here are old message board entries
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2001-03-13 01:28:00] - maybe he/she did something that they feel respsonsible for, and they feel they must kill themselves to atone for it.
- mig
2001-03-13 01:28:00] - Lots of life insurance
2001-03-13 01:27:00] -
handicapped. - mig
2001-03-13 01:26:00] -
Sorry, was distracted by the kiss word
2001-03-13 01:26:00] - Depressed with life. Religion demands it. Political statement etc
2001-03-13 01:26:00] -
besides euthanasia
- boing
2001-03-13 01:26:00] - night
- boing
2001-03-13 01:26:00] - Terminally ill
2001-03-13 01:25:00] -
dammit, kill
- boing
2001-03-13 01:25:00] -
Anyway, I think I've made my points, and I have some nasty classes tomorrow. So I'll avoid protracting the argument. Good night gentlemen.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:25:00] - so besides euthanasia, which is a different issue, what is a sane reason to kiss oneself?
- boing
2001-03-13 01:24:00] - Legally I mean, that's not necessarily good
2001-03-13 01:24:00] - A person deemed insane or mentally incompetent cannot make decisions
2001-03-13 01:23:00] - nt to live and nothing can stop them from that, what do we gain by forcing them to live
- mig
2001-03-13 01:23:00] - If they are insane they are incapable of refusing therapy (as they are incapable of making any decision.) if they are sane they are free to refuse the treatment.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:22:00] -
ah, but is it different? legalizing suicide would make it so suicidal people could refuse therapy (as many try to do)
- boing
2001-03-13 01:21:00] - personally i don't think it does. i think it's cruel to force someone to live who obviously doesn't want to. that's not to say we should just let them kill themselves. people should try to dissuade them, if they can. but if someone just doesn't wa
2001-03-13 01:21:00] - If they are determined to be insane, there used to be asylums for them where they would be protected, certainly we can't expect people who can't care for themselves to do so. There is a line between liscence and charity.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:20:00] - if suicide was legal, we would lose people who might just be troubled but otherwise valuable members of society
- boing
2001-03-13 01:20:00] -
Oh.... you're delving into the realm of mental competence now.... that's different
2001-03-13 01:20:00] - I suggest the will of the person. It's far simpler to know, and follow.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:19:00] -
well, many people who attempt suicide are only saved because the law allows us to forcibly keep them from, say, sharp implements. the laws against suicide benefit those people, in my opinion
- boing
2001-03-13 01:18:00] - How is the will of the people to be known?
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:18:00] - As long as it isn't suicide with an atom bomb that is....
2001-03-13 01:17:00] - Suicide is an issue of morals, not law, hence law should not interfere. Murder involves law as well because of the involvment of additional people.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:17:00] - i don't expect anyone else to protect me from myself. that's something that rests between me and me only
- mig
2001-03-13 01:17:00] - i'm stating my idealistic wish that there was a body that could define that line as accurately and as unbiased as possible... I know it's not real, but for the hypothetical case...
- boing
2001-03-13 01:17:00] -
Suicide. Yes. Legal
2001-03-13 01:16:00] - people don't need to be protected from themselves. that's something that's solely the responsibility of the individual
- mig
2001-03-13 01:16:00] - Why should the line be drawn though Pierce? Let me ask you this, do you think people should be allowed to kill themselves if terminally ill?
2001-03-13 01:16:00] - do you all think suicide should be "legal"? just curious
- boing
2001-03-13 01:16:00] - If you don't define it, who should, Pierce, should I, or how about politicians, are they -really- going to do any better job than we would?
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:15:00] - whether they should be legal or not is dependent on your personal belief as to whether laws should protect people from themselves
- boing
2001-03-13 01:15:00] - And if freedom, why not total freedom?
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:15:00] - If were going to attempt to prevent people from getting addicted we need to set up such a system of safeguards that it is financially and socially infeasible.Not to mention people wouldn't stand for it.Therefore, we must allow people freedom,- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:14:00] - it's a fuzzy line, and I won't claim I'm the one to be defining that line, but I think the line should be drawn nonetheless
- boing
2001-03-13 01:14:00] - Does it really matter how addictive it is? I find computer games extremely addictive and they make me a violent murderer, does that mean they should be illegal?
2001-03-13 01:13:00] - it's based on the average ability of a person to recover from addiction, andrew
- boing
2001-03-13 01:13:00] - If we make drugs illegal, then tobacco and alcohol really should be also, not to mention morphine
2001-03-13 01:13:00] - not true, miguel... in fact, marijuana is the only "mainstream" illegal drug considered less addictive than cigarrettes
- boing
2001-03-13 01:12:00] - So we're defining a critical point in adictiveness where a drug suddenly goes from being acceptable to bad? Why?
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:12:00] - cigarettes are probably much more addictive than most drugs
- mig
2001-03-13 01:12:00] - The question is "do you respect people's right to do what they want to themselves?"
2001-03-13 01:11:00] - and if he ends up doing something bad to himself because of drugs, then it's his fault and his responsibility, and we have laws to make sure he takes that responsibility.
- mig
2001-03-13 01:11:00] - alcohol's not
as addictive by any stretch. it is addictive, no doubt... but withdrawal symptoms are significantly less severe in recovering alcoholics
- boing
2001-03-13 01:11:00] - Or even more absurdly that one cannot eat for there is the potential to become obese. It goes on.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:10:00] - Whether or not drugs is worse is not an issue for me, the fact of the matter is that use of drugs and alcohol don't directly hurt anyone except the user
2001-03-13 01:10:00] - you can't go tell someone he can't do something because there is a 50% chance that he'll fuck himself up. it's like saying kids shouldn't play violent video games or listen to marilyn manson because they "might" become violent adults
- mig
2001-03-13 01:09:00] - Same with alcohol, again, it is a drug as well, simply a legal one, just as addictive, ask any alcoholic. In fact ask any alcoholic and he'll likely tell you how negative alcohol is, and how it fucked up his life.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:09:00] - drug abuse is a problem. people using drugs is not.
- mig
2001-03-13 01:08:00] - whereas people who used alcohol during prohibition were more likely to be okay, even if they drank for the rest of their lives
- boing
2001-03-13 01:08:00] - would = wouldn't
2001-03-13 01:08:00] - they would have to rob to get money for drugs
if it was legal - mig
2001-03-13 01:07:00] - because people who extensively use drugs are more directly imacted by that later in life... either by being addicted and fucked up for the rest of their lives, or going clean and realizing how negative drugs are
- boing
2001-03-13 01:07:00] -
Themselves, and the people they rob from to get the money to buy the drugs.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:06:00] -
yeah, but really come now. who are the people using drugs hurting?
- mig
2001-03-13 01:06:00] - and as for the drug "war," it's a lot harder to argue that drugs can be a valid part of our society, as alcohol is... and the fact that many people use drugs isn't comparable to the use of alcohol during prohibition...
- boing
2001-03-13 01:05:00] - Damn catholics, with their traditions and refusal to change or learn anything new
2001-03-13 01:04:00] -
yes. christianity has this weird complex where they go and complain about being discriminated against, while they freely discriminate other groups themselves
- mig
2001-03-13 01:04:00] - I fail to see your point, pierce, clarify?
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:03:00] - and regarding prohibition and catholic mass, keep in mind that in that era, catholics were among those being discriminated
against, not vice-versa. You'd think they would have taken a lesson
- boing
2001-03-13 01:03:00] - killing is bad is something more than morals.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:02:00] -
Well, there are certain morals that the government
has to enforce, like killing is bad. Otherwise organized society would be difficult at best
2001-03-13 01:01:00] - Churches enforce morals, governments enforce laws. Problems occur when either tries to do the job of the other, including some of the nastiest wars of history.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 01:00:00] - never really thought about that though. i guess it was one of the strangest parts about catholicism.
- mig
2001-03-13 01:00:00] - Don't get me wrong... I don't think it's
right to use government to enforce morals, quite the opposite... I'm just saying that that's the case
- boing
2001-03-13 00:59:00] - All save the priest, yes.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 00:58:00] -
well, the wine is optional for most of the patrons of mass, though
- mig
2001-03-13 00:56:00] - at least a 5 proof wine.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 00:56:00] - The reason why is that despite all the statistics, most people still don't use drugs, at least not commonly, whereas alcohol is a staple of our culture, diet, and many of our religions. Eg. A Catholic Mass cannot be said without
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 00:56:00] - I dunno if the war on drugs will ever end, especially since the government opened up a new war on tobacco
2001-03-13 00:50:00] - unfortunately it's taking too long. fuck you nancy regan.
- mig
2001-03-13 00:50:00] - And eventually people will realize that the War on Drugs is equally, if not more stupid, and they'll end it, in much the same way as Prohibition.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-13 00:48:00] - that's true. but don't forget pierce, they repealed prohibition because they realized it was one of the dumbest things our government has ever done.
- mig
2001-03-13 00:46:00] - Why do people feel the need to enforce their morals on others? It's so much better to get them to see your point and come to your side willingly.
2001-03-13 00:45:00] - Easier doesn't mean right. I personally don't think we need the government to enforce any kind of social restriction beyond "live and let live"
2001-03-13 00:42:00] - just look at prohibition... relatively few people wanted that, but they got it because they manipulated the government
- boing
2001-03-13 00:41:00] - changing laws and using government to enforce them is the easy way out for people trying to enact an unpopular social restriction. it's easier than actually trying to convince people the right way
- boing
2001-03-13 00:38:00] - It probably won't, but it should.
2001-03-13 00:38:00] - I think abortion is a bit different because the fundamental arguement there is when human life begins, whereas tobacco opponents just hate big tobacco
2001-03-13 00:37:00] -
paul: your point is valid as well, but government has often been used as a tool of the people to enforce the morals of the time... i don't think that's ever going to change
- boing
2001-03-13 00:36:00] - it's comparable to fetal stem cell research. people want abortion stopped, but it's currently legal. does that make it wrong to try and find a medical benefit in aborted fetuses?
- boing
2001-03-13 00:34:00] - some people want big tobacco cut off at the knees, others like it. the contradiction is, since we have programs trying to stop tobacco's influence on our country, does that make it wrong to indirectly approve it by accepting money from them?
- boing
2001-03-13 00:33:00] - The problem is that the federal government is trying to do some social engineering by waging war on things it considers "bad"
2001-03-13 00:31:00] - the problem with the tobacco money is the inherent contradictions when a democratic nation has programs catering to different citizens' beliefs
- boing
2001-03-13 00:16:00] - I want to know if we need to buy tickets and if we are allowed to bring signs
2001-03-13 00:15:00] - oh nevermind, i am stupid and didn't see josh's message
- mig
2001-03-13 00:14:00] - when/where is the nader visit?
- mig
2001-03-12 23:59:00] - For the record, I too intend to attend Mr. Nader's visit. I believe in supporting all third parties, even those I disagree with. Besides, it'll be fun.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-12 23:55:00] -
True, where did they end up wasting it anyway?
2001-03-12 23:53:00] - The money was coming anyway, may as well spend it where it will do the most good.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-12 23:51:00] - I dunno. If I were governor then I wouldn't feel right taking money from tobacco companies. Of course I wouldn't have a damn government-run health care system either
2001-03-12 23:44:00] - If they'd just given him the money from the tobacco settlement like he asked this wouldn't be an issue, but the Dems refused. Tough luck for them, Gilmore is showing increadible political courage here, I think.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-12 22:37:00] - You can't do that, silly
2001-03-12 22:34:00] - adrian declares end to death.
2001-03-12 22:34:00] - of course gilmore isn't lying. that would be impossible.
2001-03-12 22:29:00] - Ralph Nader speaking at tech? Do we need to buy tickets or anything?
2001-03-12 22:28:00] -
2001-03-12 17:55:00] -
2001-03-12 17:44:00] -
yuck. it changed my smilie into something weird.
- aba
2001-03-12 17:44:00] - *i* will try to be there. =D
- aba
2001-03-12 17:44:00] - -jdb
2001-03-12 17:42:00] - Ralph Nader speaking at Virginia Tech! -- Burruss Auditorium; 7pm, Wed. March 28
2001-03-12 12:35:00] - and they are the anime photographs.
- aaron
2001-03-12 12:34:00] - they are the aquarium photographs!
- aaron
2001-03-12 11:29:00] - that sucks, aparna. I'm sorry
- vinnie
2001-03-12 10:45:00] - I'm sorry Aparna.
2001-03-12 10:39:00] -
Sorry, aparna. On the plus side, that gives you more free time, though.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-12 10:30:00] - i'm not going to be an ra.
- aba
2001-03-12 10:26:00] - I am prejudiced againt stupidity and laziness, not against any race of people. Blacks and whites, and all others, are all equally capable of being dumb sloths.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-12 10:05:00] -
oh, and for anyone who was wondering and didn't look at her away meesage, lisa is an alternate for the RA job, which is still optimistic (they only gave the alternate status to 20 or 30 people out of 270 applicants)
- boing
2001-03-12 10:04:00] - yay!!! I'm on the statistics page now!!!
- boing
2001-03-12 10:03:00] -
typically, when we talk about prejudice, we are referring to racism, since nationality is not something you can necessarily determine based on accent, skin color, or any other surface characteristics
- boing
2001-03-12 10:01:00] - in today's society, members of the same nation do not necessarily have anything else in common, so we use "nationality" to be more specific.
- boing
2001-03-12 10:00:00] - race (noun): 2 a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b : a class or kind of people unified by community of interests, habits, or characteristics
- boing
2001-03-12 09:47:00] - nationality is not based on your ethnicity, but rather what country you're from.- mig
2001-03-12 09:46:00] - there are americans. and there are blacks. not the best explanation, but it's all i can think of right now.- mig
2001-03-12 09:36:00] - what is the difference between race and nationality?
2001-03-12 09:35:00] - "7149 - 2-23 1:48a" i wish i had read this earlier
2001-03-12 09:05:00] - and aparna too!
- mig
2001-03-12 09:01:00] - good luck lisa!
- mig
2001-03-12 08:58:00] -
interesting . . . the """ and the "~" are near each other on the dvorak keyboard. i didn't know lisa knew the dvorak keyboard.
2001-03-12 08:56:00] - good luck
2001-03-12 08:55:00] -
ok, we're off to find out if Lisa's going to be an RA next year... wish her luck
- boing
2001-03-12 08:54:00] - "he's lowering taxes as we go towards a recession, and balancing the budget means taxes and government spending need to be equal~
- lisa
2001-03-12 08:52:00] - you can't fairly say that yet, he hasn't been president long enough
- boing
2001-03-12 08:51:00] - but he isn't
2001-03-12 08:50:00] - he'll never have a chance to prove himself a good president, if in fact that is what he is
- boing
2001-03-12 08:48:00] - The worst thing is, even if Bush does a good job (which, granted, isn't looking too optimistic), he will always have poor public appeal because he'll always have the stigma of "what could have happened if Gore had won"
- boing
2001-03-12 08:19:00] - but it says the opposite about the average american person.
2001-03-12 01:01:00] - Neither one of them deserved to win the election, but Bush did. I think that says more about the American people than either Bush or Gore.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-11 23:59:00] -
2001-03-11 23:42:00] -
Yeah, the election was weird. Gore lost all the typical democratic strongholds and Bush had trouble with a state in which his brother was governor
2001-03-11 23:40:00] - ... including his home state of tennessee. which had voted democrat the past 8 years. ain't that some sad shit
2001-03-11 23:39:00] - and for the record gore could have won without florida if he won
any other state he lost.
- mig
2001-03-11 23:38:00] - He might have won the popular vote in Florida, we still don't know. We
do know that the democrats cheated in some other states though
2001-03-11 23:37:00] - i'm still boggled by how gore did not
wipe the floor with bush. how did that fucking happen?
- mig
2001-03-11 23:35:00] - he
obviously didn't win fairly. he didn't win the popular vote in florida and he didn't win the popular vote in the united states.
2001-03-11 23:33:00] - yay for 3rd parties!
2001-03-11 23:33:00] - I think the point is that the democrats want to prove that Bush is an illegitimate president while the Republicans want to say he won fairly
2001-03-11 23:32:00] - i can agree with that.
2001-03-11 23:30:00] -
yeah. as far as i'm concerned they should have both been disqualified for caring more about winning the eleciton then the welfare of the american people.
- mig
2001-03-11 23:19:00] - fair or not, whether you like Bush or not, there's nothing to be accomplished by recounting
- boing
2001-03-11 23:19:00] - I can't believe people are still arguing about this... regardless of the people's votes, the electoral college placed its votes, so the decision is made.
- boing
2001-03-11 23:10:00] - no sympathy from me. only anger.
2001-03-11 22:40:00] - -jdb
2001-03-11 22:40:00] - -jdb
2001-03-11 19:02:00] - a neat way to view the web:
2001-03-11 18:49:00] - i hope they weren't trying to generate sympathy for the people of palm beach or al gore. they're not getting it from me.
- mig
2001-03-11 18:41:00] -
2001-03-11 17:35:00] -
um, fifth, but I think it's more like ninth
- vinnie
2001-03-11 16:14:00] - fourth
2001-03-11 13:35:00] - i am back second! well, third technically.
- mig
2001-03-11 12:14:00] - I am back first
- aaron
2001-03-11 03:51:00] - not much posting going on at 4 am
2001-03-11 00:31:00] - using bees as a weapon. reminded me of our escape from elba argument.
- aaron
2001-03-10 23:27:00] - that's all for now, have a safe trip back to school, everybody
- boing
2001-03-10 23:26:00] - keep in mind also that I was watching this commercial, which also featured a guy with a condom on his head, with my parents. ack.
- boing
2001-03-10 23:25:00] - I mean, advertising is one thing, but they were editing out parts of
The Godfather to put in a trailer for a movie with raunchier and less-funny humor than
Road Trip - boing
2001-03-10 23:23:00] - where there's a movie about guys trying to have sex, with a trailer image of a girl naked (from the back, with a bedpost covering her ass) bouncing up and down on a guy.
- boing
2001-03-10 23:22:00] - just my pet peeve for the night, I was watching
The Godfather on Bravo, and they censored out seemingly random scenes, only to put in 10 minute long commercial breaks
- boing
2001-03-10 19:57:00] - I'm going to post because I figure it's emminantly safe to post things I know aparna won't kill me for saying. Rammstein rocks, and Lloyd Alexander is one of the best fantasy authors of all time. Go Pyrdain.
-- Xpovos
2001-03-10 18:35:00] - for the new statistics page, you need 1% of the posts to be either under one sign name or under a registered ip. if you have a lot of unsigned posts, i can register your ip (and probably will). if you want something done differently, tell me.
2001-03-10 18:25:00] - hey adrian, how does your statistics thing judge how many people to show? I've messaged the board a few times, but it doesn't list me... does it only list people who have more than 1% of the messages, or does it only list 11 people, or what?
- boing
2001-03-10 18:16:00] - it could be a virus, or it might just be a system service miguel has downloaded at some time in the past that never uninstalled itself. it might even be probing anything the accesses miguel's computer as a way of
protecting it.
- boing
2001-03-10 18:11:00] - then you are sure it is a virus? what else could it be?
2001-03-10 18:09:00] -
anyway... maybe we'll see a thundercats movie someday??? does anybody else thing that would be a cool idea?
2001-03-10 18:08:00] -
oops, when I said jetsons I meant flintstones... and then I was even stupider and mentioned flintstones twice
- boing
2001-03-10 18:08:00] - there's an unusually large number of new movies being made about old cartoons... the new jetsons, josie and the pussycats, scooby, the new flintstones piece-of-crap, etc...
- boing
2001-03-10 18:05:00] - and regarding the scooby thing, there's a larger version of that image at ... I suggest you look at shaggy's
other hand (matthew lillard is so cool)
- boing
2001-03-10 18:03:00] - plus you'd be surprised how many computers can be probed quickly through our connection at school
- boing
2001-03-10 18:01:00] -
adrian: regarding the likelyhood of a probe hitting dewey's computer... it's possible that dewey went to miguel's web site and whatever is on miguel's computer that probes things also records IPs
- boing
2001-03-10 17:49:00] - Does anyone know when the election for state legislature and governor is? Is it this November?
2001-03-10 17:47:00] - I refuse, you must remain #1
2001-03-10 17:26:00] - ahhh?! i had a lot of unsigned posts. paul, post more
2001-03-10 17:17:00] - where is scooby?!?
2001-03-10 17:16:00] -
paul, i think we can all agree you are not obnoxious
2001-03-10 17:05:00] -
2001-03-10 16:50:00] -
yay, I am the most obnoxiously outspoken person on the message board!
2001-03-10 16:44:00] - @@@/cgi-bin/stats.cgi <-- paul is the coolest!
2001-03-10 15:45:00] - and here's another:
2001-03-10 15:43:00] - found it already:
2001-03-10 15:39:00] - I know it's linked from some site in the message board archives, so I'll try to find it
- vinnie
2001-03-10 15:38:00] - there was a site that had some awesome parodies of those chick tracts
- vinnie
2001-03-10 15:01:00] - hahaha "i punched and kicked her when she was pregnant"
2001-03-10 14:58:00] - but it
is all right to kill bratty kids!!!
2001-03-10 02:39:00] - -jdb
2001-03-10 02:38:00] - -jdb
2001-03-10 00:40:00] - stupid enter button
2001-03-10 00:39:00] -
dewey/miguel, how would miguel's computer just
happen to probe dewey's computer? that seems a little odd. the chances that a program running on miguel's computer would randomly hit on dewey's computer is next to none; right?!
2001-03-10 00:37:00] -
dewey/miguel, how would miguel's computer just
2001-03-09 20:48:00] - robots are now carnivores
- mig
2001-03-09 19:27:00] - Fish going hungry again
2001-03-09 19:16:00] - I'm bringing "blackICE" back to school with me, so if it has no copy-protection I can let you install it
2001-03-09 19:12:00] -
hmmm... i guess i should keep tabs on what goes through my computer now from now on
- mig
2001-03-09 19:11:00] -
2001-03-09 18:53:00] - "who will you serve? satan or g-o-d?" souds like election 2000 all over again.
- mig
2001-03-09 18:24:00] - (well, not limited to linux... works on all sorts of flavors of unix)
2001-03-09 18:24:00] - if you run linux, try portsentry
2001-03-09 17:57:00] - my comp at school?
- mig
2001-03-09 17:00:00] - On 1-28-01 at 18:51:06 your computer attempted a TCP port probe (basically looks to see if a specific port is available to used remotely). I know you had trouble with this before, just FYI.
2001-03-09 16:56:00] -
Miguel. I'm home and on my dad's computer. he decided that since he got a cable modem, he needs to protect his computer from hackers so he bought BlackICE. It keeps a log of all attacks.
2001-03-09 10:49:00] - <-- if you wanna see lots of anti-gay christian propaganda
2001-03-09 02:38:00] - christ makes you invincible!!!
2001-03-09 02:34:00] -
yeah, there was one about a hard-core muslim who just gave up his faith in an instant.
- mig
2001-03-09 02:33:00] - i guess they were mocking the fact that homosexuals are protected by hate crimes, and they feel otherwise
- mig
2001-03-09 02:33:00] - too
2001-03-09 02:33:00] - and the people that they are trying to convince to change give up to easily
2001-03-09 02:28:00] - none of what they do made sense, they just wrote it that way so they ppl feel sorry for those who speak out against homosexuals
- mig
2001-03-09 02:26:00] - i guess having a good time is a sin too.
- mig
2001-03-09 02:22:00] - what was the crime?!
2001-03-09 02:22:00] - in that last one (5003), i don't see why they charged him with a hate crime
and beat him
2001-03-09 02:14:00] - i'm still trying to figure out how they worked "god hates fags" into this one
- mig
2001-03-09 02:13:00] - this one y 'all should find particulary offensive
- mig
2001-03-09 02:13:00] - ~a
2001-03-09 02:12:00] - "the
only way to escape the sin of homosexuality is through jesus christ" "greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." john 15:13
2001-03-09 02:11:00] - not to mention homophobia
2001-03-09 02:04:00] - but then when you realize they promote intolerance and bigotry, you look at them differently.
- mig
2001-03-09 02:03:00] - i was getting much amusement out of them years ago.
- mig
2001-03-09 02:03:00] - oh my god, i remember those heinous things.
- mig
2001-03-09 01:13:00] - now
god is using chick tracts?!
2001-03-09 01:12:00] - "God has used Chick tracts to melt the coldest and hardest of hearts. "
2001-03-09 01:10:00] - sick sick sick
2001-03-09 01:08:00] - i've found a few chick tracts in squires before
2001-03-09 01:02:00] -
heh . . . chick tracts . . . they are soooo dumb . . . they all have the same plot . . . someone convinces someone else that jesus is the only way
2001-03-09 00:06:00] - Ha ha. "Take On Me" by "A-Ha" is filtered, but you can still get "Take Me On" by "Ah Ha"...
- aaron
2001-03-08 23:40:00] - -jdb
2001-03-08 22:51:00] -
2001-03-08 22:40:00] - the filter is based on the file names sent to it by the copyright people. it's pretty likely they'll forget a few.
- mig
2001-03-08 21:54:00] - You can add yourself to your own hotlist, and compare the file listing you get there with your listing in "My Files"... 56 of my 350 files are blocked. Not so bad.
- aaron
2001-03-08 21:53:00] - Hmmmm napster's filtering seems to be skitzy. 7 out of my 11 elton john songs got through, and 2 of my 3 beatles songs got through
- aaron
2001-03-08 20:27:00] - -jdb
2001-03-08 20:27:00] - -jdb
2001-03-08 19:30:00] - someone
needs to send this to some cs listservs. it would piss teachers off to no end.
2001-03-08 19:19:00] - -jdb
2001-03-08 18:02:00] - very well, just make sure you are around when we have our political debates, we could use another non-libertarian to take the opposing side
2001-03-08 13:36:00] - -jdb
2001-03-08 13:26:00] - -jdb
2001-03-08 13:26:00] - Don't bother trying to "convert me." I could never be a libertarian (too many differences on key issues like the environment).
2001-03-08 13:25:00] - Issues that I care greatly about: separation of church and state, environmental protection, health care, etc.
2001-03-08 13:23:00] - Having an aunt that is an officer in the virginia republican party, and being too young to know what I was doing anyways.
2001-03-08 13:22:00] -
yes, jdb == josh
2001-03-08 12:19:00] - And there's nothing wrong with being a socialist, just means we have to work harder to convert you
2001-03-08 12:17:00] - And I'm also curious what issues you care about since I can't imagine someone supporting Bush in 92
and Nader in 2000
2001-03-08 12:16:00] - I'm sorry jdb, but I'm not quite sure who you are
I'm guessing you are Josh? But I didn't want to pick the wrong name.
2001-03-08 11:50:00] - i don't mind
it just makes a lot of people think i'm evil or something...
2001-03-08 11:06:00] - you say people call you a socialist like that's a bad thing
2001-03-08 01:02:00] - a lot.
2001-03-08 01:00:00] - Which issues do you care about?
2001-03-08 00:18:00] -
hmm, i've been called a socialist by quite a few folks in my day.
i voted for nader but i own a bush in 92 t-shirt, so take your pick. i care more about issues than anything else.
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