here are old message board entries

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[2005-08-15 15:28:56] - mig: I'm not so sure why you think the Pistons are in bad shape. They have their starting line-up intact from last year with the only difference being the bench and coach. -Paul

[2005-08-15 15:25:04] - Dave: Maybe. I don't think Shaq is deserving of a big contract extension anyway although most teams probably would be perfectly willing to give him one. That's why I don't think it's as big a deal to me. -Paul

[2005-08-15 15:03:23] - paul:  /shurg  they're in better shape than the pistons are right now.  I don't really think any other team in the east can really compete with them now.  the west ... that's another story. - mig

[2005-08-15 15:00:25] - love the quote from "cindy knight".  Reminds me of one of those poochie promoters from the simpsons or something.  - aaron

[2005-08-15 14:59:37] - Paul: <nod> it remains to be seen. In either case, I still respect shaq for what he did -dave

[2005-08-15 14:52:38] - :'( - aaron

[2005-08-15 14:51:16] - travis hasn't posted here in six months.  ~a

[2005-08-15 14:48:54] - travis: i have your mario ds - aaron

[2005-08-15 14:46:06] - Dave: Despite all the big names they got and the money they spent, I'm not entirely sure the Heat are any better than last season. -Paul

[2005-08-15 14:43:06] - <salutes shaq> -dave

[2005-08-15 14:21:49] - okey doke.  there's no rush. - mig

[2005-08-15 14:20:49] - mig:  right now i have to do an interview.  tomorrow i'll look into finding out how to get the non-root build to work.  there's no way i'm going to let sun's jvm run as root.  ~a

[2005-08-15 14:17:15] - because i want to experiment with j2ee stuff, and you can't do that in php.  you only have 256MB ram on that machine? - mig

[2005-08-15 14:14:32] - to be honest, my bigger complaint is that of the build process.  what sort of build process doesn't let you build as a non-root user?  ~a

[2005-08-15 14:05:54] - mig:  right right.  i'm just saying 27 processes and 20% of the TOTAL ram is too much considering the extremely small benifit.  why not just write in php and save yourself 27 processes and 50mb?  ~a

[2005-08-15 13:44:44] - i think the tons of processes has to do with how linux is launching the services.  you notice there are a ton of httpd and mysqld processes as well. - mig

[2005-08-15 13:40:52] - it does use a fair bit of memory though around 50M i think. at least that's what our machine is reporting. - mig

[2005-08-15 13:37:49] - it shouldn't.  it only runs on one process on our linux machine over here. - mig

[2005-08-15 13:36:09] - let me guess, 5.5 will use more memory (and have more processes) than 4.1.  ~a

[2005-08-15 13:35:40] - sep 25, 2004.  ~a

[2005-08-15 13:34:37] - yah, that version is wayyy to old.  most of the stuff i'm using requires 5.5 - mig

[2005-08-15 13:34:15] - 4.1.31  ~a

[2005-08-15 13:23:44] - and then you just run the server using the in the bin directory and your done. - mig

[2005-08-15 13:23:15] - hmm, that's tomcat 4.1-something.  that's a really old version of it.  at work we got it from tomcats website ( and just installed their tarball into /opt/tomcat. - mig

[2005-08-15 13:18:26] - apt-install tomcat4 and apt-install tomcat4-webapps (the latter seemed to be required)  ~a

[2005-08-15 13:17:51] - mig:  which runs.  "/etc/init.d/tomcat4 start"  ~a

[2005-08-15 13:17:44] - a:  how'd you install it?  is it a debian package? - mig

[2005-08-15 13:17:11] - mig:  "service tomcat4 start"  ~a

[2005-08-15 13:11:29] - tomcat is a huge memory HOG!  ~a

[2005-08-15 13:11:24] - a:  did you run it using the in the /bin directory? - mig

[2005-08-15 13:07:27] - mig:  why does tomcat open up TWENTYSEVEN HUGE processes?  ~a

[2005-08-15 13:06:29] - This might have been posted before. Blank keyboard. -Paul

[2005-08-15 13:02:03] - a:  well, no it doesn't work that way, unless you set up httpd to use tomcat's connector.  Otherwise it needs to be opened to the world in order for tomcat to be useful. - mig

[2005-08-15 12:56:11] - mig:  so it just needs to be "opened" to the httpd process.  not to the world.  ~a

[2005-08-15 12:53:55] - a:  it uses it for accept http requests.  - mig

[2005-08-15 12:52:57] - tomcat doesn't have any ports registered in /etc/services.  ~a

[2005-08-15 12:52:25] - mig:  it uses that port for what?  ~a

[2005-08-15 11:54:28] - Firefox loses ground to IE for the first time -dae

[2005-08-15 11:51:27] -,2125,68501,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_1 Mac hack allows OS X on PC -dave

[2005-08-15 11:50:19] - a:  tomcat uses that port. - mig

[2005-08-15 11:39:46] - RIAA admits that CD-R more of a threat than P2P (29% to 16%) -dave

[2005-08-15 11:07:10] - mig:  for what?  ~a

[2005-08-15 11:04:02] - awesome, can you also open up port 8080 as well? - mig

[2005-08-15 10:57:47] - yes.  ~a

[2005-08-15 10:18:57] - a:  oh.  thought you said you had installed it.  can you install tomcat 5.5 whenever you get the chance? - mig

[2005-08-15 10:17:40] - mig:  right now?  version 0.0.  ~a

[2005-08-15 09:15:20] - a:  what v. of tomcat is installed on this machine? - mig

[2005-08-15 08:59:43] - everyone:  lighten up.  ~a

[2005-08-14 15:14:57] - very interesting article about the inner workings (laws and sausages) of the U.S. House of Representatives. - pierce

[2005-08-14 13:39:54] - by the way, NSFW means both not safe for work and not safe for... wegetarians, at times. - pierce

[2005-08-14 13:37:09] - -a?  who the hell are you? -pierce

[2005-08-14 03:02:58] - i love you, pierce  -a

[2005-08-13 14:17:34] - God, this is funny... (moments NSFW, pretty large file) - pierce

[2005-08-12 18:12:04] - I think this is donte stallworth... ouch!    -sam

[2005-08-12 17:50:21] - i wish i can play that...    -sam

[2005-08-12 17:47:52] - i had to copy and paste the optical illusion into a paint program before i could convince myself that it wasn't actually moving.  ~a

[2005-08-12 17:36:56] - awesome optical illusion    -sam

[2005-08-12 17:25:46] - Microsoft Word...  the gansta version  -sam

[2005-08-12 17:15:35] - lawnmower bike!  -sam

[2005-08-12 17:09:29] - look at the title of this magazine  -sam

[2005-08-12 17:06:22] - i love diet coke.  ~a

[2005-08-12 17:04:35] - modified mac... now a beer server!    -sam

[2005-08-12 17:03:26] - Just sowing the seeds of chaos, as usual. ;-) - pierce

[2005-08-12 16:59:49] - I hate diet coke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  -sam

[2005-08-12 16:46:00] - pierce:  why did you bring this up? :-D  ~a

[2005-08-12 16:44:40] - a:  :)  -  aba

[2005-08-12 16:41:06] - aba:  you don't link to . . . you link to which links to which links to (three clicks).  ~a

[2005-08-12 16:39:45] - a:  -  aba

[2005-08-12 16:38:45] - a: i was only teasing.  :)  -  aba

[2005-08-12 16:38:27] - aba:  and this time you have no right to complain.  :-P  you dropped me first.  ~a

[2005-08-12 16:38:06] - aba:  again i dropped everybody that didn't have a journal.  ~a

[2005-08-12 16:32:06] - alexandria is much older than those areas, so the poorer sections of town actually exist.  plus, a long time ago the govt had a lot of subsidized housing projects in alexandria.  you wont really find pre-50s housing in fair lakes/dulles/etc.  -  aba

[2005-08-12 16:29:53] - i only raised the question because i get approached sometimes when i walk across the street to get lunch (from work), and not always in a polite manner, and i haven't noticed that ever happening in like fair lakes or even dulles or ashburn/sterling. -amy

[2005-08-12 16:29:10] - a: heh heh, like a certain tunnel? .) -amy

[2005-08-12 16:21:15] - pierce: yes. i was dropped again.  :-P -  aba

[2005-08-12 16:20:27] - did the list of links above the comment field get shorter? - pierce

[2005-08-12 16:19:55] - amy:  i agree that it does depend on where you want to live.  i'll even admit that there are some parts of alexandria CLOSE to where i live that i wouldn't want to be walking around at night.  ~a

[2005-08-12 16:18:02] - i live in the part of del ray that is still undergoing reform  -  aba

[2005-08-12 16:17:42] - amy: like any other part of the world, the upper/middle class part of alexandria is very nice and the rest of it varies.  -  aba

[2005-08-12 16:17:05] - aba: where in alexandria? -amy

[2005-08-12 16:16:10] - amy: i think the part of alexandria that i live in is pretty sketchy.  break ins/sirens/etc on a regular basis.  a bunch of people in my building are alcoholics.  *shrug*  - aba

[2005-08-12 16:05:54] - dave:  you mean "this page intentionally left blank"?  ~a

[2005-08-12 15:49:06] - I love pages that say "this page left intentionally blank" -dave

[2005-08-12 15:04:54] - *** dave closes the can

[2005-08-12 15:00:24] - dave: okay... I kinda thought that was the can of worms we were already... ummm... having had opened. - pierce

[2005-08-12 14:55:11] - pierce: valid point, I guess I was just saying I didn't want to open that can of worms -dave

[2005-08-12 14:51:12] - ...which is not, in itself, a critique of organized religion, but rather of certain implementations of it in the world today. - pierce

[2005-08-12 14:50:32] - dave: it's not a different discussion... you were saying that the furor was a result of the changing of laws, and I'm saying it's the other way around.  I think the fuhr... errr, furor is caused by people's personal religious affiliations being used as a political tool by the leaders of those religions. - pierce

[2005-08-12 14:46:49] - mig: yeah, it only talks about gays as far as I know -dave

[2005-08-12 14:46:14] - pierce: true, but that's a whole 'nother discussion -dave

[2005-08-12 14:44:19] - dave: one could just as easily make the argument that the cause and effect are reversed... abortion and homosexuality are the causes du jour, and that's why the laws are being made and changed at the moment. - pierce

[2005-08-12 14:43:40] - dave:  it's true about the whole sodomy bit, but i haven't found anything int he bible that explicitly says a human cannot love human of the same gender, and those are 2 dinstinct things.  And in either cases lesbians are off the hook on that one.  - mig

[2005-08-12 14:40:48] - pierce: my whole point was that there are laws being made or changed right now on homosexuality and abortion, hence why they get so much attention. I didn't mean to say anything about whether things the Bible says are right and wrong should be legal or illegal -dave

[2005-08-12 14:39:33] - either

[2005-08-12 14:39:31] - pierce: what about it? is there a law being debated on it right now? None that I know of, hence no discussion on it - which is my point. And of course, I don't mean to imply that everything the Bible says is "sin" should necessarily be illegal. Being prideful, coveting something of someone else's? Those don't seem practical to make illegal ei -dave

[2005-08-12 14:31:57] - dave: how about taking a false idol (pretty obviously including the gods of all the other world religions)?  The bible spends quite a bit of time on that particular topic. - pierce

[2005-08-12 14:25:06] - pierce: but yeah, I guess not as much as some other things -dave

[2005-08-12 14:24:51] - pierce: nearly as explicitly as what? adultery? There's a decent bit about it, and actually a verse that flat out says it's wrong -dave

[2005-08-12 14:23:45] - amy: oh, yeah, I think the terrorist thing is stupid -dave

[2005-08-12 14:22:02] - dave: that was in response to "yeah, my point..." - pierce

[2005-08-12 14:21:10] - dave: which is interesting, because neither abortion nor homosexuality is condemned nearly as explicitly in the bible.  Expanding upon Amy's note about "choosing" homosexuality, it seems clear that these debates are about personal biases rather than strict adherence to scripture. - pierce

[2005-08-12 14:20:01] - dave: small pic = america is in discussion about laws over homosexuality. big pic = homosexuality has existed for centuries, it is gay marriage is honored in other countries which were not attacked by terrorists, etc. -amy

[2005-08-12 14:18:57] - amy: or do you mean those specific people who were protesting at funerals? I agree if that's what you meant -dave

[2005-08-12 14:17:18] - amy: the big picture about what? -dave

[2005-08-12 14:15:30] - Pierce: yeah, my point was that there is no on-going legal changes in those other areas, just in abortion and civil unions etc. In other words, there's discussion on these because there are laws being debated that have to do with these issues -dave

[2005-08-12 14:13:57] - amy:  i haven't seen any reason to worry.  ~a

[2005-08-12 13:56:04] - so general question, what do people think of alexandria in terms of safety, as compared to other places in this area? -amy

[2005-08-12 13:53:51] - pierce: yeah i think there are a lot of holes in these peoples' logic .) -amy

[2005-08-12 13:29:51] - All but two of the commandments are legal... maybe two and a half ("false witness" if applied to a courtroom context).  But we don't see a lot of furor about laws permitting people to believe in other Gods in this country.  And thank God for that. :) - pierce

[2005-08-12 13:28:28] - dave: what?  setting aside for the moment the flawed concept of a "law to make something legal" (in a free society, shouldn't it be legal by default?)... the ten commandments is basically a laundry list of counterexamples to your point. - pierce

[2005-08-12 13:13:13] - Dave: ah, that does make a certain amount of sense. i still think they are missing the big picture, which makes sense, if you think they do not care to find it. -amy

[2005-08-12 13:08:16] - amy: I guess what I'm trying to say is I can't think of many other things that are specifically listed as "sin" in christianity and having laws made to make it legal, hence the furor -dave

[2005-08-12 13:06:51] - amy: I don't know if it's singled out per se, but the issue of legalizing civil unions / gay marriage has kinda vaulted it into the spotlight - just like abortion, since abortion laws are constantly being proposed / changed -dave

[2005-08-12 13:04:59] - aaron: yeah, that seems quite tasteless -dave

[2005-08-12 13:02:45] - It always amazes me how myopic people can be in these situations. How did they choose homosexuality as the "evil" to single out? And I love how they just imply that the terrorists are just pawns in God's plan of wrath against Americans, the real humans. -amy

[2005-08-12 12:50:41] - I haven't been this troubled... well, since you posted the article about capital punishment in Iran.  Which wasn't so long ago.  Troubled times. - pierce

[2005-08-12 12:49:41] - If their actions weren't so disturbing, I'd say they were trying to ham-fistedly parody organized religion.  Maybe I just don't understand cults, but I don't know how anyone can get to that place, where such evil things are proclaimed "good" and "just" and "God's will". - pierce

[2005-08-12 12:33:58] - Westboro Baptist Church brings picket signs to Ohio's memorial service for 49 soldiers killed in Iraq - apparently they are upset with the military for its acceptance of homosexual soldiers - aaron

[2005-08-12 11:03:40] - amy: and yeah, baseball is the sport that I absolutely abhor - as far as playing it goes. -dave

[2005-08-12 11:03:00] - amy: ooo, tennis, I'm not really good, but I like to play tennis ^_^ -dave

[2005-08-12 11:01:19] - dave: yeah i played tennis. i tried bball, with that whole "i'm tall so i must be good" thinking, but i was absolutely terrible at it. i can get the hang of most sports but for some reason, i always feel completely uncoordinated with bballs. -amy

[2005-08-12 10:53:53] - amy: haha, yeah, I'm fairly tall, 5' 11" - so people always told me growing up that I should play bball. I played soccer though -dave

[2005-08-12 10:33:50] - ...girls bball team. i told her i was terrible at bball anyway, and she said, "it doesn't matter, you're tall." -amy

[2005-08-12 10:33:13] - dave: i was almost invited to play bball by a coworker. i don't think i've ever met you; i'm fairly tall for a girl and the (asian) receptionist (who i never talked to before then) asked me what race i was, and was disappointed when i told her i was taiwanese, because she wanted to recruit me to her (phillipino? vietnamse? i dont' remember)...

[2005-08-12 10:25:31] - narrator:  don't you mean "buncha guys at work invited him to play" ?  ~a

[2005-08-12 10:24:39] - *** dave bemoans his lack of basketball skill. Buncha guys at work invited me to play

[2005-08-12 09:40:34] - mig: or they are in blatant places that you're not supposed to be sitting, etc -dave

[2005-08-12 09:25:26] - if the owner of the place asks you to leave, and then you don't, it can be considered trespassing. - mig

[2005-08-12 08:57:53] - d'oh, that last one was to aaron -dave

[2005-08-12 08:57:45] - a: yeah, I heard about that too -dave

[2005-08-12 08:57:10] - a: yeah, I guess <shrug>. Most sit-ins are illegal I think, that's the point -dave

[2005-08-12 08:53:33] - dave: The daily show talked about that anti-john roberts ad on their show yesterday... they also talked about a conservative group which was pissed at John for working for 10 hours on the gay side of a gay rights trial - aaron

[2005-08-12 08:15:21] - so was the sit-in illegal i guess?  ~a

[2005-08-12 07:43:58] - a: and I guess he bombed an abortion clinic 7 years later, not violently protested. Well, I guess it is violently protesting, but whatever, heh heh -dave

[2005-08-12 07:43:01] - a: it was a sit-in somewhere -dave

[2005-08-12 07:42:51] - ad has been pulled -dave

[2005-08-12 07:32:51] - hey, i didn't realize gcc was at 4.0.  hell, it's already to debian-testing and it's probably been on my debian-unstable machine for a while now.  ~a

[2005-08-12 07:29:41] - or not do.  ~a

[2005-08-12 07:24:35] - what did he do to get arrested?  ~a

[2005-08-12 07:24:26] - dave:  why would he need to be represented for a non-violent protest?  ~a

[2005-08-12 07:20:25] - if this is representative of some of the other propaganda we see, I'm terrified -dave

[2005-08-12 07:18:54] - what isn't being said is that John Roberts represented the guy for a non-violent protest. It was 10 years after he represented him that he violently protested an abortion clinic -dave

[2005-08-12 07:17:51] - apparently this is an ad showing on CNN and other major media outlets -dave

[2005-08-12 07:17:37] - hehe, love the media "In the Bray case, John Roberts argued in defense of a violent protester who bombed a clinic ''seven years ago.''" -dave

[2005-08-11 22:00:15] - mig: I know exactly how you feel... everytime I get a new IP, I get the hiccups. - pierce

[2005-08-11 17:36:31] - - mig

[2005-08-11 17:36:19] - it seems everytime my internet connection hiccups i get a new ip ..... how irritating

[2005-08-11 13:00:05] - "If search history, e-mail and registration information were combined, a company could see intimate details about a person's health, sex life, religion, financial status and buying preferences."  from a july cnet article that really pissed google off.  ~a

[2005-08-11 11:48:51] - HD-DVD on the ropes? -dave

[2005-08-11 11:45:26] - Reading Minds and Remote Control People -dave

[2005-08-11 10:15:31] - amy:  this is very bad.  hee says it whenever he gets hurt or whatever.  ~a

[2005-08-11 09:56:04] - a: what does it mean? .) -amy

[2005-08-11 09:49:49] - "esto es muy malo." is a direct quote from the spanish bee guy on the simpsons.  ~a

[2005-08-11 09:48:54] - amy:  this is very bad.  it doesn't work.  they deceived me.  ~a

[2005-08-11 09:47:15] - then again, i also don't know any spanish, and that one slipped right by me. ^_^; -amy

[2005-08-11 09:46:38] - a: well, that's a relief. my brain still hurt though. and i bet there are people out there who would believe it, though then again, nobody bid on it, so maybe i'm just underestimating the population .) -amy

[2005-08-11 09:43:43] - i had to look up engañar (to deceive)  ~a

[2005-08-11 09:42:30] - amy:  lol.  it's OBVIOUSLY a joke.  did you see the quotes?  "Esto es muy malo. No trabaja. Me engañan!" -Toraidio Smith, Tijuana  :-P  ~a

[2005-08-11 09:33:03] - Wi-Fi Speed Spray... my brain hurts, reading this. At least no one bid on it. -amy

[2005-08-11 08:55:41] - LA Philharmonic performs Video Games Live -dave

[2005-08-11 08:38:38] - pierce:  oh.  yes.  ~a

[2005-08-11 07:14:09] - what video game thing?  ~a

[2005-08-10 23:43:37] - they also used the phrase "snot rocket" on his show - aaron

[2005-08-10 23:40:21] - Weird - adam corolla just had about 9 minutes of talking about how he still does drugs, and how crystal meth is so much more dangerous than pot, and how annoyed he is that cops consider getting busted with a certain  amount of pot "intent to distribute" and stuff. That seems unnaturally liberal even for comedy central - aaron

[2005-08-10 18:43:06] - a: were you referring to the video game thing?

[2005-08-10 18:42:59] - damn, none of my shirts speak japanese. - pierce

[2005-08-10 18:05:58] - Ken Jennings is funny! -sam

[2005-08-10 18:03:32] - Cool way to fold a T-shirt (in japanese):  -sam

[2005-08-10 16:49:24] - ............................................... ........................................... ......................................... ..................................... ............................... ............................. ....................... ................... ................. ............. ........... ....... ..... ... ..  ~a

[2005-08-10 16:28:14] - pierce:  let that be a lesson to you.  ~a

[2005-08-10 16:22:51] - Man Dies After 49 Hours of Computer Games -Paul

[2005-08-10 16:11:47] - pierce: i totally agree. my office is also rather dreary and i have no window and sometimes it just totally saps the energy out of me. my room at home is much more conducive to productivity. -amy

[2005-08-10 16:07:07] - practice for when he attempted his theft, sure, but not cause him to be confused between the two.  -lori

[2005-08-10 16:06:25] - I'm not sure how I feel about suing the makers of the game.  Granted people should have some responsiblity for the things they release into the world - but at the same time, people should be resposible for their own actions.  And I don't buy that mental deficiency would cause a long-time player of that game to confuse it with reality.  Give him

[2005-08-10 15:26:18] - Moreover, when I'm burned from work during the day, I can take a real break and refuel and come back fresh, rather than a half-assed break where I still have to appear like I'm working... or worse, where I don't look like I'm working but I have to go into superparanoid mode listening for people approaching. - pierce

[2005-08-10 15:24:24] - ... because when I am concentrating and working hard, it seems like I'm 200-300% more productive than my "productive" times in the office.  That's what three computers, a 20" monitor, a comfortable environment, and peace and quiet gets you over a dinky laptop in a cold, noisy cubicle. - pierce

[2005-08-10 15:22:53] - I work from home relatively frequently, and while I do have trouble concentrating at times, I'm much more productive overall. - pierce

[2005-08-10 14:40:45] - Jury convicts man of shooting three police officers - his defense was partially based on his playing of GTA -dave

[2005-08-10 14:15:00] - Dave: Very true, that's probably because the Spurs are a little bit of an anomaly because they've been so good for so long. -Paul

[2005-08-10 13:30:30] - Paul: hehe, I wouldn't doubt it, although I think it probably greatly depends on what it is. Like most sportswriters thought the Spurs would win this past season -dave

[2005-08-10 12:58:40] - I think there is some school of thought that says that by the time the media catches onto the popularity of something, that thing's time has already passed (or is waning). -Paul

[2005-08-10 12:57:14] - Dave: I like it better because we tend to do badly when we are ranked high. :-P Seriously, though, I think there is something to be said about the sports media jumping on bandwagons after they have passed by. -Paul

[2005-08-10 12:49:57] - paul: I think they're just scared of ranking us low again since we've kinda climbed the rankings a few times in the past - I think I actually like it that way better though -dave

[2005-08-10 12:49:16] - oddly enough, I'm not too upset that they are getting out. Seems like there might be a decent chance that they would have changed by now -dave

[2005-08-10 12:48:34] - 13 and 11 year old who shot / killed people at their school get at / will get out at 21 -dave

[2005-08-10 12:46:26] - Dave: Vick (replacing Randall) is our biggest question mark on offense (IMHO) but I think our defense lost a number of important players. I think our secondary only has one returning starter, for instance. -Paul

[2005-08-10 12:43:56] - 100 mil for trip to the moon -dave

[2005-08-10 12:40:01] - sheriff dept helicopter brought down by gunshot. From the article, it appears as if the gunshot was entirely a surprise -dave

[2005-08-10 12:38:21] - amy: ahh, that's a good system to go by. -dave

[2005-08-10 12:37:32] - Paul: yeah, I think a lot of it is going to hinge on Vick, and I'm not convinced yet -dave

[2005-08-10 12:31:42] - Dave: I'm not convinced we'll be that good. We had some lucky breaks last year and a lot of our important players from that team are gone. And until Vick can prove that he's a decent player, we're not going to be a great team. -Paul

[2005-08-10 12:30:38] - Dave: Most publications pretty much agree that Tech is going to be fairly good this year and will contend for the ACC championship and possibly the national title. -Paul

[2005-08-10 12:25:00] - dave: i find i actually work much better from home. at work there is not much incentive to get as much done as possible, as you're stuck there until 5 anyway, but at home i feel if i finish what i'd call a day's work, then i can move on to other things. i guess that is just my personal policy though. -amy

[2005-08-10 12:23:21] - dang, Tech is ranked #7? Are we really supposed to be that good? 0_o -dave

[2005-08-10 12:15:57] - amy: <nod> I find working from home extremely difficult - difficult to keep myself doing work I mean -dave

[2005-08-10 12:15:00] - you can't exactly take away anything they could use to choke themselves either -dave

[2005-08-10 12:14:46] - kid who died from recreational choking (of himself). What if you had a kid and you found him doing this? What would you do? It's not exactly a psychological problem, so I dunno about sending them to a shrink -dave

[2005-08-10 12:11:00] - Dave: Yeah, sorry. "Resolution V Fractional Factorial Design Array". -Paul

[2005-08-10 12:10:10] - dave: sometimes (rarely) i work from home and i could go to a movie. i could, but i don't .p but i live pretty far from work so i doubt anyone'd catch me .) (until they find out i did no work the next day, but assuming i went because i had no work to do... yeah) -amy

[2005-08-10 12:03:26] - Paul: what's reolution? was that supposed to be resolution? -dave

[2005-08-10 12:01:50] - amy: I guess they have less of a chance of being "caught" though, since there's probably no immediate day-to-day boss for them -dave

[2005-08-10 12:01:16] - amy: yeah, it's pretty hilarious that these high lvl admin people in the govt were going to movies during their workday, heh heh -dave

[2005-08-10 11:29:02] - dave: very interesting article. i definitely find it to be true for myself; boredom/lack of work is excruciating, whereas the opposite is usually good. -amy

[2005-08-10 11:04:47] - Dave: That was my thought too, :-P -Paul

[2005-08-10 11:01:36] - Paul: <blank look> -dave

[2005-08-10 10:52:10] - Question for the message boarders: Does anybody here know anything about Reolution V Fractional Factorial Design Arrays? -Paul

[2005-08-10 10:48:49] - that from "boredom numbs work world" -dave

[2005-08-10 10:48:20] - ""It was kind of awkward," he said." heh heh -dave

[2005-08-10 10:48:06] - "When Bruce Bartlett was the deputy assistant secretary for economic policy at the U.S. Treasury under George H.W. Bush, boredom occasionally drove him from his cushy Washington office to seek relief at the movie theater. One afternoon, he ran into a friend who was a senior official in another department." -dave

[2005-08-10 09:55:04] - should the teen "hackers" be prosecuted? -dave

[2005-08-10 09:30:41] - I just found out that my boss is gone for another week. bleh, boredom, here I come -dave

[2005-08-10 09:29:58] - a: I don't know, I hadn't heard his name before actually. From the article though, he seems like quite the crackpot of a guy -dave

[2005-08-10 09:29:17] - mig: I think they meant code that has bugs in it -dave

[2005-08-10 08:43:34] - define "bad code"?  ugly looking code or code that doesn't work? - mig

[2005-08-10 08:10:30] - dave:  don't people usually ignore people like him?  why the article?  ~a

[2005-08-10 08:01:39] - that from -dave

[2005-08-10 08:01:27] - pretty dang funny -dave

[2005-08-10 08:01:11] - "The Committee To Fight Microsoft, founded by Andy Martin, is demanding that Microsoft not release Windows Vista until Microsoft offers a "general and unconditional warranty to purchasers that the program does not include 'bad code.'"" -dave

[2005-08-10 07:31:55] -

[2005-08-10 07:28:31] - lol.  the cordless rotary dial telephone.  ~a

[2005-08-09 22:51:48] - aaron: yeah, I know.  maybe if it was just an IDE autocomplete thing, and it automatically converted '"a" + "b" + "c"' to 'new StringBuffer("a").append(new StringBuffer("b").append(new StringBuffer("c")))' :) - pierce

[2005-08-09 22:32:03] - "it's like dance dance revolution, except revolution is spelled wrong and the dances are pantses."  haha, some of the comments are funnier than the non things.  "on my screen it says peanut butter and banana sandwiches"  (all about pants pants revelation)  ~a

[2005-08-09 21:31:22] - - aaron

[2005-08-09 21:28:10] - i like this one - aaron

[2005-08-09 21:27:56] - incomplete list of things that don't exist (some are better than others) - aaron

[2005-08-09 20:48:28] - pierce: autoboxing i mean... definitely scary. Even the "+" operator on strings was a little weird to me. Most people don't even understand how it works, or why it's so awful to construct long strings with a series of "+" operations - aaron

[2005-08-09 20:45:03] - pierce: I have seen that in java 1.5, it scares me - aaron

[2005-08-09 17:05:48] - a: I'll be at a wedding, sorry. -Paul

[2005-08-09 16:33:57] - ah, i miss chincoteague.  ~a

[2005-08-09 16:32:22] - pierce: yes that seems like an inconsistency. i don't know what v of java i'm running. i'm using netbeans 3.6. but i think i figured out the problem anyway -- i should not have been using the wrapper class .) -amy

[2005-08-09 16:30:37] - a: sorry, vinnie and i will be en route to chincoteague island .( but if you come with, there will be tons of ppl there who would play ^_^ -amy

[2005-08-09 16:25:35] - Here's what bugs me though... they made Strings a special case.  They obviously saw a syntactic advantage to making them somewhat primitive-like, since you can use the "+" operator to concatenate two strings.  But they didn't extend that concept to other convenience operators like "==".  Bugs the crap out of me. - pierce

[2005-08-09 16:23:55] - So for practical considerations, it made a special group of primitives which aren't, strictlly speaking, Objects.  But for the times when you need them to be objects, you can put them inside a wrapper class and pass them around by reference gleefully. - pierce

[2005-08-09 16:23:07] - and yes, there is a reason which I kinda touched on in my "i.e."  Java wants to be able to treat everything like an object, and pass around references to things, but that would also make it preposterously slow for straightforward math operations and whatnot... - pierce

[2005-08-09 16:20:01] - i figure nobody's doing the ddr competition this saturday, so ultimate anyone?  ~a

[2005-08-09 16:19:00] - amy: do you know what version of java you're running?  J2SE 5 is supposed to do autoboxing and unboxing (i.e. putting "int"s inside "Integer"s when you need an Object, and turning "Integer"s into "int"s when you need a primitive).  I'm not sure whether there are special syntactical considerations, but that might address your problem. - pierce

[2005-08-09 16:07:20] - a: yeah, i think that is the solution. i am disliking this whole wrapper class business. but i suppose it is there for a reason. -amy

[2005-08-09 16:00:45] - operator overloading has lots of pros and lots of cons.  ~a

[2005-08-09 16:00:02] - yeah, you probably want int (the native type), and not Integer (the class).  ~a

[2005-08-09 15:56:48] - OK nm i think i figured it out. lack of operator overloading is dumb .( -amy

[2005-08-09 15:49:03] - Pierce: I guess, but it just struck me as odd. "I prefer these types, but I don't like other types less". -Paul

[2005-08-09 15:46:53] - Hey does anyone know Java? I'm using it for essentially the first time since freshman year and I keep getting errors that the "+" operator cannot be used on type Integer. I'm just trying to increment my Integer by 1 .(  halp? -amy

[2005-08-09 15:26:09] - Paul: but technical distinctions like "the effect is the same" are kinda dwarfed by the subjectiveness of romantic criteria anyway. - pierce

[2005-08-09 15:23:11] - Pierce: Right, hence why I agree that it's probably semantically correct in that you're not really penalizing anybody, but helping other people out could be considered penalizing others for all intents and purposes. -Paul

[2005-08-09 15:21:33] - the "effect is the same" part is the tricky one, and it's why I don't personally support AA. - pierce

[2005-08-09 15:21:07] - Paul: that is exactly the claim that many AA supporters purport, and to an extent they're right.  It's like, if two guys are racing, and you put one of them on a moving sidewalk, you're not making the other guy any slower, even though the effect is the same. - pierce

[2005-08-09 15:13:37] - down with AA! -dave

[2005-08-09 15:13:04] - It would be like saying that Affirmative Action doesn't penalize whites, it just helps minorities. -Paul

[2005-08-09 15:12:15] - Pierce: I suppose that semantically you are right, but I think that logically it's hard to argue that people aren't being penalized for something when others are being rewarded for not being the thing that you are. -Paul

[2005-08-09 14:59:52] - So yes, Socialists are not as attractive as Libertarians and Capitalists, but they are not less attactive than they would normally be as a result of their beliefs. - pierce

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