here are old message board entries

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[2005-08-23 15:12:13] - paul:  don't worry, i'm due for a new ticket.  ~a

[2005-08-23 15:11:46] - dave/paul:  my area is probably worse in terms of traffic craziness, but i also drive a LOT less than the average joe.  ~a

[2005-08-23 15:11:12] - paul: and maybe you put down different stats like how far you have to drive to work etc -dave

[2005-08-23 15:11:08] - paul:  i haven't had any collisions or claims (ever) and i'm pretty sure my only ticket has been purged.  ~a

[2005-08-23 15:10:14] - a: he does geico as well -dave

[2005-08-23 15:10:00] - paul: also has to do with what area you drive in -daev

[2005-08-23 15:09:53] - yes, less coverage, no probably an equal driving record, and yes probably a newer/more expensive car.  who does your insurance?  (geico for me)  ~a

[2005-08-23 15:09:25] - interesting that adrian's collision is lower -dave

[2005-08-23 14:52:04] - a: So, yeah. I have less coverage on most aspects and (I'm guessing) a better driving record and I'm paying more for insurance. Don't you even have a newer/more expensive car too? -Paul

[2005-08-23 14:51:03] - a: Bodily (25/50k limit) 109 premium. Property (20k limit) 143 premium. Uninsured bodily (25/50k) 14 premium. Uninsured property (20k limit) 3 premium. Comprehensive (500 deductible) 43 premium. Collision (500 deductible) 265 premium. -Paul

[2005-08-23 14:32:16] - paul:  bodily (100k/300k limit) 145 premium.  property (50k limit) 141 premium.  uninsured bodily (100k/300k limit) 25 premium.  uninsured property (50k limit) 5 premium.  comprehensive (500 ded) 32 premium.  collision (500 ded) 234 premium.  ~a

[2005-08-23 14:21:09] - Google plans IM system -dave

[2005-08-23 13:55:22] - Dave: I think mine is $500. -Paul

[2005-08-23 13:48:21] - Paul: like changing collision coverage deductible from 200 to 500 is a $50 difference -dave

[2005-08-23 13:43:12] - Dave: Probably. -Paul

[2005-08-23 13:40:40] - Paul: my guess would be that your dollar amts for certain coverage are higher, hence the higher payments -dave

[2005-08-23 13:25:04] - Dave: Well, according to my plan, I have coverage in nine areas with varying limits and deductibles (some of which have no limits or deductibles). -Paul

[2005-08-23 13:22:10] - Paul: ahh. well I picked coverage for everything, but relatively low dollar amounts with each -dave

[2005-08-23 13:04:04] - Dave: A little of both. Mainly, I just wanted to say that I didn't think I had "low coverage" on my plan. -Paul

[2005-08-23 13:02:37] - Dave: Oh, I know it's all just a matter of statistics and everything. It's just kinda depressing for me that I still have to pay like $100 a month even though I've been about as perfect a driver as you can be for my age. -Paul

[2005-08-23 13:00:24] - paul: by decent coverage, do you mean you increased the dollar amts which they'd cover up to? or just how many options you chose? -dave

[2005-08-23 12:59:05] - paul: I think a bigger gauge may be whether someone has been in an accident in the past, not how many speeding tickets they have -dave

[2005-08-23 12:58:41] - paul: and even if you get into an accident, the price of the car is directly related to how much they have to pay -dave

[2005-08-23 12:57:43] - paul: I mean, if you look at it one way, I've had way more speeding tickets than you, but we've neither been in any accidents -dave

[2005-08-23 12:57:18] - paul: well, believe me, it's all statistics on the part of the insurance company - so I guess it just means that people with speeding tickets aren't really going to cost more money than people without -dave

[2005-08-23 12:53:26] - yeah, I don't think buying hybrids is something to save money, altho it may in the long run. It's more the novelty or the desire to be conservationist -dave

[2005-08-23 12:13:36] - Of course, if gas prices keep going up at this rate then it could very well end up being a good investment. :-P -Paul

[2005-08-23 12:13:02] - And that was even assuming that nothing expensive broke on the hybrid car. -Paul

[2005-08-23 12:12:35] - Sam: I remember reading somewhere that even with the relative cheapness of the hybrid cars, it was still cheaper to buy a cheap car which got a little worse gas mileage. -Paul

[2005-08-23 12:11:40] - Mel: You're going to be in Virginia this fall? -Paul

[2005-08-23 12:11:16] - I wouldn't jump on the hybrid bandwagon just yet... I bet not many mechanics know how to fix it when it has problems...  plus, you are gonna have to drive it for like 10+ years to see if you are saving money or not...  if you really wanna save money, just get a cheaper car..    -sam

[2005-08-23 12:10:11] - Dave: Well, I just got mine and it was about $620 although I think that's with decent coverage. I guess it's just a little depressing that my insurance seems to be based more on the "newness" of my car than how good of a driver I am. -Paul

[2005-08-23 11:49:03] - paul: that's also with relatively low coverage for everything -dave

[2005-08-23 11:47:49] - paul: I got a geico quote, just for grins, and mine was 580 - 600. It also lists the 5 year good driver discount as only $15, so that's really not all that much -dave

[2005-08-23 11:47:10] - a: sounds like around the same timeframe then -dave

[2005-08-23 10:38:25] - dave:  his is like 2003/2004ish.  ~a

[2005-08-23 10:34:55] - mel: i'm impressed you could move out in 30 mins, probably take me like 2 whole days, heh heh -dave

[2005-08-23 10:34:12] - a: Not that I know of, maybe it's a newer option? Or maybe my parents didn't buy the option? The guidance systems itself is like a 2-5k addon I think -dave

[2005-08-23 10:33:03] - mel: ack! well good luck with the move et. al. I have a 1 bedroom apt myself, and it's nice to not have to worry about a roomate. -dave

[2005-08-23 10:14:49] - dave:  do your parents have voice recognition?  i hear my coworker talks to his.  ~a

[2005-08-23 10:14:04] - crazy?  what happened?  ~a

[2005-08-23 10:04:39] - Aaron: I think it could be done, I'm just not sure if it would be as impressive as the cornfield. :-P -Paul

[2005-08-23 10:02:19] - dave: ps I am still at JPL and moving from Pasadena to Altadena.  I am getting my own 1 bedroom apartment.  My previous roommate went crazy so I moved out all my stuff in 30 min.  I'll have to tell you stories when I'm in Virginia this fall.  :-)  -mel

[2005-08-23 10:00:42] - mel: bye bye ^_^ -dave

[2005-08-23 10:00:35] - mel: my parents have had it for a year or two? so i don't know whether it's still like that now -dave

[2005-08-23 10:00:35] - dave: got it.  very very good info.  thank you.  I will go read some stuff and be back later.  bye Dave!  -mel

[2005-08-23 09:59:50] - mel: like they were told what day they were expected in, then my mom just sat by the phone all day -dave

[2005-08-23 09:58:47] - mel: my parents got one within a month by finding a place that you could get on a calling list and they would just call everyone when they got some in and then it was first-come-first-serve -dave

[2005-08-23 09:58:05] - mel: last I knew, there was a waiting list for the Prius. In fact, aftermarket ones sell more than new ones because of the waiting list -dave

[2005-08-23 09:55:38] - dave: I am trying to figure out my plan right now...  I am open to any suggestions.  -mel

[2005-08-23 09:55:08] - dave: Is it tru there is a long waiting list?  Do you know if there is a waiting list for Honda?  I guess I could hold off on buying a car for a litttle bit.  Today I am moving into my new apartment and it is only 1 mile from work.  So I could bike for awhile while I am on the waiting list.  Hmm.  But it is really useful to have a car...  -mel

[2005-08-23 09:53:40] - dave: woah, good info.  thanks.  I was going to go try to look at comparisons right now.  -mel

[2005-08-23 09:53:28] - mel: I believe Aparna is at grad school down there -dave

[2005-08-23 09:53:15] - I am going to do some googling...  :-)  thanks guys.  I will be back later today so please post any info you might have for me.  I am driving a rental car right now.  talk to you later!  -mel

[2005-08-23 09:52:46] - mel: my dad recommends the Prius over the Honda hybrid. He did patents on both of them so knows a decent bit about the inner-workings and thinks the Prius is much better -dave

[2005-08-23 09:50:12] - if anyone talks to Aparna please let her know that I could use her advice.  I don't want to get take advantage of at the car lot.  -mel

[2005-08-23 09:49:23] - mig: cool.  for work?  is it too early mto call now?  -mel

[2005-08-23 09:48:56] - dave: one of my co-workers has a Prius and he gave me a ride a few times (it is about 3 years old and I has had no problems yet).  I like the little screen that tells you when you are using the electric motor and when you are using the gas motor.  You can try to optimize electric motor use and it becomes like a game.  :-)  -mel

[2005-08-23 09:47:34] - dave: cool.  I want to buy a car and I have never done it before.  I remember that Aparna has a Honda hybrid and she nogtiated the price by herself and everything.  -mel

[2005-08-23 09:46:04] - it has its bugs (the guidance system), but in general it's very liberating. just punch in your destination and it routes you to it. Also lets you look up points of local interest, like if you're on a trip and want the nearest restaurant etc -dave

[2005-08-23 09:44:32] - mel: I love the integrated guidance system on it - it's hooked into the wheels and everything, so it extrapolates your position even if you're in a tunnel and don't have connection to any gps satellites -dave

[2005-08-23 09:43:47] - mel: my parents have a Prius and I've driven it a decent bit -dave

[2005-08-23 09:39:17] - only that she's down in nc now. - mig

[2005-08-23 09:37:26] - does anyone else have advice about hybrids or about buying a car?  -mel

[2005-08-23 09:37:11] - I want to ask her for advice about hybrids.  -mel

[2005-08-23 09:31:52] - hey, hey  this is mel.  Anyone heard from Aparna lately?  -mel

[2005-08-23 09:21:25] - i think it's a bit ironic conservatives are pissing and moaning about a court ruling that is saying gay parents are legally repsonible for children they bring up. - mig

[2005-08-23 08:35:51] - a: irregardless of agreeing or disagreeing with the statement, I think the intent of the person was along the lines of "by condoning a child having two moms," not "proving" that a child can't have them -dave

[2005-08-23 07:45:56] - "Todays ruling defies logic and common sense by saying that children can have two moms," i totally understand that i disagree with this person, and that's fine. but how can you use logic OR common sense to prove that children CAN'T have two moms? esp when common sense tells us that homosexuality exists in our world(whether it bothers you or not) ~a

[2005-08-23 07:38:46] - they're getting the important rights first, i guess (/sarcasm)  ~a

[2005-08-23 07:36:05] - Gay couples must pay child support (CA) -dave

[2005-08-23 07:35:15] - smuggling ring busted -dave

[2005-08-23 07:27:32] -,10801,104103,00.html?SKC=software-104103 Google update of desktop search. searches outlook email, FSS streams, other stuff -dave

[2005-08-23 07:23:39] - sam: yeah, it's not a problem with the raw capability of the monitor to play higher resolution things, it's the fact that all the HD content in the near future will have DRM on it that requires hardware support -dave

[2005-08-23 07:23:25] - In other news today, Microsoft executives report that dipping your balls in sweet cream and squatting in a kitchen full of kittens may be hazardous to your health.

[2005-08-23 07:22:21] - a: no idea, I didn't look too closely at what the specific errors were, just DLed the latest version <shrug> -dave

[2005-08-22 22:30:58] - paul: I don't know how the S.W.M part gets spelled out, but you know more about star trek than i do - aaron

[2005-08-22 22:30:33] - paul: You should organize the star trek tapes at your local blockbuster so they make your phone number (e.g star trek 3, star trek 6, etc) - aaron

[2005-08-22 17:35:32] - just fyi... -sam

[2005-08-22 17:25:00] - if you get a component to VGA transcoder, you can play xbox on a computer monitor in HD (if the game supports it). I have one and it works well.    -sam

[2005-08-22 17:22:27] - dave:  do those flaws affect windows?  ~a

[2005-08-22 17:15:55] - heh.  oh nevermind.  slashdot was merely linking to the article dave posted.  ~a

[2005-08-22 17:13:44] - slashdot on the hd issue  ~a

[2005-08-22 15:47:14] - Lori: I don't own a farm. And I'm not looking for a single white female that loves farming. :-P -Paul

[2005-08-22 15:43:46] - paul:  getting ideas?  :P  - lori

[2005-08-22 15:42:11] - Lori: That's pretty impressive. -Paul

[2005-08-22 15:39:05] -  ""I wouldn't place a personal ad in the paper. To me it seems desperate."  - lori

[2005-08-22 14:18:23] - security flaws in firefox, patches released -dave

[2005-08-22 13:36:29] - 8c4205ec33d8f6caeaaaa0c10a14138c

[2005-08-22 13:02:02] - paul: yeah, I meant DVDs with HD content, which is HD-DVD or Blu-Ray -dave

[2005-08-22 11:59:21] - a: "Most DVDs are 480i" -Paul

[2005-08-22 11:53:24] - paul:  "HD content is essentially everything above the 480 lines: 720p, 1080i, and 1080p"  ~a

[2005-08-22 11:46:30] - Dave: DVDs aren't HD though. Unless you mean Blu-ray or HD-DVD. -Paul

[2005-08-22 11:43:10] - xpovos: well, one of the biggest things is probably that you won't be able to view your DVDs with HD content in their HD form unless you have the compatible monitor (unless you crack it somehow) -dave

[2005-08-22 11:42:03] - Paul: I'm not positive, but my take on what was said is that it will be an issue for all HD content -dave

[2005-08-22 11:26:18] - Well, since HD is a different algorithm, yeah.  But that's no different from -current- TV anyway.  Monitors != TVs.  They're converging, but they're still completely incompatable without modifictions or additions. -- Xpovos

[2005-08-22 11:25:02] - Dave: Oh, really? I thought this was only an issue for content that didn't have the flag or whatever? I admit that I didn't fully understand it, though, so you're almost certainly right. -Paul

[2005-08-22 11:17:34] - or windows WILL have the capability I mean -dave

[2005-08-22 11:17:13] - xpovos: well that's just it, supposedly, with a current monitor (or even most monitors you can buy today), you won't be able to view the HD content, even though Windows etc has the capability, because some hardware stuff has to be built into the monitor -dave

[2005-08-22 11:15:50] - Paul: I believe you're wrong. In fact, you can probably see illegal HD content fine, it's only legal HD content that you won't be able to see -dave

[2005-08-22 11:15:38] - I simply MUST see this movie... -Paul

[2005-08-22 11:15:08] ->1=6771 The funny thing is that it seems reasonable to me that the opposite of all these points (what they say you shouldn't do) is the better/nicer thing to do. -Paul

[2005-08-22 11:14:00] - Xpovos: Also, if I understood correctly, it sounded like it won't be a problem for viewing legal HD content, although I could be wrong. -Paul

[2005-08-22 11:04:08] - xpovos/lori:  yeah, look at the "entries" link above.  ~a

[2005-08-22 11:01:14] - Lori: the archive has(d) time-stamps.  I think they're kept off the mainpage for simplicity.  -- Xpovos

[2005-08-22 11:00:38] - Dave: Ok, so I shouldn't be too concerned as yet, with the merging of TVs and monitors.  HDTV will work fine, I'm sure, and someone, maybe not DVD Jon, but someone will crack it open. -- Xpovos

[2005-08-22 10:59:08] - Dumb question - Is there a reason there are no time stamps on this thing?  Just thought that on occasion it might be useful.  - lori

[2005-08-22 10:58:05] - i admitted how unannoying all of the "omg" issues i yelled about before the release of xp.  ~a

[2005-08-22 10:57:12] - xpovos: sorry, it's not really next-gen, it's the HDTV that shows up on current HDTVs. And the reason is because versions of OSs, like Windows, are long-lived -dave

[2005-08-22 10:55:00] - paul/dave:  i was facetiously misrepresenting paul's point.  both paul and i agreed this wouldn't be the end of the world, where we differed was our opinion of how annoying this was going to be.  ~a

[2005-08-22 10:53:56] - Why, exactly, are we developing a next-gen HDTV method when less than 10% of people use even the current one? -- Xpovos

[2005-08-22 10:36:49] - the thing I thought was rather alarming is that even tho Windows, MacOS etc will have it, you still need a compatible monitor, which most aren't - even if you buy a new one right now -dave

[2005-08-22 10:36:19] - HDCP -dave

[2005-08-22 10:35:26] - Paul: actually, Windows and MacOS will let you see it, because they're implementing HDSPC (or whatever the acronym is). UNIX however, has a problem, because you have to license the protocol to use it.  Mebbe DVD Jon will crack it tho -dave

[2005-08-22 10:23:41] - a: And if I read that correctly, that's pretty much what that article said too. -Paul

[2005-08-22 10:22:48] - a: If I recall correctly, all I said is that I didn't think that this issue was an "OMG WTF Windows suxors because it won't let you view any HD content at all!!!!11" problem. -Paul

[2005-08-22 10:11:22] - a: Thanks for completely misrepresenting what I said. :-P -Paul

[2005-08-22 09:56:42] - a: not noticeable? from what I can tell, the difference will be the same as the difference between normal "broadcast" tv and HD content today, which definitely seems noticeable. Like looking at a non-HD channel at Paul's looks blurry after looking at the HD ones -dave

[2005-08-22 09:53:21] - Future iPod minis to use Samsung flash mem? Interesting comments on potential ramifications -dave

[2005-08-22 09:50:58] - dave:  i (or somebody) posted something about that and paul assured us that it wouldn't be noticeable by the average american.  ~a

[2005-08-22 09:50:07] - Google uses blog to spin court decision -dave

[2005-08-22 09:45:20] - current monitors unable to play next-gen HDTV? -dave

[2005-08-22 09:12:49] - pierce: isn't it? I can't wait to hear the album ^_^ - vinnie

[2005-08-22 08:22:19] - Skin cells converted to stem cells -dave

[2005-08-22 01:12:28] - vinnie: "do you want to" is very catchy and good. - pierce

[2005-08-21 14:47:54] - Thanks Adrian!

[2005-08-21 14:31:53] - sam:  ~a

[2005-08-21 13:26:19] - Adrian, could you host some of my music?  I'm running out of space at vt filebox.    -sam

[2005-08-21 03:26:56] - a: partially apologizing on behalf of the filename, which is "wackononsense.pdf".  I'm assuming it refers to the wacko nonsense you're arguing against, not with. - pierce

[2005-08-21 01:41:54] - it's sunday night.  ~a

[2005-08-20 23:48:49] - you know what i can not understand why creationists can take offense at what you were saying.  sorry, i can't finish the paul quote.  ~ ~a

[2005-08-20 14:46:43] - need to defend yourself against creationists? (no offense, creationists :) - pierce

[2005-08-20 09:28:22] - a: in mysql. - mig

[2005-08-20 09:28:10] - a:  i have no permissions to create databases, yet i can remove database...... can you remedy that? - mig

[2005-08-20 00:53:58] - a: No idea. -Paul

[2005-08-19 18:04:41] - paul:  was it taped?  ~a

[2005-08-19 17:41:11] - a:  it'll be alive by the end of the weekend. - mig

[2005-08-19 17:27:05] - This may have been posted before, but I think it's too funny not to be posted again. Jon Stewart's Commencement Address at William and Mary. -paul

[2005-08-19 17:07:44] -

[2005-08-19 17:00:26] - a: I know, I'm just saying... - pierce

[2005-08-19 16:57:15] - pierce:  miguel's link is dead.  ~a

[2005-08-19 16:27:13] - the journal list is getting pretty sparse there... - pierce

[2005-08-19 15:24:12] - Oh, heh. I just noticed that I meant "I wasn't particularly enamored". :-P -Paul

[2005-08-19 15:06:55] - weird familiar-actor sighting.  Adam Baldwin (Jayne from Firefly) was a random teenager in Ordinary People (1980). - pierce

[2005-08-19 15:06:19] - Lori: I was particularly enamored with the advice she gave. Not that it was necessarily bad, but most of it didn't go far beyond what I would call common sense. I can spout common sense off to people. :-P -Paul

[2005-08-19 15:04:02] - a:errr, 100! - pierce

[2005-08-19 15:03:50] - a: 100!

[2005-08-19 15:00:52] - paul: that would require you having good advice that people actually want to hear.  I'm told it's a skill _I_ don't have... - lori

[2005-08-19 14:52:19] - a: Fair enough. -Paul

[2005-08-19 14:51:57] - I wonder how people get jobs like this. I wish I could get paid to work from home handing out advice to people through live chats. -Paul

[2005-08-19 14:51:44] - everybody, vote on what the next saturation level will be!  100 is normal.  0 is black and white.  200 is supersaturated.  -100 is negative.  ~a

[2005-08-19 14:50:20] - paul:  according to most people, you're anti-women's rights.  >:o  ~a

[2005-08-19 14:40:29] - paul: fair enough. - pierce

[2005-08-19 14:38:40] - Pierce: Well, prove that the term anti-abortion shows up on the Washington Post (I think you said you hadn't seen it). I would also submit that it's an argument (albeit unimpressive on it's own) for the site having a slight liberal bias. -Paul

[2005-08-19 14:36:37] - a: That's ok, according to the Washington Post, I'm anti-women's rights. :-P -Paul

[2005-08-19 14:36:34] - paul: were you trying to prove or indicate something by linking those search results? - pierce

[2005-08-19 14:35:53] - a: I'm anti-schools and communities. - pierce

[2005-08-19 14:35:26] - Pierce: If you mean that search results don't prove anything, then of course. -Paul

[2005-08-19 14:35:00] - i'm anti-life.  i think we should promote abortion in schools and communities.  ~a

[2005-08-19 14:34:08] - Pierce: I'm sure the Washington Post has their occasional conservative opinion pieces or pro-war article or whatever. But the question is whether it's more of an exception or a rule. -Paul

[2005-08-19 14:33:57] - Paul: okay, so are we applying the same logic to your search links? - pierce

[2005-08-19 14:32:49] - Pierce: I don't think you can just point to one isolated thing and say it indicates a bias one way or the other. I think you have to look at a reasonable sampling and comment on how they tend to sway on average. -Paul

[2005-08-19 14:27:59] - Paul: I wasn't making a statement, I was asking a question?  If usage of "anti-abortion" more than "pro-life" means a media source is liberally biased, and uses "anti-abortion" more than "pro-life", does that mean is liberally biased? - pierce

[2005-08-19 14:27:20] - Pierce: I'm not sure if those search results are entirely accurate, though. I suspect there might be something that I'm missing which is throwing the results off but I don't know what it could be. -Paul

[2005-08-19 14:26:18] - Pierce: You're the one that insists that it conservatively biased. I have always maintained that I don't watch it enough to know. -Paul

[2005-08-19 14:18:42] - interesting.  maybe I just don't notice it.  Perhaps more interesting is that also returns more results for "anti-abortion" than "pro-life".  Is liberally biased? - pierce

[2005-08-19 14:13:05] - -paul

[2005-08-19 14:12:56] - Oops

[2005-08-19 14:12:39] - vs anti-abortion site: ? -paul

[2005-08-19 14:12:08] - pierce: well, about the civil unions, I think most of the articles I read about them were stories of gay couples who wanted to get married but couldn't. Like stuff like "we love each other" etc. so "why can't we get married" -dave

[2005-08-19 14:08:00] - pierce: well, they were articles on washpost I think, if that helps any -dave

[2005-08-19 14:07:32] - pierce: well, I've posted articles at least twice on this board, pointing out the use of the word as examples of "bias" -dave

[2005-08-19 14:06:12] - And if you're going to count pundits as being "media" then you also have to count all the pundits who use "anti-life" or "killing the baby" in their discussions, which I think is both irrelevant and a wash. - pierce

[2005-08-19 14:04:56] - dave: yeah, I'm with Miguel... I've never seen anti-abortion other than from pundits and bloggers, which aren't classified as "news". - pierce

[2005-08-19 14:04:08] - dave: whoops, didn't see the word "civil" there before.  I gotta be honest, the stories I saw were about as much about people bucking the law (such as the mayor of San Francisco) as they were about gay people being oppressed. - pierce

[2005-08-19 14:03:51] - dave:  where?  i have actually never heard media use the term "anti-abortion" once. - mig

[2005-08-19 14:03:02] - pierce: well, for one, you usually see anti-abortion, not pro-life -dave

[2005-08-19 14:02:28] - dave: okay, I gotta say that the abortion coverage I've seen doesn't usually slant in one direction or the other.  It's too controversial an issue, and they don't want to lose half their audience by taking the wrong side.  What particular positions have you seen the media take that you see as liberally biased? - pierce

[2005-08-19 14:01:18] - pierce: hehehe (about the civil unions) -dave

[2005-08-19 14:01:05] - Pierce: I think he means gay marriage type of civil union. -Paul

[2005-08-19 13:59:28] - dave: what stories have you heard about unions that have been pro-union?  Only thing in my recent memory is the AFL-CIO's woes and breakup, which is hardly a plug for organized labor.  Also, I would probably disagree that the majority of Americans are against unions. - pierce

[2005-08-19 13:59:14] - Pierce: Well, that's also ignoring the fact that it would probably be a very bad idea to fire somebody just because you don't like their political views. If it's not illegal, it'll at least get you into trouble. -Paul

[2005-08-19 13:58:40] - pierce: or abortion? -dave

[2005-08-19 13:57:58] - Dave: I actually think today's Washington Post main page (as in right now) would make a good point. I can see five things that are slanted towards the liberal side and none that seem to be slanted to the conservative side, all without needing to scroll. -Paul

[2005-08-19 13:57:46] - paul: you don't think they know what messages are being spread on their own news channel?  I can't even imagine that.  And while it may be bad business to fire someone just because you disagree with them, (A.) that rarely stops people in any industry, and (B.) if their bias isn't profitable, then it's not bad business. - pierce

[2005-08-19 13:56:46] - pierce: how about civil unions then? Seems like the media is for that, altho good majority of americans are against it -daev

[2005-08-19 13:55:59] - dave: well do you have another example? - pierce

[2005-08-19 13:55:24] - pierce: I know, it was just an example. -dave

[2005-08-19 13:55:18] - Pierce: I'm not convinced the CEOs spend all day reading articles and watching their news channels and figuring out which ones they should fire. Besides, it's bad business sense to fire people just because you might disagree with them. -Paul

[2005-08-19 13:54:29] - dave: I don't remember the last story I saw on homeless hungry kids in the inner city.  Honestly. - pierce

[2005-08-19 13:53:51] - a: yeah, what's this with screwing with the international economy? -dave

[2005-08-19 13:53:08] - pierce: no I agree. Like I said before, I don't think it's drastically biased that way, just slightly -dave

[2005-08-19 13:53:08] - Paul: but if they write or edit in a way that displeases their superiors, then they may not get promotions or raises, they may get fired in extreme cases.  So I think your statement is a bit oversimplistic. - pierce

[2005-08-19 13:52:11] - like doing news stories about homeless hungry kids in the inner-city. Sensationalist, but makes people angry that there aren't programs to help them, which falls on the liberal side -dave

[2005-08-19 13:51:43] - That's why we heard such a ridiculous amount of coverage of the Lewinsky thing, and how little of it was related to the actual perjury issue.  A liberal media with a bias towards sexual freedom in U.S. society would've tried to bury the topic rather than besmirch their president.  But it made money to focus on it constantly, so they did. - pierce

[2005-08-19 13:51:33] - pierce: yeah, I think I would agree about the sensationalist part - but I think the sensationalist thing usually tends to slant stuff towards the liberal side -dave

[2005-08-19 13:51:24] - a: How does it screw with the international economy? -Paul

[2005-08-19 13:50:49] - Pierce: I would think the writers and editors would have more editorial input than the CEOs. Seeing as it's the writers and editors who, well, do the writing and editing. -Paul

[2005-08-19 13:50:47] - dave:  i didn't notice the number when i read the slashdot article.  it's pretty weird that they would screw with the international economy just to be cute.  ~a

[2005-08-19 13:50:24] - out of curiosity, do the dem's here think the dem. congressmen should be making more, or less of a ruckus about Roberts? -dave

[2005-08-19 13:50:03] - Dave: Heh, I know. I was just being stupid. -Paul

[2005-08-19 13:49:26] - dave: ... and as a result, I think another variable carries much more weight in the editorial process: money.  That's why I agree with Jon Stewart: "The bias of the media is not liberal. It's lazy and sensationalist." - pierce

[2005-08-19 13:49:11] - the anchors themselves are quite wealthy themselves -dave

[2005-08-19 13:48:56] - pierce: I dunno about that actually <shrug> mebbe, mebbe not -dave

[2005-08-19 13:47:38] - dave: and what if you figured out the dem/repub ratio for the bosses of the members of the media?  For the CEOs of news organizations?  Which set of people do you suspect has more editorial input?  I think it's about equal. - pierce

[2005-08-19 13:46:57] - Paul: no, that's exactly the number of shares they're selling, approximation though the number may be -dave

[2005-08-19 13:46:24] - nevermind, i found it... sorry -SAM

[2005-08-19 13:43:41] - Is there a program out there that extracts audio from .wmv or .mpg movie files?  -SAM

[2005-08-19 13:40:00] - dave: Don't you mean approximately that many shares? :-P -Paul

[2005-08-19 13:35:50] - strike  underline

[2005-08-19 13:35:25] - italic    bold

[2005-08-19 13:34:41] - Google planning second stock sale of 14,159,265 additional shares. <points to the number> -dave

[2005-08-19 13:34:14] - <br/>

[2005-08-19 13:34:08] - <hr>

[2005-08-19 13:33:46] - <FONT SIZE="7">test</FONT>

[2005-08-19 13:28:40] - <font color="#ff0000">test</font>

[2005-08-19 13:23:35] - mig: if for no other reason than those are the issues they think are important, and the things that they think are right <shrug> -dave

[2005-08-19 13:23:15] - mig: put in another way - I bet that if you figured out the dem / repub ratio for members of the media, it would generally be more dem than repub, and however much they try, they generally slant their stuff in a liberal manner because of it -dave

[2005-08-19 13:22:29] - <IMG SRC="">

[2005-08-19 13:21:44] - mig: well, I think we've talked about this before, but I, as a conservative, do think the media (in general) is slightly liberally biased - but, I don't think they are drastically so, which is what "out to get Bush" media would be -dave

[2005-08-19 13:19:48] - sam: I would think you would need at least 8 people to make it a decent league. -paul

[2005-08-19 13:19:32] - mig: Well, I don't know about conservatives, but I think most of the "liberal media" isn't actively out to get Bush or is even necessarily out to get him. I just think that they have a host of pet issues that they care about and a bunch of widely held opinions that they do not agree with and that those things come out in their work sometimes. -Paul

[2005-08-19 13:16:19] - on that level, i do think it is a little odd. - mig

[2005-08-19 13:14:40] - Paul: how many people do you want to be in the league? -sam

[2005-08-19 13:13:55] - paul: while that is true it's still something that could bring a bit of bad pub to the Bush administration if it was that widely known.  Which, as the conservatives like to remind us 24/7, is the reason liberal media exists. - mig

[2005-08-19 13:13:36] - <big>Hello there</big>

[2005-08-19 13:13:11] - mig: also, on the oil subsidy thing - there are plenty of other cases where the US gives out tons of money to countries for "random" aid that ends up costing hundreds of millions of dollars too -dave

[2005-08-19 13:12:05] - Sam: I usually create a fantasy football league but this year it didn't seem like there was enough interest so I didn't -Paul

[2005-08-19 13:11:57] - <FONT FACE="Arial">test</FONT>

[2005-08-19 13:11:18] - mig: I don't think it's too strange. You could make the argument that Iraqi oil subsidies are more of a liberal issue than a conservative one. -paul

[2005-08-19 13:11:07] - <FONT SIZE=7>test</FONT>

[2005-08-19 13:10:02] - mig: in fact the war in iraq is definitely one of the reasons why oil is so expensive now -dave

[2005-08-19 13:09:45] - <div style="font-family: bookman old style; font-size: 16pt;">test</div>

[2005-08-19 13:09:14] - mig: at the same time, they don't point out in articles that have Liberals yelling "Iraq was just for oil" etc, that invading Iraq is probably one of the worst things to do if you're concerned about oil -dave

[2005-08-19 13:09:03] - test

[2005-08-19 13:08:39] - <font color="33CC00">test</font>

[2005-08-19 13:07:47] - <font color="33CC00 ">test</font>

[2005-08-19 13:07:16] - <font color="red">test</font>

[2005-08-19 13:03:29] - the article discussed approval ratings.  i found this site on that topic.  ~a

[2005-08-19 13:03:28] - ABC

[2005-08-19 13:02:36] - anyone going to play fantasy football this season?  -sam

[2005-08-19 12:59:54] - paul: isn't it strange that they the supposed liberally biased media do not make a big deal out of the iraqi oil subsidies, especially given how much attention they're devoting to gas prices. - mig

[2005-08-19 12:58:44] - how much do states tax gas?  ~a

[2005-08-19 12:58:13] - it's only $.18.  that's pretty low.  ~a

[2005-08-19 12:54:43] - paul:  no, but it is something that no doubt would piss off the general populace if they actually knew about it. - mig

[2005-08-19 12:53:19] - mig: I can understand them not bringing it up in the article because it's not a direct link (subsidizing their oil probably isn't making our gas much more expensive) but the tax thing seems to be a big one. Politicians' hands are far from tied here. -Paul

[2005-08-19 12:49:50] - so not only are americans getting burned by high gas prices, we have to simulataneously are being forecd to pay for oil that iraqis are practically getting for free. - mig

[2005-08-19 12:48:06] - paul:  it would also have helped if they stopped subsidizing iraqi oil, which is letting iraqi's buy it at like $0.05 a gallon. - mig

[2005-08-19 12:44:46] - Politicians have little to offer to ease anguish of gas prices. Too bad they didn't hammer on the whole tax issue a little bit more. -Paul

[2005-08-19 11:06:33] - *** Paul gives Dave his color back

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