it. Still mean though .( -amy

[2005-08-08 11:46:46] - amy: As far as I know, there was never an issue over gender representation at TJ. I believe that the gender balance was fairly equal, which I admit to thinking was a bit odd. Does anybody else know if TJ allowed equal numbers of males and females or something like that? -Paul

[2005-08-08 11:45:29] - a: It's been suggested that it's a side effect of affirmative action. It presents the impression that the people who are favored are less qualified. -Paul

[2005-08-08 11:41:20] - suggested to me by fellow students that i only got in because i'm a girl . . .  that seems like a pretty mean thing to suggest.  ~a

[2005-08-08 11:36:10] - was even suggested to me by fellow (male) students that i only got in because i'm a girl. i actually felt that the fact that the fact that i was female and in the school of CS meant less than for someone who was male, because of all the rumours and speculation. just wondering if anything like that happened at tj. -amy

[2005-08-08 11:34:50] - i ask this because there was an issue at CMU for women in the school of computer science. my freshman year, the percentage of women had increased to 40% from i think 10% the previous year. from my observation, (and also observation of friends who were TA-ing classes), significantly more women struggled in the CS classes than the men did, and it -am

[2005-08-08 11:33:28] - Paul: interesting article. question for TJ ppl: what about gender diversity? what were the proportions of female/male and did was there ever any argument over lowering standards for girls, etc? -amy

[2005-08-08 11:22:22] - Dave: Sorry 8-) -Paul

[2005-08-08 11:10:54] - paul: I was gonna post that =P -dave

[2005-08-08 09:59:53] - Article on Thomas Jefferson High School. -Paul

[2005-08-08 09:59:18] -  - Peter Jennings died  :(  - lori

[2005-08-08 09:49:49] - ban on ephedra overturned. - mig

[2005-08-05 12:59:17] - a: it seemed like the article was using that to describe why it had caused such controversy, and why Jesse Jackson had decided to get involved. - pierce

[2005-08-05 12:31:34] - amy: it was sent to me at work.  My boss was laughing very loudly at them.  ;)  - lori

[2005-08-05 12:18:11] - "the girl is black, and the police officers are white."  if the situation were reversed, would the newspaper so blatently say "the girl is white, and the police officers are black."  i mean, was that supposed to mean something to me?  ~a

[2005-08-05 12:15:05] - sorry people.  cable modem dies on a fairly regular basis (a handfull of times per year).  ~a

[2005-08-05 11:39:23] - lori: nice pictures... i'm glad i'm working from home today .p -amy

[2005-08-05 10:58:01] - Aaron: Because she won't be able to throw fits and get punished and give her parents reason to sue anymore. :-P -Paul

[2005-08-05 10:51:50] - mig: I had three good links yesterday but I don't have time to find them now. Sorry. :-/ -Paul

[2005-08-05 10:17:35] - "our client will never be the same" and this is bad how? - aaron

[2005-08-05 10:13:47] - *** amy posts

[2005-08-05 10:05:22] - now somebody post.  we must make up for the lost days. - mig

[2005-08-05 09:31:15] - horray - mig

[2005-08-05 07:50:09] - Yay!  It worked!  - lori

[2005-08-01 15:48:22] - I can't tell you how thrilled I am to see so much publicity towards a candidate who's fiscally stereotypically liberal, and socially stereotypically conservative. - stalin

[2005-08-01 13:06:57] - Lori: Ok, I'll look into it and get back to you soon. Thanks. -Paul

[2005-08-01 13:06:41] - But Why Can't Hillary Win? -Paul

[2005-08-01 12:35:31] - paul - the 25th if I can manage it.  If not, I'm aiming for a Sunday near there - it's less crowded than saturdays.  - lori

[2005-08-01 12:16:39] - saic

[2005-08-01 10:29:50] - Lori: The story would be comical if it weren't true. -Paul

[2005-08-01 10:28:54] - Lori: Ok, I'll definitely get you an answer before then. You don't know what day in September it's going to be? -Paul

[2005-08-01 10:19:19] - That seems like just a _slight_ over reaction to an 11 year-old throwing a rock at her tormenters... - lori

[2005-08-01 10:17:30] - paul: well, I want to call and check on dates by friday and I need to be able to tell them a number then - lori

[2005-08-01 10:16:09] -  US police pursue girl over stone -Paul

[2005-08-01 10:08:51] - Lori: I'm interested, but I'm not positive I can do it right now. When do you have to know for sure? -Paul

[2005-08-01 09:45:32] - vinnie: well, sometimes typos can be amusing too - lori

[2005-08-01 09:44:22] - lori: I also like how you set a = interested in your if statement. very sneaky - vinnie

[2005-08-01 09:43:31] - lori: me please - vinnie

[2005-08-01 08:03:29] - those videos like I got last year and forced many of you to watch.  Anyway - let me know if you are a=interested and I'll take care of the details.  - lori

[2005-08-01 08:02:38] - ok folks - I'm planning to take adrian skydiving for his birthday in September but I am more than willing for it to be a group outing.  I need to call and schedule it this week though - so here is the basic info.  The website is and the prices are $235 for first-time tandem jumps and $75 additional dollars for one of - lori

[2005-07-31 11:33:43] - aba:  safari might apply some css by default?  that's all i can think of. - mig

[2005-07-31 00:42:37] - a: the rc link doesnt turn purple in safari after i have visited it.  any idea why?  -  aba

[2005-07-30 11:33:28] - Aaron: I'll bet if you explained why it would steer your purchasing decision, they probably would've let you. -Paul

[2005-07-30 11:14:17] - paul: That is, ask to hook up my GC in the store, telling them that it's going to steer my purchase decision... see if they would go for it - aaron

[2005-07-30 11:13:51] - paul: I actually had wario ware in the trunk of my car, thinking that if I could tell the latency by just looking around, I would try playing the "catch the stick" game and see if i could do it - aaron

[2005-07-29 17:25:57] - Aaron: I understand what you're saying, though. I think/hope my TV doesn't have a latency problem (or at least has a very small one) but it's a big risk to take when a lot of the things you do require such a low latency. -Paul

[2005-07-29 17:24:57] - Aaron: Or Wario Ware. :-P -Paul

[2005-07-29 16:52:19] - paul: Playing at your place, the delay was almost completely unnoticable..... Reading around online, most complaints were from people playing IIDX or various baseball games... The kinds of games where the gameplay is literally "press a button during this 20 ms window" - aaron

[2005-07-29 16:49:53] - paul: I didn't notice the samsung units in the store being especially bad, but I had read online that some of the earlier models had ludicrous timing problems (like half a second or more) due to the apparent difficulty of projecting lo-def data on a hi-def tv or something - aaron

[2005-07-29 16:48:43] - paul: Yeah, actually if you just go into a store and look at the different TVs you can see the latency. When you're watching movies or demo reels, you can see during quick flashes that certain TVs update before other TVs. Usually just a few milliseconds, but it's enough that you can tell which TVs not to buy for video games - aaron

[2005-07-29 16:16:02] - Aaron: Cool, I've heard good things about the WEGA. I did read something about some sort of latency issue with some versions of the Samsung DLP TVs but it was pretty vague and rumor-like so I didn't pass it on to you. -Paul

[2005-07-29 16:05:25] - Paul: A sony wega. It's a tube TV. I was looking into flatscreens/DLP/projection TVs but read that they have millisecond-level latency issues (which admittedly only really matters for games like IIDX, but......) - aaron

[2005-07-29 15:09:15] - Aaron: You got a new TV? What kind? -Paul

[2005-07-29 15:02:32] - mig: yes! - aaron

[2005-07-29 13:00:40] - aaron: you get your tv yet? - mig

[2005-07-29 11:51:00] - level 10..... the first bunch of random lines and dots is always so intimidating - aaron

[2005-07-29 11:41:11] - amy: I can only see 1/4 of it - makes it hard to do :/  - lori

[2005-07-29 11:26:31] - bleah level 5 was already pretty hard but i think i have a strategy - aaron

[2005-07-29 11:22:12] - haha didn't hit refresh. sorry double post .) -amy

[2005-07-29 11:19:12] - sure mr weatherbee, we'll serve anybody! - aaron

[2005-07-29 11:12:29] - An addictive game called Planarity. It is the end of all productivity. -Amy

[2005-07-29 11:08:58] - aaron: here's that game I was telling you about - vinnie

[2005-07-29 11:07:25] - superman's unluckiest day... there are a ton of hilariously stupid comic covers/panels on this site - aaron

[2005-07-29 11:06:30] - the king of marbles - aaron

[2005-07-29 11:05:57] - batman's greatest boner [sfw - just a lot of old fashioned comics] - aaron

[2005-07-28 13:00:31] - article on a blind video gamer. Some of this makes sense... i can picture tekken, soul calibur and maybe mortal kombat - but asteroids? that sounds unlikely - aaron

[2005-07-28 11:13:10] - ddr_ppl: OK, said friend will be arriving late and then joining us for dinner, i hope this is okay -amy

[2005-07-28 09:40:16] - oops that was me -amy

[2005-07-28 09:40:06] - ddr: i might be late and/or bringing a friend

[2005-07-28 09:32:16] - that was me - vinnie

[2005-07-28 09:32:09] - aaron: yeah, should be there

[2005-07-28 08:47:39] - a: also, solve my nurikabe! - aaron

[2005-07-28 08:47:03] - ddr_people: 5:45ish? who's coming today? - aaron

[2005-07-27 15:37:00] - likewise. - pierce

[2005-07-27 15:22:34] - I keep checking, but there hasn't been anyone about... - lori

[2005-07-27 15:18:50] - am i the only one of the board today? - mig

[2005-07-26 14:14:42] - Disturbing stuff though.  And 100,000 executions since 1979... god that's messed up. - pierce

[2005-07-26 14:12:45] - I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume Iran doesn't have open judicial proceedings (calling them "trials" would probably be disingenuous).  Because if they did, the sexual assault allegation would be much easier to prove or disprove. - pierce

[2005-07-26 14:02:24] - there's something incredibly unsettling about the phrase "death by either hanging, stoning, cutting in half by a sword, or dropping from a tall building or cliff" - aaron

[2005-07-26 12:47:54] - aaron: yes, I could totally see it being like that, which is why I wasn't sure whether I wanted to go. I'll think about it - it's $20 - vinnie

[2005-07-26 12:44:59] - pierce: what i was talking about yesterday. - mig

[2005-07-26 12:05:36] - vinnie: Sounds like another "nodding" concert (as opposed to, the jumping around kind) but i wouldn't mind going. It's pretty cool they're coming here - aaron

[2005-07-26 12:04:01] - pierce: I loved kerry in that episode :) he had such a great quote. i was groaning like 1/3 of the way through it and it just kept going. - aaron

[2005-07-26 12:01:57] - aaron: puffy ami yumi at the 9:30 club in august. I'm not sure whether I want to go but just thought I'd throw it out there - vinnie

[2005-07-26 10:55:15] - mig: I think that's exactly right.  Pro-lifers want the federal government to back off saying "constitutional 'privacy' > states prohibiting abortion", and then subsequently advance that "constitutional protections of life > states permitting abortion" - pierce

[2005-07-26 10:52:17] - aaron: he didn't necessarily have to shut it down, but I personally don't think he did a great job expressing that view you described.  the thing just came off (to me) as a sounding board for Santorum's views, rather than an actual debate. - pierce

[2005-07-26 09:35:33] - It sounds like you're disappointed that he didn't try to completely shut down the opposing argument and personally I thought that was one of the coolest things about the interview. Not only that but I think it will encourage future Ricks to come onto his show which would be cool - aaron

[2005-07-26 09:34:01] - ....and it's a slap to the face to tell single parents/gay parents that their kids would be better off in a nuclear family when the gender/quantity of the parents is such a small part of such a complex situation. Anyway I thought he got that point across and we heard both sides pretty equally which is really what I think Jon's all about - aaron

[2005-07-26 09:32:41] - pierce: I think Jon did a good job disagreeing with Rick in a civil way, I thought he made it pretty obvious that his viewpoint was that a non-nuclear family could raise kids perfectly well, and that while the nuclear family may be the ideal way for things to work, there are a lot of dysfunctional nuclear families.... - aaron

[2005-07-26 09:20:41] - pierce:  i don't follow.  so if the federal government interferes less than it means they eventually will interfere more? - mig

[2005-07-26 01:48:31] - oops, forgot to close the parenthesis). - pierce

[2005-07-26 01:46:26] - Then, once it's decided that the federal government can't interfere with state laws against abortion, they'll get to work on making it so the federal government can interfere with state laws (or lack thereof) permitting abortion. - pierce

[2005-07-26 01:45:56] - (this question is somewhat rhetorical... I personally believe "states rights" is a stepping stone to defeat the presumption that "the right to privacy exists and overrides state concerns". - pierce

[2005-07-26 01:43:09] - so how can any pro-life person justify the position that states can kill innocent human beings (as the pro-life person sees it, obviously) if they so choose?  "murder" is one of those things that very clearly isn't a states' rights issue. - pierce

[2005-07-26 01:41:27] - in other words, the counter to the roe decision is that "the supreme court exceeded its authority by superceding a states' rights issue to outlaw abortion".  Correct me if I'm wrong, but the logical implication of that is that states have the full right to self-determination on the issue... - pierce

[2005-07-26 01:39:10] - okay, so here's a point of discussion (though sadly, I won't be able to participate until tomorrow afternoon): how can pro-life people justifiy taking the position that abortion should be a states' rights issue?  I don't know how prevalent that view is, but I've seen it suggested by many conservatives as an argument against roe v. wade. - pierce

[2005-07-26 01:03:10] - I'll give credit where credit's due: Santorum was eloquent, clear, and appears to be a very principled man.  Problem is, I disagree with the vast majority of his principles.  Or, perhaps more importantly, I disagree with the way he derives his principles. - pierce

[2005-07-26 01:00:56] - He let too much go by... he needed to challenge the assumption that MAN + WOMAN + 2.5*CHILD == HEALTHY_SOCIETY.  And he allowed the stuff he usually complains about in other journalists... answers that really don't address the question, but just state a feel-good truism as a distraction. - pierce

[2005-07-26 00:56:31] - Not that every discussion has to be a competition, but Stewart clearly did disagree with Santorum's views, but he didn't really assert that fact. - pierce

[2005-07-26 00:55:33] - I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed in Jon Stewart.  I'd say Santorum "won", except my problem with it is that it wasn't even a competition.  Stewart seemed to spend five seconds of every seven-second answer saying that he agreed with Santorum, and half the time the other two seconds were for a joke. - pierce

[2005-07-25 16:06:48] - um. minus one of those "not"s -amy

[2005-07-25 15:54:18] - pierce: do you mean public ones or ones you just make up for a bunch of your friends? (i'm assuming the former, in which case my answer is not, "not i," but if it is the latter, then yes, i have) -amy

[2005-07-25 15:10:11] - does anybody here use AIM chat rooms to any significant extent? - pierce

[2005-07-25 13:15:22] - i found the AIM conversation betw the two girls to be the saddest part... that is linked in foxfur's LJ. -amy

[2005-07-25 13:13:28] - may have to scroll down a bit to understand it from the beginning. i thought it was fascinating, sociologically. also followed links to foxfur's journal; provides another perspective on the situation. -amy

[2005-07-25 13:12:13] - LJ user lies about burned cat, collections donations via paypal, and sparks massive controversy over what the truth is -amy

[2005-07-22 17:41:43] - You know, in the same way it would impress me if you shat in an ice cream cone and convinced someone to eat it - aaron

[2005-07-22 17:40:43] - a: Well it would impress me if he got a bill, which is designed to obfuscate publicly-accessible data, passed under the guise of "better serving the public" :) - aaron

[2005-07-22 13:52:16] - santorum denounces feminism in his book -amy

[2005-07-22 13:47:15] - a: santorum also apparently believes that women need to quit their jobs and stay at home, and that feminism/women working was the source of a lot of america's problems. (it's in his new book, afaik) -amy

[2005-07-22 13:24:54] - Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture. When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm.  -Rick

[2005-07-22 13:21:34] - santorum believes consenting adults do not have a constitutional right to privacy with respect to sexual acts.  ~a

[2005-07-22 13:20:08] - impresses you how?  isn't that kind of dumb?  or were you (and the non-NPOV entry) being coy?  ~a

[2005-07-22 13:16:00] - aaron: Oh wait, it hasn't passed yet. Okay then it doesn't impress me, it only amuses me - aaron

[2005-07-22 13:15:38] - I love the detail on the National Weather Services Duties Act, it really impresses me somehow - aaron

[2005-07-22 13:10:14] - pierce: They've had highly conservative guests on the show before and Jon isn't usually super-polarized against them or anything. They'll argue and stuff but I've never seen an interview get really humiliating or ugly for any guest. - aaron

[2005-07-22 12:30:09] - Pierce: yeah you're right that would be silly. well then i agree. no good can come out of this for santorum. but i bet it will be hilarious .) -amy

[2005-07-22 12:13:50] - amy: that'd be true if there was an anti-mocking agreement that lasted in perpetuity, but TDS would never agree to such a thing.  Stewart will continue to make fun of Santorum in his absence anyway. - pierce

[2005-07-22 11:48:41] - pierce: i agree with you. but if by going on the show, that means he makes an agreement where mocking/defaming/etc. does not happen, then it's better than if he doesn't appear on the show and jon stewart says all sorts of awful (and undoubtedly hilarious) things behind his back .) -amy

[2005-07-22 11:42:05] - The potential gain is so small, and the chance he'll come out of this as an even more universally-recognized nutjob is very high. - pierce

[2005-07-22 11:41:12] - regardless of how Santorum's people expect it to go, I just don't understand his incentive.  TDS viewership seems like a demographic that he'll never be able to win over politically.  Stewart does not seem like the type who will let him get away with the usual talking points... - pierce

[2005-07-22 11:36:45] - hmmm... "defame" was the wrong word.  "mock" would be better, since it doesn't imply anything Stewart might say which is untrue. - pierce

[2005-07-22 11:35:48] - Amy: I hope not. :) But I'd suspect that if his PR people have any sense at all, they've either worked out a deal where the Daily Show won't defame Santorum during the interview... kinda like when John Edwards went on to officially announce his candidacy for president (I don't know if it was a legal agreement or what...) - pierce

[2005-07-22 11:12:10] - pierce: Does Santorum realize that Jon Stewart is going to make a fool of him? ,) -Amy

[2005-07-22 11:04:43] - amusingly, when Jon Stewart mentioned his upcoming appearance last night, the audience booed very emphatically. :) - pierce

[2005-07-22 11:04:01] - just thought those of us who enjoy discussing social politics might find that compelling (I know I'll watch it). - pierce

[2005-07-22 11:03:20] - Rick Santorum (religious right poster-senator, waay out there esp. on social issues) is going to be on the Daily Show on Monday.  Ought to be interesting, although it makes me with the Daily Show interviews lasted longer. - pierce

[2005-07-22 09:03:48] - "Hi. I'm probably home, I'm just avoiding someone I don't like.  Leave me a message, and if I don't call back, it's you."  :-P

[2005-07-21 16:54:29] - lori: presidential elections happen in 2008 - aaron

[2005-07-21 16:29:52] - Lori: You're probably right. I don't know if it will work or not, but I find it to be interesting nonetheless. -Paul

[2005-07-21 16:26:05] - wow that was so not an action meant to be used with /me -amy

[2005-07-21 16:25:42] - *** amy still doubts a gynecological exam can prove anything about virginity

[2005-07-21 16:25:11] - lori: hillary runs for pres, woo hoo -amy

[2005-07-21 16:22:59] - paul: I think part of the goal is also to keep them from starting having children so young and therefore having so many - which in fact they can accomplish simply by working on getting the females in school...but other than that I do find the logic to be very faulty as well. - lori

[2005-07-21 16:21:34] - a: what happens in 2008? - lori

[2005-07-21 16:13:52] - is it 2008 yet?  ~a

[2005-07-21 15:49:38] - amy:  me too.  ~a

[2005-07-21 15:30:31] - which, upon rereading, is just a paraphrasing of what you said, so I guess I didn't add anything to the discourse other than "me too". - pierce

[2005-07-21 15:29:11] - amy: I'm with you on this... it's fairly bogus ideologically to begin with, but that's moot anyway because it's impracticable. - pierce

[2005-07-21 15:23:56] - amy: And I think the argument would probably be made that boys don't need educational help or something. -Paul

[2005-07-21 15:22:26] - amy: "Health workers in the central Kayunga District will conduct gynecological examination on girls who want to take part in the project" -Paul

[2005-07-21 15:10:53] - paul: though, you raise a good point... how the hell do they intend to prove it? -amy

[2005-07-21 15:09:50] - paul: i was just pointing out that it seems unfair and anyway female virginity is not 100% proveable anyway, afaik -amy

[2005-07-21 15:06:19] - holy gods, this single mother adopted 7 kids? (all with disabilities too) -amy

[2005-07-21 15:06:05] - amy: It's a lot harder to prove you're a boy virgin and it's hard to prove rape as well. -Paul

[2005-07-21 15:04:08] - paul: guh. they should pay boy virgins too and what about girls who were raped? .( -amy

[2005-07-21 15:02:59] - a: Wouldn't that mean the women at college would be less loose? -Paul

[2005-07-21 14:55:55] - more virgins in college is the coolest idea ever.  if you read the wording correctly, it says nothing of their behavior after they reach college.  ~a

[2005-07-21 14:53:00] - Disabled girl barred from theme park rides. The girls is from Springfield, VA. =-o -Paul

[2005-07-21 14:49:27] - Lawmaker Wants to Send Virgins to College. -Paul

[2005-07-21 14:41:20] - aaron:  it's a factor of 8110504220.  ~a

[2005-07-21 14:31:13] - lori:  ****  ~a

[2005-07-21 14:20:24] - Wow, those intellectual zings are just flying all over the place... - lori

[2005-07-21 14:04:29] - aaron:  dork  ~a

[2005-07-21 13:46:39] - a: nerd - aaron

[2005-07-21 13:32:34] - it's a multiple of five.  ~a

[2005-07-21 13:27:50] - amy: only 42220? that's only a factor of two! - aaron

[2005-07-21 13:27:37] - bum bum song lyrics (for obvious reasons) - aaron

[2005-07-21 12:31:52] - aaron: smartchild wins with 42220! -amy

[2005-07-21 12:20:49] - lori: yeah i'm interested .) hooray to being mostly unpacked and having time for a social life again! -amy

[2005-07-21 12:13:07] - a: You win this one. ;-) -Paul

[2005-07-21 12:13:01] - and ellins (those of you who know him) for that matter.  ~a

[2005-07-21 12:12:50] - Aaron: Adrian told me that his sister had a rating of around 21k, but I think that's the closest anybody I know can come to zeus1337. -Paul

[2005-07-21 12:12:09] - aaron:  my sister and her friend have 21k each.  ~a

[2005-07-21 12:10:24] - agh doom the movie? Back in the 90s, when we first heard about it, I remember joking about how it would be the first movie shot entirely in first-person. - aaron

[2005-07-21 12:04:37] - paul: Aim fight is pretty cool. Can anybody beat zeus1337 (my ex-roommate)'s 27727 rating? - aaron

[2005-07-21 11:55:03] - amy:  btw, adrian will be gone as of Sat. morning - any interest in girly activities this weekend?  don't email me - my email has locked me out. - lori

[2005-07-21 11:54:10] - amy:  I'll be there as early as the traffic gods (who have been angry this week) let me :)  - lori

[2005-07-21 11:35:27] - DDR: today? whenever we get there? (5.45-6.15?) -amy

[2005-07-21 11:19:48] - paul:  i'm god.  ~a

[2005-07-21 11:15:44] - a: How do you know? ;-) -Paul

[2005-07-21 10:52:30] - paul:  nope.  ~a

[2005-07-21 10:42:54] - vinnie: why is that odd?  Species is a high-quality boobies.  I mean film. - pierce

[2005-07-21 10:42:16] - a: I guess it was Carey, not Kerry... but phoenetically indistinguishable and the middle initial "coincidence" is interesting. - pierce

[2005-07-21 10:29:15] - heh... odd moment. Pierce was watching Species :-p - vinnie

[2005-07-21 10:01:51] - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has rating nixed, as ESRB demands action -Paul

[2005-07-21 09:48:19] - Who is more popular? -Paul

[2005-07-21 09:45:22] - a: They don't cause sterility? -Paul

[2005-07-21 09:44:31] - Best and Worst of Comic-Con 2005 -Paul

[2005-07-21 09:38:44] - imdb  ~a

[2005-07-21 09:38:20] - paul:  i don't if pierce is giving information directly from the movie or not (does the movie actually give his middle initial?), but imdb doesn't have a middle initial, and it's carey, not kerry.  ~a

[2005-07-21 09:35:11] - paul:  americans are stupid and think that microwaves (and radio waves for that matter) cause sterility.  therefore we wouldn't ever be able to use it on stupid americans.  ~a

[2005-07-21 09:33:08] - a: When is it scheduled for service in the U.S.? :-P -Paul

[2005-07-21 09:32:48] - Pierce: That's really weird. I would think that would have to be intentional, right? -Paul

[2005-07-21 09:08:23] - "a weapon that 'fires a 95ghz microwave beam at rioters to cause heating and intolerable pain in less than five seconds' is scheduled for service in iraq in 2006"  ~a

[2005-07-21 01:18:02] - heh... odd moment.  The name of the character who takes Natasha Henstridge to the hospital after she's hit by a car in Species is John F. Kerry. - pierce

[2005-07-20 18:20:19] - mig: Eh, I can easily see conservatives defending him and I actually don't think it would be TOO much of a stretch. -Paul

[2005-07-20 17:16:47] - there are already rumblings on wnd that roberts is going to be another souter. - mig

[2005-07-20 17:07:30] - did i say reasons?  i meant excuses. - mig

[2005-07-20 17:04:47] - paul:  so basically, conservatives have now run out of reasons to support bush. - mig

[2005-07-20 14:53:03] - a: me too. - pierce

[2005-07-20 13:44:46] - a: No, I remember that. -Paul

[2005-07-20 13:25:35] - am i the only one that remembers this?  ~a

[2005-07-20 13:15:14] - Another article on the ESRB/rockstar thing. I liked this one because it gave some specific examples of how ESRB rates games, and some unusual ratings they've given previous games - aaron

[2005-07-20 13:14:21] - 'Star Trek' Star James Doohan Dies. -Paul

[2005-07-20 11:48:03] - Amy: Agreed. But I think people who are pre-disposed to oppose him aren't going to be able to be convinced of him being a good guy anyway. :-) -Paul

[2005-07-20 11:47:34] - but it seems like he's a lot more acceptable to them than I think many democrats were worrying about. -Paul

[2005-07-20 11:47:15] - Amy: He's also on record as saying that he acknowledges that Roe v Wade is the established law and that he doesn't have any personal reasons why it is a problem with him. Also, he seems to be well respected by democrats. I'm sure he's not the type of guy a democrat would ever nominate... -Paul

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