here are old message board entries
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2005-09-02 11:58:48] -
Paul: heh heh heh
2005-09-02 11:56:05] -
Dave: I think the author is a female.
2005-09-02 11:51:06] -
Paul: hehe, pretty dang amusing. Although you have to take his word for it that they (the feminists) haven't unearthed any "real concerns." From what I know, they haven't
2005-09-02 11:09:00] - Putting the John Roberts debate in perspective.
2005-09-02 10:53:37] -
Dave: I don't quite understand it myself. It really does sound like everybody down there has just gone insane.
2005-09-02 10:49:48] -
Paul: I don't quite get why people are shooting at people trying to evacuate hospitals and the like, unless it's just for grins?
2005-09-02 10:49:19] -
Paul: honestly, I bet some of them stayed so that they could loot stuff after, like they are now
2005-09-02 10:47:39] -
Paul: yeah, the FEMA head had some tasteful statements implying that part of the problem was that all the "victims" didn't evacuate when they were told to
2005-09-02 10:46:33] -
Dave: I've also heard that the governor of Louisiana (or was it the mayor of New Orleans?) hasn't exactly been a shining example of leadership either.
2005-09-02 10:45:31] -
Dave: Personally, I think a lot of the blame has to go towards the people themselves who didn't leave in time and for living in a city that is mostly below sea level.
2005-09-02 10:44:30] -
Dave: No offense to anybody, but most of the time facts are secondary to perception, and it's convenient for a lot of people to assume that this aftermath is all because FEMA wasn't getting enough funding or the national guard was stretched too thin.
2005-09-02 10:43:15] - Fan who threw coin at A.I. gets jail
2005-09-02 10:42:48] -
Paul: but yeah, I think I agree with you, especially since I think those two opinions were voiced in an article I read
2005-09-02 10:42:18] -
Paul: actually, a lot of people seem to be upset at FEMA, regardless of how much money FEMA has or is/isn't spending
2005-09-02 10:41:40] -
Paul: even though they just passed a law for like 10.5 billion for FEMA and FEMA has apparently been spending 500mil a day recently?
2005-09-02 10:36:33] -
Err.. that was a little confusing, I guess. I meant to say that people are going to criticize the spreading out of the national guard and say that more funds should've been spent on FEMA instead of the Iraq war and homeland security.
2005-09-02 10:35:29] -
Dave: I can give a prediction, if you want. I'm betting it'll have something to do with diverting funds from Iraq to and homeland security anti-terrorism efforts to FEMA and also mention thinning out the national guard.
2005-09-02 10:31:10] - I'd be interested to hear what people here think the president should be doing better about this (if anything)
2005-09-02 10:30:08] - what I found interesting was this: "Mr. Clinton, who has become politically close to the Bush family in the last year, was the most prominent Democrat to defend Mr. Bush against the accusations of slowness."
2005-09-02 10:29:54] - "Democrats and Others Criticize White House's Response to Disaster"
2005-09-02 10:13:51] -
Paul: LOL
2005-09-02 10:06:59] - "The mere concept of the WNBA is inherently flawed, like someone opening an inferior pizza place right next to the best pizza place in town, then using female chefs as a marketing hook. Who cares? It's still subpar pizza, right?"
2005-09-02 09:57:28] -
Dave: Ok, I misunderstood. Yeah. Apple's up the creek, then. Patent denied, patent infringment. Here comes the big settlement. I'm gonna go buy some Creative stock.
-- Xpovos
2005-09-02 09:45:58] - it makes some sense though, since Creative was in the mp3 market way before apple was
2005-09-02 09:45:33] -
xpovos: so it seems that apple might really be in trouble
2005-09-02 09:44:41] -
xpovos: actually, apple's patent got denied because creative had already filed for it
2005-09-02 09:39:34] - That'll be a fun case. Someone in the patent office goofed big. Again.
-- Xpovos
2005-09-02 08:48:39] - *sigh*. why can't ip laws just die....
- mig
2005-09-02 08:43:53] - Creative sues Apple for patent infringement (on mp3 circular navigation button). Apple filed for patent in 2002, Creative filed (and recently obtained) for patent in 2001
2005-09-02 07:17:56] - lost power last night again because of storms. sorry guys.
2005-09-01 15:37:45] - Toshiba pushes back launch of HD DVD
2005-09-01 14:28:28] -
Dave: Yes, clearly the love of my life.
2005-09-01 14:27:19] -
Paul: it's ok, I know how important painting is to you ^_^
2005-09-01 14:26:53] -
paul: yeah, because I can't get to it from work ^_^
2005-09-01 14:05:02] -
amy: Well, if I'm free when you guys are going then I might go, but I'm somewhat busy this weekend so we'll have to see.
2005-09-01 14:04:21] -
Dave: Or you could use your livejournal account which you seemed to have stopped using.
2005-09-01 13:59:12] -
paul: it depends on when people are free, but afaik, everyone who said they wanted to do it is free this wknd, so possibly this weekend .)
2005-09-01 13:55:32] -
pierce: and clearly I never see you, heh heh
2005-09-01 13:55:10] -
pierce: actually, I've honestly thought of writing up like a newsletter / email once or twice a year to keep friends who i don't see that often up to speed on what's goin on
2005-09-01 13:53:21] -
Paul: aww, but then my baseball bat gets no use
2005-09-01 13:48:49] -
dave: Your ideas intrigue me, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
- pierce
2005-09-01 13:48:34] -
amy: Well, I suppose I can keep it in mind. When are you doing it?
2005-09-01 13:48:12] -
Pierce: You should listen to him. Dave is always getting mad at me for not agreeing with him. I've found it's easiest to just nod and smile.
2005-09-01 13:42:01] -
paul: yeah, what dave said! .D
2005-09-01 13:41:53] -
pierce: yeah, I understand. Let me rephrase, it's tiring when everyone doesn't just agree with you and make encouraging / agreeing comments. I think you should change, HEHE ^_^
2005-09-01 13:41:48] -
paul: aww .( ah well it's def not worth it if you're only going to paint stuff a solid color, but you know, you don't necessarily have to be artistic to have fun or even come up with something that looks good .p
2005-09-01 13:40:14] -
Paul: Just paint stick figures, they're all the rage these days
2005-09-01 13:30:28] -
amy: Hmmmm, that sounds pretty fun but I'm not very artistic and I think I would only end up painting my stuff a solid color.
Thanks for the offer but I think I will pass.
2005-09-01 13:28:50] -
paul: they've got all kinds of stuff like cups, bowls, plates, candle holders, decorating items, basically any of that stuff that could come in pottery form (not sure technically what the material is, i don't think it's actually clay or pottery but it's like that) to be painted.
2005-09-01 13:27:49] -
paul: they have all the housewares unpainted, and you buy one and sit there and paint it. for $10 they provide all the painting supplies, as well as fire the pottery to finish it and you can pick it up a few days later.
2005-09-01 13:25:59] -
dave: it wasn't that I didn't understand what you were saying, it was that I disagreed with it or thought you were using false assumptions. When you said "life on earth has existed in its current from since the beginning of time" referred to Apes->Humans, I understood what you were saying but thought it was faulty.
- pierce
2005-09-01 13:25:07] -
Pierce: -Paul
2005-09-01 13:25:02] -
Dave: He'll just get upset with the way you argue things and suggest that he doesn't want you commenting in his journal anymore.
2005-09-01 13:22:10] -
pierce: it can just be frustrating at times to explain everything as opposed to having everyone understand what you're saying right off the bat
2005-09-01 13:20:43] -
pierce: yeah, I don't mean to criticize at all, what you do is often a good thing
2005-09-01 13:20:10] -
dave: if it makes you feel better, I'm not going to assume you concede the debate if you decide not to continue replying... I won't assume I "win", so if you don't want to elaborate you shouldn't feel pressured to.
- pierce
2005-09-01 13:18:52] -
dave: I don't mean to deplete resources or anything... I was just making my own opinion heard, and when you replied I responded and elaborated the thought.
- pierce
2005-09-01 13:17:56] -
pierce: yeah, I agree with paul, I can see where you might construe the statements etc along the lines of what you said, I just dont' think people normally would
2005-09-01 13:16:57] -
amy: What exactly is painting pottery? Do you just paint stuff or do you make it too?
2005-09-01 13:16:13] -
pierce: so it's just kinda tedious to have to spell out and explain everything (which is definitely a good thing many times) when you weren't looking to
2005-09-01 13:16:01] -
Pierce: I agree and I often have the same problem with poll questions like that (where I technically think one way but I don't think the question takes into account my technicalities) but I think that most people don't read the question that way.
2005-09-01 13:15:25] -
pierce: maybe our assumptions or perceptions are just so different that it's more difficult to just make comments <shrug>
2005-09-01 13:14:45] -
pierce: well, what I meant is that you always seem to make discussing something very involved and detailed. All I really meant to do was make an offhand comment about it. I was expecting responses along the lines of what Paul said. But then you started saying this word meant this, that word meant that, this question is logically impossible
2005-09-01 13:13:29] -
everyone_else: btw does anyone else want to join us for painting pottery? (plates, cups, household stuff, etc) it's fun!!
2005-09-01 13:13:04] -
lori: all right, 'cause if you guys were free this weekend i think everyone else is too.
2005-09-01 13:11:30] -
amy: with life the way it's been - i either forgot to ask or forgot his answer...i'll check tonight if he doesn't respond on here ahead of time.
- lori
2005-09-01 13:09:13] -
lori: oh that also reminds me, did you + adrian ever decide about color me mine?
2005-09-01 13:08:58] -
lori: hmm... i just read your journal too and if you are not feeling well, would another day be better? i'll be around all wknd.
2005-09-01 12:46:43] -
amy: it's ok. you all can come over if you want. just giving a heads-up on the situation.
- lori
2005-09-01 12:35:01] - so you're perfectly welcome to assume whatever you like about what "as well as" means, but you can't assume that everyone else responding to the poll made the same assumptions.
- pierce
2005-09-01 12:30:59] -
Paul: the point is, the poll doesn't seem to have differentiated on that point. If I were to be technical about whether I believe creationism should be taught "in addition to" evolution, I'd have to say that it should. But as far as I can tell, it wouldn't have accounted for my caveat about comparative religion versus science.
- pierce
2005-09-01 12:29:35] - If somebody asked me if creationism should be taught as well as evolution, I would assume it would be in the same class. Comparative religion classes aren't even required in most schools, are they?
2005-09-01 12:28:19] -
Pierce: I didn't see the poll so I don't know how the questions was phrased but I find it hard to believe that most people would interpret the question as having creationism taught only in comparative religion classes.
2005-09-01 12:17:59] - it's like people who voted for Kerry because they hated Bush, even if they disagreed with Kerry as well. They were so concerned with defeating an opponent that they were willing to try to game the system by choosing a side they realized wasn't right for them.
- pierce
2005-09-01 12:15:46] -
dave: what details have I raised? I'm not quoting some obscure statistics or anything, I'm using pretty basic logic here. If option A is obviously wrong, and person B chooses option A, then they either didn't realize it was wrong (they're preposterous), or they had a reason for intentionally picking the wrong option.
- pierce
2005-09-01 12:13:34] -
pierce: anyways, I'm going to refuel my depleted resources through lunch
2005-09-01 12:13:29] -
dave: that's where you and I differ in what we're surprised by... I didn't expect a majority of people to support evolution; I didn't really expect one way or another. Thus, a significant number of people actively choosing
against evolution isn't that unexpected.
- pierce
2005-09-01 12:13:01] -
pierce: scratching my head because it seems the same difference to say that someone is preposterous or say that that person makes preposterous choices. same difference right?
2005-09-01 12:12:11] -
*** dave thinks pierce should be a lawyer because he has depleted any sense of opposition through the raising of details
2005-09-01 12:11:46] - ... so those 42% either made a dumb leap of logic intentionally (gaming the system, in which case they themselves are not preposterous), or unintentionally (because they didn't think about their incorrect assumptions clearly, in which case they themselves are kinda preposterous).
- pierce
2005-09-01 12:10:24] -
dave: right, I'm not sure why you're scratching your head. I'm saying that if you chose that option because you truly believe it to be true, then you made some ridiculous assumptions about the subtext of the option to
make it be true in your mind. It's clearly false, as worded...
- pierce
2005-09-01 12:08:52] -
pierce: but that doesn't even make sense to me (that they chose it because it opposes evolution) because I would have thought a sizable majority would have wanted to support evolution
2005-09-01 12:08:24] -
dave: yeah, but we're clearly surprised by different things, and for different reasons.
- pierce
2005-09-01 12:07:48] -
pierce: ok sorry, then the 42% and I aren't preposterous, we just pick preposterous answers? <scratching head>
2005-09-01 12:07:29] - ...I think the more likely situation is that people who oppose evolution (for whatever reason) chose that option because it seems like the "opposite" to the evolution choice. Which, if true, makes the poll BS because people are gaming it. So either the 42% made a preposterous choice, or the poll is useless... I'll leave it to you.
- pierce
2005-09-01 12:06:09] -
pierce: this is all rather amusing, since your reaction to the statistics is really all I and I think everyone else was trying to express - surprise at them
2005-09-01 12:05:55] -
dave: that argument was spurious and you know it. I didn't make an ad hominem attack against you or those people and you know it.
This particular selection is, as far as I'm concerned, preposterous of its own merits...
- pierce
2005-09-01 12:03:43] -
pierce: I'm surprised only 26% agreed to evolution through natural selection (not guided by supreme being)
2005-09-01 12:02:58] -
pierce: I'm sorry it seems preposterous to you. I guess me and the 42% are preposterous
2005-09-01 12:01:18] -
pierce: you're right, it's not 28%
2005-09-01 12:00:23] -
dave: I mean obviously, people are going to read into the wording of the option, but the level to which you have to read into it in order to make it true seems preposterous to me.
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:59:03] -
dave: why is it nitpicking to claim that "living things have existed in their current form since the beginning of time" refers to the set of living things, and refers to their current form?
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:58:17] -
pierce: well whatever, I'm too lazy to try to extrapolate any more on what was there, or what all their words meant, I just take it at face value
2005-09-01 11:58:06] -
dave: I'm not seeing that number in the NYTimes article... where did you get it?
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:55:52] -
pierce: I still think you're nitpicking. And I can see some people answering "I don't know" or "no answer" to the question. I don't think my answer/statement precluded that
2005-09-01 11:54:31] - so if you think things have changed in form, but not because of evolution or natural selection, then choose the none-of-the-above option.
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:54:01] -
pierce: what's even more suprising (as Paul and I stated) was that 28% (I think?) of the evolutionists thought that creationism should be taught alongside evolution
2005-09-01 11:53:49] -
dave: but that's not what the question was asking... they must have given a "no answer" or "I don't know" option, because the numbers they listed didn't add up to 100%.
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:53:05] -
dave: has the dodo existed in its present form since the beginning of time?
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:52:25] -
pierce: and I would have meant my "yeah" to mean that "living things" like animals, insects, humans, etc didn't evolve from primordial ooze
2005-09-01 11:52:24] - so basically, that 42% seems to me to be like the people who think the earth was created a few thousand years ago. unwavering faith in the face of overwhelming facts. I'm just surprised that 42% of people are on the "wrong" (imo) side of it.
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:51:27] -
pierce: <shrug> well, I disagree, I think you're making a much bigger deal about assumptions and the particulars of the wording. I would have just looked at the statement and said, "yeah"
2005-09-01 11:49:06] -
pierce: yeah, you're right, my bad. I corrected it right after that
2005-09-01 11:47:04] -
dave: it didn't say humans, it said "living things". It also didn't make assumptions about what previous form you believed in... it doesn't have to mean humans evolved from apes. Unless you really
strive to read between the lines on it, there's no reasonable way to say it's true based on the evidence we have.
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:45:26] -
pierce: or that's what I would have taken the option to mean <shrug>
2005-09-01 11:44:52] -
pierce: or I guess that's not even correct - I guess it more means, animals and humans vs primordial ooze
2005-09-01 11:44:00] -
pierce: well, I think it's because by "present form" they meant humans rather than apes. So I guess DNA differences? I dunno
2005-09-01 11:35:09] - ...which means, I'm not saying those 42% have to adopt darwin as their personal savior... I just feel they should recognize that there is INDISPUTABLE evidence that forms
do change over time.
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:33:57] -
Xpovos: a good point, and obviously part or all of the explanation. But regardless of the cause, it means we don't take the same form as 4000 years ago.
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:32:05] - Gogo adequate diet.
-- Xpovos
2005-09-01 11:31:05] -
dave: that's not what I'm talking about. this is the option from the poll: "living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time." That is simply untrue, even over what we have of historical record and archaeological sampling. Humans today are different than 4000 years ago, if subtly. We're taller, for one.
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:19:36] -
pierce: creationists generally don't disagree or discount micro-evolution
2005-09-01 11:19:03] -
pierce: yes somebody did and the puppies are so cuuute! ^_^ but not lori .p
2005-09-01 11:18:24] - that
friends deal is so tempting... it's like the "10,000 Costco straws for $5" of television DVDs... the per-season price is great! But I just can't justify $170 for it... I wouldn't watch it enough for that.
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:15:46] - another thing I've aways maintained: believing in God is not inconsistent with evolution. you can believe He originated life and then went hands-off as it evolved, or you can even believe He guided the process, as long as you understand that that belief has no bearing one way or the other on the scientific merits of darwinism.
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:13:18] -
boston tea party ~a
2005-09-01 11:08:18] - puppy? did someone buy
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:07:36] - ... you can think God guided it if you like, but you have to admit that that's evolution over time.
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:07:21] - the 42% strict creationist, life-has-always-been-this-way number was a bit shocking though. I mean, even if you don't think we came from apes, there's more than enough evidence to say that humans circa 2000 B.C. were slightly different in measurable ways from humans today...
- pierce
2005-09-01 11:05:38] -
lori: i just want to meet the puppy. i thought today would be a good day for it since we'd all be somewhat in the area but it's up to you obv, i am not trying to invite myself over or anything ^_^;
2005-09-01 11:04:33] -
Paul: it didn't say
where they support teaching it... it didn't ask whether creationism should be in a science class, for example. I've always maintained that it has a place in comparative religion classes, where we can teach
about it without
teaching it.
- pierce
2005-09-01 10:47:07] -
Xpovos: This is why I need a gun.
2005-09-01 10:34:58] - Devastation reaches new peak as shots fired at rescue helicopters.;_ylt=AlPADnhSGEqw0fAesYs4YVas0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ-- --Xpovos
2005-09-01 10:31:41] -
amy: if you want to come over - ok. i won't be at DDR myself because of puppy and potential visit from family members. Just call and let me know. (and please know that our plce is a wreck - mostly puppy-related)
- lori
2005-09-01 10:22:26] -
ddr_people: i was asking because i don't feel like DDR and i'd just go home but i'd want to meet the puppy if people were going to do that after ^_^ so i'd show up to the mall if you guys were doing that.
2005-09-01 10:21:50] -
Paul: ahhh, gotcha. Yeah, I guess so, who woulda thunk?
2005-09-01 10:21:40] -
amy: I'm up for DDR. I'm up for anything after.
- aaron
2005-09-01 10:18:06] -
Dave: I was just referring to the statistic that said that a majority of natural selection supporters also support teaching creationism.
2005-09-01 10:14:05] -
Paul: well, it's not that small a minority according to the article - 42% apparently were creationists
2005-09-01 10:12:37] -
Paul: that was actually a comment in the blurb describing the espn article
2005-09-01 10:03:24] -
ddr_people: what's going on after ddr? does it involve a puppy? .)
2005-09-01 10:02:55] -
Dave: I guess the rich get richer, eh? (regarding the Spurs)
2005-09-01 10:02:15] -
Dave: I think most professional athletes are taller than people suspect. Seems like being tall is important to almost all the major sports.
2005-09-01 10:01:27] -
Dave: I guess it's just an example of a vocal minority steering the debate once again then (in terms of creationism vs evolution).
2005-09-01 08:52:36] - I've used a few jabber clients, but it wasn't the most userfriendly thing ever. But the whiteboard potential was very handy for what I was doing.
-- Xpovos
2005-09-01 08:51:40] -
Dave: Yeah, that almost certainly is more economical than manufacturing diamonds, which is possible, but tends to give poor results (size, clarity). Engineering wins out over science once again
-- Xpovos
2005-09-01 08:01:52] - yeesh, Sharapova is 6' 2" or 6' 3"
2005-09-01 07:59:08] - It'll be interesting to see how well they can assimilate the new people. On the plus side, the new people are support players instead of starters like the Lakers had to deal with
2005-09-01 07:57:16] - Finley goes to Spurs.
2005-09-01 07:35:11] - seasons 1-10 of friends selling for $170
2005-09-01 07:32:23] - color me surprised
2005-09-01 07:32:03] - "teaching both evolution and creationism was favored not only by conservative Christians, but also by majorities of secular respondents, liberal Democrats and those who accept the theory of natural selection"
2005-09-01 07:31:06] - "The poll was conducted July 7-17 by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life and the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press" I don't know if they're biased or not? At least it doesn't sound blatantly religious-right supporting
2005-09-01 07:30:05] - "42 percent of respondents held strict creationist views - 48 percent said they believed that humans had evolved over time. But of those, 18 percent said that evolution was "guided by a supreme being," and 26 percent said that evolution occurred through natural selection"
2005-09-01 07:29:11] - - 64 percent [of Americans] said they were open to the idea of teaching creationism in addition to evolution
2005-08-31 18:04:09] -
paul: don't joke. when it comes to simple laptop shit like that, windows wins by a landslide (i forgot to even mention suspend and hibernate).
2005-08-31 17:52:34] -
a: Windows.
2005-08-31 17:49:19] -
poll: kde, gnome, or other? i'm mad that my
work soundcard doesn't magically work by itself, my graphics card doesn't like it when i dock and undock, and my wireless card doesn't magically work by itself.
2005-08-31 17:12:14] -
a: yeah, but who uses it for real chat besides academic-types and open source geeks? besides, the wikipedia article says that google's long term goal is interoperability, so they just wanted to get something out to gain acceptance.
- pierce
2005-08-31 16:43:26] -
pierce: wasn't our crazy unix class teacher (not the professor, but the teaching aid guy) developing a jabber client?
2005-08-31 16:40:18] -
pierce: from wikipedia "Many people would like to see server-to-server communication enabled, to make Google Talk part of the larger Jabber network. There is also no conference or chat room feature, meaning that users can talk to only one person at a time."
2005-08-31 16:40:03] -
pierce: i think tons of people use jabber. i just don't know any of them
2005-08-31 16:39:44] -
pierce: no no, not authentication. it was the s2s communication (server 2 server) that pissed everybody off. people on slasdot said stuff like: s2s is the most important part of jabber (i don't know what it is exactly so i can't comment)
2005-08-31 14:43:16] -
xpovos: well, I think the big thing is that this stuff could potentially be mass produced very cheaply, as opposed to having to procure diamonds
2005-08-31 14:28:34] -
Edit: does not get its strength
only from the strength of it's bonds...
-- Xpovos
2005-08-31 14:25:39] -
Dave: Hmm, I'm skeptical, because a diamond does not get its hardness from the strength of its bonds but the geometry of its bonds. And 0.3%? C'mon.
-- Xpovos
2005-08-31 11:48:22] - nano-material harder than diamonds
2005-08-31 11:43:45] - Hummer branded laptops
2005-08-31 11:31:36] -
Dave: T-mac will teach him.
2005-08-31 11:30:28] -
Paul: hehe yeah. Dang chinese and their non-flashiness
2005-08-31 11:30:08] - natural gas powered civic (civic GX)
2005-08-31 11:24:03] -
Dave: What is Yao thinking?
2005-08-31 11:16:06] - the article's kinda funny because it pokes fun at Yao for not stringing out the drama of where he might go
2005-08-31 11:15:39] - yao signs max deal with rockets
2005-08-31 11:11:19] -
besides, according to the wikipedia article on gtalk, the only nonstandard part of it is the authentication mechanism.
- pierce
2005-08-31 11:04:54] -
a: no, I didn't hear that... but wouldn't a large user base for bastardized jabber be an improvement over the, like, five people using the "pure" version now?
- pierce
2005-08-31 10:59:45] - "Strange things always seem to happen with ostriches." Interesting quote.
2005-08-31 10:55:44] - ozone layer has stopped shrinking
2005-08-31 10:50:24] -
errr, Golden Gate
2005-08-31 10:50:15] - Ostrich breaks free on Golden State Bridge
2005-08-31 10:48:08] -
mig: so set up your own mysql database. i don't see a point in risking all of the mysql databases just to support stupid jdbc.
2005-08-31 09:48:06] -
a: well i've looked everything and i cannot find anyway to make the mysql jdbc driver use unix sockets, so unless tcp gets turned on for mysql I have no way to connect to the database on this machine w/ tomcat.
- mig
2005-08-31 09:09:53] -
pierce: i guess you didn't hear that google talk was evil because it bastardized the jabber protocol.
2005-08-31 08:03:07] - ironic since you wonder how many people would have died if there actually had been a suicide bomber
2005-08-31 08:02:24] - more than 600 people killed in stampede near Iraq
2005-08-31 00:10:58] -
signed, - pierce
2005-08-31 00:10:46] - so no one but miguel wanted to try google talk with me?
2005-08-30 15:56:37] -
Paul: ^_^
2005-08-30 15:33:26] -
Dave: Don't forget the cover letter.
2005-08-30 15:32:08] -
haha, I'm gonna write a TPS ^_^
2005-08-30 15:05:37] - rape charges follow marriage to a 14 year old
2005-08-30 14:24:17] -
Xpimy: Hmmm, ok. So nothing that I probably care about terribly. Thanks.
2005-08-30 14:21:59] - I've never had success with the mouse gestures, but that's because I always turn them off and never bother to learn them. My only problem with Opera was with my old computer as the processor died and it chewed up all the resources.
-- Xpovos
2005-08-30 14:16:50] -
paul: my absolute favorite feature of opera is this button in the corner that lets you toggle images. but yeah, it is very fast and light, too .)
2005-08-30 14:13:24] -
paul: there are quite a few. i've have some issues with opera but damn it's rendering engine is fast. the gestures feature is nice but i never really use it all that much.
- mig
2005-08-30 14:13:01] -
Paul: 1) Tabbed browsing 2) Saved open windows feature 3) Excellent bookmark handling 4) Not IE/Netscape 5) More user friendly than Firefox. 6) Usually more secure and faster too. 7) No more ads!
-- Xpovos
2005-08-30 14:05:13] - Perhaps someone can enlighten me as to what makes Opera better than the alternatives and worth this "registration"?
2005-08-30 14:01:24] - Wootah! Likewise. Thanks muchly, Pierce.
-- Xpovos
2005-08-30 12:40:02] -
pierce: thanks for the link! i have actually been meaning to get opera for a while. pretty sweet they are giving away registrations.
2005-08-30 11:30:36] - opera (the web browser) fans: they're giving away free registrations temporarily: - pierce
2005-08-30 11:25:00] -
today's featured article ~a
2005-08-30 10:12:53] -
a: new option? Tucker? I'm pathetic i know...
- lori
2005-08-30 08:24:14] - "Eight in 10 Americans--including overwhelming majorities of Democrats, Republicans and political independents--say Sheehan's protest has had no impact on their attitudes toward Iraq. While one in 10 say she has made them less likely to support the war, the same proportion say she has made them more likely to back the conflict."
2005-08-30 08:23:27] - survey finds that slight majority think Bush should meet with Sheehan again. However, Sheehan's protest has had little impact on opinions of the war.
2005-08-30 07:57:14] - Van Excel signs with Spurs without cutting into Finley offer
2005-08-30 07:51:09] -,,9075-1754741,00.html demand for PSP outstrips supply
2005-08-30 07:46:55] -
Paul: if I remember correctly, someone said that the xbox was easier to develop for. i guess the number of games sold was also a plus
2005-08-30 07:46:19] - Windows Vista implements hardware security. Stores keys, certificates etc on a hw chip, so that if your laptop is stolen, harder for someone to get your data
2005-08-29 18:33:53] -
meh. they've been making this argument ever since the xbox was conceived, but it hasn't hurt the ps2 overall much.
- mig
2005-08-29 16:32:34] -
a: I think the point the article was trying to make (and I could be wrong here) is that they sell more games for the Xbox and if it's going to be easier to program games for the Xbox 360, then it might make sense to not even bother with the "difficult" PS3.
2005-08-29 16:26:11] - why can't they just sell for both?
2005-08-29 16:01:41] -
Dave: What a very odd article. They don't explain at all why the Xbox game would sell more.
2005-08-29 15:50:14] - "However, for Taiwan-based developers, an Xbox game may sell an average of 200,000 copies, while a PS2 game will sell only around 50,000 copies, the sources noted. "
2005-08-29 15:49:24] - taiwan game developers prefer Xbox to PS2.
2005-08-29 15:39:57] - UMD sales take off
2005-08-29 14:22:13] -
Amy: Ok, that makes sense to me then.
2005-08-29 14:21:09] -
*** amy nods.
2005-08-29 14:16:30] -
Amy: Ah, ok. So it's all good because they actually mean different things and have different ideas and goals?
2005-08-29 14:12:09] -
Basically, I would complain if the two words meant exactly the same thing, but somebody was going to make a big deal out of "feminism" having "fem" in it, so they felt they needed to create another word for men. Sort of like the whole "womyn" thing.
2005-08-29 14:09:35] - sorry that was me
2005-08-29 14:09:27] - haha
2005-08-29 14:09:25] -
Paul: Based solely on reading the wiki article, I would say yes, if each has a focus on its respective gender.
2005-08-29 14:05:37] -
semantics_nazi: I'm a bit confused, do you approve of the semantics of both masculism and feminism?
2005-08-29 13:59:51] -
paul: interesting article. i always thought "feminism" is a misnomer because it is supposedly about gender equality, but it seems that feminism and masculism have different focuses, even if the root idea is the same. so that is good. i approve of the semantics ^_^
2005-08-29 13:48:10] -
aaron: yeah that sounds like it should have more popular appeal than ddr. that sounds cool. thanks for info.
2005-08-29 13:47:49] - I found this to be an interesting read about the men's rights movement.
2005-08-29 13:47:12] -
aaron: ~a
2005-08-29 13:39:01] - I was under the impression it was also something like frequency, where they gave you some mainstream songs and let you tear them up, putting new sounds behind the vocals, or adding a "woo!" "yeah!" sample to eminem, or something like that
- aaron
2005-08-29 13:37:48] -
amy: Tony Hawk soundtracks typically feature ~60 minutes of mainstream alternative and hip hop. MTV has a game, something like "MTV Music Generator" i think. I've never played it but from what I read on the boxes it was a sandbox game where you dropped your own beats and had some fruityloopsesque tools for making guitars and stuff
- aaron
2005-08-29 13:31:44] - haha that was totally not english was it. i meant, i didn't know about the other soundtraacks and can you tell me about them? .)
2005-08-29 13:31:05] -
aaron: also, unfamiliar with soundtrack of tony hawk and MTV music games (i didn't know they existed?) expl?
2005-08-29 13:30:15] - ...revolution, which has all songs that are or have been popular, and well known, and pretty well re-made? i would think something like that would have more popular appeal than ddr's eclectic collection of bad remixes and japanese originals.
2005-08-29 13:29:26] -
aaron: it seems to be the consensus in the ddr communities i'm in that ddr extreme us has the worst music out of the mixes. true, darude makes an appearance on extreme .) but extreme also has the awful awful remixes of popular songs (like a virgin, bizarre love triangle, etc); i'm surprised people forgive these fakes. also what about karaoke...
2005-08-29 13:21:21] -
Also, a little surprising it beat out Tony Hawk, since I would expect MTV crowd to prefer "weezer" to "bambee" or heck, even "darude"
- aaron
2005-08-29 13:18:59] -
amy: Well a little surprising considering MTV has released a few music games of its own
- aaron
2005-08-29 13:03:23] - DDR Extreme US wins MTV Music Award for Best Video Game Soundtrack. Surprising, and yet... not so surprising.
2005-08-29 12:50:31] - windows vista beta 1 available... -sam
2005-08-29 12:42:42] - which vendors IT pros prefer and avoid for their dominant IT plans: -sam
2005-08-29 10:15:12] -
a: and i agree it is stupid, but the people who wrote the mysql jdbc driver don't seem to think so, even though this has been complained about for a couple years now.
- mig
2005-08-29 10:05:54] - New version of Evil Dead 2 coming out on DVD.
2005-08-29 10:05:40] -
a: i would if jdbc would let me.
- mig
2005-08-29 09:23:25] - opening up a socket for something that's used locally is stupid.
2005-08-29 09:22:39] - "mysql -u miguel -p"
2005-08-29 09:21:54] -
mig: just use the named socket in /var/run/mysqld. tcp is superfluous.
2005-08-29 09:01:40] -
a: so is mysql going to be able to use tcp connections or am i going to have to find a way around that?
- mig
2005-08-27 22:04:25] - dnekeew yppah |rev
2005-08-26 15:35:31] -
a: I'm glad for your computer then.
2005-08-26 15:34:51] - "that's a negatory"
2005-08-26 15:34:36] -
paul: negateevo.
2005-08-26 15:19:44] -
a: Does it make loud noises every thirty seconds?
2005-08-26 15:15:03] -
paul: the computer this message board is running on has run regularly without a keyboard for two years.
2005-08-26 15:02:24] - I remember an old computer of my went nuts when you removed the keyboard.
- mig
2005-08-26 14:57:02] - it was more of a measured thing, like once every 30 seconds it made a loud beep, I guess to let you know that something was wrong. I don't know what I was doing (maybe reading an article?) that made it such that I didn't notice the lack of the keyboard
2005-08-26 14:48:10] -
Xpovos: Could very well be the PC speaker going crazy because computers don't know how to handle the lack of a keyboard.
2005-08-26 14:43:29] -
Dave: that's an odd time for your computer to make loud sounds. Other than fans, most of the noise generated from a computer comes from the keyboard.
-- Xpovos
2005-08-26 14:38:29] -
gah, my PC makes loud noises when the keyboard gets unplugged
2005-08-26 14:27:46] -
lori: whenever i try to stay awake, i eat something... like candies (especially sour ones)....
2005-08-26 14:16:15] -
mig: i think all public figures are idealized to a certain extent
2005-08-26 14:14:59] -
mig: yeah, I don't doubt many would be surprised at some of the things he does. Like I'm sure he drinks a good bit, but many conservatives frown on that
2005-08-26 13:38:28] -
dave: i'm not disputing that. what i am disputing is this "updstanding chrstian" image the right seems to give him all the time.
- mig
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