here are old message board entries

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[2001-03-08 00:13:00] - he has a name.

[2001-03-07 23:42:00] - Just wondering, what political affiliation do you subscribe to jdb? -paul

[2001-03-07 23:28:00] - Awwww.... :'( -paul

[2001-03-07 23:15:00] - another libertarian? hell no. :-) i was just passing that along...

[2001-03-07 23:13:00] - this is strange....

[2001-03-07 23:12:00] - ummmm.....

[2001-03-07 23:07:00] - Libertarian Enterprise? Do we have another Libertarian in our midst? -paul

[2001-03-07 22:22:00] - So are you a citizen yet? -paul

[2001-03-07 19:59:00] - attention: anyone going to national aquarium on saturday (or anyone who wants to go), go here:  @@@/email.txt !!!

[2001-03-07 19:57:00] - >:0  i had to wait at the ins for five hours today with my dad so that we could have a five minute interview in which they told my dad to go back tomorrow and wait some more.  :'(  -  aba

[2001-03-07 19:56:00] -  -  aba

[2001-03-07 19:39:00] - goddamn, napster is filtering nofx songs

[2001-03-07 19:31:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-07 18:49:00] - microsoft is evil!

[2001-03-07 18:49:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-07 18:47:00] - does anyone know what the equivalent of getch() is in VC++? - mig

[2001-03-07 17:57:00] - then you don't have to drive.  no one has to drive.  we just can't have more people riding then there are spaces for them to . . . ride.  ~a

[2001-03-07 17:53:00] - microsoft will reign again!

[2001-03-07 17:52:00] - and I got the e-mail adrian, and would be interested in going to the aquarium. I'm not too confident about driving to baltimore though - vinnie

[2001-03-07 17:49:00] - freecell might be the game I've spent the most time playing. that or smash bros :) - vinnie

[2001-03-07 17:37:00] - -jdb (too lazy to put my name most of the time)

[2001-03-07 17:33:00] - haha, solitaire forever!

[2001-03-07 17:01:00] - Midtown Madness was not bad, and Freecell is good :-) - aaron

[2001-03-07 16:37:00] - flight simulator four!!!

[2001-03-07 16:35:00] - anyone remember close combat, or their hideous sports games? - mig

[2001-03-07 16:34:00] - maybe i just remember all the bad games..... - mig

[2001-03-07 16:34:00] - fat

[2001-03-07 16:29:00] - microsoft has had some real successes gaming, don't forget about Age of Empires, etc.

[2001-03-07 16:27:00] - and given microsoft's history with gaming.  i'm not so sure it's going to do so well - mig

[2001-03-07 16:26:00] - true

[2001-03-07 16:20:00] - it'll be grim if the x-box flops. - mig

[2001-03-07 16:12:00] - it doesn't really look like grim news for microsoft either . . . the article seemed to say this was expected of all companies starting fresh in the video game hardware market  ~a

[2001-03-07 15:18:00] - Pfffft, grim for Microsoft, but not really for the consumer - Aaron

[2001-03-07 14:12:00] - more grim x-box news

[2001-03-07 13:09:00] - thanks, pierce!!!  ~a

[2001-03-07 12:44:00] - oops, sorry, guys... didn't mean to post that twice - boing

[2001-03-07 12:44:00] - - boing

[2001-03-07 12:43:00] -

[2001-03-07 02:01:00] - HA HA HA! The curse of the fast snails! Oh mercy. - aaron

[2001-03-07 01:51:00] - More Bob! - aaron

[2001-03-06 23:49:00] - Mmmmmmmm...... Gorgeous Ladies Of Senatorial Service.... -paul

[2001-03-06 23:35:00] -

[2001-03-06 23:14:00] - did everyone get the aquarium email?!  ~a

[2001-03-06 22:41:00] -

[2001-03-06 21:41:00] - Unreal 2 was the feature story for this month's PCGamer, I must say that if they pull everything off, it's gonna be a sweet game, but it's gonna require some serious hardware -paul

[2001-03-06 21:14:00] - That's nice, another first person shooter. I hope it is pretty like the first one - aaron

[2001-03-06 21:04:00] - so, they go for the easiest solution they can think of. - mig

[2001-03-06 21:03:00] - to answer the question the 'metalica' question, it's just napster being finiky after having both metallica and the riaa down its throats.  so it comes up with drastic solutions that don't really work - mig

[2001-03-06 21:00:00] - unreal 2 is coming!

[2001-03-06 20:48:00] - And how about that Aquarium trip? Is that still happening?

[2001-03-06 19:23:00] - and what the hell is with all the links? i am wondering whether I should even bother going through all the links you guys posted over the last four days :) - vinnie

[2001-03-06 19:21:00] - oh well, napigator will suit my needs until someone tries to shut down all of its 60+ servers - vinnie

[2001-03-06 19:20:00] - or maybe now they are using a different, less rigorous way to check for song titles, since now they need to do it every day instead of on one random weekend - vinnie

[2001-03-06 19:19:00] - The original reason I got kicked off was because someone got a metallica song off my comp on napster. would i have gotten kicked off if it was a "metalica" song? - vinnie

[2001-03-06 19:18:00] - I was wondering about that myself, aaron - vinnie

[2001-03-06 19:07:00] - I was curious about that, there all these morons who make misspellings like "Metalica". It's not fair that they should be able to pirate songs while I should not - aaron

[2001-03-06 16:54:00] - I haven't started calling people yet, but I have set the date for Friday already. Are there any objections? Also, who is interested in coming? -paul

[2001-03-06 15:20:00] - hahahahah!

[2001-03-06 14:07:00] - wow.  i bet those fish are really hungry

[2001-03-06 11:09:00] - regarding anime; paul, don't forget about me again.  ~a

[2001-03-06 10:47:00] - and paul, if by chance you read this before you've called everyone about the animefest, I have my doctor's appointment on thurs and would really prefer we do it on Fri - vinnie

[2001-03-06 10:46:00] - hey, who just posted that lyric? - vinnie

[2001-03-06 10:45:00] - saw traffic, and it was excellent., probably better than gladiator and crouching tiger. I recommend we all see it sometime when it comes on video - vinnie

[2001-03-06 10:44:00] - i like big butts and i cannot lie

[2001-03-06 01:44:00] - "the fish was fed sixty nine hours ago."

[2001-03-06 01:16:00] - on a previous topic, fatty foods are not addicting.  although your dad can do it, aparna, cigarettes are addicting.  ~a

[2001-03-06 00:39:00] - Oh, i see! "by blocking the sharing of file names submitted to Napster by copyright holders..." Well that's not so bad. We'll see how it works out. - aaron

[2001-03-06 00:35:00] - And I was able to download a pretty mainstream song off of napster just now, I don't want to say which because I think I want to use it on the lyrics game - aaron

[2001-03-06 00:33:00] - HA HA HA HA! Okay okay I'm sorry I'll stop spamming with bob cartoons. They're just so funny, though! - aaron

[2001-03-06 00:21:00] - at least most of the major label bands anyway - mig

[2001-03-06 00:17:00] - well napster's been filtered.  can't search for specific songs now. - mig

[2001-03-06 00:15:00] - HA HA HA HA! SOOOOOOOO funny. Bob The Angry Flower people! Come on! - aaron

[2001-03-06 00:08:00] - I like Bob The Angry Flower a lot and this comic is very funny - aaron

[2001-03-06 00:00:00] - Some people just have the "heart-problem" genes that get passed down through the generations. No amount of dieting or exercise is gonna change that -paul

[2001-03-05 23:58:00] - Just because you may have eaten unhealthy in the past doesn't mean that it's your fault you have heart problems either -paul

[2001-03-05 23:58:00] - His heart problems, if carefully monitored, should just mean perhaps yearly visits to the hospital to get stents installed. -paul

[2001-03-05 23:57:00] - just because you eat right now doesn't mean that you always ate right.  -  aba

[2001-03-05 23:57:00] - As long as he is diligent in his diet, exercises and stays on top of his health, I think he should do fine. -paul

[2001-03-05 23:54:00] - The doctor says he has practically eliminated red meat from his diet. His heart problems aren't entirely his fault -paul

[2001-03-05 23:54:00] - just because you hope that they have a long life, doesn't mean that you don't think that they're gonna die soon.  i don't wish death on him, but i am pretty certain his heart's gonna fuck him over soon.  -  aba

[2001-03-05 23:50:00] - Anyway, I don't know when Cheney is gonna die but I personally hope he lives a great deal longer -paul

[2001-03-05 23:46:00] - Uh... I agree, but didn't you say tobacco companies should be held responsible? -paul

[2001-03-05 23:40:00] - dude, my dad smoked over two packs a day for almost twenty years, and he quit cold turkey.  people are whiny bitch asses.  -  aba

[2001-03-05 23:40:00] - Besides, some people have heart problems even if they eat healthy and exercise and do other things -paul

[2001-03-05 23:39:00] - it is at first.  but the warning doesn't say:  "once you have one, you're not going to stop" - mig

[2001-03-05 23:38:00] - Smoking is a conscious decision made by people. It's also something the surgeon general has a warning on in big letters -paul

[2001-03-05 23:35:00] - besides, do you *know* how hard it is to quit smoking?  definitely a lot harder than resisting fatty foods. - mig

[2001-03-05 23:35:00] - they could put less nasty shit in their cigarrettes though.  and maybe do away with the nicotine. - mig

[2001-03-05 23:33:00] - Oh please, if you are going to blame him for his heart problems then don't even try to tell me that cigarette companies are responsible for people getting lung cancer then -paul

[2001-03-05 23:31:00] - ha!  his heart is full of fatty cholesterol that *he* put there of his own free will.  -  aba

[2001-03-05 23:29:00] - That's an awefully mean thing to say, I hope he has a nice long life (I give him 9 years) -paul

[2001-03-05 23:29:00] - i hope so.  the more chaos the better. - mig

[2001-03-05 23:27:00] - who here thinks cheney will conk off before 4 years is over???  i do!  i do!  -  aba

[2001-03-05 23:26:00] - love tim burton, saw monkeybone, movie was good.  =D  -  aba

[2001-03-05 23:23:00] - Agreed. There is no reason for someone who is a hardcore computer lover to buy an X-box, I just think people are underestimating it with regards to PS2 -paul

[2001-03-05 23:20:00] - yeah, i know.  just every time i hear about the x-box, another reason comes up for me *not* to buy it. - mig

[2001-03-05 23:15:00] - Too much trouble for the parents to take responsibility, better force the government to censor video games so nobody can enjoy them -paul

[2001-03-05 23:13:00] - Chances are that parents will ignore it and instead lobby the government to censor video games themselves -paul

[2001-03-05 23:13:00] - It's not like a makes a difference, the government already requires TV manufacturers to put V-chips in TVs -paul

[2001-03-05 23:03:00] - boo x-box! - mig

[2001-03-05 23:01:00] - probably not.  unless you've got "keep copy of message on server" setting on when you read e-mail. - mig

[2001-03-05 22:31:00] - Does anyone know if it is possible to view non-new (already read) messages that are in our inbox using webmail? -paul

[2001-03-05 22:09:00] - ich bin ein berliner - jfk

[2001-03-05 21:59:00] - "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer" - Adolf Hitler

[2001-03-05 21:58:00] - "One World, one Web, one Program" - Microsoft promotional ad

[2001-03-05 20:31:00] - -- major upgrade underway.

[2001-03-05 17:10:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-05 15:58:00] -

[2001-03-05 15:55:00] -

[2001-03-05 13:10:00] - - mig

[2001-03-05 12:23:00] -  -  aba

[2001-03-05 12:19:00] - "Ad campaign for a Brazilian internet company"

[2001-03-05 10:21:00] - Wow, interesting. What ARE they advertising?

[2001-03-05 01:35:00] - I just knew there was a 3rd website I was going to post (after dinner @ gillies): -jdb

[2001-03-05 00:13:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-05 00:06:00] - Picking apart Britney Spears lyrics-- -jdb

[2001-03-04 22:04:00] -

[2001-03-04 19:36:00] - And I like the resizing, it is better now :-)

[2001-03-04 19:35:00] - IE does fine. - aaron

[2001-03-04 17:34:00] - apache and netscape 6 disagree with whether the apostrophe (') should be escaped in urls; what is ie's take on the matter?  ~a

[2001-03-04 15:32:00] - i have a color now? neat. -jdb

[2001-03-04 14:53:00] -    -  aba

[2001-03-04 14:50:00] -  -  aba

[2001-03-04 01:13:00] - @@@/pics/aaron/Half-eaten%20manicotti%20face.jpg

[2001-03-04 01:12:00] -  ~a

[2001-03-04 00:08:00] - - Aaron

[2001-03-03 22:13:00] - If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages? Heh heh heh. Good puns never die. - aaron

[2001-03-03 22:13:00] - - aaron

[2001-03-03 19:43:00] - - aaron

[2001-03-03 19:43:00] -

[2001-03-03 18:56:00] - Media Skid on NASCAR Reporting -jdb

[2001-03-03 17:45:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-03 14:41:00] - <sarcasm>save the computer industry! thy lord demands it!</sarcasm> - mig

[2001-03-03 14:35:00] - so now the computing industry is now "satanic".  wow. - mig

[2001-03-03 11:32:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-03 10:32:00] - post plans for break here >:o  ~a

[2001-03-03 09:25:00] -

[2001-03-03 09:22:00] - beef!

[2001-03-03 09:19:00] -

[2001-03-03 09:15:00] -

[2001-03-02 18:28:00] - I want to rent a deck-chair.  Ich möchte einen Liegestuhl mieten. - Aaron

[2001-03-02 18:27:00] - Must I swallow them whole? Devo engoli-los inteiros? - aaron

[2001-03-02 18:27:00] -

[2001-03-02 18:17:00] - Almost as controversial as shooting people with guns and bullets -paul

[2001-03-02 18:05:00] - Mmm pain ray. Sounds controversial. - aaron

[2001-03-02 16:56:00] -

[2001-03-02 16:56:00] -

[2001-03-02 16:19:00] -

[2001-03-02 16:16:00] - I know something you can add, an option for it to always be on top, although you might not be able to do that without win32 system calls -paul

[2001-03-02 16:01:00] - if my computer dies, the message board will get moved to

[2001-03-02 15:50:00] - You should read the article. "I am the law!" :-) -paul

[2001-03-02 15:48:00] - :'( ronald no!

[2001-03-02 15:48:00] - that is disturbing. -dewey

[2001-03-02 15:46:00] -

[2001-03-02 15:44:00] - Nothing other then making it resizeable or making it bigger or something -paul

[2001-03-02 15:42:00] - any ideas?  ~a

[2001-03-02 15:41:00] - i do understand that the pixels get so close together sometimes you can't tell what is happening . . . i am not sure what to do about that  ~a

[2001-03-02 15:40:00] - ~a

[2001-03-02 15:40:00] - and the old version didn't really let you resize, it just spaced the pixels out . . . nothing different was drawn

[2001-03-02 15:39:00] - i was talking with paul about that . . . because i don't know anything about win32 system calls, i can't make the window unresizable  ~a

[2001-03-02 15:38:00] - There is, men make more money on average and a higher percentage of women go to college and get degrees -paul

[2001-03-02 15:37:00] - Um are the graphics for the watcher not supposed to resize anymore, Adrian? - aaron

[2001-03-02 15:35:00] - I'm just saying it would be interesting to find out if there is a difference - aaron

[2001-03-02 15:33:00] - hahaha . . . i guess one of you needs to make that test and find out  ~a

[2001-03-02 15:31:00] - "how much do you make" and "how many years did you spend in college"? Are you implying that men make less money and spend less time in college? -paul

[2001-03-02 15:28:00] - Oh wait that's the census. Never mind, that's not interesting at all. *erase* *erase* - aaron

[2001-03-02 15:27:00] - Stuff like "how much do you make" "how many years did you spend in college" - Aaron

[2001-03-02 15:27:00] - I think it would be interesting if there were a gender test that were based more on fact than on silly questions - aaron

[2001-03-02 10:58:00] - i should go ahead and plan the sex change. -jdb

[2001-03-02 10:01:00] - ha.  that's probably a lot more female than i was.....  :P  -  aba

[2001-03-02 02:31:00] - the test never lies

[2001-03-02 02:31:00] - hehe

[2001-03-02 02:14:00] - oh no, thespark says "you are definitely a woman!", with 86% confidence. -jdb

[2001-03-02 01:56:00] - sorry, couldn't resist - boing

[2001-03-02 01:56:00] - adrian, you must have loved that :) - boing

[2001-03-02 01:09:00] - Sorry :'( -paul

[2001-03-02 01:06:00] - no porn please  ~a

[2001-03-02 00:52:00] -

[2001-03-02 00:44:00] -

[2001-03-02 00:44:00] - sorry ;-) -paul

[2001-03-02 00:43:00] - the more you know  ~a

[2001-03-02 00:43:00] -

[2001-03-02 00:41:00] - paul, that is gross

[2001-03-02 00:39:00] -

[2001-03-02 00:33:00] - *Shrug* So what? As long as it has the hardware... -paul

[2001-03-02 00:31:00] - aaahhhhh.  but it's a dolphin!!!!  -  aba

[2001-03-02 00:31:00] -

[2001-03-02 00:30:00] - I dunno, I imagine dolphin sex would be easy and fun, no need for artificial lubrication -paul

[2001-03-02 00:24:00] -

[2001-03-02 00:02:00] -  <-- that's the dolphin sex site.  veryveryvery messed up.  -  aba

[2001-03-01 23:15:00] - Republicans in control of Senate, House, Presidency and Judiciary -paul

[2001-03-01 23:13:00] - It might be scaled down at bit but I think it will pass pretty close to as is now -paul

[2001-03-01 22:52:00] - or maybe it will be paired down? -dave

[2001-03-01 22:51:00] - so you think the huge tax cut will make it through? -dave

[2001-03-01 22:39:00] - Either it will or some compromise bill that is very close will pass -paul

[2001-03-01 22:35:00] - regardless of your views on whether it should or not = ) -dave

[2001-03-01 22:35:00] - do you guys think the budget will pass? -dave

[2001-03-01 22:24:00] - dolphin sex was someone else's territory :) -jdb

[2001-03-01 22:02:00] - Was there something about dolphins? I don't remember. I think there were three things. - aaron

[2001-03-01 21:21:00] - was there a third thing that I'm supposed to post? -jdb

[2001-03-01 21:20:00] - <-- the zoophile i talked about at dinner -jdb

[2001-03-01 21:17:00] - <-- the aol stats i talked about at dinner -jdb

[2001-03-01 18:20:00] - that's a laugh.  "colombia is the greatest threat to the us." - mig

[2001-03-01 18:18:00] - one more reason why "civil" trials should be abolished. - mig

[2001-03-01 18:16:00] - good thing bush is stupid, else he might actually have the capacity to make government bigger. - mig

[2001-03-01 17:46:00] - stupid meat-eaters

[2001-03-01 17:18:00] -

[2001-03-01 16:53:00] - government sucks. if it gets bigger in four years, i will cry -paul

[2001-03-01 16:52:00] -

[2001-03-01 16:42:00] - bush sucks.  if he gets reelected in four years, i will cry.  -  aba

[2001-03-01 16:42:00] -

[2001-03-01 16:36:00] -

[2001-03-01 15:52:00] -    <--'s bad link of the day.  it actually is something awful.  -  aba

[2001-03-01 15:39:00] -    :(  some people suck

[2001-03-01 15:35:00] - Then netscape is not good enough - aaron

[2001-03-01 15:32:00] - it

[2001-03-01 15:31:00] - in only works in ie >:o  ~a

[2001-03-01 15:31:00] - and that page doesn't work in netscape, aaron  ~a

[2001-03-01 15:23:00] - Interjections! Show excitement, or emotion! They're generally set apart from a sentence by an exclamation point! Or by a comma when the feeling's not as strong. - aaron

[2001-03-01 15:21:00] - - aaron

[2001-03-01 14:29:00] - Funny they couldn't have her be a scientist, herself. I wonder why? - aaron

[2001-03-01 14:28:00] - Spider Woman... I love this! "While visiting her father's laboratory...." - aaron

[2001-03-01 14:16:00] - heh . . . "are explanations" . . . doh  ~a

[2001-03-01 14:16:00] - josh, there probably is an explanations to all the "contradictions" . . . i just wish i knew what they were  ~a

[2001-03-01 14:16:00] -

[2001-03-01 14:13:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-01 14:03:00] - Rubik The Amazing Cube theme song, performed by menudo! - aaron

[2001-03-01 14:00:00] - They have lots of old T.V and cartoon themes! Fun to browse. - Aaron

[2001-03-01 13:49:00] - -jdb

[2001-03-01 13:23:00] -  those wacky british!

[2001-03-01 13:21:00] -

[2001-03-01 11:58:00] -

[2001-03-01 11:43:00] -

[2001-03-01 11:03:00] - my computer has lots of memory  ~a

[2001-03-01 10:59:00] -

[2001-03-01 10:35:00] - "Jill Andresky Fraser begs to differ, and she has the statistics to prove it."    first rule of statistics:  you can never prove anything with them.  you can only support or not support ideas through their use.  -  aba

[2001-03-01 10:35:00] -

[2001-03-01 10:28:00] -

[2001-03-01 09:08:00] - but in general, i would probably agree with the article. we have much more crime than other countries. -dave

[2001-03-01 09:08:00] - number of crimes? i thought it said rate. is that the same thing? -dave

[2001-03-01 07:54:00] - I bet US crime and rape rates are also 20 times worse than New York's by their logic - aaron

[2001-03-01 07:53:00] - What a dumb article, it seems like all the numbers they are comparing are things like "Number of crimes", not percentages - aaron

[2001-03-01 00:27:00] - trust me, dave there is nothing more frustrating than "getting rid of the last bug", well there might be, but i don't know what it is - mig

[2001-03-01 00:11:00] - they forgot  #1 in most inefficient government - mig

[2001-02-28 23:08:00] - course i'm not programming my butt of like the rest of you either = ) -dave

[2001-02-28 23:08:00] - at times like this i think all you cs people are smart not to try to be engineers. so much darn work -dave

[2001-02-28 19:38:00] -

[2001-02-28 19:04:00] -,6903,442690,00.html

[2001-02-28 18:36:00] - >:o HELLO KITTIE >:o

[2001-02-28 18:12:00] - my brother sent me that article in an email, and i don't know where he got it from.  sorry.  :\  -  aba

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